Information for Upgrading From Previous Asterisk Releases ========================================================= Build Process (configure script): Asterisk now uses an autoconf-generated configuration script to learn how it should build itself for your system. As it is a standard script, running: $ ./configure --help will show you all the options available. This script can be used to tell the build process what libraries you have on your system (if it cannot find them automatically), which libraries you wish to have ignored even though they may be present, etc. You must run the configure script before Asterisk will build, although it will attempt to automatically run it for you with no options specified; for most users, that will result in a similar build to what they would have had before the configure script was added to the build process (except for having to run 'make' again after the configure script is run). Note that the configure script does NOT need to be re-run just to rebuild Asterisk; you only need to re-run it when your system configuration changes or you wish to build Asterisk with different options. Build Process (module selection): The Asterisk source tree now includes a basic module selection and build option selection tool called 'menuselect'. Run 'make menuselect' to make your choices. In this tool, you can disable building of modules that you don't care about, turn on/off global options for the build and see which modules will not (and cannot) be built because your system does not have the required external dependencies installed. (TODO: document where 'global' and 'per-user' menuselect input files should go and what they need to contain) PBX Core: * The (very old and undocumented) ability to use BYEXTENSION for dialing instead of ${EXTEN} has been removed. Command Line Interface: * 'show channels concise', designed to be used by applications that will parse its output, previously used ':' characters to separate fields. However, some of those fields can easily contain that character, making the output not parseable. The delimiter has been changed to '!'. Applications: * In previous Asterisk releases, many applications would jump to priority n+101 to indicate some kind of status or error condition. This functionality was marked deprecated in Asterisk 1.2. An option to disable it was provided with the default value set to 'on'. The default value for the global priority jumping option is now 'off'. * The applications Cut, Sort, DBGet, DBPut, SetCIDNum, SetCIDName, SetRDNIS, AbsoluteTimeout, DigitTimeout, ResponseTimeout, SetLanguage, GetGroupCount, and GetGroupMatchCount were all deprecated in version 1.2, and therefore have been removed in this version. You should use the equivalent dialplan function in places where you have previously used one of these applications. * The application SetVar has been renamed to Set. The syntax SetVar was marked deprecated in version 1.2 and is no longer recognized in this version. * app_read has been updated to use the newer options codes, using "skip" or "noanswer" will not work. Use s or n. Also there is a new feature i, for using indication tones, so typing in skip would give you unexpected results. * OSPAuth is added to authenticate OSP tokens in in_bound call setup messages. Manager: * After executing the 'status' manager action, the "Status" manager events included the header "CallerID:" which was actually only the CallerID number, and not the full CallerID string. This header has been renamed to "CallerIDNum". For compatibility purposes, the CallerID parameter will remain until after the release of 1.4, when it will be removed. Please use the time during the 1.4 release to make this transition. Variables: * The builtin variables ${CALLERID}, ${CALLERIDNAME}, ${CALLERIDNUM}, ${CALLERANI}, ${DNID}, ${RDNIS}, ${DATETIME}, ${TIMESTAMP}, ${ACCOUNTCODE}, and ${LANGUAGE} have all been deprecated in favor of their related dialplan functions. You are encouraged to move towards the associated dialplan function, as these variables will be removed in a future release. * The CDR-CSV variables uniqueid, userfield, and basing time on GMT are now adjustable from cdr.conf, instead of recompiling. * OSP applications exports several new variables, ${OSPINHANDLE}, ${OSPOUTHANDLE}, ${OSPINTOKEN}, ${OSPOUTTOKEN}, ${OSPCALLING}, ${OSPINTIMELIMIT}, and ${OSPOUTTIMELIMIT} Functions: * The function ${CHECK_MD5()} has been deprecated in favor of using an expression: $[${MD5()} = ${saved_md5}]. * The 'builtin' functions that used to be combined in are now built as separate modules. If you are not using 'autoload=yes' in your modules.conf file then you will need to explicitly load the modules that contain the functions you want to use. * The ENUMLOOKUP() function with the 'c' option (for counting the number of records), but the lookup fails to match any records, the returned value will now be "0" instead of blank. The IAX2 channel: * The "mailboxdetail" option has been deprecated. Previously, if this option was not enabled, the 2 byte MSGCOUNT information element would be set to all 1's to indicate there there is some number of messages waiting. With this option enabled, the number of new messages were placed in one byte and the number of old messages are placed in the other. This is now the default (and the only) behavior. The SIP channel: * The "incominglimit" setting is replaced by the "call-limit" setting in sip.conf. * OSP support code is removed from SIP channel to OSP applications. ospauth option in sip.conf is removed to osp.conf as authpolicy. allowguest option in sip.conf cannot be set as osp anymore. The Zap channel: * Support for MFC/R2 has been removed, as it has not been functional for some time and it has no maintainer. Installation: * On BSD systems, the installation directories have changed to more "FreeBSDish" directories. On startup, Asterisk will look for the main configuration in /usr/local/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf If you have an old installation, you might want to remove the binaries and move the configuration files to the new locations. The following directories are now default: ASTLIBDIR /usr/local/lib/asterisk ASTVARLIBDIR /usr/local/share/asterisk ASTETCDIR /usr/local/etc/asterisk ASTBINDIR /usr/local/bin/asterisk ASTSBINDIR /usr/local/sbin/asterisk Sounds: * The phonetic sounds directory has been removed from the asterisk-sounds package because they are now included directly in Asterisk. However, it is important to note that the phonetic sounds that existed in asterisk-sounds used a different naming convention than the sounds in Asterisk. For example, instead of alpha.gsm and bravo.gsm, Asterisk has a_p.gsm and b_p.gsm.