Information for Upgrading From Asterisk 1.0 =========================================== Agents: * The default for ackcall has been changed to "no" instead of "yes" because of a bug which caused the "yes" behavior to generally act like "no". You may need to adjust the value if your agents behave differently than you expect with respect to acknowledgement. Dialing: * The Caller*ID of the outbound leg is now the extension that was called, rather than the Caller*ID of the inbound leg of the call. The "o" flag for Dial can be used to restore the original behavior if desired. Note that if you are looking for the originating callerid from the manager event, there is a new manager event "Dial" which provides the source and destination channels and callerid. IAX: * The naming convention for IAX channels has changed in a minor way such that the call number follows a "-" rather than a "/" character. Applications: * The CallerPres application has been removed. Use SetCallerPres instead. It accepts both numeric and symbolic names.