/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Mark Spencer * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! * \file * \brief Open Settlement Protocol (OSP) Applications * * \author Mark Spencer * * \extref The OSP Toolkit: http://www.transnexus.com * \extref OpenSSL http://www.openssl.org * * \ingroup applications */ /*** MODULEINFO osptk openssl ***/ #include "asterisk.h" ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision$") #include #include #include #include "asterisk/paths.h" #include "asterisk/lock.h" #include "asterisk/config.h" #include "asterisk/utils.h" #include "asterisk/causes.h" #include "asterisk/channel.h" #include "asterisk/app.h" #include "asterisk/module.h" #include "asterisk/pbx.h" #include "asterisk/cli.h" #include "asterisk/astosp.h" /*** DOCUMENTATION OSP Authentication. Authenticate a call by OSP and sets the variables: The inbound call transaction handle. The inbound call duration limit in seconds. This application sets the following channel variable upon completion: The status of the OSP Auth attempt as a text string, one of Lookup destination by OSP. generate H323 call id for the outbound call generate SIP call id for the outbound call. Have not been implemented generate IAX call id for the outbound call. Have not been implemented Looks up an extension via OSP and sets the variables, where n is the number of the result beginning with 1: The OSP Handle for anything remaining. The technology to use for the call. The destination to use for the call. The calling number to use for the call. The called number to use for the call. The dial command string. The actual OSP token as a string. The outbound call duraction limit in seconds. The outbound call id types. The outbound call id. The number of OSP results total remaining. This application sets the following channel variable upon completion: Lookup next destination by OSP. Looks up the next OSP Destination for OSPOUTHANDLE. This application sets the following channel variable upon completion: The status of the OSP Next attempt as a text string, one of OSPLookup Record OSP entry. Records call state for OSPINHANDLE, according to status, which should be one of BUSY, CONGESTION, ANSWER, NOANSWER, or CHANUNAVAIL or coincidentally, just what the Dial application stores in its DIALSTATUS. This application sets the following channel variable upon completion: The status of the OSP Finish attempt as a text string, one of ***/ /* OSP Buffer Sizes */ #define OSP_INTSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)16) /* OSP signed/unsigned int string buffer size */ #define OSP_NORSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)256) /* OSP normal string buffer size */ #define OSP_KEYSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)1024) /* OSP certificate string buffer size */ #define OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)4096) /* OSP token string buffer size */ #define OSP_TECHSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)32) /* OSP signed/unsigned int string buffer size */ #define OSP_UUID_SIZE ((unsigned int)16) /* UUID size */ #define OSP_UUIDSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)36) /* UUID string size */ #define OSP_QOSSTR_SIZE ((unsigned int)1024) /* QoS string buffer size */ /* OSP Authentication Policy */ enum osp_authpolicy { OSP_AUTH_NO, /* Accept any call */ OSP_AUTH_YES, /* Accept call with valid OSP token or without OSP token */ OSP_AUTH_EXCLUSIVE /* Only accept call with valid OSP token */ }; /* Call ID type*/ #define OSP_CALLID_UNDEFINED ((unsigned int)0) /* UNDEFINED */ #define OSP_CALLID_SIP ((unsigned int)(1 << 0)) /* SIP */ #define OSP_CALLID_H323 ((unsigned int)(1 << 1)) /* H.323 */ #define OSP_CALLID_IAX ((unsigned int)(1 << 2)) /* IAX2 */ #define OSP_CALLID_MAXNUM ((unsigned int)3) /* Max number of call ID type */ /* OSP Supported Destination Protocols */ #define OSP_PROT_SIP ((char*)"SIP") /* SIP protocol name */ #define OSP_PROT_H323 ((char*)"H323") /* H323 Q931 protocol name*/ #define OSP_PROT_IAX ((char*)"IAX") /* IAX protocol name */ #define OSP_PROT_SKYPE ((char*)"SKYPE") /* Skype protocol name */ /* OSP supported Destination Tech */ #define OSP_TECH_SIP ((char*)"SIP") /* SIP tech name */ #define OSP_TECH_H323 ((char*)"H323") /* OH323 tech name */ #define OSP_TECH_IAX ((char*)"IAX2") /* IAX2 tech name */ #define OSP_TECH_SKYPE ((char*)"SKYPE") /* Skype tech name */ /* SIP OSP header field name */ #define OSP_SIP_HEADER ((char*)"P-OSP-Auth-Token: ") /* OSP Constants */ #define OSP_INVALID_HANDLE ((int)-1) /* Invalid OSP handle, provider, transaction etc. */ #define OSP_CONFIG_FILE ((const char*)"osp.conf") /* OSP configuration file name */ #define OSP_GENERAL_CAT ((const char*)"general") /* OSP global configuration context name */ #define OSP_DEF_PROVIDER ((const char*)"default") /* OSP default provider context name */ #define OSP_MAX_CERTS ((unsigned int)10) /* OSP max number of cacerts */ #define OSP_MAX_SRVS ((unsigned int)10) /* OSP max number of service points */ #define OSP_DEF_MAXCONNECTIONS ((unsigned int)20) /* OSP default max_connections */ #define OSP_MIN_MAXCONNECTIONS ((unsigned int)1) /* OSP min max_connections */ #define OSP_MAX_MAXCONNECTIONS ((unsigned int)1000) /* OSP max max_connections */ #define OSP_DEF_RETRYDELAY ((unsigned int)0) /* OSP default retry delay */ #define OSP_MIN_RETRYDELAY ((unsigned int)0) /* OSP min retry delay */ #define OSP_MAX_RETRYDELAY ((unsigned int)10) /* OSP max retry delay */ #define OSP_DEF_RETRYLIMIT ((unsigned int)2) /* OSP default retry times */ #define OSP_MIN_RETRYLIMIT ((unsigned int)0) /* OSP min retry times */ #define OSP_MAX_RETRYLIMIT ((unsigned int)100) /* OSP max retry times */ #define OSP_DEF_TIMEOUT ((unsigned int)500) /* OSP default timeout in ms */ #define OSP_MIN_TIMEOUT ((unsigned int)200) /* OSP min timeout in ms */ #define OSP_MAX_TIMEOUT ((unsigned int)10000) /* OSP max timeout in ms */ #define OSP_DEF_AUTHPOLICY ((enum osp_authpolicy)OSP_AUTH_YES) #define OSP_AUDIT_URL ((const char*)"localhost") /* OSP default Audit URL */ #define OSP_LOCAL_VALIDATION ((int)1) /* Validate OSP token locally */ #define OSP_SSL_LIFETIME ((unsigned int)300) /* SSL life time, in seconds */ #define OSP_HTTP_PERSISTENCE ((int)1) /* In seconds */ #define OSP_CUSTOMER_ID ((const char*)"") /* OSP customer ID */ #define OSP_DEVICE_ID ((const char*)"") /* OSP device ID */ #define OSP_DEF_DESTINATIONS ((unsigned int)5) /* OSP default max number of destinations */ #define OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT ((unsigned int)0) /* OSP default duration limit, no limit */ #define OSP_DEF_PROTOCOL OSP_PROT_SIP /* OSP default destination protocol, SIP */ #define OSP_MAX_CUSTOMINFO ((unsigned int)8) /* OSP max number of custom info */ /* OSP Provider */ struct osp_provider { char name[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* OSP provider context name */ char privatekey[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* OSP private key file name */ char localcert[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* OSP local cert file name */ unsigned int cacount; /* Number of cacerts */ char cacerts[OSP_MAX_CERTS][OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Cacert file names */ unsigned int spcount; /* Number of service points */ char srvpoints[OSP_MAX_SRVS][OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Service point URLs */ int maxconnections; /* Max number of connections */ int retrydelay; /* Retry delay */ int retrylimit; /* Retry limit */ int timeout; /* Timeout in ms */ char source[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* IP of self */ enum osp_authpolicy authpolicy; /* OSP authentication policy */ char* defaultprotocol; /* OSP default destination protocol */ OSPTPROVHANDLE handle; /* OSP provider handle */ struct osp_provider* next; /* Pointer to next OSP provider */ }; /* Call ID */ struct osp_callid { unsigned char buf[OSPC_CALLID_MAXSIZE]; /* Call ID string */ unsigned int len; /* Call ID length */ }; /* Number Portability Parameters */ struct osp_npparam { const char* rn; /* Rounding number */ const char* cic; /* Carrier Identification Code */ int npdi; /* NP Database Dip Indicator */ }; /* SIP Diversion Header Parameters */ struct osp_diversion { const char* user; const char* host; }; /* OSP Application In/Output Results */ struct osp_results { int inhandle; /* Inbound transaction handle */ int outhandle; /* Outbound transaction handle */ unsigned int intimelimit; /* Inbound duration limit */ unsigned int outtimelimit; /* Outbound duration limit */ char tech[OSP_TECHSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound Asterisk TECH string */ char dest[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound destination IP address */ char calling[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound calling number, may be translated */ char called[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound called number, may be translated */ char token[OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound OSP token */ char networkid[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound network ID */ char nprn[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound NP routing number */ char npcic[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; /* Outbound NP carrier identification code */ int npdi; /* Outbound NP database dip indicator */ unsigned int numresults; /* Number of remain outbound destinations */ struct osp_callid outcallid; /* Outbound call ID */ }; /* OSP Call Leg */ enum osp_callleg { OSP_CALL_INBOUND, OSP_CALL_OUTBOUND }; /* OSP */ enum osp_direction { OSP_DIR_RX = 0, OSP_DIR_TX, OSP_DIR_NUMBER }; /* OSP Metrics */ struct osp_metrics { int value; /* Value */ float min; /* Minimum */ float max; /* Maximum */ float avg; /* Average */ float ndev; /* Normal deviation */ float sdev; /* Standard deviation */ }; /* OSP Module Global Variables */ AST_MUTEX_DEFINE_STATIC(osplock); /* Lock of OSP provider list */ static int osp_initialized = 0; /* Init flag */ static int osp_hardware = 0; /* Hardware accelleration flag */ static int osp_security = 0; /* Using security features flag */ static struct osp_provider* ospproviders = NULL; /* OSP provider list */ static unsigned int osp_tokenformat = TOKEN_ALGO_SIGNED; /* Token format supported */ /* OSP default certificates */ const char* B64PKey = "MIIBOgIBAAJBAK8t5l+PUbTC4lvwlNxV5lpl+2dwSZGW46dowTe6y133XyVEwNiiRma2YNk3xKs/TJ3Wl9Wpns2SYEAJsFfSTukCAwEAAQJAPz13vCm2GmZ8Zyp74usTxLCqSJZNyMRLHQWBM0g44Iuy4wE3vpi7Wq+xYuSOH2mu4OddnxswCP4QhaXVQavTAQIhAOBVCKXtppEw9UaOBL4vW0Ed/6EA/1D8hDW6St0h7EXJAiEAx+iRmZKhJD6VT84dtX5ZYNVk3j3dAcIOovpzUj9a0CECIEduTCapmZQ5xqAEsLXuVlxRtQgLTUD4ZxDElPn8x0MhAiBE2HlcND0+qDbvtwJQQOUzDgqg5xk3w8capboVdzAlQQIhAMC+lDL7+gDYkNAft5Mu+NObJmQs4Cr+DkDFsKqoxqrm"; const char* B64LCert = "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"; const char* B64CACert = "MIIBYDCCAQoCAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwOzElMCMGA1UEAxMcb3NwdGVzdHNlcnZlci50cmFuc25leHVzLmNvbTESMBAGA1UEChMJT1NQU2VydmVyMB4XDTAyMDIwNDE4MjU1MloXDTEyMDIwMzE4MjU1MlowOzElMCMGA1UEAxMcb3NwdGVzdHNlcnZlci50cmFuc25leHVzLmNvbTESMBAGA1UEChMJT1NQU2VydmVyMFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAPGeGwV41EIhX0jEDFLRXQhDEr50OUQPq+f55VwQd0TQNts06BP29+UiNdRW3c3IRHdZcJdC1Cg68ME9cgeq0h8CAwEAATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFAANBAGkzBSj1EnnmUxbaiG1N4xjIuLAWydun7o3bFk2tV8dBIhnuh445obYyk1EnQ27kI7eACCILBZqi2MHDOIMnoN0="; /* OSP Client Wrapper APIs */ /*! * \brief Create OSP provider handle according to configuration * \param cfg OSP configuration * \param provider OSP provider context name * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_create_provider( struct ast_config* cfg, const char* provider) { int res = 0; struct ast_variable* v; struct osp_provider* p; OSPTPRIVATEKEY privatekey; OSPT_CERT localcert; OSPT_CERT cacerts[OSP_MAX_CERTS]; const OSPT_CERT* pcacerts[OSP_MAX_CERTS]; const char* psrvpoints[OSP_MAX_SRVS]; unsigned char privatekeydata[OSP_KEYSTR_SIZE]; unsigned char localcertdata[OSP_KEYSTR_SIZE]; unsigned char cacertdata[OSP_KEYSTR_SIZE]; int i, t, error = OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR; if (!(p = ast_calloc(1, sizeof(*p)))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } /* ast_calloc has set 0 in p */ ast_copy_string(p->name, provider, sizeof(p->name)); snprintf(p->privatekey, sizeof(p->privatekey), "%s/%s-privatekey.pem", ast_config_AST_KEY_DIR, provider); snprintf(p->localcert, sizeof(p->localcert), "%s/%s-localcert.pem", ast_config_AST_KEY_DIR, provider); snprintf(p->cacerts[0], sizeof(p->cacerts[0]), "%s/%s-cacert_0.pem", ast_config_AST_KEY_DIR, provider); p->maxconnections = OSP_DEF_MAXCONNECTIONS; p->retrydelay = OSP_DEF_RETRYDELAY; p->retrylimit = OSP_DEF_RETRYLIMIT; p->timeout = OSP_DEF_TIMEOUT; p->authpolicy = OSP_DEF_AUTHPOLICY; p->defaultprotocol = OSP_DEF_PROTOCOL; p->handle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; v = ast_variable_browse(cfg, provider); while(v) { if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "privatekey")) { if (osp_security) { if (v->value[0] == '/') { ast_copy_string(p->privatekey, v->value, sizeof(p->privatekey)); } else { snprintf(p->privatekey, sizeof(p->privatekey), "%s/%s", ast_config_AST_KEY_DIR, v->value); } ast_debug(1, "OSP: privatekey '%s'\n", p->privatekey); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "localcert")) { if (osp_security) { if (v->value[0] == '/') { ast_copy_string(p->localcert, v->value, sizeof(p->localcert)); } else { snprintf(p->localcert, sizeof(p->localcert), "%s/%s", ast_config_AST_KEY_DIR, v->value); } ast_debug(1, "OSP: localcert '%s'\n", p->localcert); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "cacert")) { if (osp_security) { if (p->cacount < OSP_MAX_CERTS) { if (v->value[0] == '/') { ast_copy_string(p->cacerts[p->cacount], v->value, sizeof(p->cacerts[0])); } else { snprintf(p->cacerts[p->cacount], sizeof(p->cacerts[0]), "%s/%s", ast_config_AST_KEY_DIR, v->value); } ast_debug(1, "OSP: cacerts[%d]: '%s'\n", p->cacount, p->cacerts[p->cacount]); p->cacount++; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Too many CA Certificates at line %d\n", v->lineno); } } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "servicepoint")) { if (p->spcount < OSP_MAX_SRVS) { ast_copy_string(p->srvpoints[p->spcount], v->value, sizeof(p->srvpoints[0])); ast_debug(1, "OSP: servicepoint[%d]: '%s'\n", p->spcount, p->srvpoints[p->spcount]); p->spcount++; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Too many Service Points at line %d\n", v->lineno); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maxconnections")) { if ((sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &t) == 1) && (t >= OSP_MIN_MAXCONNECTIONS) && (t <= OSP_MAX_MAXCONNECTIONS)) { p->maxconnections = t; ast_debug(1, "OSP: maxconnections '%d'\n", t); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: maxconnections should be an integer from %d to %d, not '%s' at line %d\n", OSP_MIN_MAXCONNECTIONS, OSP_MAX_MAXCONNECTIONS, v->value, v->lineno); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "retrydelay")) { if ((sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &t) == 1) && (t >= OSP_MIN_RETRYDELAY) && (t <= OSP_MAX_RETRYDELAY)) { p->retrydelay = t; ast_debug(1, "OSP: retrydelay '%d'\n", t); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: retrydelay should be an integer from %d to %d, not '%s' at line %d\n", OSP_MIN_RETRYDELAY, OSP_MAX_RETRYDELAY, v->value, v->lineno); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "retrylimit")) { if ((sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &t) == 1) && (t >= OSP_MIN_RETRYLIMIT) && (t <= OSP_MAX_RETRYLIMIT)) { p->retrylimit = t; ast_debug(1, "OSP: retrylimit '%d'\n", t); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: retrylimit should be an integer from %d to %d, not '%s' at line %d\n", OSP_MIN_RETRYLIMIT, OSP_MAX_RETRYLIMIT, v->value, v->lineno); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "timeout")) { if ((sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &t) == 1) && (t >= OSP_MIN_TIMEOUT) && (t <= OSP_MAX_TIMEOUT)) { p->timeout = t; ast_debug(1, "OSP: timeout '%d'\n", t); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: timeout should be an integer from %d to %d, not '%s' at line %d\n", OSP_MIN_TIMEOUT, OSP_MAX_TIMEOUT, v->value, v->lineno); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "source")) { ast_copy_string(p->source, v->value, sizeof(p->source)); ast_debug(1, "OSP: source '%s'\n", p->source); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "authpolicy")) { if ((sscanf(v->value, "%30d", &t) == 1) && ((t == OSP_AUTH_NO) || (t == OSP_AUTH_YES) || (t == OSP_AUTH_EXCLUSIVE))) { p->authpolicy = t; ast_debug(1, "OSP: authpolicy '%d'\n", t); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: authpolicy should be %d, %d or %d, not '%s' at line %d\n", OSP_AUTH_NO, OSP_AUTH_YES, OSP_AUTH_EXCLUSIVE, v->value, v->lineno); } } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "defaultprotocol")) { if (!strcasecmp(v->value, OSP_PROT_SIP)) { p->defaultprotocol = OSP_PROT_SIP; ast_debug(1, "OSP: default protocol SIP\n"); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, OSP_PROT_H323)) { p->defaultprotocol = OSP_PROT_H323; ast_debug(1, "OSP: default protocol H.323\n"); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, OSP_PROT_IAX)) { p->defaultprotocol = OSP_PROT_IAX; ast_debug(1, "OSP: default protocol IAX\n"); } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, OSP_PROT_SKYPE)) { p->defaultprotocol = OSP_PROT_SKYPE; ast_debug(1, "OSP: default protocol Skype\n"); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: default protocol should be %s, %s, %s or %s not '%s' at line %d\n", OSP_PROT_SIP, OSP_PROT_H323, OSP_PROT_IAX, OSP_PROT_SKYPE, v->value, v->lineno); } } v = v->next; } if (p->cacount == 0) { p->cacount = 1; } for (i = 0; i < p->spcount; i++) { psrvpoints[i] = p->srvpoints[i]; } if (osp_security) { privatekey.PrivateKeyData = NULL; privatekey.PrivateKeyLength = 0; localcert.CertData = NULL; localcert.CertDataLength = 0; for (i = 0; i < p->cacount; i++) { cacerts[i].CertData = NULL; cacerts[i].CertDataLength = 0; } if ((error = OSPPUtilLoadPEMPrivateKey((unsigned char*)p->privatekey, &privatekey)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to load privatekey '%s', error '%d'\n", p->privatekey, error); } else if ((error = OSPPUtilLoadPEMCert((unsigned char*)p->localcert, &localcert)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to load localcert '%s', error '%d'\n", p->localcert, error); } else { for (i = 0; i < p->cacount; i++) { if ((error = OSPPUtilLoadPEMCert((unsigned char*)p->cacerts[i], &cacerts[i])) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to load cacert '%s', error '%d'\n", p->cacerts[i], error); break; } else { pcacerts[i] = &cacerts[i]; } } } } else { privatekey.PrivateKeyData = privatekeydata; privatekey.PrivateKeyLength = sizeof(privatekeydata); localcert.CertData = localcertdata; localcert.CertDataLength = sizeof(localcertdata); cacerts[0].CertData = cacertdata; cacerts[0].CertDataLength = sizeof(cacertdata); pcacerts[0] = &cacerts[0]; if ((error = OSPPBase64Decode(B64PKey, strlen(B64PKey), privatekey.PrivateKeyData, &privatekey.PrivateKeyLength)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to decode private key, error '%d'\n", error); } else if ((error = OSPPBase64Decode(B64LCert, strlen(B64LCert), localcert.CertData, &localcert.CertDataLength)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to decode local cert, error '%d'\n", error); } else if ((error = OSPPBase64Decode(B64CACert, strlen(B64CACert), cacerts[0].CertData, &cacerts[0].CertDataLength)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to decode cacert, error '%d'\n", error); } } if (error == OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { error = OSPPProviderNew( p->spcount, psrvpoints, NULL, OSP_AUDIT_URL, &privatekey, &localcert, p->cacount, pcacerts, OSP_LOCAL_VALIDATION, OSP_SSL_LIFETIME, p->maxconnections, OSP_HTTP_PERSISTENCE, p->retrydelay, p->retrylimit, p->timeout, OSP_CUSTOMER_ID, OSP_DEVICE_ID, &p->handle); if (error != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to create provider '%s', error '%d'\n", provider, error); res = -1; } else { ast_debug(1, "OSP: provider '%s'\n", provider); ast_mutex_lock(&osplock); p->next = ospproviders; ospproviders = p; ast_mutex_unlock(&osplock); res = 1; } } if (osp_security) { for (i = 0; i < p->cacount; i++) { if (cacerts[i].CertData) { ast_free(cacerts[i].CertData); } } if (localcert.CertData) { ast_free(localcert.CertData); } if (privatekey.PrivateKeyData) { ast_free(privatekey.PrivateKeyData); } } if (res != 1) { ast_free(p); } return res; } /*! * \brief Get OSP provider by name * \param name OSP provider context name * \param provider OSP provider structure * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_get_provider( const char* name, struct osp_provider** provider) { int res = 0; struct osp_provider* p; ast_mutex_lock(&osplock); p = ospproviders; while(p) { if (!strcasecmp(p->name, name)) { *provider = p; ast_debug(1, "OSP: find provider '%s'\n", name); res = 1; break; } p = p->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&osplock); return res; } /*! * \brief Create OSP transaction handle * \param provider OSP provider context name * \param transaction OSP transaction handle, output * \param source Source of provider, output * \param sourcesize Size of source buffer, in * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_create_transaction( const char* provider, int* transaction, char* source, unsigned int srcsize) { int res = 0; struct osp_provider* p; int error; ast_mutex_lock(&osplock); p = ospproviders; while(p) { if (!strcasecmp(p->name, provider)) { error = OSPPTransactionNew(p->handle, transaction); if (error == OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: transaction '%d'\n", *transaction); ast_copy_string(source, p->source, srcsize); ast_debug(1, "OSP: source '%s'\n", source); res = 1; } else { *transaction = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to create transaction handle, error '%d'\n", error); res = -1; } break; } p = p->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&osplock); return res; } /*! * \brief Convert "address:port" to "[x.x.x.x]:port" or "hostname:port" format * \param src Source address string * \param dest Destination address string * \param destsize Size of dest buffer */ static void osp_convert_inout( const char* src, char* dest, int destsize) { struct in_addr inp; char buffer[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char* port; if (!ast_strlen_zero(src)) { ast_copy_string(buffer, src, sizeof(buffer)); if((port = strchr(buffer, ':')) != NULL) { *port = '\0'; port++; } if (inet_pton(AF_INET, buffer, &inp) == 1) { if (port != NULL) { snprintf(dest, destsize, "[%s]:%s", buffer, port); } else { snprintf(dest, destsize, "[%s]", buffer); } dest[destsize - 1] = '\0'; } else { ast_copy_string(dest, src, destsize); } } else { *dest = '\0'; } } /*! * \brief Convert "[x.x.x.x]:port" or "hostname:prot" to "address:port" format * \param src Source address string * \param dest Destination address string * \param destsize Size of dest buffer */ static void osp_convert_outin( const char* src, char* dest, int destsize) { char buffer[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char* end; char* port; if (!ast_strlen_zero(src)) { ast_copy_string(buffer, src, sizeof(buffer)); if (buffer[0] == '[') { if((port = strchr(buffer + 1, ':')) != NULL) { *port = '\0'; port++; } if ((end = strchr(buffer + 1, ']')) != NULL) { *end = '\0'; } if (port != NULL) { snprintf(dest, destsize, "%s:%s", buffer + 1, port); dest[destsize - 1] = '\0'; } else { ast_copy_string(dest, buffer + 1, destsize); } } else { ast_copy_string(dest, src, destsize); } } else { *dest = '\0'; } } /*! * \brief Validate OSP token of inbound call * \param transaction OSP transaction handle * \param source Source of inbound call * \param destination Destination of inbound call * \param calling Calling number * \param called Called number * \param token OSP token, may be empty * \param timelimit Call duration limit, output * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_validate_token( int transaction, const char* source, const char* destination, const char* calling, const char* called, const char* token, unsigned int* timelimit) { int res; int tokenlen; unsigned char tokenstr[OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE]; char src[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char dest[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; unsigned int authorised; unsigned int dummy = 0; int error; tokenlen = ast_base64decode(tokenstr, token, strlen(token)); osp_convert_inout(source, src, sizeof(src)); osp_convert_inout(destination, dest, sizeof(dest)); error = OSPPTransactionValidateAuthorisation( transaction, src, dest, NULL, NULL, calling ? calling : "", OSPC_NFORMAT_E164, called, OSPC_NFORMAT_E164, 0, NULL, tokenlen, (char*)tokenstr, &authorised, timelimit, &dummy, NULL, osp_tokenformat); if (error != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to validate inbound token, error '%d'\n", error); res = -1; } else if (authorised) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Authorised\n"); res = 1; } else { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unauthorised\n"); res = 0; } return res; } /*! * \brief Choose min duration limit * \param in Inbound duration limit * \param out Outbound duration limit * \return min duration limit */ static unsigned int osp_choose_timelimit( unsigned int in, unsigned int out) { if (in == OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT) { return out; } else if (out == OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT) { return in; } else { return in < out ? in : out; } } /*! * \brief Choose min duration limit * \param provider OSP provider * \param calling Calling number * \param called Called number * \param destination Destination IP in '[x.x.x.x]' format * \param tokenlen OSP token length * \param token OSP token * \param reason Failure reason, output * \param results OSP lookup results, in/output * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_check_destination( struct osp_provider* provider, const char* calling, const char* called, char* destination, unsigned int tokenlen, const char* token, OSPEFAILREASON* reason, struct osp_results* results) { int res; OSPE_DEST_OSPENABLED enabled; OSPE_DEST_PROTOCOL protocol; char dest[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; int error; if ((error = OSPPTransactionIsDestOSPEnabled(results->outhandle, &enabled)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get destination OSP version, error '%d'\n", error); *reason = OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED; return -1; } if (enabled == OSPC_DOSP_FALSE) { results->token[0] = '\0'; } else { ast_base64encode(results->token, (const unsigned char*)token, tokenlen, sizeof(results->token) - 1); } if ((error = OSPPTransactionGetDestinationNetworkId(results->outhandle, sizeof(results->networkid), results->networkid)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get destination network ID, error '%d'\n", error); results->networkid[0] = '\0'; } error = OSPPTransactionGetNumberPortabilityParameters(results->outhandle, sizeof(results->nprn), results->nprn, sizeof(results->npcic), results->npcic, &results->npdi); if (error != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get number portability parameters, error '%d'\n", error); results->nprn[0] = '\0'; results->npcic[0] = '\0'; results->npdi = 0; } if ((error = OSPPTransactionGetDestProtocol(results->outhandle, &protocol)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get destination protocol, error '%d'\n", error); *reason = OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED; results->token[0] = '\0'; results->networkid[0] = '\0'; results->nprn[0] = '\0'; results->npcic[0] = '\0'; results->npdi = 0; return -1; } res = 1; osp_convert_outin(destination, dest, sizeof(dest)); switch(protocol) { case OSPC_DPROT_SIP: ast_debug(1, "OSP: protocol SIP\n"); ast_copy_string(results->tech, OSP_TECH_SIP, sizeof(results->tech)); ast_copy_string(results->dest, dest, sizeof(results->dest)); ast_copy_string(results->calling, calling, sizeof(results->calling)); ast_copy_string(results->called, called, sizeof(results->called)); break; case OSPC_DPROT_Q931: ast_debug(1, "OSP: protocol Q.931\n"); ast_copy_string(results->tech, OSP_TECH_H323, sizeof(results->tech)); ast_copy_string(results->dest, dest, sizeof(results->dest)); ast_copy_string(results->calling, calling, sizeof(results->calling)); ast_copy_string(results->called, called, sizeof(results->called)); break; case OSPC_DPROT_IAX: ast_debug(1, "OSP: protocol IAX\n"); ast_copy_string(results->tech, OSP_TECH_IAX, sizeof(results->tech)); ast_copy_string(results->dest, dest, sizeof(results->dest)); ast_copy_string(results->calling, calling, sizeof(results->calling)); ast_copy_string(results->called, called, sizeof(results->called)); break; case OSPC_DPROT_SKYPE: ast_debug(1, "OSP: protocol Skype\n"); ast_copy_string(results->tech, OSP_TECH_SKYPE, sizeof(results->tech)); ast_copy_string(results->dest, dest, sizeof(results->dest)); ast_copy_string(results->calling, calling, sizeof(results->calling)); ast_copy_string(results->called, called, sizeof(results->called)); break; case OSPC_DPROT_UNDEFINED: case OSPC_DPROT_UNKNOWN: ast_debug(1, "OSP: unknown/undefined protocol '%d'\n", protocol); ast_debug(1, "OSP: use default protocol '%s'\n", provider->defaultprotocol); ast_copy_string(results->tech, provider->defaultprotocol, sizeof(results->tech)); ast_copy_string(results->dest, dest, sizeof(results->dest)); ast_copy_string(results->calling, calling, sizeof(results->calling)); ast_copy_string(results->called, called, sizeof(results->called)); break; case OSPC_DPROT_LRQ: case OSPC_DPROT_T37: case OSPC_DPROT_T38: case OSPC_DPROT_SMPP: case OSPC_DPROT_XMPP: default: ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: unsupported protocol '%d'\n", protocol); *reason = OSPC_FAIL_PROTOCOL_ERROR; results->token[0] = '\0'; results->networkid[0] = '\0'; results->nprn[0] = '\0'; results->npcic[0] = '\0'; results->npdi = 0; res = 0; break; } return res; } /*! * \brief Convert Asterisk status to TC code * \param cause Asterisk hangup cause * \return OSP TC code */ static OSPEFAILREASON asterisk2osp( int cause) { return (OSPEFAILREASON)cause; } /*! * \brief OSP Authentication function * \param provider OSP provider context name * \param transaction OSP transaction handle, output * \param source Source of inbound call * \param calling Calling number * \param called Called number * \param token OSP token, may be empty * \param timelimit Call duration limit, output * \return 1 Authenricated, 0 Unauthenticated, -1 Error */ static int osp_auth( const char* provider, int* transaction, const char* source, const char* calling, const char* called, const char* token, unsigned int* timelimit) { int res; struct osp_provider* p = NULL; char dest[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; *transaction = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; *timelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if ((res = osp_get_provider(provider, &p)) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unabe to find OSP provider '%s'\n", provider); return res; } switch (p->authpolicy) { case OSP_AUTH_NO: res = 1; break; case OSP_AUTH_EXCLUSIVE: if (ast_strlen_zero(token)) { res = 0; } else if ((res = osp_create_transaction(provider, transaction, dest, sizeof(dest))) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to generate transaction handle\n"); *transaction = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; res = 0; } else if((res = osp_validate_token(*transaction, source, dest, calling, called, token, timelimit)) <= 0) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(*transaction, OSPC_FAIL_CALL_REJECTED); } break; case OSP_AUTH_YES: default: if (ast_strlen_zero(token)) { res = 1; } else if ((res = osp_create_transaction(provider, transaction, dest, sizeof(dest))) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to generate transaction handle\n"); *transaction = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; res = 0; } else if((res = osp_validate_token(*transaction, source, dest, calling, called, token, timelimit)) <= 0) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(*transaction, OSPC_FAIL_CALL_REJECTED); } break; } return res; } /*! * \brief Create a UUID * \param uuid UUID buffer * \param bufsize UUID buffer size * \return 1 Created, -1 Error */ static int osp_create_uuid( unsigned char* uuid, unsigned int* bufsize) { int i, res; long int tmp[OSP_UUID_SIZE / sizeof(long int)]; if (*bufsize >= OSP_UUID_SIZE) { for (i = 0; i < OSP_UUID_SIZE / sizeof(long int); i++) { tmp[i] = ast_random(); } memcpy(uuid, tmp, OSP_UUID_SIZE); *bufsize = OSP_UUID_SIZE; res = 1; } else { res = -1; } return res; } /*! * \brief UUID to string * \param uuid UUID * \param buffer String buffer * \param bufsize String buffer size * \return 1 Successed, -1 Error */ static int osp_uuid2str( unsigned char* uuid, char* buffer, unsigned int bufsize) { int res; if (bufsize > OSP_UUIDSTR_SIZE) { snprintf(buffer, bufsize, "%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", uuid[0], uuid[1], uuid[2], uuid[3], uuid[4], uuid[5], uuid[6], uuid[7], uuid[8], uuid[9], uuid[10], uuid[11], uuid[12], uuid[13], uuid[14], uuid[15]); res = 1; } else { res = -1; } return res; } /*! * \brief Create a call ID according to the type * \param type Call ID type * \param callid Call ID buffer * \return 1 Created, 0 Not create, -1 Error */ static int osp_create_callid( unsigned int type, struct osp_callid* callid) { int res; callid->len = sizeof(callid->buf); switch (type) { case OSP_CALLID_H323: res = osp_create_uuid(callid->buf, &callid->len); break; case OSP_CALLID_SIP: case OSP_CALLID_IAX: res = 0; default: res = -1; break; } if ((res != 1) && (callid->len != 0)) { callid->buf[0] = '\0'; callid->len = 0; } return res; } /*! * \brief OSP Lookup function * \param provider OSP provider context name * \param callidtypes Call ID types * \param srcdev Source device of outbound call * \param calling Calling number * \param called Called number * \param snetid Source network ID * \param np NP parameters * \param div SIP Diversion header parameters * \param cinfo Custom info * \param results Lookup results * \return 1 Found , 0 No route, -1 Error */ static int osp_lookup( const char* provider, unsigned int callidtypes, const char* srcdev, const char* calling, const char* called, const char* snetid, struct osp_npparam* np, struct osp_diversion* div, const char* cinfo[], struct osp_results* results) { int res; struct osp_provider* p = NULL; char source[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char callingnum[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char callednum[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char destination[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; unsigned int tokenlen; char token[OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE]; char src[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char dev[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char host[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; unsigned int i, type; struct osp_callid callid; unsigned int callidnum; OSPT_CALL_ID* callids[OSP_CALLID_MAXNUM]; unsigned int dummy = 0; OSPEFAILREASON reason; int error; results->outhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; results->tech[0] = '\0'; results->dest[0] = '\0'; results->calling[0] = '\0'; results->called[0] = '\0'; results->token[0] = '\0'; results->networkid[0] = '\0'; results->nprn[0] = '\0'; results->npcic[0] = '\0'; results->npdi = 0; results->numresults = 0; results->outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if ((res = osp_get_provider(provider, &p)) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unabe to find OSP provider '%s'\n", provider); return res; } if ((res = osp_create_transaction(provider, &results->outhandle, source, sizeof(source))) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to generate transaction handle\n"); results->outhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED); } return -1; } if (!ast_strlen_zero(snetid)) { OSPPTransactionSetNetworkIds(results->outhandle, snetid, ""); } OSPPTransactionSetNumberPortability(results->outhandle, np->rn, np->cic, np->npdi); osp_convert_inout(div->host, host, sizeof(host)); OSPPTransactionSetDiversion(results->outhandle, div->user, host); if (cinfo != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < OSP_MAX_CUSTOMINFO; i++) { if (!ast_strlen_zero(cinfo[i])) { OSPPTransactionSetCustomInfo(results->outhandle, i, cinfo[i]); } } } callidnum = 0; callids[0] = NULL; for (i = 0; i < OSP_CALLID_MAXNUM; i++) { type = 1 << i; if (callidtypes & type) { error = osp_create_callid(type, &callid); if (error == 1) { callids[callidnum] = OSPPCallIdNew(callid.len, callid.buf); callidnum++; } } } osp_convert_inout(source, src, sizeof(src)); osp_convert_inout(srcdev, dev, sizeof(dev)); results->numresults = OSP_DEF_DESTINATIONS; error = OSPPTransactionRequestAuthorisation( results->outhandle, src, dev, calling ? calling : "", OSPC_NFORMAT_E164, called, OSPC_NFORMAT_E164, NULL, callidnum, callids, NULL, &results->numresults, &dummy, NULL); for (i = 0; i < callidnum; i++) { OSPPCallIdDelete(&callids[i]); } if (error != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to request authorization, error '%d'\n", error); results->numresults = 0; if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED); } return -1; } if (!results->numresults) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: No more destination\n"); if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST); } return 0; } results->outcallid.len = sizeof(results->outcallid.buf); tokenlen = sizeof(token); error = OSPPTransactionGetFirstDestination( results->outhandle, 0, NULL, NULL, &results->outtimelimit, &results->outcallid.len, results->outcallid.buf, sizeof(callednum), callednum, sizeof(callingnum), callingnum, sizeof(destination), destination, 0, NULL, &tokenlen, token); if (error != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get first route, error '%d'\n", error); results->numresults = 0; results->outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST); } return -1; } results->numresults--; results->outtimelimit = osp_choose_timelimit(results->intimelimit, results->outtimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSP: outtimelimit '%d'\n", results->outtimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSP: calling '%s'\n", callingnum); ast_debug(1, "OSP: called '%s'\n", callednum); ast_debug(1, "OSP: destination '%s'\n", destination); ast_debug(1, "OSP: token size '%d'\n", tokenlen); if ((res = osp_check_destination(p, callingnum, callednum, destination, tokenlen, token, &reason, results)) > 0) { return 1; } if (!results->numresults) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: No more destination\n"); results->outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->outhandle, reason); if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST); } return 0; } while(results->numresults) { results->outcallid.len = sizeof(results->outcallid.buf); tokenlen = sizeof(token); error = OSPPTransactionGetNextDestination( results->outhandle, reason, 0, NULL, NULL, &results->outtimelimit, &results->outcallid.len, results->outcallid.buf, sizeof(callednum), callednum, sizeof(callingnum), callingnum, sizeof(destination), destination, 0, NULL, &tokenlen, token); if (error == OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { results->numresults--; results->outtimelimit = osp_choose_timelimit(results->intimelimit, results->outtimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSP: outtimelimit '%d'\n", results->outtimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSP: calling '%s'\n", callingnum); ast_debug(1, "OSP: called '%s'\n", callednum); ast_debug(1, "OSP: destination '%s'\n", destination); ast_debug(1, "OSP: token size '%d'\n", tokenlen); if ((res = osp_check_destination(p, callingnum, callednum, destination, tokenlen, token, &reason, results)) > 0) { break; } else if (!results->numresults) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: No more destination\n"); OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->outhandle, reason); if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST); } res = 0; break; } } else { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get route, error '%d'\n", error); results->numresults = 0; results->outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED); } res = -1; break; } } return res; } /*! * \brief OSP Lookup Next function * \param provider OSP provider name * \param cause Asterisk hangup cuase * \param results Lookup results, in/output * \return 1 Found , 0 No route, -1 Error */ static int osp_next( const char* provider, int cause, struct osp_results* results) { int res; struct osp_provider* p = NULL; char callingnum[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char callednum[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char destination[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; unsigned int tokenlen; char token[OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE]; OSPEFAILREASON reason; int error; results->tech[0] = '\0'; results->dest[0] = '\0'; results->calling[0] = '\0'; results->called[0] = '\0'; results->token[0] = '\0'; results->networkid[0] = '\0'; results->nprn[0] = '\0'; results->npcic[0] = '\0'; results->npdi = 0; results->outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if ((res = osp_get_provider(provider, &p)) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unabe to find OSP provider '%s'\n", provider); return res; } if (results->outhandle == OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Transaction handle undefined\n"); results->numresults = 0; if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED); } return -1; } reason = asterisk2osp(cause); if (!results->numresults) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: No more destination\n"); OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->outhandle, reason); if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST); } return 0; } while(results->numresults) { results->outcallid.len = sizeof(results->outcallid.buf); tokenlen = sizeof(token); error = OSPPTransactionGetNextDestination( results->outhandle, reason, 0, NULL, NULL, &results->outtimelimit, &results->outcallid.len, results->outcallid.buf, sizeof(callednum), callednum, sizeof(callingnum), callingnum, sizeof(destination), destination, 0, NULL, &tokenlen, token); if (error == OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { results->numresults--; results->outtimelimit = osp_choose_timelimit(results->intimelimit, results->outtimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSP: outtimelimit '%d'\n", results->outtimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSP: calling '%s'\n", callingnum); ast_debug(1, "OSP: called '%s'\n", callednum); ast_debug(1, "OSP: destination '%s'\n", destination); ast_debug(1, "OSP: token size '%d'\n", tokenlen); if ((res = osp_check_destination(p, callingnum, callednum, destination, tokenlen, token, &reason, results)) > 0) { res = 1; break; } else if (!results->numresults) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: No more destination\n"); OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->outhandle, reason); if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST); } res = 0; break; } } else { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to get route, error '%d'\n", error); results->token[0] = '\0'; results->numresults = 0; results->outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if (results->inhandle != OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(results->inhandle, OSPC_FAIL_NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED); } res = -1; break; } } return res; } /*! * \brief Get integer from variable string * \param vstr Variable string * \return -1 Error */ static int osp_get_varint( const char* vstr) { char* tmp; int value = -1; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vstr)) { if ((tmp = strchr(vstr, '=')) != NULL) { tmp++; if (sscanf(tmp, "%30d", &value) != 1) { value = -1; } } } return value; } /*! * \brief Get float from variable string * \param vstr Variable string * \return -1 Error */ static float osp_get_varfloat( const char* vstr) { char* tmp; float value = -1; if (!ast_strlen_zero(vstr)) { if ((tmp = strchr(vstr, '=')) != NULL) { tmp++; if (sscanf(tmp, "%30f", &value) != 1) { value = -1; } } } return value; } /*! * \brief Report QoS * \param handle OSP in/outbound transaction handle * \param leg Inbound/outbound * \param qos QoS string * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_report_qos( int handle, enum osp_callleg leg, const char* qos) { int res = 0; enum osp_direction dir; char buffer[OSP_NORSTR_SIZE]; char* tmp; char* item; int totalpackets[OSP_DIR_NUMBER]; struct osp_metrics lost[OSP_DIR_NUMBER]; struct osp_metrics jitter[OSP_DIR_NUMBER]; struct osp_metrics rtt; int value; if (!ast_strlen_zero(qos)) { for (dir = OSP_DIR_RX; dir < OSP_DIR_NUMBER; dir++) { totalpackets[dir] = -1; } for (dir = OSP_DIR_RX; dir < OSP_DIR_NUMBER; dir++) { lost[dir].value = -1; lost[dir].min = -1; lost[dir].max = -1; lost[dir].avg = -1; lost[dir].sdev = -1; } for (dir = OSP_DIR_RX; dir < OSP_DIR_NUMBER; dir++) { jitter[dir].value = -1; jitter[dir].min = -1; jitter[dir].max = -1; jitter[dir].avg = -1; jitter[dir].sdev = -1; } rtt.value = -1; rtt.min = -1; rtt.max = -1; rtt.avg = -1; rtt.sdev = -1; ast_copy_string(buffer, qos, sizeof(buffer)); for (item = strtok_r(buffer, ";", &tmp); item; item = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &tmp)) { if (!strncasecmp(item, "rxcount", strlen("rxcount"))) { totalpackets[OSP_DIR_RX] = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "txcount", strlen("txcount"))) { totalpackets[OSP_DIR_TX] = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "lp", strlen("lp"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_RX].value = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "minrxlost", strlen("minrxlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_RX].min = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "maxrxlost", strlen("maxrxlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_RX].max = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "avgrxlost", strlen("avgrxlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_RX].avg = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "stdevrxlost", strlen("stdevrxlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_RX].sdev = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "rlp", strlen("rlp"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_TX].value = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_minlost", strlen("reported_minlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_TX].min = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_maxlost", strlen("reported_maxlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_TX].max = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_avglost", strlen("reported_avglost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_TX].avg = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_stdevlost", strlen("reported_stdevlost"))) { lost[OSP_DIR_TX].sdev = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "rxjitter", strlen("rxjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].value = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "minrxjitter", strlen("minrxjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].min = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "maxrxjitter", strlen("maxrxjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].max = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "avgrxjitter", strlen("avgjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].avg = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "stdevrxjitter", strlen("stdevjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].sdev = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "txjitter", strlen("txjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].value = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_minjitter", strlen("reported_minjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].min = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_maxjitter", strlen("reported_maxjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].max = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_avgjitter", strlen("reported_avgjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].avg = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "reported_stdevjitter", strlen("reported_stdevjitter"))) { jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].sdev = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "rtt", strlen("rtt"))) { rtt.value = osp_get_varint(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "minrtt", strlen("minrtt"))) { rtt.min = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "maxrtt", strlen("maxrtt"))) { rtt.max = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "avgrtt", strlen("avgrtt"))) { rtt.avg = osp_get_varfloat(item); } else if (!strncasecmp(item, "stdevrtt", strlen("stdevrtt"))) { rtt.sdev = osp_get_varfloat(item); } } ast_debug(1, "OSP: call leg '%d'\n", leg); ast_debug(1, "OSP: rxcount '%d'\n", totalpackets[OSP_DIR_RX]); ast_debug(1, "OSP: txcount '%d'\n", totalpackets[OSP_DIR_TX]); ast_debug(1, "OSP: lp '%d'\n",lost[OSP_DIR_RX].value); ast_debug(1, "OSP: minrxlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_RX].min); ast_debug(1, "OSP: maxrxlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_RX].max); ast_debug(1, "OSP: avgrxlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_RX].avg); ast_debug(1, "OSP: stdevrxlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_RX].sdev); ast_debug(1, "OSP: rlp '%d'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_TX].value); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_minlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_TX].min); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_maxlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_TX].max); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_avglost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_TX].avg); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_stdevlost '%f'\n", lost[OSP_DIR_TX].sdev); ast_debug(1, "OSP: rxjitter '%d'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].value); ast_debug(1, "OSP: minrxjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].min); ast_debug(1, "OSP: maxrxjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].max); ast_debug(1, "OSP: avgrxjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].avg); ast_debug(1, "OSP: stdevrxjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].sdev); ast_debug(1, "OSP: txjitter '%d'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].value); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_minjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].min); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_maxjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].max); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_avgjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].avg); ast_debug(1, "OSP: reported_stdevjitter '%f'\n", jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].sdev); ast_debug(1, "OSP: rtt '%d'\n", rtt.value); ast_debug(1, "OSP: minrtt '%f'\n", rtt.min); ast_debug(1, "OSP: maxrtt '%f'\n", rtt.max); ast_debug(1, "OSP: avgrtt '%f'\n", rtt.avg); ast_debug(1, "OSP: stdevrtt '%f'\n", rtt.sdev); if (leg == OSP_CALL_INBOUND) { OSPPTransactionSetPackets(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTP, OSPC_SFLOW_DOWNSTREAM, totalpackets[OSP_DIR_RX]); OSPPTransactionSetPackets(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTCP, OSPC_SFLOW_UPSTREAM, totalpackets[OSP_DIR_TX]); if (lost[OSP_DIR_RX].value >= 0) { value = lost[OSP_DIR_RX].value; } else { value = (int)lost[OSP_DIR_RX].avg; } OSPPTransactionSetLost(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTP, OSPC_SFLOW_DOWNSTREAM, value, -1); if (lost[OSP_DIR_TX].value >= 0) { value = lost[OSP_DIR_TX].value; } else { value = (int)lost[OSP_DIR_TX].avg; } OSPPTransactionSetLost(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTCP, OSPC_SFLOW_UPSTREAM, value, -1); if (jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].value >= 0) { value = jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].value; } else { value = (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].avg; } OSPPTransactionSetJitter(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTP, OSPC_SFLOW_DOWNSTREAM, -1, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].min, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].max, value, jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].sdev); if (jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].value >= 0) { value = jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].value; } else { value = (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].avg; } OSPPTransactionSetJitter(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTCP, OSPC_SFLOW_UPSTREAM, -1, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].min, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].max, value, jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].sdev); } else { OSPPTransactionSetPackets(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTP, OSPC_SFLOW_UPSTREAM, totalpackets[OSP_DIR_RX]); OSPPTransactionSetPackets(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTCP, OSPC_SFLOW_DOWNSTREAM, totalpackets[OSP_DIR_TX]); OSPPTransactionSetLost(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTP, OSPC_SFLOW_UPSTREAM, lost[OSP_DIR_RX].value, -1); OSPPTransactionSetLost(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTCP, OSPC_SFLOW_DOWNSTREAM, lost[OSP_DIR_TX].value, -1); if (jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].value >= 0) { value = jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].value; } else { value = (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].avg; } OSPPTransactionSetJitter(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTP, OSPC_SFLOW_UPSTREAM, -1, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].min, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].max, value, jitter[OSP_DIR_RX].sdev); if (jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].value >= 0) { value = jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].value; } else { value = (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].avg; } OSPPTransactionSetJitter(handle, OSPC_SMETRIC_RTCP, OSPC_SFLOW_DOWNSTREAM, -1, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].min, (int)jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].max, value, jitter[OSP_DIR_TX].sdev); } if (rtt.value >= 0) { value = rtt.value; } else { value = (int)rtt.avg; } OSPPTransactionSetRoundTripDelay(handle, -1, (int)rtt.min, (int)rtt.max, value, rtt.sdev); res = 1; } return res; } /*! * \brief OSP Finish function * \param handle OSP in/outbound transaction handle * \param recorded If failure reason has been recorded * \param cause Asterisk hangup cause * \param start Call start time * \param connect Call connect time * \param end Call end time * \param release Who release first, 0 source, 1 destination * \param inqos Inbound QoS string * \param outqos Outbound QoS string * \return 1 Success, 0 Failed, -1 Error */ static int osp_finish( int handle, int recorded, int cause, time_t start, time_t connect, time_t end, unsigned int release, const char* inqos, const char* outqos) { int res; OSPEFAILREASON reason; time_t alert = 0; unsigned isPddInfoPresent = 0; unsigned pdd = 0; unsigned int dummy = 0; int error; if (handle == OSP_INVALID_HANDLE) { return 0; } if (!recorded) { reason = asterisk2osp(cause); OSPPTransactionRecordFailure(handle, reason); } osp_report_qos(handle, OSP_CALL_INBOUND, inqos); osp_report_qos(handle, OSP_CALL_OUTBOUND, outqos); error = OSPPTransactionReportUsage( handle, difftime(end, connect), start, end, alert, connect, isPddInfoPresent, pdd, release, NULL, -1, -1, -1, -1, &dummy, NULL); if (error == OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Usage reported\n"); res = 1; } else { ast_debug(1, "OSP: Unable to report usage, error '%d'\n", error); res = -1; } OSPPTransactionDelete(handle); return res; } /* OSP Application APIs */ /*! * \brief OSP Application OSPAuth * \param chan Channel * \param data Parameter * \return 0 Success, -1 Failed */ static int ospauth_exec( struct ast_channel *chan, const char *data) { int res; const char* provider = OSP_DEF_PROVIDER; struct varshead* headp; struct ast_var_t* current; const char* source = ""; const char* token = ""; int handle; unsigned int timelimit; char buffer[OSP_INTSTR_SIZE]; const char* status; char* tmp; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(provider); AST_APP_ARG(options); ); if (!(tmp = ast_strdupa(data))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, tmp); if (!ast_strlen_zero(args.provider)) { provider = args.provider; } ast_debug(1, "OSPAuth: provider '%s'\n", provider); headp = &chan->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(headp, current, entries) { if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINPEERIP")) { source = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINTOKEN")) { token = ast_var_value(current); } } ast_debug(1, "OSPAuth: source '%s'\n", source); ast_debug(1, "OSPAuth: token size '%zd'\n", strlen(token)); if ((res = osp_auth(provider, &handle, source, chan->cid.cid_num, chan->exten, token, &timelimit)) > 0) { status = AST_OSP_SUCCESS; } else { timelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; if (!res) { status = AST_OSP_FAILED; } else { status = AST_OSP_ERROR; } } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", handle); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPINHANDLE", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPAuth: OSPINHANDLE '%s'\n", buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", timelimit); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPINTIMELIMIT", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPAuth: OSPINTIMELIMIT '%s'\n", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPAUTHSTATUS", status); ast_debug(1, "OSPAuth: %s\n", status); if(res <= 0) { res = -1; } else { res = 0; } return res; } /*! * \brief OSP Application OSPLookup * \param chan Channel * \param data Parameter * \return 0 Success, -1 Failed */ static int osplookup_exec( struct ast_channel* chan, const char * data) { int res, cres; const char* provider = OSP_DEF_PROVIDER; unsigned int callidtypes = OSP_CALLID_UNDEFINED; struct varshead* headp; struct ast_var_t* current; const char* srcdev = ""; const char* snetid = ""; struct osp_npparam np; struct osp_diversion div; unsigned int i; const char* cinfo[OSP_MAX_CUSTOMINFO] = { NULL }; char buffer[OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE]; struct osp_results results; const char* status; char* tmp; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(exten); AST_APP_ARG(provider); AST_APP_ARG(options); ); if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSPLookup: Arg required, OSPLookup(exten[|provider[|options]])\n"); return -1; } if (!(tmp = ast_strdupa(data))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, tmp); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: exten '%s'\n", args.exten); if (!ast_strlen_zero(args.provider)) { provider = args.provider; } ast_debug(1, "OSPlookup: provider '%s'\n", provider); if (args.options) { if (strchr(args.options, 'h')) { callidtypes |= OSP_CALLID_H323; } if (strchr(args.options, 's')) { callidtypes |= OSP_CALLID_SIP; } if (strchr(args.options, 'i')) { callidtypes |= OSP_CALLID_IAX; } } ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: call id types '%d'\n", callidtypes); np.rn = ""; np.cic = ""; np.npdi = 0; div.user = ""; div.host = ""; results.inhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; results.intimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; headp = &chan->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(headp, current, entries) { if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINPEERIP")) { srcdev = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINHANDLE")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &results.inhandle) != 1) { results.inhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINTIMELIMIT")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &results.intimelimit) != 1) { results.intimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINNETWORKID")) { snetid = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINNPRN")) { np.rn = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINNPCIC")) { np.cic = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINNPDI")) { if (ast_true(ast_var_value(current))) { np.npdi = 1; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINDIVUSER")) { div.user = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINDIVHOST")) { div.host = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO1")) { cinfo[0] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO2")) { cinfo[1] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO3")) { cinfo[2] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO4")) { cinfo[3] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO5")) { cinfo[4] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO6")) { cinfo[5] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO7")) { cinfo[6] = ast_var_value(current); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINCUSTOMINFO8")) { cinfo[7] = ast_var_value(current); } } ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: source device '%s'\n", srcdev); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINHANDLE '%d'\n", results.inhandle); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINTIMELIMIT '%d'\n", results.intimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINNETWORKID '%s'\n", snetid); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINNPRN '%s'\n", np.rn); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINNPCIC '%s'\n", np.cic); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINNPDI '%d'\n", np.npdi); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINDIVUSER '%s'\n", div.user); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINDIVHOST'%s'\n", div.host); for (i = 0; i < OSP_MAX_CUSTOMINFO; i++) { if (!ast_strlen_zero(cinfo[i])) { ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPINCUSTOMINFO%d '%s'\n", i, cinfo[i]); } } if ((cres = ast_autoservice_start(chan)) < 0) { return -1; } if ((res = osp_lookup(provider, callidtypes, srcdev, chan->cid.cid_num, args.exten, snetid, &np, &div, cinfo, &results)) > 0) { status = AST_OSP_SUCCESS; } else { results.tech[0] = '\0'; results.dest[0] = '\0'; results.calling[0] = '\0'; results.called[0] = '\0'; results.token[0] = '\0'; results.networkid[0] = '\0'; results.nprn[0] = '\0'; results.npcic[0] = '\0'; results.npdi = 0; results.numresults = 0; results.outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; results.outcallid.buf[0] = '\0'; results.outcallid.len = 0; if (!res) { status = AST_OSP_FAILED; } else { status = AST_OSP_ERROR; } } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.outhandle); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTHANDLE", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTHANDLE '%s'\n", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTTECH", results.tech); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTTECH '%s'\n", results.tech); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDESTINATION", results.dest); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPDESTINATION '%s'\n", results.dest); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLING", results.calling); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTCALLING '%s'\n", results.calling); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLED", results.called); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTCALLED '%s'\n", results.called); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNETWORKID", results.networkid); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNETWORKID '%s'\n", results.networkid); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNPRN", results.nprn); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNPRN '%s'\n", results.nprn); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNPCIC", results.npcic); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNPCIC '%s'\n", results.npcic); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.npdi); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNPDI", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNPDI'%s'\n", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTTOKEN", results.token); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTTOKEN size '%zd'\n", strlen(results.token)); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.numresults); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDESTREMAILS", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPDESTREMAILS '%s'\n", buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.outtimelimit); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTTIMELIMIT", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTTIMELIMIT '%s'\n", buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", callidtypes); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLIDTYPES", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTCALLIDTYPES '%s'\n", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPLOOKUPSTATUS", status); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: %s\n", status); if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_SIP)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s@%s", results.tech, results.called, results.dest); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); if (!ast_strlen_zero(results.token)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s", OSP_SIP_HEADER, results.token); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "_SIPADDHEADER", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: SIPADDHEADER size '%zd'\n", strlen(buffer)); } } else if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_H323)) { if ((callidtypes & OSP_CALLID_H323) && (results.outcallid.len != 0)) { osp_uuid2str(results.outcallid.buf, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } else { buffer[0] = '\0'; } pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLID", buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s@%s", results.tech, results.called, results.dest); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); } else if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_IAX)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s/%s", results.tech, results.dest, results.called); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); } else if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_SKYPE)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", results.tech, results.called); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); } if ((cres = ast_autoservice_stop(chan)) < 0) { return -1; } if(res <= 0) { res = -1; } else { res = 0; } return res; } /*! * \brief OSP Application OSPNext * \param chan Channel * \param data Parameter * \return 0 Success, -1 Failed */ static int ospnext_exec( struct ast_channel* chan, const char * data) { int res; const char* provider = OSP_DEF_PROVIDER; int cause = 0; struct varshead* headp; struct ast_var_t* current; struct osp_results results; char buffer[OSP_TOKSTR_SIZE]; unsigned int callidtypes = OSP_CALLID_UNDEFINED; const char* status; char* tmp; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(cause); AST_APP_ARG(provider); AST_APP_ARG(options); ); if (ast_strlen_zero(data)) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSPNext: Arg required, OSPNext(cause[|provider[|options]])\n"); return -1; } if (!(tmp = ast_strdupa(data))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, tmp); if (!ast_strlen_zero(args.cause) && sscanf(args.cause, "%30d", &cause) != 1) { cause = 0; } ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: cause '%d'\n", cause); if (!ast_strlen_zero(args.provider)) { provider = args.provider; } ast_debug(1, "OSPlookup: provider '%s'\n", provider); results.inhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; results.outhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; results.intimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; results.numresults = 0; headp = &chan->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(headp, current, entries) { if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINHANDLE")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &results.inhandle) != 1) { results.inhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPOUTHANDLE")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &results.outhandle) != 1) { results.outhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINTIMELIMIT")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &results.intimelimit) != 1) { results.intimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPOUTCALLIDTYPES")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &callidtypes) != 1) { callidtypes = OSP_CALLID_UNDEFINED; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPDESTREMAILS")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &results.numresults) != 1) { results.numresults = 0; } } } ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPINHANDLE '%d'\n", results.inhandle); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTHANDLE '%d'\n", results.outhandle); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPINTIMELIMIT '%d'\n", results.intimelimit); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTCALLIDTYPES '%d'\n", callidtypes); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPDESTREMAILS '%d'\n", results.numresults); if ((res = osp_next(provider, cause, &results)) > 0) { status = AST_OSP_SUCCESS; } else { results.tech[0] = '\0'; results.dest[0] = '\0'; results.calling[0] = '\0'; results.called[0] = '\0'; results.token[0] = '\0'; results.networkid[0] = '\0'; results.nprn[0] = '\0'; results.npcic[0] = '\0'; results.npdi = 0; results.numresults = 0; results.outtimelimit = OSP_DEF_TIMELIMIT; results.outcallid.buf[0] = '\0'; results.outcallid.len = 0; if (!res) { status = AST_OSP_FAILED; } else { status = AST_OSP_ERROR; } } pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTTECH", results.tech); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTTECH '%s'\n", results.tech); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDESTINATION", results.dest); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPDESTINATION '%s'\n", results.dest); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLING", results.calling); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTCALLING '%s'\n", results.calling); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLED", results.called); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTCALLED'%s'\n", results.called); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNETWORKID", results.networkid); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNETWORKID '%s'\n", results.networkid); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNPRN", results.nprn); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNPRN '%s'\n", results.nprn); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNPCIC", results.npcic); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNPCIC '%s'\n", results.npcic); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.npdi); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTNPDI", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: OSPOUTNPDI'%s'\n", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTTOKEN", results.token); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTTOKEN size '%zd'\n", strlen(results.token)); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.numresults); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDESTREMAILS", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPDESTREMAILS '%s'\n", buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", results.outtimelimit); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTTIMELIMIT", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: OSPOUTTIMELIMIT '%s'\n", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPNEXTSTATUS", status); ast_debug(1, "OSPNext: %s\n", status); if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_SIP)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s@%s", results.tech, results.called, results.dest); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); if (!ast_strlen_zero(results.token)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s", OSP_SIP_HEADER, results.token); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "_SIPADDHEADER", buffer); ast_debug(1, "OSPLookup: SIPADDHEADER size '%zd'\n", strlen(buffer)); } } else if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_H323)) { if ((callidtypes & OSP_CALLID_H323) && (results.outcallid.len != 0)) { osp_uuid2str(results.outcallid.buf, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); } else { buffer[0] = '\0'; } pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTCALLID", buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s@%s", results.tech, results.called, results.dest); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); } else if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_IAX)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s/%s", results.tech, results.dest, results.called); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); } else if (!strcasecmp(results.tech, OSP_TECH_SKYPE)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s/%s", results.tech, results.called); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPDIALSTR", buffer); } if(res <= 0) { res = -1; } else { res = 0; } return res; } /*! * \brief OSP Application OSPFinish * \param chan Channel * \param data Parameter * \return 0 Success, -1 Failed */ static int ospfinished_exec( struct ast_channel* chan, const char * data) { int res = 1; int cause = 0; struct varshead* headp; struct ast_var_t* current; int inhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; int outhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; int recorded = 0; time_t start, connect, end; unsigned int release; char buffer[OSP_INTSTR_SIZE]; char inqos[OSP_QOSSTR_SIZE] = { 0 }; char outqos[OSP_QOSSTR_SIZE] = { 0 }; const char* status; char* tmp; AST_DECLARE_APP_ARGS(args, AST_APP_ARG(cause); AST_APP_ARG(options); ); if (!(tmp = ast_strdupa(data))) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Out of memory\n"); return -1; } AST_STANDARD_APP_ARGS(args, tmp); headp = &chan->varshead; AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(headp, current, entries) { if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINHANDLE")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &inhandle) != 1) { inhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPOUTHANDLE")) { if (sscanf(ast_var_value(current), "%30d", &outhandle) != 1) { outhandle = OSP_INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (!recorded && (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPAUTHSTATUS") || !strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPLOOKUPSTATUS") || !strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPNEXTSTATUS"))) { if (strcasecmp(ast_var_value(current), AST_OSP_SUCCESS)) { recorded = 1; } } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPINAUDIOQOS")) { ast_copy_string(inqos, ast_var_value(current), sizeof(inqos)); } else if (!strcasecmp(ast_var_name(current), "OSPOUTAUDIOQOS")) { ast_copy_string(outqos, ast_var_value(current), sizeof(outqos)); } } ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: OSPINHANDLE '%d'\n", inhandle); ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: OSPOUTHANDLE '%d'\n", outhandle); ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: recorded '%d'\n", recorded); ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: OSPINAUDIOQOS '%s'\n", inqos); ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: OSPOUTAUDIOQOS '%s'\n", outqos); if (!ast_strlen_zero(args.cause) && sscanf(args.cause, "%30d", &cause) != 1) { cause = 0; } ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: cause '%d'\n", cause); if (chan->cdr) { start = chan->cdr->start.tv_sec; connect = chan->cdr->answer.tv_sec; if (connect) { end = time(NULL); } else { end = connect; } } else { start = 0; connect = 0; end = 0; } ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: start '%ld'\n", start); ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: connect '%ld'\n", connect); ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: end '%ld'\n", end); release = ast_check_hangup(chan) ? 0 : 1; if (osp_finish(outhandle, recorded, cause, start, connect, end, release, inqos, outqos) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: Unable to report usage for outbound call\n"); } switch (cause) { case AST_CAUSE_NORMAL_CLEARING: break; default: cause = AST_CAUSE_NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION; break; } if (osp_finish(inhandle, recorded, cause, start, connect, end, release, inqos, outqos) <= 0) { ast_debug(1, "OSPFinish: Unable to report usage for inbound call\n"); } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", OSP_INVALID_HANDLE); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPOUTHANDLE", buffer); pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPINHANDLE", buffer); if (res > 0) { status = AST_OSP_SUCCESS; } else if (!res) { status = AST_OSP_FAILED; } else { status = AST_OSP_ERROR; } pbx_builtin_setvar_helper(chan, "OSPFINISHSTATUS", status); if(!res) { res = -1; } else { res = 0; } return res; } /* OSP Module APIs */ static int osp_unload(void); static int osp_load(int reload) { const char* t; unsigned int v; struct ast_config* cfg; struct ast_flags config_flags = { reload ? CONFIG_FLAG_FILEUNCHANGED : 0 }; int error = OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR; if ((cfg = ast_config_load(OSP_CONFIG_FILE, config_flags)) == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEUNCHANGED) { return 0; } else if (cfg == CONFIG_STATUS_FILEINVALID) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Config file %s is in an invalid format. Aborting.\n", OSP_CONFIG_FILE); return 0; } if (cfg) { if (reload) osp_unload(); t = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, OSP_GENERAL_CAT, "accelerate"); if (t && ast_true(t)) { if ((error = OSPPInit(1)) != OSPC_ERR_NO_ERROR) { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to enable hardware accelleration\n"); OSPPInit(0); } else { osp_hardware = 1; } } else { OSPPInit(0); } ast_debug(1, "OSP: osp_hardware '%d'\n", osp_hardware); t = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, OSP_GENERAL_CAT, "securityfeatures"); if (t && ast_true(t)) { osp_security = 1; } ast_debug(1, "OSP: osp_security '%d'\n", osp_security); t = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, OSP_GENERAL_CAT, "tokenformat"); if (t) { if ((sscanf(t, "%30d", &v) == 1) && ((v == TOKEN_ALGO_SIGNED) || (v == TOKEN_ALGO_UNSIGNED) || (v == TOKEN_ALGO_BOTH))) { osp_tokenformat = v; } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "tokenformat should be an integer from %d, %d or %d, not '%s'\n", TOKEN_ALGO_SIGNED, TOKEN_ALGO_UNSIGNED, TOKEN_ALGO_BOTH, t); } } ast_debug(1, "OSP: osp_tokenformat '%d'\n", osp_tokenformat); t = ast_category_browse(cfg, NULL); while(t) { if (strcasecmp(t, OSP_GENERAL_CAT)) { osp_create_provider(cfg, t); } t = ast_category_browse(cfg, t); } osp_initialized = 1; ast_config_destroy(cfg); } else { ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "OSP: Unable to find configuration. OSP support disabled\n"); return 0; } ast_debug(1, "OSP: osp_initialized '%d'\n", osp_initialized); return 1; } static int osp_unload(void) { struct osp_provider* p; struct osp_provider* next; if (osp_initialized) { ast_mutex_lock(&osplock); p = ospproviders; while(p) { next = p->next; OSPPProviderDelete(p->handle, 0); ast_free(p); p = next; } ospproviders = NULL; ast_mutex_unlock(&osplock); OSPPCleanup(); osp_tokenformat = TOKEN_ALGO_SIGNED; osp_security = 0; osp_hardware = 0; osp_initialized = 0; } return 0; } static char *handle_cli_osp_show(struct ast_cli_entry *e, int cmd, struct ast_cli_args *a) { int i; int found = 0; struct osp_provider* p; const char* provider = NULL; const char* tokenalgo; switch (cmd) { case CLI_INIT: e->command = "osp show"; e->usage = "Usage: osp show\n" " Displays information on Open Settlement Protocol support\n"; return NULL; case CLI_GENERATE: return NULL; } if ((a->argc < 2) || (a->argc > 3)) return CLI_SHOWUSAGE; if (a->argc > 2) provider = a->argv[2]; if (!provider) { switch (osp_tokenformat) { case TOKEN_ALGO_BOTH: tokenalgo = "Both"; break; case TOKEN_ALGO_UNSIGNED: tokenalgo = "Unsigned"; break; case TOKEN_ALGO_SIGNED: default: tokenalgo = "Signed"; break; } ast_cli(a->fd, "OSP: %s/%s/%s/%s\n", osp_initialized ? "Initialized" : "Uninitialized", osp_hardware ? "Accelerated" : "Normal", osp_security ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", tokenalgo); } ast_mutex_lock(&osplock); p = ospproviders; while(p) { if (!provider || !strcasecmp(p->name, provider)) { if (found) { ast_cli(a->fd, "\n"); } ast_cli(a->fd, " == OSP Provider '%s' == \n", p->name); if (osp_security) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Local Private Key: %s\n", p->privatekey); ast_cli(a->fd, "Local Certificate: %s\n", p->localcert); for (i = 0; i < p->cacount; i++) { ast_cli(a->fd, "CA Certificate %d: %s\n", i + 1, p->cacerts[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < p->spcount; i++) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Service Point %d: %s\n", i + 1, p->srvpoints[i]); } ast_cli(a->fd, "Max Connections: %d\n", p->maxconnections); ast_cli(a->fd, "Retry Delay: %d seconds\n", p->retrydelay); ast_cli(a->fd, "Retry Limit: %d\n", p->retrylimit); ast_cli(a->fd, "Timeout: %d milliseconds\n", p->timeout); ast_cli(a->fd, "Source: %s\n", strlen(p->source) ? p->source : ""); ast_cli(a->fd, "Auth Policy %d\n", p->authpolicy); ast_cli(a->fd, "Default protocol %s\n", p->defaultprotocol); ast_cli(a->fd, "OSP Handle: %d\n", p->handle); found++; } p = p->next; } ast_mutex_unlock(&osplock); if (!found) { if (provider) { ast_cli(a->fd, "Unable to find OSP provider '%s'\n", provider); } else { ast_cli(a->fd, "No OSP providers configured\n"); } } return CLI_SUCCESS; } /* OSPAuth() dialplan application */ static const char app1[] = "OSPAuth"; /* OSPLookup() dialplan application */ static const char app2[] = "OSPLookup"; /* OSPNext() dialplan application */ static const char app3[] = "OSPNext"; /* OSPFinish() dialplan application */ static const char app4[] = "OSPFinish"; static struct ast_cli_entry cli_osp[] = { AST_CLI_DEFINE(handle_cli_osp_show, "Displays OSF information") }; static int load_module(void) { int res; if (!osp_load(0)) return AST_MODULE_LOAD_DECLINE; ast_cli_register_multiple(cli_osp, sizeof(cli_osp) / sizeof(struct ast_cli_entry)); res = ast_register_application_xml(app1, ospauth_exec); res |= ast_register_application_xml(app2, osplookup_exec); res |= ast_register_application_xml(app3, ospnext_exec); res |= ast_register_application_xml(app4, ospfinished_exec); return res; } static int unload_module(void) { int res; res = ast_unregister_application(app4); res |= ast_unregister_application(app3); res |= ast_unregister_application(app2); res |= ast_unregister_application(app1); ast_cli_unregister_multiple(cli_osp, sizeof(cli_osp) / sizeof(struct ast_cli_entry)); osp_unload(); return res; } static int reload(void) { osp_load(1); return 0; } AST_MODULE_INFO(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, AST_MODFLAG_DEFAULT, "Open Settlement Protocol Applications", .load = load_module, .unload = unload_module, .reload = reload, );