#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ ( ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} == 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} > 1 ) || ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} > 4 ]] ; then shopt -s compat41 fi set -e ASTTOPDIR=${ASTTOPDIR:-.} module_name=$1 if [[ -z ${module_name} ]] ; then echo "You must supply a module name." exit 64 fi tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) if [[ -z "${tmpdir}" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Unable to create temporary directory." exit 1 fi trap "rm -rf ${tmpdir}" EXIT sed -r -e "s/^([^ =]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/\1=\"\2\"/g" ${ASTTOPDIR}/makeopts >${tmpdir}/makeopts source ${tmpdir}/makeopts if [[ -z "${ASTMODDIR}" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Unable to parse ${ASTTOPDIR}/makeopts." exit 1 fi XMLSTARLET=${XMLSTARLET:-xmlstarlet} if [[ "${XMLSTARLET}" = ":" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: The externals downloader requires xmlstarlet to be installed." exit 1 fi cache_dir="${EXTERNALS_CACHE_DIR}" if [[ -z ${cache_dir} ]] ; then cache_dir=${tmpdir} fi version=$(${ASTTOPDIR}/build_tools/make_version ${ASTTOPDIR}) if [[ ! ${version} =~ ^(GIT-)?([^.-]+)[.-].* ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Couldn't parse version ${version}" exit 1 fi major_version=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} if [[ "${major_version}" == "master" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: External module downloading is not available in the 'master' git branch. Please disable in menuselect and download manually." exit 1 fi major_version=${major_version}.0 if [[ "${HOST_CPU}" = "x86_64" ]] ; then host_bits=64 else host_bits=32 fi remote_url=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/menu/category/member[@name = '${module_name}']/member_data/downloader/@remote_url" ${ASTTOPDIR}/menuselect-tree || :) if [[ -n "${remote_url}" ]] ; then remote_url="${remote_url}/asterisk-${major_version}/x86-${host_bits}" else directory_name=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/menu/category/member[@name = '${module_name}']/member_data/downloader/@directory_name" ${ASTTOPDIR}/menuselect-tree || :) remote_url="http://downloads.digium.com/pub/telephony/${directory_name:-${module_name}}/asterisk-${major_version}/x86-${host_bits}" fi version_convert() { local v=${1##*_} if [[ ${v} =~ ([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+) ]] ; then v=$(( ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}<<18 | ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}<<9 | ${BASH_REMATCH[3]} )) fi echo ${v} } ${WGET} -q -O ${tmpdir}/manifest.xml ${remote_url}/manifest.xml || { echo "${module_name}: Unable to fetch ${remote_url}/manifest.xml" exit 1 } rpv=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/package/@version" ${tmpdir}/manifest.xml) rpvi=$(version_convert ${rpv}) echo "${module_name}: Remote package version ${rpv} (${rpvi})" module_dir=${module_name}-${rpv}-x86_${host_bits} tarball=${module_dir}.tar.gz export need_install=0 if [[ -f ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/${module_name}.manifest.xml ]] ; then package_arch=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/package/@arch" ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/${module_name}.manifest.xml) ipv=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/package/@version" ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/${module_name}.manifest.xml) ipvi=$(version_convert ${ipv}) ip_major=${ipv%_*} echo "${module_name}: Installed package version ${ipv} (${ipvi})" if [[ "${ip_major}" != "${major_version}" || "${package_arch}" != "x86_${host_bits}" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: The installed package is not for this version of Asterisk. Reinstalling." need_install=1 elif [[ ${rpvi} > ${ipvi} ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: A newer package is available" need_install=1 else sums=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -m "//file" -v "@md5sum" -n ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/${module_name}.manifest.xml) for sum in ${sums} ; do install_path=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "//file[@md5sum = '${sum}']/@install_path" ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/${module_name}.manifest.xml ) f=${DESTDIR}$(eval echo ${install_path}) if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then echo Not found: ${f} need_install=1 else cs=$(md5sum ${f} | cut -b1-32) if [[ "${cs}" != "${sum}" ]] ; then echo Checksum mismatch: ${f} need_install=1 fi fi done fi else need_install=1 fi if [[ ${need_install} == 1 ]] ; then if [[ ( -n "${ipvi}" ) && ${ipvi} > ${rpvi} ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Installed package is newer than that available for download." exit 0 fi else echo "${module_name} is up to date." exit 0; fi need_download=1 if [[ -f ${cache_dir}/${module_name}.manifest.xml ]] ; then cpv=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/package/@version" ${cache_dir}/${module_name}.manifest.xml) cpvi=$(version_convert ${cpv}) echo "${module_name}: Cached package version ${cpv} (${cpvi})" if [[ ${cpvi} == ${rpvi} && ( -f ${cache_dir}/${tarball} ) ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Cached version is available." need_download=0 fi fi if [[ ${need_download} = 1 ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Downloading ${remote_url}/${tarball}" ${WGET} -q -O ${cache_dir}/${tarball} ${remote_url}/${tarball} || { echo "${module_name}: Unable to fetch ${remote_url}/${tarball}" exit 1 } cp ${tmpdir}/manifest.xml ${cache_dir}/${module_name}.manifest.xml fi tar -xzf ${cache_dir}/${tarball} -C ${cache_dir} trap "rm -rf ${cache_dir}/${module_dir} ; rm -rf ${tmpdir}" EXIT echo "${module_name}: Installing." if [[ $EUID == 0 ]] ; then install_params="--group=0 --owner=0" fi names=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -m "//file" -v "@name" -n ${cache_dir}/${module_dir}/manifest.xml) for name in ${names} ; do source_path=${cache_dir}/${module_dir}/${name} install_path=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "//file[@name = '${name}']/@install_path" ${cache_dir}/${module_dir}/manifest.xml) install_path=${DESTDIR}$(eval echo ${install_path}) executable=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "//file[@name = '${name}']/@executable" ${cache_dir}/${module_dir}/manifest.xml || :) if [[ "${executable}" = "yes" ]] ; then mode=0755 else mode=0644 fi ${INSTALL} -Dp ${install_params} --mode=${mode} ${source_path} ${install_path} done ${INSTALL} -Dp ${install_params} --mode=0644 ${cache_dir}/${module_dir}/manifest.xml ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/${module_name}.manifest.xml echo "${module_name}: Installed."