#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ ( ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} == 4 && ${BASH_VERSINFO[1]} > 1 ) || ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} > 4 ]] ; then shopt -s compat41 fi set -e ASTTOPDIR=${ASTTOPDIR:-.} tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) if [[ -z "${tmpdir}" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Unable to create temporary directory." exit 1 fi trap "rm -rf ${tmpdir}" EXIT # We have to pre-process the makeopts file so it will be parsable by bash # Surround values with double quotes # Convert make $(or) functions to bash ${name:-value} sed -r -e "s/^([^ =]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/\1=\"\2\"/g" \ -e 's/^([^ =]+)="\$\(or ([^,]*),([^)]+)\)"/_tmp="\2"\n\1="${_tmp:-\3}"/g' ${ASTTOPDIR}/makeopts >${tmpdir}/makeopts source ${tmpdir}/makeopts if [[ -z "${ASTMODDIR}" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Unable to parse ${ASTTOPDIR}/makeopts." exit 1 fi XMLSTARLET=${XMLSTARLET:-xmlstarlet} if [[ "${XMLSTARLET}" = ":" ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: The externals downloader requires xmlstarlet to be installed." exit 1 fi version=$(${ASTTOPDIR}/build_tools/make_version ${ASTTOPDIR}) if [[ ! ${version} =~ ^(GIT-)?([^.-]+)[.-].* ]] ; then echo "${module_name}: Couldn't parse version ${version}" exit 1 fi major_version=${BASH_REMATCH[2]}.0 if [[ "${HOST_CPU}" = "x86_64" ]] ; then host_bits=64 else host_bits=32 fi names="" for manifest in ${DESTDIR}${ASTMODDIR}/*.manifest.xml ; do if [ ! -f "$manifest" ] ; then break fi package_version=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/package/@version" ${manifest}) package_major_version=${package_version%_*} package_arch=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -v "/package/@arch" ${manifest}) if [[ "$package_major_version" = "$major_version" && "${package_arch}" = "x86_${host_bits}" ]] ; then names+=$(${XMLSTARLET} sel -t -m "//file[@executable = 'yes']" -v "concat(@name, ' ')" ${manifest}) fi done echo $names