[general] ; ; Define whether callbacklogins should be stored in astdb for ; persistence. Persistent logins will be reloaded after ; Asterisk restarts. ; persistentagents=yes ; ; Agent configuration ; ; [agents] ; ; Define autologoff times if appropriate. This is how long ; the phone has to ring with no answer before the agent is ; automatically logged off (in seconds) ; ;autologoff=15 ; ; Define ackcall to require an acknowledgement by '#' when ; an agent logs in using agentcallbacklogin. Default is "yes". ; ;ackcall=yes ; ; Define wrapuptime. This is the minimum amount of time when ; after disconnecting before the caller can receive a new call ; note this is in milliseconds. ; ;wrapuptime=5000 ; ; Define the default musiconhold for agents ; musiconhold => music_class ; ;musiconhold => default ; ; Define updatecdr. This is whether or not to change the source ; channel in the CDR record for this call to agent/agent_id so ; that we know which agent generates the call ; ;updatecdr=no ; ; Group memberships for agents (may change in mid-file) ; ;group=3 ;group=1,2 ;group= ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; This section is devoted to recording agent's calls ; The keywords are global to the chan_agent channel driver ; ; Enable recording calls addressed to agents. It's turned off by default. ;recordagentcalls=yes ; ; The format to be used to record the calls: wav, gsm, wav49. ; By default its "wav". ;recordformat=gsm ; ; Insert into CDR userfield a name of the the created recording ; By default it's turned off. ;createlink=yes ; ; The text to be added to the name of the recording. Allows forming a url link. ;urlprefix=http://localhost/calls/ ; ; The optional directory to save the conversations in. The default is ; /var/spool/asterisk/monitor ;savecallsin=/var/calls ; ; An optional custom beep sound file to play to always-connected agents. ;custom_beep=beep ; ; -------------------------------------------------- ; ; This section contains the agent definitions, in the form: ; ; agent => agentid,agentpassword,name ; ;agent => 1001,4321,Mark Spencer ;agent => 1002,4321,Will Meadows