; initial_silence: Maximum silence duration before the greeting. ; If exceeded then MACHINE. ; greeting: Maximum length of a greeting. If exceeded then MACHINE. ; after_greeting_silence: Silence after detecting a greeting. ; If exceeded then HUMAN ; total_analysis_time: Maximum time allowed for the algorithm to decide ; on a HUMAN or PERSON ; min_word_length: Minimum duration of Voice to considered as a word ; between_words_silence: Minimum duration of silence after a word to consider ; the audio what follows as a new word ; maximum_number_of_words: Maximum number of words in the greeting. ; If exceeded then MACHINE [general] initial_silence = 2500 greeting = 1500 after_greeting_silence = 300 total_analysis_time = 5000 min_word_length = 120 between_words_silence = 50 maximum_number_of_words = 2 silence_threshold = 256