; ; Asterisk Call Detail Record engine configuration ; ; CDR is Call Detail Record, which provides logging services via a variety of ; pluggable backend modules. Detailed call information can be recorded to ; databases, files, etc. Useful for billing, fraud prevention, compliance with ; Sarbanes-Oxley aka The Enron Act, QOS evaluations, and more. ; [general] ; Define whether or not to use CDR logging. Setting this to "no" will override ; any loading of backend CDR modules. Default is "yes". ;enable=yes ; Define the CDR batch mode, where instead of posting the CDR at the end of ; every call, the data will be stored in a buffer to help alleviate load on the ; asterisk server. Default is "no". ; ; WARNING WARNING WARNING ; Use of batch mode may result in data loss after unsafe asterisk termination ; ie. software crash, power failure, kill -9, etc. ; WARNING WARNING WARNING ; ;batch=no ; Define the maximum number of CDRs to accumulate in the buffer before posting ; them to the backend engines. 'batch' must be set to 'yes'. Default is 100. ;size=100 ; Define the maximum time to accumulate CDRs in the buffer before posting them ; to the backend engines. If this time limit is reached, then it will post the ; records, regardless of the value defined for 'size'. 'batch' must be set to ; 'yes'. Note that time is in seconds. Default is 300 (5 minutes). ;time=300 ; The CDR engine uses the internal asterisk scheduler to determine when to post ; records. Posting can either occure inside the scheduler thread, or a new ; thread can be spawned for the submission of every batch. For small batches, ; it might be acceptable to just use the scheduler thread, so set this to "yes". ; For large batches, say anything over size=10, a new thread is recommended, so ; set this to "no". Default is "no". ;scheduleronly=no ; When shutting down asterisk, you can block until the CDRs are submitted. If ; you don't, then data will likely be lost. You can always check the size of ; the CDR batch buffer with the CLI "cdr status" command. To enable blocking on ; submission of CDR data during asterisk shutdown, set this to "yes". Default ; is "yes". ;safeshutdown=yes ; ;[csv] ;usegmtime=yes ;log date/time in GMT ;loguniqueid=yes ;log uniqueid ;loguserfield=yes ;log user field