; ; This configuration defines the connections and tables for which CDRs may ; be populated. Each context specifies a different CDR table to be used. ; ; The columns in the tables should match up word-for-word (case-insensitive) ; to the CDR variables set in the dialplan. The natural advantage to this ; system is that beyond setting up the configuration file to tell you what ; tables to look at, there isn't anything more to do beyond creating the ; columns for the fields that you want, and populating the corresponding ; CDR variables in the dialplan. For the builtin variables only, you may ; create aliases for the real column name. ; ; Please note that after adding columns to the database, it is necessary to ; reload this module to get the new column names and types read. ; ; Warning: if you specify two contexts with exactly the same connection and ; table names, you will get duplicate records in that table. So be careful. ; ;[first] ;connection=mysql1 ;table=cdr ;[second] ;connection=mysql1 ;table=extracdr ;[third] ;connection=sqlserver ;table=AsteriskCDR ;alias src => source ;alias channel => source_channel ;alias dst => dest ;alias dstchannel => dest_channel