; ; This configuration defines the connections and tables for which CEL records may ; be populated. Each context specifies a different CEL table to be used. ; ; The columns in the tables should match up word-for-word (case-insensitive) ; to the CEL variables set in the dialplan. The natural advantage to this ; system is that beyond setting up the configuration file to tell you what ; tables to look at, there isn't anything more to do beyond creating the ; columns for the fields that you want, and populating the corresponding ; CEL variables in the dialplan. ; ; Please note that after adding columns to the database, it is necessary to ; reload this module to get the new column names and types read. ; ; Warning: if you specify two contexts with exactly the same connection and ; table names, you will get duplicate records in that table. So be careful. ; ; CEL FIELDS: ; eventtype ; CEL_CHANNEL_START = 1 ; CEL_CHANNEL_END = 2 ; CEL_HANGUP = 3 ; CEL_ANSWER = 4 ; CEL_APP_START = 5 ; CEL_APP_END = 6 ; CEL_BRIDGE_START = 7 ; CEL_BRIDGE_END = 8 ; CEL_CONF_START = 9 ; CEL_CONF_END = 10 ; CEL_PARK_START = 11 ; CEL_PARK_END = 12 ; CEL_BLINDTRANSFER = 13 ; CEL_ATTENDEDTRANSFER = 14 ; CEL_TRANSFER = 15 ; CEL_HOOKFLASH = 16 ; CEL_3WAY_START = 17 ; CEL_3WAY_END = 18 ; CEL_CONF_ENTER = 19 ; CEL_CONF_EXIT = 20 ; CEL_USER_DEFINED = 21 ; CEL_LINKEDID_END = 22 ; CEL_BRIDGE_UPDATE = 23 ; CEL_PICKUP = 24 ; CEL_FORWARD = 25 ; eventtime (timeval, includes microseconds) ; userdeftype (set only if eventtype == USER_DEFINED) ; cid_name ; cid_num ; cid_ani ; cid_rdnis ; cid_dnid ; exten ; context ; channame ; appname ; appdata ; accountcode ; peeraccount ; uniqueid ; linkedid ; amaflag (an int) ; userfield ; peer ;[first] ;connection=mysql1 ;table=cel ;[second] ;connection=mysql1 ;table=extracel ;[third] ;connection=sqlserver ;table=AsteriskCEL ;usegmtime=yes ; defaults to no ;alias src => source ;alias channel => source_channel ;alias dst => dest ;alias dstchannel => dest_channel ; ; Any filter specified MUST match exactly or the CDR will be discarded ;filter accountcode => somename ;filter src => 123 ; ; Additionally, we now support setting static values per column. Reason ; for this is to allow different sections to specify different values for ; a certain named column, presumably separated by filters. ;static "Some Special Value" => identifier_code ; On Wednesday 10 September 2008 21:11:16 Tilghman Lesher wrote: ; (this module patterned after the CDR module) ; I thought that the sample cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf was rather clear, but ; apparently not. The point of this module is to allow you log whatever you ; like in terms of the CDR variables. Do you want to log uniqueid? Then simply ; ensure that your table has that column. If you don't want the column, ensure ; that it does not exist in the table structure. If you'd like to call uniqueid ; something else in your table, simply provide an alias in the configuration ; file that maps the standard CDR field name (uniqueid) to whatever column ; name you like.