; ; Asterisk Channel Event Logging (CEL) - SQLite 3 Backend ; ; ; Mappings for sqlite3 config file ; ; Within a mapping, use the CALLERID() and CHANNEL() functions to retrieve ; details from the CEL event. There are also a few variables created by this ; module that can be used in a mapping: ; ; eventtype - The name of the CEL event. ; eventtime - The timestamp of the CEL event. ; userdeftype - User defined event type name from CELGenUserEvent(). ; eventextra - Extra data included with this CEL event, typically along with ; an event of type USER_DEFINED from CELGenUserEvent(). ; BRIDGEPEER - Bridged peer channel name at the time of the CEL event. ; CHANNEL(peer) could also be used. ; ;[master] ; currently, only file "master.db" is supported, with only one table at a time. ;table => cel ;columns => eventtype, eventtime, cidname, cidnum, cidani, cidrdnis, ciddnid, context, exten, channame, appname, appdata, amaflags, accountcode, uniqueid, userfield, peer, userdeftype, eventextra ;values => '${eventtype}','${eventtime}','${CALLERID(name)}','${CALLERID(num)}','${CALLERID(ANI)}','${CALLERID(RDNIS)}','${CALLERID(DNID)}','${CHANNEL(context)}','${CHANNEL(exten)}','${CHANNEL(channame)}','${CHANNEL(appname)}','${CHANNEL(appdata)}','${CHANNEL(amaflags)}','${CHANNEL(accountcode)}','${CHANNEL(uniqueid)}','${CHANNEL(userfield)}','${BRIDGEPEER}','${userdeftype}','${eventextra}'