; ; Static indications configuration files, used by ; the pbx_indications module. ; ; The "general" category is for certain variables. All other categories ; are interpreted as indication countries ; ; Please note that there are NOT spaces allowed in lists! ; [general] country=us ; [example] ; description = string ; The full name of your country, in English ; alias = iso[,iso]* ; List of other countries 2-letter iso codes, which have the same ; tone indications. ; ringcadance = num[,num]* ; List of durations the physical bell rings. ; dial = tonelist ; Set of tones to be played when one picks up the hook. ; busy = tonelist ; Set of tones played when the receiving end is busy. ; congestion = tonelist ; Set of tones played when the is some congestion (on the network?) ; callwaiting = tonelist ; Set of tones played when there is a callwaiting in the background. ; dialrecall = tonelist ; Set of tones played when there is somebody ??? ; record = tonelist ; Set of tones played whenver we feel like it ??? ; info = tonelist ; Set of tones played when information is to be tranfered? ; every other variable will be available as a shortcut for the "PlayList" command ; but will not automaticly be used by Asterisk. ; ; The tonelist itself is defined by a sequence of elements, seperated by ,'s. ; Each element consist of a frequency (f) with a possible frequency attached ; (f1+f2) to it. Behind the frequency there is an optional duration, in ; milliseconds. If the element starts with a !, that element is NOT repeat, ; so only if all elements start with !, the tonelist is time-limited, all ; others will repeat indefinitly. ; ; In tech-talk: ; tonelist = element[,element]* ; element = [!]freq[+freq2][/duration] [us] description = United States / North America ringcadance = 2000,4000 dial = 350+440 busy = 480+620/500,0/500 ring = 440+480/2000,0/4000 congestion = 480+620/250,0/250 callwaiting = 440/300,0/10000 dialrecall = !350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440 record = 1400/500,0/15000 info = !950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0 [au] description = Australia ringcadance = 400,200,400,2000 ; XXX Dialtone: Should be modulated, not added XXX dial = 425+25 busy = 400/375,0/375 ring = 400+17/400,0/200,400+17/400,0/2000 ; XXX Congestion: Should reduce by 10 db every other cadence XXX congestion = 400/375,0/375 callwaiting = 425/100,0/100,525/100,0/4700 dialrecall = !425+25/100!0/100,!425+25/100,!0/100,!425+25/100,!0/100,425+25 record = 1400/425,0/14525 info = 400/2500,0/500 [fr] description = France ringcadance = 1500,3500 ; Dialtone can also be 440+330 dial = 440 busy = 440/500,0/500 ring = 440/1500,0/3500 ; XXX I'm making up the congestion tone XXX congestion = 440/250,0/250 ; XXX I'm making up the call wait tone too XXX callwait = 440/300,0/10000 ; XXX I'm making up dial recall XXX dialrecall = !350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,!350+440/100,!0/100,350+440 ; XXX I'm making up the record tone XXX record = 1400/500,0/15000 info = !950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330 [nl] alias = de description = Netherlands ringcadance = 1000,4000 ; Most of these 425's can also be 450's dial = 425 busy = 425/500,0/500 ring = 425/1000,0/4000 congestion = 425/250,0/250 ; XXX I'm making up the call wait tone XXX callwaiting = 440/300,0/10000 ; XXX Assuming this is "Special Dial Tone" XXX dialrecall = 425/500,0/50 ; XXX I'm making up the record tone XXX record = 1400/500,0/15000 info = 950/330,1400/330,1800/330,0/1000 [uk] description = United Kingdom ringcadance = 400,200,400,2000 dial = 350+440 busy = 400/375,0/375 ring = 400+450/400,0/200,400+450/400,0/2000 congestion = 400/400,0/350,400/225,0/525 callwaiting = 440/100,0/4000 dialrecall = 350+440 ; XXX Not sure about the RECORDTONE record = 1400/500,0/10000 info = 950/330,1400/330,1800/330 [fi] description = Finland ringcadance = 1000,4000 dial = 425 busy = 425/300,0/300 ring = 425/1000,0/4000 congestion = 425/200,0/200 callwaiting = 425/150,0/150,425/150,0/8000 dialrecall = 425/650,0/25 record = 1400/500,0/15000 info = 950/650,0/325,950/325,0/30,1400/1300,0/2600