; ; AMI - The Asterisk Manager Interface ; ; Third party application call management support and PBX event supervision ; ; This configuration file is read every time someone logs in ; ; Use the "manager show commands" at the CLI to list available manager commands ; and their authorization levels. ; ; "manager show command " will show a help text. ; ; ---------------------------- SECURITY NOTE ------------------------------- ; Note that you should not enable the AMI on a public IP address. If needed, ; block this TCP port with iptables (or another FW software) and reach it ; with IPsec, SSH, or SSL vpn tunnel. You can also make the manager ; interface available over http/https if Asterisk's http server is enabled in ; http.conf and if both "enabled" and "webenabled" are set to yes in ; this file. Both default to no. httptimeout provides the maximum ; timeout in seconds before a web based session is discarded. The ; default is 60 seconds. ; [general] enabled = no ;webenabled = yes port = 5038 ;httptimeout = 60 bindaddr = ; Parameters that control AMI over TLS. ("enabled" must be set too). ; You can open a connection to this socket with e.g. ; ; openssl s_client -connect my_host:5039 ; ; sslenable=no ; set to YES to enable it ; sslbindport=5039 ; the port to bind to ; sslbindaddr= ; address to bind to, default to bindaddr ; sslcert=/tmp/asterisk.pem ; path to the certificate. ;displayconnects = yes ; ; Add a Unix epoch timestamp to events (not action responses) ; ;timestampevents = yes ; debug = on ; enable some debugging info in AMI messages (default off). ; Also accessible through the "manager debug" CLI command. ;[mark] ;secret = mysecret ;deny= ;permit= ; ; If the device connected via this user accepts input slowly, ; the timeout for writes to it can be increased to keep it ; from being disconnected (value is in milliseconds) ; ; writetimeout = 100 ; ; Authorization for various classes ;read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf ;write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,dtmf