; PJSIP Wizard Configuration Samples and Quick Reference ; ; This file has several very basic configuration examples, to serve as a quick ; reference to jog your memory when you need to write up a new configuration. ; It is not intended to teach PJSIP configuration or serve as an exhaustive ; reference of options and potential scenarios. ; ; This file has two main sections. ; First, manually written examples to serve as a handy reference. ; Second, a list of all possible PJSIP config options by section. This is ; pulled from the XML config help. It only shows the synopsis for every item. ; If you want to see more detail please check the documentation sources ; mentioned at the top of this file. ; Documentation ; ; The official documentation is at http://wiki.asterisk.org ; You can read the XML configuration help via Asterisk command line with ; "config show help res_pjsip_config_wizard", then you can drill down through ; the various sections and their options. ; ;============EXAMPLE WIZARD CONFIGURATION FOR A PHONE======================= ; This config would create an endpoint, aor with dynamic contact, inbound ; auth and a phoneprov object. ;[myphone] ;type = wizard ;accepts_auth = yes ;accepts_registrations = yes ;has_phoneprov = yes ;transport = ipv4 ;inbound_auth/username = testname ;inbound_auth/password = test password ;endpoint/allow = ulaw ;endpoint/context = default ;phoneprov/MAC = 001122aa4455 ;phoneprov/PROFILE = profile1 ;============EXAMPLE WIZARD CONFIGURATION FOR AN ITSP TRUNK================= ; This ITSP has 2 servers available and requires registration. ; This config would create an endpoint, an aor with 2 static contacts, an ; outbound auth, an identify with 2 matches, and 2 registrations. ;[mytrunk] ;type = wizard ;sends_auth = yes ;sends_registrations = yes ;transport = ipv4 ;remote_hosts = sip1.myitsp.com:5060,sip2.myitsp.com:5060 ;outbound_auth/username = testname ;outbound_auth/password = test password ;endpoint/allow = ulaw ;endpoint/context = default ;========================WIZARD SECTION OPTIONS=============================== ;[wizard] ; SYNOPSIS: Provides configuration wizard for common scenarios. ;sends_auth= ; Will create an outbound auth object for the endpoint and ; registration. ; If yes, outbound/username must be specified. ; (default = "no") ;accepts_auth= ; Will create an inbound auth object for the endpoint. ; If yes, inbound/username must be specified. ; (default = "no") ;sends_registrations= ; Will create an outbound registration object and an ; identify match for each host in remote_hosts (which ; must be specified). ; sends_auth must also be specified. ; (default: "no") ;accepts_registrations= ; Will create an aor with dynamic contacts which will ; accept registrations. ; accepts_auth must also be specified. ; (default: "no") ;remote_hosts= ; A comma separated list of remote hosts in the form of ; [:port] [,[:port] ] ... ; If specified, a static contact for each host will be created ; in the aor. If accepts_registrations is no, an identify ; object is also created with a match line for each remote host. ; If an aor/contact or match/identify is explicitly supplied, ; remote_hosts will not be used to automatically create contacts ; or matches respectively. ; Hostnames must resolve to A, AAAA or CNAME records. ; SRV records are not currently supported. ; (default: "") ;transport= ; The transport to use for the endpoint and registrations ; (default: the pjsip default) ;server_uri_pattern= ; The pattern used to construct the registration ; server_uri. The replaceable parameter ${REMOTE_HOST} isa ; available for use. ; (default: "sip:${REMOTE_HOST}") ;client_uri_pattern= ; The pattern used to construct the registration client_uri. ; The replaceable parameters ${REMOTE_HOST} and ${USERNAME} ; are available for use. ; (default: "sip:${USERNAME}@${REMOTE_HOST}") ;contact_pattern= ; The pattern used to construct the aor contact. ; The replaceable parameter ${REMOTE_HOST} is available ; for use. ; (default: "sip:${REMOTE_HOST}") ;has_phoneprov= ; Will create a phoneprov object. ; If yes, phoneprov/MAC must be specified. ; (default: "no") ;endpoint/ ; Any parameters to be passed directly to and validated ;aor/ ; by their respective objects. ;inbound_auth/ ;outbound_auth/ ;identify/ ;registration/ ;phoneprov/ ;type= ; Must be of type wizard (default: "")