; Unbound DNS Resolver Configuration ; ; This file serves as a reference for the configurable options within the ; unbound DNS resolver. [general] ;hosts = /etc/hosts ; Full path to a hosts file which contains a mapping of ; ; hostnames to addresses. If "system" is specified then ; ; the system specific hosts file will be used. (default: system) ;resolv = /etc/resolv.conf ; Full path to a resolv.conf which contains the nameservers ; ; to use for resolution. If "system" is specified then the ; ; system specific resolv.conf file will be used. (default: system) ;nameserver = ; An explicit nameserver to use for queries. If this option ; ; is specified multiple times the first configured one will ; ; be treated as the primary with each subsequent one being ; ; a backup. If the resolv options is also specified the ; ; nameservers from it will be tried after all nameserver ; ; options. ;debug = 99 ; The debug level to run the unbound resolver at. While ; ; there is no explicit range the higher the number the more ; ; debug is output. ;ta_file = /etc/asterisk/dnssec_keys ; Full path to a trusted anchors key file. These keys are ; ; used to verify DNSSEC signed results.