; Sample configuration file for Sorcery Data Access Layer ; ; Wizards ; ; Wizards are the persistence mechanism for objects. They are loaded as Asterisk modules and register ; themselves with the sorcery core. All implementation specific details of how objects are persisted is isolated ; within wizards. ; ; ; Caching ; ; A wizard can optionally be marked as an object cache by adding "/cache" to the object type within the mapping. ; If an object is returned from a non-object cache it is immediately given to the cache to be created. Multiple ; object caches can be configured for a single object type. ; ; ; Object Type Mappings ; ; To allow configuration of where and how an object is persisted object mappings can be defined within this file ; on a per-module basis. The mapping consists of the object type, options, wizard name, and wizard configuration ; data. This has the following format: ; ; object type [/options] = wizard name, wizard configuration data ; ; For example to configure an in-memory wizard for the 'bob' object type: ; ; bob = memory ; ; Or to configure the object type 'joe' from a configuration file: ; ; joe = config,joe.conf ; ; Note that an object type can have multiple mappings defined. Each mapping will be consulted in the order in which ; it appears within the configuration file. This means that if you are configuring a wizard as a cache it should ; appear as the first mapping so the cache is consulted before all other mappings. ; ; ; The following object mappings are used by the unit test to test certain functionality of sorcery. ; [test_sorcery] test=memory [test_sorcery_cache] test/cache=test test=memory ; ; The following object mappings set PJSIP objects to use realtime database mappings from extconfig ; with the table names used when automatically generating configuration from the alembic script. ; ;[res_pjsip] ;endpoint=realtime,ps_endpoints ;auth=realtime,ps_auths ;aor=realtime,ps_aors ;domain_alias=realtime,ps_domain_aliases ;identify=realtime,ps_endpoint_id_ips