; V6PCI/V12PCI config file for VoiceTronix Hardware ; Options ; cards = number of cards ; board = board_number (1, 2, 3, ...) ; channel = channel_number (1,2,3...) ; mode = fxo|immediate|dialtone -- for type of line and line handling ; context = starting context ; type = v12pci|v6pci|v4pci ; echocancel = on|off (on by default of v4pci, off by default for others) ; callerid = on|off (to collect caller ID if available between 1st/2nd rings) ; ; Gain settings ; txgain => Transmit Software Gain (-12 => 12) ; rxgain => Receive Software Gain (-12 => 12) ; txhwgain => Transmit hardware gain (-12 => 12) ; rxhwgain => Receive Hardware gain (-12 => 12) ; ; These are advanced settings and only mentioned for fullnes. ; bal1 => Hybrid balance codec register 1 ; bal2 => Hybrid balance codec register 2 ; bal3 => Hybrid balance codec register 3 ; [general] type = v12pci ;type = v6pci ;type = v4pci cards = 1 [interfaces] board = 1 echocancel = on ; For OpenLine4 cards ;context = demo ;mode = fxo ;channel = 1 ;channel = 2 ;channel = 3 ;channel = 4 ; For OpenSwith12 with jumpers at factory default context = demo mode = fxo channel = 9 channel = 10 channel = 11 channel = 12 context = local mode = dialtone channel = 1 channel = 2 channel = 3 channel = 4 channel = 5 channel = 6 channel = 7 channel = 8 ; ; For OpenSwitch6 ; Note that V6PCI channel numbers start at 7! ;context = demo ;mode = fxo ;channel = 7 ;channel = 8 ;mode = dialtone ;channel = 9 ;channel = 10 ;channel = 11 ;channel = 12