; ; Zapata telephony interface ; ; Configuration file [channels] ; ; Default language ; ;language=en ; ; Default context ; context=default ; ; Switchtype: Only used for PRI. ; ; national: National ISDN ; dms100: Nortel DMS100 ; 4ess: AT&T 4ESS ; 5ess: Lucent 5ESS ; euroisdn: EuroISDN ; switchtype=national ; ; PRI Dialplan: Only RARELY used for PRI. ; ; unknown: Unknown ; private: Private ISDN ; local: Local ISDN ; national: National ISDN ; international: International ISDN ; ;pridialplan=national ; ; Signalling method (default is fxs). Valid values: ; em: E & M ; em_w: E & M Wink ; featd: Feature Group D (The fake, Adtran style, DTMF) ; featdmf: Feature Group D (The real thing, MF (domestic, US)) ; featb: Feature Group B (MF (domestic, US)) ; fxs_ls: FXS (Loop Start) ; fxs_gs: FXS (Ground Start) ; fxs_ks: FXS (Kewl Start) ; fxo_ls: FXO (Loop Start) ; fxo_gs: FXO (Ground Start) ; fxo_ks: FXO (Kewl Start) ; pri_cpe: PRI signalling, CPE side ; pri_net: PRI signalling, Network side ; The following are used for Radio interfaces: ; fxs_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXS kewlstart interface (FXO at the channel bank) ; fxs_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXS loopstart interface (FXO at the channel bank) ; fxo_rx: Receive audio/COR on an FXO loopstart interface (FXS at the channel bank) ; fxo_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an FXO groundstart interface (FXS at the channel bank) ; em_rx: Receive audio/COR on an E&M interface (1-way) ; em_tx: Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (1-way) ; em_txrx: Receive audio/COR AND Transmit audio/PTT on an E&M interface (2-way) ; em_rxtx: same as em_txrx (for our dyslexic friends) ; signalling=fxo_ls ; ; A variety of timing parameters can be specified as well ; Including: ; prewink: Pre-wink time ; preflash: Pre-flash time ; wink: Wink time ; flash: Flash time ; start: Start time ; rxwink: Receiver wink time ; rxflash: Receiver flashtime ; debounce: Debounce timing ; rxwink=300 ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks ; ; Whether or not to use caller ID ; usecallerid=yes ; ; Whether or not to hide outgoing caller ID (Override with *67 or *82) ; hidecallerid=no ; ; Whether or not to enable call waiting on FXO lines ; callwaiting=yes ; ; Support Caller*ID on Call Waiting ; callwaitingcallerid=yes ; ; Support three-way calling ; threewaycalling=yes ; ; Support flash-hook call transfer (requires three way calling) ; transfer=yes ; ; Support call forward variable ; cancallforward=yes ; ; Whether or not to support Call Return (*69) ; callreturn=yes ; ; Stutter dialtone support: If a mailbox is specified, then when voicemail ; is received in that mailbox, taking the phone off hook will cause ; a stutter dialtone instead of a normal one ; ;mailbox=1234 ; ; Enable echo cancellation ; Use either "yes", "no", or a power of two from 32 to 256 if you wish ; to actually set the number of taps of cancellation. ; echocancel=yes ; ; Generally, it is not necessary (and in fact undesirable) to echo cancel ; when the circuit path is entirely TDM. You may, however, reverse this ; behavior by enabling the echo cancel during pure TDM bridging below. ; echocancelwhenbridged=yes ; ; If you are having trouble with DTMF detection, you can relax the ; DTMF detection parameters. Relaxing them may make the DTMF detector ; more likely to have "talkoff" where DTMF is detected when it ; shouldn't be. ; ;relaxdtmf=yes ; ; You may also set the default receive and transmit gains (in dB) ; rxgain=0.0 txgain=0.0 ; ; Logical groups can be assigned to allow outgoing rollover. Groups ; range from 0 to 31, and multiple groups can be specified. ; group=1 ; ; Ring groups (a.k.a. call groups) and pickup groups. If a phone is ringing ; and it is a member of a group which is one of your pickup groups, then ; you can answer it by picking up and dialing *8#. For simple offices, just ; make these both the same ; callgroup=1 pickupgroup=1 ; ; Specify whether the channel should be answered immediately or ; if the simple switch should provide dialtone, read digits, etc. ; immediate=no ; ; CallerID can be set to "asreceived" or a specific number ; if you want to override it. Note that "asreceived" only ; applies to trunk interfaces. ; ;callerid=2564286000 ; ; AMA flags affects the recording of Call Detail Records. If specified ; it may be 'default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation'. ; ;amaflags=default ; ; Channels may be associated with an account code to ease ; billing ; ;accountcode=lss0101 ; ; ADSI (Analog Display Services Interface) can be enabled on a per-channel ; basis if you have (or may have) ADSI compatible CPE equipment ; ;adsi=yes ; ; On trunk interfaces (FXS) and E&M interfaces (E&M, Wink, Feature Group D ; etc, it can be useful to perform busy detection either in an effort to ; detect hangup or for detecting busies ; ;busydetect=yes ; ; On trunk interfaces (FXS) it can be useful to attempt to follow the progress ; of a call through RINGING, BUSY, and ANSWERING. If turned on, call ; progress attempts to determine answer, busy, and ringing on phone lines. ; This feature is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL and can easily detect false answers, ; so don't count on it being very accurate. Also, it is ONLY configured for ; standard U.S. tones ; ;callprogress=yes ; ; Select which class of music to use for music on hold. If not specified ; then the default will be used. ; ;musiconhold=default ; ; PRI channels can have an idle extension and a minunused number. So long ; as at least "minunused" channels are idle, chan_zap will try to call ; "idledial" on them, and then dump them into the PBX in the "idleext" ; extension (which is of the form exten@context). When channels are needed ; the "idle" calls are disconnected (so long as there are at least "minidle" ; calls still running, of course) to make more channels available. The ; primary use of this is to create a dynamic service, where idle channels ; are bundled through multilink PPP, thus more efficiently utilizing ; combined voice/data services than conventional fixed mappings/muxings. ; ;idledial=6999 ;idleext=6999@dialout ;minunused=2 ;minidle=1 ; ; Each channel consists of the channel number or range. It ; inherits the parameters that were specified above its declaration ; ;callerid="Green Phone"<(256) 428-6121> ;channel => 1 ;callerid="Black Phone"<(256) 428-6122> ;channel => 2 ;callerid="CallerID Phone" <(256) 428-6123> ;callerid="CallerID Phone" <(630) 372-1564> ;callerid="CallerID Phone" <(256) 704-4666> ;channel => 3 ;callerid="Pac Tel Phone" <(256) 428-6124> ;channel => 4 ;callerid="Uniden Dead" <(256) 428-6125> ;channel => 5 ;callerid="Cortelco 2500" <(256) 428-6126> ;channel => 6 ;callerid="Main TA 750" <(256) 428-6127> ;channel => 44 ; ; For example, maybe we have some other channels ; which start out in a different context and use ; E & M signalling instead. ; ;context=remote ;sigalling=em ;channel => 15 ;channel => 16 ;signalling=em_w ; ; All those in group 0 I'll use for outgoing calls ; ; Strip most significant digit (9) before sending ; ;stripmsd=1 ;callerid=asreceived ;group=0 ;signalling=fxs_ls ;channel => 45 ;signalling=fxo_ls ;group=1 ;callerid="Joe Schmoe" <(256) 428-6131> ;channel => 25 ;callerid="Megan May" <(256) 428-6132> ;channel => 26 ;callerid="Suzy Queue" <(256) 428-6233> ;channel => 27 ;callerid="Larry Moe" <(256) 428-6234> ;channel => 28 ; ; Sample PRI (CPE) config: Specify the switchtype, the signalling as ; either pri_cpe or pri_net for CPE or Network termination, and generally ; you will want to create a single "group" for all channels of the PRI. ; ; switchtype = national ; signalling = pri_cpe ; group = 2 ; channel => 1-23