The Asterisk Manager TCP/IP API - AMI ===================================== The manager is a client/server model over TCP. With the manager interface, you'll be able to control the PBX, originate calls, check mailbox status, monitor channels and queues as well as execute Asterisk commands. AMI is the standard management interface into your Asterisk server. You configure AMI in manager.conf. By default, AMI is available on TCP port 5038 if you enable it in manager.conf. AMI receive commands, called "actions". These generate a "response" from Asterisk. Asterisk will also send "Events" containing various information messages about changes within Asterisk. Some actions generate an initial response and data in the form list of events. This format is created to make sure that extensive reports do not block the manager interface fully. Management users are configured in the configuration file manager.conf and are given permissions for read and write, where write represents their ability to perform this class of "action", and read represents their ability to receive this class of "event". The Asterisk manager interface in version 1.0.x of Asterisk is not very well standardized. Work is under way to change this to Asterisk 1.2. If you develop AMI applications, treat the headers in Actions, Events and Responses as local to that particular message. There is no cross-message standardization of headers. If you develop applications, please try to reuse existing manager headers and their interpretation. If you are unsure, discuss on the asterisk-dev mailing list. Command Syntax -------------- Management communication consists of tags of the form "header: value", terminated with an empty newline (\r\n) in the style of SMTP, HTTP, and other headers. The first tag MUST be one of the following: * Action: An action requested by the CLIENT to the Asterisk SERVER. Only one "Action" may be outstanding at any time. * Response: A response to an action from the Asterisk SERVER to the CLIENT. * Event: An event reported by the Asterisk SERVER to the CLIENT Manager commands ---------------- Output from the CLI command 'show manager' command: * Ping: Ping * Logoff: Logoff Manager * Hangup: Hangup Channel * Status: Status * Redirect: Redirect * Originate: Originate Call * MailboxStatus: Check Mailbox * Command: Execute Command * ExtensionState: Check Extension Status * AbsoluteTimeout: Set Absolute Timeout * MailboxCount: Check Mailbox Message Count * Monitor: Monitor a channel * StopMonitor: Stop monitoring a channel * ChangeMonitor: Change monitoring filename of a channel * IAXpeers: List IAX Peers (Defaults to IAX2) * SIPpeers: List SIP peers * SIPshowpeer: Show data about one SIP peer * Queues: Queues * QueueStatus: Queue Status This list depends on the version of Asterisk you are using, as well as which modules that are loaded. Command Summary -------------- Command: Command Parameters: Command Command: ExtensionState Parameters: Exten, Context, ActionID Command: Hangup Parameters: Channel Command: Logoff Parameters: None Command: MailboxCount Parameters: Mailbox, ActionID Command: MailboxStatus Parameters: Mailbox, ActionID Command: Originate Parameters: Channel, Exten, Context, Priority, Timeout, CallerID, Variable, Account, Application, Data, Async Command: Ping Parameters: None Command: Redirect Parameters: Channel, ExtraChannel, Exten, Context, Priority Command: Timeout Parameters: Channel, Timeout You can always get more information about a manager command with the "show manager command " CLI command in Asterisk. Examples -------- Login - Log a user into the manager interface. Action: Login Username: testuser Secret: testsecret Originate - Originate a call from a channel to an extension. Action: Originate Channel: sip/12345 Exten: 1234 Context: default Originate - Originate a call from a channel to an extension without waiting for call to complete. Action: Originate Channel: sip/12345 Exten: 1234 Context: default Async: yes Redirect with ExtraChannel: Attempted goal: Have a 'robot' program Redirect both ends of an already-connected call to a meetme room using the ExtraChannel feature through the management interface. Action: Redirect Channel: Zap/1-1 ExtraChannel: SIP/3064-7e00 (varies) Exten: 680 Priority: 1 Where 680 is an extension that sends you to a MeetMe room. There are a number of GUI tools that use the manager interface, please search the mailing list archives and the documentation page on the web site for more information. Some standard AMI headers: -------------------------- Account: -- Account Code (Status) ACL: -- Does ACL exist for object ? Action: -- request or notification of a particular action Address-IP: -- IPaddress Address-Port: -- IP port number Agent: -- Agent name AMAflags: -- AMA flag Append: -- CDR userfield Append flag Application: -- Application to use Async: -- Whether or not to use fast setup AuthType: -- Authentication type (for login or challenge) "md5" CallerID: -- Caller id (name and number in Originate) CallerID: -- CallerID number Number or "" or "unknown" (should change to "" in app_queue) CallerIDName: -- CallerID name Name or "" or "unknown" (should change to "" in app_queue) Callgroup: -- Call group for peer/user CallsTaken: -- Queue status variable Cause: -- Event change cause - "Expired" Cause: -- Hangupcause (channel.c) CID-CallingPres: -- Caller ID calling presentation ChanVariable: -- Channel variable to set - name,value (comma between name and value) Channel: -- Channel specifier Channel: -- Dialstring in Originate Channel: -- Channel in Registry events (SIP, IAX2) Channel: -- Technology (SIP/IAX2 etc) in Registry events ChannelType: -- Tech: SIP, IAX2, ZAP, MGCP etc Channel1: -- Link channel 1 Channel2: -- Link channel 2 ChanObjectType: -- "peer", "user" Codecs: -- Codec list CodecOrder: -- Codec order, separated with comma "," Command: -- Cli command to run Context: -- Context Count: -- Number of callers in queue Data: -- Application data Default-addr-IP: -- IP address to use before registration Default-Username: -- Username part of URI to use before registration Destination: -- Destination for call (Dialstring ) Dial event DestUniqueID: -- UniqueID of destination (dial event) Domain: -- DNS domain Dynamic: -- Device registration supported? EventList: -- Flag being "Start", "End", "Cancelled" or "ListObject" Events: -- Eventmask filter ("on", "off", "system", "call", "log") Exten: -- Extension (Redirect command) Extension: -- Extension (Status) Family: -- ASTdb key family File: -- Filename (monitor) Format: -- Format of sound file (monitor) From: