Setting up Call Queues -- A Tutorial Pardon, but the dialplan in this tutorial will be expressed in AEL, the new Asterisk Extension Language. If you are not used to its syntax, we hope you will find it to some degree intuitive. If not, there are documents explaining its syntax and constructs. ====== Configuring Call Queues First of all, set up call queues in queue.conf Here is an example: =========== queues.conf =========== | ; Cool Digium Queues | | [general] | | persistentmembers = yes | | | | ; General sales queue | | [sales-general] | | music=default | | context=sales | | strategy=ringall | | joinempty=strict | | leavewhenempty=strict | | | | ; Customer service queue | | [customerservice] | | music=default | | context=customerservice | | strategy=ringall | | joinempty=strict | | leavewhenempty=strict | | | | ; Support dispatch queue | | [support-dispatch] | | music=default | | context=dispatch | | strategy=ringall | | joinempty=strict | | leavewhenempty=strict | =================================== In the above, we have defined 3 separate calling queues: sales-general, customerservice, and support-dispatch. Please note that the sales-general queue specifies a context of "sales", and that customerservice specifies the context of "customerservice", and the support-dispatch queue specifies the context "dispatch". These three contexts must be defined somewhere in your dialplan. We will show them after the main menu below. In the [general] section, specifying the persistentmembers=yes, will cause the agent lists to be stored in astdb, and recalled on startup. The strategy=ringall will cause all agents to be dialed together, the first to answer is then assigned the incoming call. "joinempty" set to "strict" will keep incoming callers from being placed in queues where there are no agents to take calls. The Queue() application will return, and the dial plan can detemine what to do next. If there are calls queued, and the last agent logs out, the remaining incoming callers will immediately be removed from the queue, and the Queue() call will return, IF the "leavewhenempty" is set to "strict". ===================================== | Routing incoming Calls to Queues | ===================================== Then in extensions.ael, you can do these things: ================ The Main Menu At Digium, incoming callers are sent to the "mainmenu" context, where they are greeted, and directed to the numbers they choose... context mainmenu { includes { digium; queues-loginout; } 0 => goto dispatch|s|1; 2 => goto sales|s|1; 3 => goto customerservice|s|1; 4 => goto dispatch|s|1; s => { Ringing(); Wait(1); Set(attempts=0); Answer(); Wait(1); Background(digium/ThankYouForCallingDigium); Background(digium/YourOpenSourceTelecommunicationsSupplier); WaitExten(0.3); repeat: Set(attempts=$[${attempts} + 1]); Background(digium/IfYouKnowYourPartysExtensionYouMayDialItAtAnyTime); WaitExten(0.1); Background(digium/Otherwise); WaitExten(0.1); Background(digium/ForSalesPleasePress2); WaitExten(0.2); Background(digium/ForCustomerServicePleasePress3); WaitExten(0.2); Background(digium/ForAllOtherDepartmentsPleasePress4); WaitExten(0.2); Background(digium/ToSpeakWithAnOperatorPleasePress0AtAnyTime); if( ${attempts} < 2 ) { WaitExten(0.3); Background(digium/ToHearTheseOptionsRepeatedPleaseHold); } WaitExten(5); if( ${attempts} < 2 ) goto repeat; Background(digium/YouHaveMadeNoSelection); Background(digium/ThisCallWillBeEnded); Background(goodbye); Hangup(); } } ============= The Contexts referenced from the queues.conf file context sales { 0 => goto dispatch|s|1; 8 => Voicemail(${SALESVM}); s => { Ringing(); Wait(2); Background(digium/ThankYouForContactingTheDigiumSalesDepartment); WaitExten(0.3); Background(digium/PleaseHoldAndYourCallWillBeAnsweredByOurNextAvailableSalesRepresentative); WaitExten(0.3); Background(digium/AtAnyTimeYouMayPress0ToSpeakWithAnOperatorOr8ToLeaveAMessage); Set(CALLERID(name)=Sales); Queue(sales-general|t); Set(CALLERID(name)=EmptySalQ); goto dispatch|s|1; Playback(goodbye); Hangup(); } } Please note that there is only one attempt to queue a call in the sales queue. All sales agents that are logged in will be rung. context customerservice { 0 => { SetCIDName(CSVTrans); goto dispatch|s|1; } 8 => Voicemail(${CUSTSERVVM}); s => { Ringing(); Wait(2); Background(digium/ThankYouForCallingDigiumCustomerService); WaitExten(0.3); notracking: Background(digium/PleaseWaitForTheNextAvailableCustomerServiceRepresentative); WaitExten(0.3); Background(digium/AtAnyTimeYouMayPress0ToSpeakWithAnOperatorOr8ToLeaveAMessage); Set(CALLERID(name)=Cust Svc); Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=10); Queue(customerservice|t); Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=0); Queue(customerservice|t); Set(CALLERID(name)=EmptyCSVQ); goto dispatch|s|1; Background(digium/NoCustomerServiceRepresentativesAreAvailableAtThisTime); Background(digium/PleaseLeaveAMessageInTheCustomerServiceVoiceMailBox); Voicemail(${CUSTSERVVM}); Playback(goodbye); Hangup(); } } Note that calls coming into customerservice will first be try to queue calls to those agents with a QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY of 10, and if none are available, then all agents are rung. context dispatch { s => { Ringing(); Wait(2); Background(digium/ThankYouForCallingDigium); WaitExten(0.3); Background(digium/YourCallWillBeAnsweredByOurNextAvailableOperator); Background(digium/PleaseHold); Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=10); Queue(dispatch|t); Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=20); Queue(dispatch|t); Set(QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY=0); Queue(dispatch|t); Background(digium/NoOneIsAvailableToTakeYourCall); Background(digium/PleaseLeaveAMessageInOurGeneralVoiceMailBox); Voicemail(${DISPATCHVM}); Playback(goodbye); Hangup(); } } And in the dispatch context, first agents of priority 10 are tried, then 20, and if none are available, all agents are tried. Notice that a common pattern is followed in each of the three queue contexts: First, you set QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY to a value, then you call Queue(,option,... (see the documentation for the Queue application)); In the above, note that the "t" option is specified, and this allows the agent picking up the incoming call the luxury of transferring the call to other parties. The purpose of specifying the QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY is to develop a set of priorities amongst agents. By the above usage, agents with lower number priorities will be given the calls first, and then, if no-one picks up the call, the QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY will be incremented, and the queue tried again. Hopefully, along the line, someone will pick up the call, and the Queue application will end with a hangup. The final attempt to queue in most of our examples sets the QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY to zero, which means to try all available agents. ========================================= | Assigning agents to Queues | ========================================= In this example dialplan, we want to be able to add and remove agents to handle incoming calls, as they feel they are available. As they log in, they are added to the queue's agent list, and as they log out, they are removed. If no agents are available, the queue command will terminate, and it is the duty of the dialplan to do something appropriate, be it sending the incoming caller to voicemail, or trying the queue again with a higher QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY. Because a single agent can make themselves available to more than one queue, the process of joining multiple queues can be handled automatically by the dialplan. ================= Agents Log In and Out context queues-loginout { 6092 => { Answer(); Read(AGENT_NUMBER,agent-enternum); VMAuthenticate(${AGENT_NUMBER}@default,s); Set(queue-announce-success=1); goto queues-manip,I${AGENT_NUMBER},1; } 6093 => { Answer(); Read(AGENT_NUMBER,agent-enternum); Set(queue-announce-success=1); goto queues-manip,O${AGENT_NUMBER},1; } } In the above contexts, the agents dial 6092 to log into their queues, and they dial 6093 to log out of their queues. The agent is prompted for their agent number, and if they are logging in, their passcode, and then they are transferred to the proper extension in the queues-manip context. The queues-manip context does all the actual work: context queues-manip { // Raquel Squelch _[IO]6121 => { &queue-addremove(dispatch,10); &queue-success(); } // Brittanica Spears _[IO]6165 => { &queue-addremove(dispatch,20); &queue-success(); } // Rock Hudson _[IO]6170 => { &queue-addremove(sales-general,10); &queue-addremove(customerservice,20); &queue-addremove(dispatch,30); &queue-success(); } // Saline Dye-on _[IO]6070 => { &queue-addremove(sales-general,20); &queue-addremove(customerservice,30); &queue-addremove(dispatch,30); &queue-success(); } } In the above extensions, note that the queue-addremove macro is used to actually add or remove the agent from the applicable queue, with the applicable priority level. Note that agents with a priority level of 10 will be called before agents with levels of 20 or 30. In the above example, Raquel will be dialed first in the dispatch queue, if she has logged in. If she is not, then the second call of Queue() with priority of 20 will dial Brittanica if she is present, otherwise the third call of Queue() with MAX_PENALTY of 0 will dial Rock and Saline simultaneously. Also note that Rock will be among the first to be called in the sales-general queue, and among the last in the dispatch queue. As you can see in main menu, the callerID is set in the main menu so they can tell which queue incoming calls are coming from. The call to queue-success() gives some feedback to the agent as they log in and out, that the process has completed. macro queue-success() { if( ${queue-announce-success} > 0 ) { switch(${MACRO_EXTEN:0:1}) { case I: Playback(agent-loginok); Hangup(); case O: Playback(agent-loggedoff); Hangup(); } } } The queue-addremove macro is defined in this manner: macro queue-addremove(queuename,penalty) { switch(${MACRO_EXTEN:0:1}) { case I: // Login { AddQueueMember(${queuename},Local/${MACRO_EXTEN:1}@agents,${penalty}); } case O: // Logout { RemoveQueueMember(${queuename},Local/${MACRO_EXTEN:1}@agents); } case P: // Pause { PauseQueueMember(${queuename},Local/${MACRO_EXTEN:1}@agents); } case U: // Unpause { UnpauseQueueMember(${queuename},Local/${MACRO_EXTEN:1}@agents); } default: // Invalid { Playback(invalid); } } } Basically, it uses the first character of the MACRO_EXTEN variable, to determine the proper actions to take. In the above dial plan code, only the cases I or O are used, which correspond to the Login and Logout actions. ================ Caveats In the above examples, some of the possible error checking has been omitted, to reduce clutter and make the examples clearer.