\section{Storage Backends} \subsection{Microsoft SQL Server} Asterisk can currently store CDRs into an MSSQL database in two different ways: cdr_odbc or cdr_tds Call Data Records can be stored using unixODBC (which requires the FreeTDS package) [cdr_odbc] or directly by using just the FreeTDS package [cdr_tds] The following provide some examples known to get asterisk working with mssql. NOTE: Only choose one db connector. \subsubsection{ODBC using cdr_odbc} Compile, configure, and install the latest unixODBC package: \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} tar -zxvf unixODBC-2.2.9.tar.gz && cd unixODBC-2.2.9 && ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --disable-gui && make && make install \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Compile, configure, and install the latest FreeTDS package: \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} tar -zxvf freetds-0.62.4.tar.gz && cd freetds-0.62.4 && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tdsver=7.0 \ --with-unixodbc=/usr/lib && make && make install \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Compile, or recompile, asterisk so that it will now add support for cdr_odbc. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} make clean && ./configure --with-odbc && make update && make && make install \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Setup odbc configuration files. These are working examples from my system. You will need to modify for your setup. You are not required to store usernames or passwords here. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} /etc/odbcinst.ini [FreeTDS] Description = FreeTDS ODBC driver for MSSQL Driver = /usr/lib/libtdsodbc.so Setup = /usr/lib/libtdsS.so FileUsage = 1 /etc/odbc.ini [MSSQL-asterisk] description = Asterisk ODBC for MSSQL driver = FreeTDS server = port = 1433 database = voipdb tds_version = 7.0 language = us_english \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Only install one database connector. Do not confuse asterisk by using both ODBC (cdr_odbc) and FreeTDS (cdr_tds). This command will erase the contents of cdr_tds.conf \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} [ -f /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf ] > /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} NOTE: unixODBC requires the freeTDS package, but asterisk does not call freeTDS directly. Now set up cdr_odbc configuration files. These are working samples from my system. You will need to modify for your setup. Define your usernames and passwords here, secure file as well. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf [global] dsn=MSSQL-asterisk username=voipdbuser password=voipdbpass loguniqueid=yes \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} And finally, create the 'cdr' table in your mssql database. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} CREATE TABLE cdr ( [calldate] [datetime] NOT NULL , [clid] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [src] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [dst] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [dcontext] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [channel] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [dstchannel] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [lastapp] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [lastdata] [varchar] (80) NOT NULL , [duration] [int] NOT NULL , [billsec] [int] NOT NULL , [disposition] [varchar] (45) NOT NULL , [amaflags] [int] NOT NULL , [accountcode] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL , [uniqueid] [varchar] (150) NOT NULL , [userfield] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ) \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Start asterisk in verbose mode, you should see that asterisk logs a connection to the database and will now record every call to the database when it's complete. \subsubsection{TDS, using cdr_tds} Compile, configure, and install the latest FreeTDS package: \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} tar -zxvf freetds-0.62.4.tar.gz && cd freetds-0.62.4 && ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tdsver=7.0 make && make install \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Compile, or recompile, asterisk so that it will now add support for cdr_tds. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} make clean && ./configure --with-tds && make update && make && make install \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Only install one database connector. Do not confuse asterisk by using both ODBC (cdr_odbc) and FreeTDS (cdr_tds). This command will erase the contents of cdr_odbc.conf \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} [ -f /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf ] > /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Setup cdr_tds configuration files. These are working samples from my system. You will need to modify for your setup. Define your usernames and passwords here, secure file as well. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf [global] hostname= port=1433 dbname=voipdb user=voipdbuser password=voipdpass charset=BIG5 \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} And finally, create the 'cdr' table in your mssql database. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} CREATE TABLE cdr ( [accountcode] [varchar] (20) NULL , [src] [varchar] (80) NULL , [dst] [varchar] (80) NULL , [dcontext] [varchar] (80) NULL , [clid] [varchar] (80) NULL , [channel] [varchar] (80) NULL , [dstchannel] [varchar] (80) NULL , [lastapp] [varchar] (80) NULL , [lastdata] [varchar] (80) NULL , [start] [datetime] NULL , [answer] [datetime] NULL , [end] [datetime] NULL , [duration] [int] NULL , [billsec] [int] NULL , [disposition] [varchar] (20) NULL , [amaflags] [varchar] (16) NULL , [uniqueid] [varchar] (150) NULL , [userfield] [varchar] (256) NULL ) \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Start asterisk in verbose mode, you should see that asterisk logs a connection to the database and will now record every call to the database when it's complete. \subsection{MySQL} \subsubsection{ODBC} Using MySQL for CDR records is supported by using ODBC and the cdr_odbc module. \subsubsection{Native} Alternatively, there is a native MySQL CDR module. To use it, configure the module in cdr_mysql.conf. Create a table called cdr under the database name you will be using the following schema. \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} CREATE TABLE cdr ( calldate datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', clid varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', src varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', dst varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', dcontext varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', channel varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', dstchannel varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', lastapp varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', lastdata varchar(80) NOT NULL default '', duration int(11) NOT NULL default '0', billsec int(11) NOT NULL default '0', disposition varchar(45) NOT NULL default '', amaflags int(11) NOT NULL default '0', accountcode varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', uniqueid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', userfield varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' ); \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} \subsection{PostgreSQL} If you want to go directly to postgresql database, and have the cdr_pgsql.so compiled you can use the following sample setup. On Debian, before compiling asterisk, just install libpqxx-dev. Other distros will likely have a similiar package. Once you have the compile done, copy the sample cdr_pgsql.conf file or create your own. Here is a sample: \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} /etc/asterisk/cdr_pgsql.conf ; Sample Asterisk config file for CDR logging to PostgresSQL [global] hostname=localhost port=5432 dbname=asterisk password=password user=postgres table=cdr \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} Now create a table in postgresql for your cdrs \begin{astlisting} \begin{verbatim} CREATE TABLE cdr ( calldate timestamp NOT NULL , clid varchar (80) NOT NULL , src varchar (80) NOT NULL , dst varchar (80) NOT NULL , dcontext varchar (80) NOT NULL , channel varchar (80) NOT NULL , dstchannel varchar (80) NOT NULL , lastapp varchar (80) NOT NULL , lastdata varchar (80) NOT NULL , duration int NOT NULL , billsec int NOT NULL , disposition varchar (45) NOT NULL , amaflags int NOT NULL , accountcode varchar (20) NOT NULL , uniqueid varchar (150) NOT NULL , userfield varchar (255) NOT NULL ); \end{verbatim} \end{astlisting} \subsection{SQLite 2} SQLite version 2 is supported in cdr_sqlite. \subsection{SQLite 3} SQLite version 3 is supported in cdr_sqlite3\_custom. \subsection{RADIUS} \subsubsection{What is needed} \begin{itemize} \item FreeRADIUS server \item Radiusclient-ng library \item Asterisk PBX \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \setlength{\unitlength}{4cm} \begin{picture}(3,.75) \put(0,0){\line(0,1){.75}} \put(0,.75){\line(1,0){1.5}} \put(1.5,0){\line(0,1){.75}} \put(0,0){\line(1,0){1.5}} \put(.1,.4){\makebox(1.3,.3){Asterisk PBX}} \put(.1,.4){\line(1,0){1.3}} \put(.1,.1){\line(1,0){1.3}} \put(.1,.1){\line(0,1){.3}} \put(1.4,.1){\line(0,1){.3}} \put(.1,.1){\makebox(1.3,.3){RADIUS Client}} \put(1.8,0){\line(0,1){.5}} \put(1.8,.5){\line(1,0){1.1}} \put(1.8,0){\line(1,0){1.1}} \put(2.9,0){\line(0,1){.5}} \put(1.8,.275){\makebox(1.1,.1){RADIUS Server}} \put(1.8,.125){\makebox(1.1,.1){$(FreeRADIUS)$}} \thicklines \put(1.4,.3){\vector(1,0){.4}} \put(1.8,.2){\vector(-1,0){.4}} \thinlines \end{picture} \end{center} \caption{Asterisk/RADIUS Integration} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Installation of the Radiusclient library} Download the sources from \url{http://developer.berlios.de/projects/radiusclient-ng/} Untar the source tarball: \begin{verbatim} root@localhost:/usr/local/src# tar xvfz radiusclient-ng-0.5.2.tar.gz \end{verbatim} Compile and install the library: \begin{verbatim} root@localhost:/usr/local/src# cd radiusclient-ng-0.5.2 root@localhost:/usr/local/src/radiusclient-ng-0.5.2# ./configure root@localhost:/usr/local/src/radiusclient-ng-0.5.2# make root@localhost:/usr/local/src/radiusclient-ng-0.5.2# make install \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Configuration of the Radiusclient library} By default all the configuration files of the radiusclient library will be in \path{/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng} directory. File "radiusclient.conf" Open the file and find lines containing the following: authserver localhost This is the hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server used for authentication. You will have to change this unless the server is running on the same host as your Asterisk PBX. acctserver localhost This is the hostname or IP address of the RADIUS server used for accounting. You will have to change this unless the server is running on the same host as your Asterisk PBX. \textbf{File "servers"} RADIUS protocol uses simple access control mechanism based on shared secrets that allows RADIUS servers to limit access from RADIUS clients. A RADIUS server is configured with a secret string and only RADIUS clients that have the same secret will be accepted. You need to configure a shared secret for each server you have configured in radiusclient.conf file in the previous step. The shared secrets are stored in \path{/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/servers} file. Each line contains hostname of a RADIUS server and shared secret used in communication with that server. The two values are separated by white spaces. Configure shared secrets for every RADIUS server you are going to use. \textbf{File "dictionary"} Asterisk uses some attributes that are not included in the dictionary of radiusclient library, therefore it is necessary to add them. A file called dictionary.digium (kept in the contrib dir) was created to list all new attributes used by Asterisk. Add to the end of the main dictionary file \path{/usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary} the line: \$INCLUDE /path/to/dictionary.digium \subsubsection{Install FreeRADIUS Server (Version 1.1.1)} Download sources tarball from: \url{http://freeradius.org/} Untar, configure, build, and install the server: \begin{verbatim} root@localhost:/usr/local/src# tar xvfz freeradius-1.1.1.tar.gz root@localhost:/usr/local/src# cd freeradius-1.1.1 root@localhost"/usr/local/src/freeradius-1.1.1# ./configure root@localhost"/usr/local/src/freeradius-1.1.1# make root@localhost"/usr/local/src/freeradius-1.1.1# make install \end{verbatim} All the configuration files of FreeRADIUS server will be in /usr/local/etc/raddb directory. \subsubsection{Configuration of the FreeRADIUS Server} There are several files that have to be modified to configure the RADIUS server. These are presented next. File "clients.conf" File \path{/usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf} contains description of RADIUS clients that are allowed to use the server. For each of the clients you need to specify its hostname or IP address and also a shared secret. The shared secret must be the same string you configured in radiusclient library. Example: \begin{verbatim} client myhost { secret = mysecret shortname = foo } \end{verbatim} This fragment allows access from RADIUS clients on "myhost" if they use "mysecret" as the shared secret. The file already contains an entry for localhost (, so if you are running the RADIUS server on the same host as your Asterisk server, then modify the existing entry instead, replacing the default password. File "dictionary" Note: as of version 1.1.2, the dictionary.digium file ships with FreeRADIUS. The following procedure brings the dictionary.digium file to previous versions of FreeRADIUS. File \path{/usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary} contains the dictionary of FreeRADIUS server. You have to add the same dictionary file (dictionary.digium), which you added to the dictionary of radiusclient-ng library. You can include it into the main file, adding the following line at the end of file \path{/usr/local/etc/raddb/dictionary}: \$INCLUDE /path/to/dictionary.digium That will include the same new attribute definitions that are used in radiusclient-ng library so the client and server will understand each other. \subsubsection{Asterisk Accounting Configuration} Compilation and installation: The module will be compiled as long as the radiusclient-ng library has been detected on your system. By default FreeRADIUS server will log all accounting requests into \path{/usr/local/var/log/radius/radacct} directory in form of plain text files. The server will create one file for each hostname in the directory. The following example shows how the log files look like. Asterisk now generates Call Detail Records. See \path{/include/asterisk/cdr.h} for all the fields which are recorded. By default, records in comma separated values will be created in \path{/var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv}. The configuration file for cdr_radius.so module is \path{/etc/asterisk/cdr.conf} This is where you can set CDR related parameters as well as the path to the radiusclient-ng library configuration file. \subsubsection{Logged Values} \begin{verbatim} "Asterisk-Acc-Code", The account name of detail records "Asterisk-Src", "Asterisk-Dst", "Asterisk-Dst-Ctx", The destination context "Asterisk-Clid", "Asterisk-Chan", The channel "Asterisk-Dst-Chan", (if applicable) "Asterisk-Last-App", Last application run on the channel "Asterisk-Last-Data", Argument to the last channel "Asterisk-Start-Time", "Asterisk-Answer-Time", "Asterisk-End-Time", "Asterisk-Duration", Duration is the whole length that the entire call lasted. ie. call rx'd to hangup "end time" minus "start time" "Asterisk-Bill-Sec", The duration that a call was up after other end answered which will be <= to duration "end time" minus "answer time" "Asterisk-Disposition", ANSWERED, NO ANSWER, BUSY "Asterisk-AMA-Flags", DOCUMENTATION, BILL, IGNORE etc, specified on a per channel basis like accountcode. "Asterisk-Unique-ID", Unique call identifier "Asterisk-User-Field" User field set via SetCDRUserField \end{verbatim}