\section{Introduction} Attacks on Voice over IP networks are becoming increasingly more common. It has become clear that we must do something within Asterisk to help mitigate these attacks. Through a number of discussions with groups of developers in the Asterisk community, the general consensus is that the best thing that we can do within Asterisk is to build a framework which recognizes and reports events that could potentially have security implications. Each channel driver has a different concept of what is an "event", and then each administrator has different thresholds of what is a "bad" event and what is a restorative event. The process of acting upon this information is left to an external program to correlate and then take action - block traffic, modify dialing rules, etc. It was decided that embedding actions inside of Asterisk was inappropriate, as the complexity of construction of such rule sets is difficult and there was no agreement on where rules should be enabled or how they should be processed. The addition of a major section of code to handle rule expiration and severity interpretation was significant. As a final determining factor, there are external programs and services which already parse log files and act in concert with packet filters or external devices to protect or alter network security models for IP connected hosts. \section{Framework Overview} This section discusses the architecture of the Asterisk modifications being proposed. There are two main components that we propose for the initial implementation of the security framework: \begin{itemize} \item Security Event Generation \item Security Event Logger \end{itemize} \subsection{Security Event Generation} The ast\_event API is used for the generation of security events. That way, the events are in an easily interpretable format within Asterisk to make it easy to write modules that do things with them. There are also some helper data structures and functions to aid Asterisk modules in reporting these security events with the proper contents. The next section of this document contains the current list of security events being proposed. Each security event type has some required pieces of information and some other optional pieces of information. Subscribing to security events from within Asterisk can be done by subscribing to events of type AST\_EVENT\_SECURITY. These events have an information element, AST\_EVENT\_IE\_SECURITY\_EVENT, which identifies the security event sub-type (from the list described in the next section). The result of the information elements in the events contain the required and optional meta data associated with the event sub-type. \subsection{Security Event Logger} In addition to the infrastructure for generating the events, one module that is a consumer of these events has been implemented. Asterisk trunk was recently updated to include support for dynamic logger levels. This module takes advantage of this functionality to create a custom "security" logger level. Then, when this module is in use, logger.conf can be configured to put security events into a file: \begin{verbatim} security_log => security \end{verbatim} The content of this file is a well defined and easily interpretable format for external scripts to read and act upon. The definition for the format of the log file is described later in this chapter. \section{Events to Log} \begin{verbatim} (-) required (+) optional Invalid Account ID (-) Local address family/IP address/port/transport (-) Remote address family/IP address/port/transport (-) Service (SIP, AMI, IAX2, ...) (-) System Name (+) Module (+) Account ID (username, etc) (+) Session ID (CallID, etc) (+) Session timestamp (required if Session ID present) (-) Event timestamp (sub-second precision) Failed ACL match -> everything from invalid account ID (+) Name of ACL (when we have named ACLs) Invalid Challenge/Response -> everything from invalid account ID (-) Challenge (-) Response (-) Expected Response Invalid Password -> everything from invalid account ID Successful Authentication -> informational event -> everything from invalid account ID Invalid formatting of Request -> everything from invalid account ID -> account ID optional (-) Request Type (+) Request parameters Session Limit Reached (such as a call limit) -> everything from invalid account ID Memory Limit Reached -> everything from invalid account ID Maximum Load Average Reached -> everything from invalid account ID Request Not Allowed -> everything from invalid account ID (-) Request Type (+) Request parameters Request Not Supported -> everything from invalid account ID (-) Request Type Authentication Method Not Allowed -> everything from invalid account ID (-) Authentication Method attempted In dialog message from unexpected host -> everything from invalid account ID (-) expected host \end{verbatim} \section{Security Log File Format} The beginning of each line in the log file is the same as it is for other logger levels within Asterisk. \begin{verbatim} [Feb 11 07:57:03] SECURITY[23736] res_security_log.c: <...> \end{verbatim} The part of the log entry identified by <...> is where the security event content resides. The security event content is a comma separated list of key value pairs. The key is the information element type, and the value is a quoted string that contains the associated meta data for that information element. Any embedded quotes within the content are escaped with a backslash. \begin{verbatim} INFORMATION_ELEMENT_1="IE1 content",INFORMATION_ELEMENT_2="IE2 content" \end{verbatim} The following table includes potential information elements and what the associated content looks like: \begin{verbatim} IE: SecurityEvent Content: This is the security event sub-type. Values: FailedACL, InvalidAccountID, SessionLimit, MemoryLimit, LoadAverageLimit, RequestNotSupported, RequestNotAllowed, AuthMethodNotAllowed, ReqBadFormat, UnexpectedAddress, ChallengeResponseFailed, InvalidPassword IE: EventVersion Content: This is a numeric value that indicates when updates are made to the content of the event. Values: Monotonically increasing integer, starting at 1 IE: Service Content: This is the Asterisk service that generated the event. Values: TEST, SIP, AMI IE: Module Content: This is the Asterisk module that generated the event. Values: chan_sip IE: AccountID Content: This is a string used to identify the account associated with the event. In most cases, this would be a username. IE: SessionID Content: This is a string used to identify the session associated with the event. The format of the session identifier is specific to the service. In the case of SIP, this would be the Call-ID. IE: SessionTV Content: The time that the session associated with the SessionID started. Values: - since epoch IE: ACLName Content: This is a string that identifies which named ACL is associated with this event. IE: LocalAddress Content: This is the local address that was contacted for the related event. Values:
/ Examples: -> IPV4/UDP/ -> IPV4/TCP/ IE: RemoteAddress Content: This is the remote address associated with the event. Examples: -> IPV4/UDP/ -> IPV4/TCP/ IE: ExpectedAddress Content: This is the address that was expected to be the remote address. Examples: -> IPV4/UDP/ -> IPV4/TCP/ IE: EventTV Content: This is the timestamp of when the event occurred. Values: - since epoch IE: RequestType Content: This is a service specific string that represents the invalid request IE: RequestParams Content: This is a service specific string that represents relevant parameters given with a request that was considered invalid. IE: AuthMethod Content: This is a service specific string that represents an authentication method that was used or requested. IE: Challenge Content: This is a service specific string that represents the challenge provided to a user attempting challenge/response authentication. IE: Response Content: This is a service specific string that represents the response received from a user attempting challenge/response authentication. IE: ExpectedResponse Content: This is a service specific string that represents the response that was expected to be received from a user attempting challenge/response authentication. \end{verbatim}