/* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008, Digium, Inc. * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! * \file * \brief This file generates Doxygen pages from files in the /doc * directory of the Asterisk source code tree */ /* * The following is for Doxygen Developer's documentation generated * by running "make progdocs" with doxygen installed on your * system. */ /*! * \page DevDoc Asterisk Developer's Documentation - Appendices * * \section devpolicy Development and Release Policies * \arg \ref CodeGuide : The must-read document for all developers * \arg \ref CommitMessages : Information on formatting and special tags for commit messages * \arg \ref ReleaseStatus : The current support level for various Asterisk releases * \arg \ref ReleasePolicies : Asterisk Release and Commit Policies * \arg \ref AstCREDITS : A Thank You to contributors (unfortunately out of date) * * \section apisandinterfaces Asterisk APIs and Interfaces * \arg \ref AstAPI * \arg \ref Def_Channel : What's a channel, anyway? * \arg \ref channel_drivers : Existing channel drivers * \arg \ref AstAMI : The Call management socket API * \arg \ref AstARA : A generic data storage and retrieval API for Asterisk * \arg \ref AstDUNDi : A way to find phone services dynamically by using the DUNDi protocol * \arg \ref AJI_intro : The Asterisk Jabber Interface * \arg \ref AstCDR * \arg \ref AstVar * \arg \ref AstVideo * \arg \ref AstENUM : The IETF way to redirect from phone numbers to VoIP calls * \arg \ref AstHTTP * \arg \ref AstSpeech * * \section debugconfig Debugging and Configuration References * \arg \ref AstREADME : General Administrator README file * \arg \ref AstDebug : Hints on debugging * \arg \ref extref * \arg \ref ConfigFiles * \arg \ref SoundFiles included in the Asterisk distribution * * \section weblinks Web sites * \arg \b Main: Asterisk Developer's website http://www.asterisk.org/developers/ * \arg \b Bugs: The Issue Tracker http://bugs.digium.com * \arg \b Lists: List Server http://lists.digium.com * \arg \b Wiki: The Asterisk Wiki http://www.voip-info.org * \arg \b Docs: The Asterisk Documentation Project http://www.asteriskdocs.org * \arg \b Digium: The Asterisk Company http://www.digium.com */ /*! * \page ReleaseStatus Asterisk Release Status * * @AsteriskTrunkWarning * * \section warranty Warranty * The following warranty applies to all open source releases of Asterisk: * * NO WARRANTY * * BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY * FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN * OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES * PROVIDE THE PROGRAM \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS * TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE * PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, * REPAIR OR CORRECTION. * IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING * WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR * REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, * INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING * OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY * YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER * PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * \section releasestatustypes Release Status Types * * Release management is a essentially an agreement between the development * community and the %user community on what kind of updates can be expected * for Asterisk releases, and what types of changes these updates will contain. * Once these policies are established, the development community works very * hard to adhere to them. However, the development community does reserve * the right to make exceptions to these rules for special cases as the need * arises. * * Asterisk releases are in various states of maintenance. The states are * defined here: * * \arg None - This release series is receiving no updates whatsoever. * \arg Security-Only - This release series is receiving updates, but * only to address security issues. Security issues found and fixed in * this release series will be accompanied by a published security advisory * from the Asterisk project. * \arg Full-Support - This release series is receiving updates for all * types of bugs. * \arg Full-Development - Changes in this part of Asterisk include bug * fixes, as well as new %features and architectural improvements. * * \section AsteriskReleases Asterisk Maintenance Levels * * \htmlonly * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
NameSVN BranchStatusNotes
Asterisk 1.0/branches/1.0None
Asterisk 1.2/branches/1.2Security-Only
Asterisk 1.4/branches/1.4Full-Support
Asterisk 1.6.0/branches/1.6.0Full-Support
Asterisk 1.6.1/branches/1.6.1Full-SupportStill in beta
Asterisk trunk/trunkFull-DevelopmentNo releases are made directly from trunk.
* \endhtmlonly * * For more information on how and when Asterisk releases are made, see the * release policies page: * \arg \ref ReleasePolicies */ /*! * \page ReleasePolicies Asterisk Release and Commit Policies * * \AsteriskTrunkWarning * * \section releasestatus Asterisk Release Status * * For more information on the current status of each Asterisk release series, * please see the Asterisk Release Status page: * * \arg \ref ReleaseStatus * *
* * \section commitmonitoring Commit Monitoring * * To monitor commits to Asterisk and related projects, visit * http://lists.digium.com. The Digium * mailing list server hosts a %number of mailing lists for commits. * *
* * \section ast10policy Asterisk 1.0 * * \subsection svnbranch SVN Branch * * \arg /branches/1.0 * * \subsection ast10releases Release and Commit Policy * No more releases of Asterisk 1.0 will be made for any reason. * * No commits should be made to the Asterisk 1.0 branch. * *
* * \section ast12policy Asterisk 1.2 * * \subsection svnbranch SVN Branch * * \arg /branches/1.2 * * \subsection ast12releases Release and Commit Policy * * There will be no more scheduled releases of Asterisk 1.2. * * Commits to the Asterisk 1.2 branch should only address security issues or * regressions introduced by previous security fixes. For a security issue, the * commit should be accompanied by an * Asterisk Security Advisory * and an immediate release. When a commit goes in to fix a regression, the previous * security advisory that is related to the change that introduced the bug should get * updated to indicate that there is an updated version of the fix. A release should * be made immediately for these regression fixes, as well. * *
* * \section ast14policy Asterisk 1.4 * * \subsection svnbranch SVN Branch * * \arg /branches/1.4 * * \subsection ast14releases Release and Commit Policy * * Asterisk 1.4 is receiving regular bug fix release updates. An attempt is made to * make releases of every four to six weeks. Since this release series is receiving * changes for all types of bugs, the number of changes in a single release can be * significant. 1.4.X releases go through a release candidate testing cycle to help * catch any regressions that may have been introduced. * * Commits to Asterisk 1.4 must be to address bugs only. No new %features should be * introduced into Asterisk 1.4 to reduce the %number of changes to this established * release series. The only exceptions to this %rule are for cases where something * that may be considered a feature is needed to address a bug or security issue. * *
* * \section ast16policy Asterisk 1.6 * * \subsection svnbranch SVN Branch * * \arg /branches/1.6.* * * \subsection ast16releases Release and Commit Policy * * Asterisk 1.6 is managed in a different way than previous Asterisk release series. * From a high level, it was inspired by the release model used for Linux 2.6. * The intended time frame for 1.6.X releases is every 2 or 3 months. Each 1.6.X * release gets its own branch. The 1.6.X branches are branches off of trunk. * Once the branch is created, it only receives bug fixes. Each 1.6.X release goes * through a beta and release candidate testing cycle. * * After a 1.6.X release is published, it will be maintained until 1.6.[X + 3] is * released. While a 1.6.X release branch is still maintained, it will receive only * bug fixes. Periodic maintenance releases will be made and labeled as 1.6.X.Y. * 1.6.X.Y releases should go through a release candidate test cycle before being * published. * * For now, all previous 1.6 release will be maintained for security issues. Once * we have more 1.6 releases to deal with, this part of the policy will likely change. * * For some history on the motivations for Asterisk 1.6 release management, see the * first two sections of this * mailing list post. * *
* * \section asttrunk Asterisk Trunk * * \subsection svnbranch SVN Branch * * \arg /trunk * * \subsection asttrunkpolicy Release and Commit Policy * * No releases are ever made directly from Asterisk trunk. * * Asterisk trunk is used as the main development area for upcoming Asterisk 1.6 * releases. Commits to Asterisk trunk are not limited. They can be bug fixes, * new %features, and architectural improvements. However, for larger sets * of changes, developers should work with the Asterisk project leaders to * schedule them for inclusion. Care is taken not to include too many invasive * sets of changes for each new Asterisk 1.6 release. * * No changes should go into Asterisk trunk that are not ready to go into a * release. While the upcoming release will go through a beta and release * candidate test cycle, code should not be in trunk until the code has been * tested and reviewed such that there is reasonable belief that the code * is ready to go. * *
* * \section astteam Asterisk Team Branches * * \subsection svnbranch SVN Branch * * \arg /team/<developername> * * \subsection astteampolicy Release and Commit Policy * * The Asterisk subversion repository has a special directory called "team" * where developers can make their own personal development branches. This is * where new %features, bug fixes, and architectural improvements are developed * while they are in %progress. * * Just about anything goes as far as commits to this area goes. However, * developers should keep in mind that anything committed here, as well as * anywhere else on Digium's SVN server, falls under the contributor license * agreement. * * In addition to each developer having their own space for working on projects, * there is also a team/group folder where %group development efforts take place. * * Finally, in each developer folder, there is a folder called "private". This * is where developers can create branches for working on things that they are * not ready for the whole world to see. */ /*! * \page CodeGuide Coding Guidelines * \AsteriskTrunkWarning * \section Coding Guidelines * This file is in the /doc directory in your Asterisk source tree. * Make sure to stay up to date with the latest guidelines. * \verbinclude CODING-GUIDELINES */ /*! * \page CommitMessages Guidelines for Commit Messages * * \AsteriskTrunkWarning * *
* * \section CommitMsgFormatting Commit Message Formatting * * The following illustrates the basic outline for commit messages: * \verbatim \endverbatim * * Some commit history viewers treat the first line of commit messages as the * summary for the commit. So, an effort should be made to format our commit * messages in that fashion. The verbose description may contain multiple * paragraphs, itemized lists, etc. * * Commit messages should be wrapped at 80 %columns. * * \note For trivial commits, such as "fix the build", or "fix spelling mistake", * the verbose description may not be necessary. * *
* * \section CommitMsgTags Special Tags for Commit Messages * * \subsection MantisTags Mantis (http://bugs.digium.com/) * * To have a commit noted in an issue, use a tag of the form: * \arg (issue #1234) * * To have a commit automatically close an issue, use a tag of the form: * \arg (closes issue #1234) * * When making a commit for a mantis issue, it is easiest to use the * provided commit %message template functionality. It will format the * special tags appropriately, and will also include information about who * reported the issue, which patches are being applied, and who did testing. * * Assuming that you have bug marshal access (and if you have commit access, * it is pretty safe to assume that you do), you will find the commit %message * template section directly below the issue details section and above the * issue relationships section. You will have to click the '+' next to * "Commit message template" to make the contents of the section visible. * * Here is an example of what the template will generate for you: * \verbatim (closes issue #1234) Reported by: SomeGuy Patches: fix_bug_1234.diff uploaded by SomeDeveloper (license 5678) \endverbatim * * If the patch being committed was written by the person doing the commit, * and is not available to reference as an upload to the issue, there is no * need to include something like "fixed by me", as that will be the default * assumption when a specific patch is not referenced. * * \subsection ReviewBoardTags Review Board (http://reviewboard.digium.com/) * * To have a commit set a review request as submitted, include the full URL * to the review request. For example: * \arg Review: %http://reviewboard.digium.com/r/95/ * * \note The trailing slash in the review URL is required. * *
* * \section CommitMsgSvnmerge Commit Messages with svnmerge * * When using the svnmerge tool for merging changes between branches, use the * commit %message generated by svnmerge. The '-f' option to svnmerge allows * you to specify a file for svnmerge to write out a commit %message to. The * '-F' option to svn commit allows you to specify a file that contains the * commit %message. * * If you are using the expect script wrappers for svnmerge from repotools, * a commit %message is automatically placed in the file '../merge.msg'. * * For more detailed information about working with branches and merging, * see the following page on %asterisk.org: * \arg http://www.asterisk.org/developers/svn-branching-merging */ /*! * \page AstAPI Asterisk API * \section Asteriskapi Asterisk API * Some generic documents on the Asterisk architecture * * \arg \ref AstThreadStorage * \arg \ref DataStores * \arg \ref AstExtState * * \subsection model_txt Generic Model * \verbinclude model.txt * \subsection channel_txt Channels * \arg See \ref Def_Channel */ /*! * \page AstDebug Debugging * \section debug Debugging * \verbinclude backtrace.txt */ /*! * \page AstSpeech The Generic Speech Recognition API * \section debug The Generic Speech Recognition API * \verbinclude speechrec.txt */ /*! * \page DataStores Channel Data Stores * \section debug Channel Data Stores * \verbinclude datastores.txt */ /*! * \page AstAMI AMI - The Manager Interface * \section ami AMI - The manager Interface * \arg \link Config_ami Configuration file \endlink * \arg \ref manager.c * \verbinclude manager.txt */ /*! * \page AstARA ARA - The Asterisk Realtime Interface * \section realtime ARA - a generic API to storage and retrieval * Implemented in \ref config.c * Implemented in \ref pbx_realtime.c * \verbinclude realtime.txt * \verbinclude extconfig.txt */ /*! * \page AstDUNDi DUNDi * * DUNDi is a peer-to-peer system for locating Internet gateways to telephony * services. Unlike traditional centralized services (such as the remarkably * simple and concise ENUM standard), DUNDi is fully-distributed with no * centralized authority whatsoever. * * DUNDi is not itself a Voice-over IP signaling or media protocol. Instead, * it publishes routes which are in turn accessed via industry standard * protocols such as IAX, SIP and H.323. * * \par References * \arg DUNDi is documented at http://www.dundi.com * \arg Implemented in \ref pbx_dundi.c and \ref dundi-parser.c * \arg Configuration in \link Config_dun dundi.conf \endlink */ /*! * \page AstCDR CDR - Call Data Records and billing * \section cdr Call Data Records * \par See also * \arg \ref cdr.c * \arg \ref cdr_drivers * \arg \ref Config_cdr CDR configuration files * * \verbinclude cdrdriver.txt */ /*! * \page AstREADME README * \verbinclude README */ /*! * \page AstCREDITS CREDITS * \verbinclude CREDITS */ /*! * \page AstVideo Video support in Asterisk * \section sectAstVideo Video support in Asterisk * \verbinclude video.txt */ /*! * \page AstVar Globally predefined channel variables * \section globchan Globally predefined channel variables * * More and more of these variables are being replaced by dialplan functions. * Some still exist though and some that does still exist needs to move to * dialplan functions. * * See also * - \ref pbx_retrieve_variable() * - \ref AstChanVar * * \verbinclude channelvariables.tex */ /*! * \page AstChanVar Asterisk Dialplan Variables * Asterisk Dialplan variables are divided into three groups: * - Predefined global variables, handled by the PBX core * - Global variables, that exist for the duration of the pbx execution * - Channel variables, that exist during a channel * * Global variables are reachable in all channels, all of the time. * Channel variables are only reachable within the channel. * * For more information on the predefined variables, see \ref AstVar * * Global and Channel variables: * - Names are Case insensitive * - Names that start with a character, but are alphanumeric * - Global variables are defined and reached with the GLOBAL() dialplan function * and the set application, like * * exten => 1234,1,set(GLOBAL(myvariable)=tomteluva) * * - \ref func_global.c * * - Channel variables are defined with the set() dialplan application * * exten => 1234,1,set(xmasattribute=tomtegröt) * * - Some channels also supports setting channel variables with the \b setvar= * configuraiton option for a device or line. * * \section AstChanVar_globalvars Global Variables * Global variables can also be set in the [globals] section of extensions.conf. The * setting \b clearglobalvars in extensions.conf [general] section affects whether * or not the global variables defined in \b globals are reset at dialplan reload. * * There are CLI commands to change and read global variables. This can be handy * to reset counters at midnight from an external script. * * \section AstChanVar_devnotes Developer notes * Variable handling is managed within \ref pbx.c * You need to include pbx.h to reach these functions. * - \ref pbx_builtin_setvar_helper() * - \ref pbx_builtin_getvar_helper() * * The variables is a linked list stored in the channel data structure * with the list starting at varshead in struct ast_channel */ /*! * \page AstENUM ENUM * \section enumreadme ENUM * \arg Configuration: \ref Config_enum * \arg \ref enum.c * \arg \ref func_enum.c * * \verbinclude enum.txt */ /*! * \page ConfigFiles Configuration files * \section config Main configuration files * \arg \link Config_ast asterisk.conf - the main configuration file \endlink * \arg \link Config_ext extensions.conf - The Dial Plan \endlink * \arg \link Config_mod modules.conf - which modules to load and not to load \endlink * \arg \link Config_fea features.conf - call features (transfer, parking, etc) \endlink * \section chanconf Channel configuration files * \arg \link Config_iax IAX2 configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_sip SIP configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_mgcp MGCP configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_rtp RTP configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_dahdi DAHDI configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_oss OSS (sound card) configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_alsa ALSA (sound card) configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_agent Agent (proxy channel) configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_misdn MISDN Experimental ISDN BRI channel configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_h323 H.323 configuration \endlink * \section appconf Application configuration files * \arg \link Config_mm Meetme (conference bridge) configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_qu Queue system configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_vm Voicemail configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_followme Followme configuration \endlink * \section cdrconf CDR configuration files * \arg \link Config_cdr CDR configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_custom Custom CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_ami Manager CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_odbc ODBC CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_pgsql PostgreSQL CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_sqlite SQLite CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_tds FreeTDS CDR driver configuration (Microsoft SQL Server) \endlink * \section miscconf Miscellenaous configuration files * \arg \link Config_adsi ADSI configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_ami AMI - Manager configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_ara Realtime configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_codec Codec configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_dun DUNDi configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_enum ENUM configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_moh Music on Hold configuration \endlink * \arg \link Config_vm Voicemail configuration \endlink * \arg \link res_config_sqlite SQLite Resource driver configuration \endlink */ /*! * \page Config_ast Asterisk.conf * \verbinclude asterisk-conf.txt */ /*! * \page Config_mod Modules configuration * All res_ resource modules are loaded with globals on, which means * that non-static functions are callable from other modules. * * If you want your non res_* module to export functions to other modules * you have to include it in the [global] section. * \verbinclude modules.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_fea Call features configuration * \par See also * \arg \ref res_features.c : Call feature implementation * \section featconf features.conf * \verbinclude features.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_followme Followme: An application for simple follow-me calls * \section followmeconf Followme.conf * - See app_followme.c * \verbinclude followme.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_ext Extensions.conf - the Dial Plan * \section dialplan Extensions.conf * \verbinclude extensions.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_iax IAX2 configuration * IAX2 is implemented in \ref chan_iax2.c * \arg \link Config_iax iax.conf Configuration file example \endlink * \section iaxreadme IAX readme file * \verbinclude iax.txt * \section Config_iax IAX Configuration example * \verbinclude iax.conf.sample * \section iaxjitter IAX Jitterbuffer information * \verbinclude jitterbuffer.txt */ /*! * \page Config_iax IAX configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_iax2.c * \section iaxconf iax.conf * \verbinclude iax.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_sip SIP configuration * Also see \ref Config_rtp RTP configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_sip.c * \section sipconf sip.conf * \verbinclude sip.conf.sample * * \arg \b Back \ref chanconf */ /*! * \page Config_mgcp MGCP configuration * Also see \ref Config_rtp RTP configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_mgcp.c * \section mgcpconf mgcp.conf * \verbinclude mgcp.conf.sample */ /*! * \page README_misdn MISDN documentation * \arg See \ref Config_misdn * \section mISDN configuration * \verbinclude misdn.txt */ /*! * \page Config_misdn MISDN configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_misdn.c * \arg \ref README_misdn * \arg See the mISDN home page: http://www.isdn4linux.de/mISDN/ * \section misdnconf misdn.conf * \verbinclude misdn.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_vm VoiceMail configuration * \section vmconf voicemail.conf * \arg Implemented in \ref app_voicemail.c * \verbinclude voicemail.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_dahdi DAHDI configuration * \section dahdiconf dahdi.conf * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_dahdi.c * \verbinclude dahdi.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_h323 H.323 channel driver information * This is the configuration of the H.323 channel driver within the Asterisk * distribution. There's another one, called OH323, in asterisk-addons * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_h323.c * \section h323conf h323.conf * \ref chan_h323.c */ /*! * \page Config_oss OSS configuration * \section ossconf oss.conf * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_oss.c * \verbinclude oss.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_alsa ALSA configuration * \section alsaconf alsa.conf * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_alsa.c * \verbinclude alsa.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_agent Agent configuration * \section agentconf agents.conf * The agent channel is a proxy channel for queues * \arg Implemented in \ref chan_agent.c * \verbinclude agents.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_rtp RTP configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref rtp.c * Used in \ref chan_sip.c and \ref chan_mgcp.c (and various H.323 channels) * \section rtpconf rtp.conf * \verbinclude rtp.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_dun DUNDi Configuration * \arg See also \ref AstDUNDi * \section dundiconf dundi.conf * \verbinclude dundi.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_enum ENUM Configuration * \section enumconf enum.conf * \arg See also \ref enumreadme * \arg Implemented in \ref func_enum.c and \ref enum.c * \verbinclude enum.conf.sample */ /*! * \page cdr_custom Custom CDR Configuration * \par See also * \arg \ref cdrconf * \arg \ref cdr_custom.c * \verbinclude cdr_custom.conf.sample */ /*! * \page cdr_ami Manager CDR driver configuration * \par See also * \arg \ref cdrconf * \arg \ref AstAMI * \arg \ref cdr_manager.c * \verbinclude cdr_manager.conf.sample */ /*! * \page cdr_odbc ODBC CDR driver configuration * \arg See also \ref cdrconf * \arg \ref cdr_odbc.c * \verbinclude cdr_odbc.conf.sample * See also: * \arg http://www.unixodbc.org */ /*! * \page cdr_pgsql PostgreSQL CDR driver configuration * \arg See also \ref cdrconf * \arg \ref cdr_pgsql.c * See also: * \arg http://www.postgresql.org * \verbinclude cdr_pgsql.conf.sample */ /*! * \page cdr_sqlite SQLite CDR driver configuration * \arg See also \ref cdrconf * \arg \ref cdr_sqlite.c * See also: * \arg http://www.sqlite.org */ /*! * \page cdr_tds FreeTDS CDR driver configuration * \arg See also \ref cdrconf * See also: * \arg http://www.freetds.org * \verbinclude cdr_tds.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_cdr CDR configuration * \par See also * \arg \ref cdr_drivers * \arg \link Config_cdr CDR configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_custom Custom CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_ami Manager CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_odbc ODBC CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_pgsql PostgreSQL CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_sqlite SQLite CDR driver configuration \endlink * \arg \link cdr_tds FreeTDS CDR driver configuration (Microsoft SQL Server) \endlink * \verbinclude cdr.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_moh Music on Hold Configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref res_musiconhold.c * \section mohconf musiconhold.conf * \verbinclude musiconhold.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_adsi ADSI Configuration * \section adsiconf adsi.conf * \verbinclude adsi.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_codec CODEC Configuration * \section codecsconf codecs.conf * \verbinclude codecs.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_ara REALTIME Configuration * \arg See also: \arg \link AstARA \endlink * \section extconf extconfig.conf * \verbinclude extconfig.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_ami AMI configuration * \arg See also: \arg \link AstAMI \endlink * \section amiconf manager.conf * \verbinclude manager.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_qu ACD - Queue system configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref app_queue.c * \section quconf queues.conf * \verbinclude queues.conf.sample */ /*! * \page Config_mm Meetme - The conference bridge configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref app_meetme.c * \section mmconf meetme.conf * \verbinclude meetme.conf.sample */ /*! * \page SoundFiles Sound files * \section SecSound Asterisk Sound files * Asterisk includes a large number of sound files. Many of these * are used by applications and demo scripts within asterisk. * * Additional sound files are available in the asterisk-addons * repository on svn.digium.com */ /*! * \addtogroup cdr_drivers Module: CDR Drivers * \section CDR_generic Asterisk CDR Drivers * \brief CDR drivers are loaded dynamically, each loaded CDR driver produce * a billing record for each call. * \arg \ref Config_mod "Modules Configuration" * \arg \ref Config_cdr "CDR Configuration" */ /*! * \addtogroup channel_drivers Module: Asterisk Channel Drivers * \section channel_generic Asterisk Channel Drivers * \brief Channel drivers are loaded dynamically. * \arg \ref Config_mod "Modules Configuration" */ /*! * \addtogroup applications Module: Dial plan applications * \section app_generic Asterisk Dial Plan Applications * \brief Applications support the dialplan. They register dynamically with * \see ast_register_application() and unregister with * \see ast_unregister_application() * \par See also * \arg \ref functions */ /*! * \addtogroup functions Module: Dial plan functions * \section func_generic Asterisk Dial Plan Functions * \brief Functions support the dialplan. They do not change any property of a channel * or touch a channel in any way. * \par See also * \arg \ref applications * */ /*! * \addtogroup codecs Module: Codecs * \section codec_generic Asterisk Codec Modules * Codecs are referenced in configuration files by name * \par See also * \arg \ref formats */ /*! * \addtogroup formats Module: Media File Formats * \section codec_generic Asterisk Format drivers * Formats are modules that read or write media files to disk. * \par See also * \arg \ref codecs */ /*! * \page AstHTTP AMI over HTTP support * The http.c file includes support for manager transactions over * http. * \section ami AMI - The manager Interface * \arg \link Config_ami Configuration file \endlink */ /*! * \page res_config_sqlite SQLite Resource driver configuration * \arg Implemented in \ref res_config_sqlite.c * \arg Configuration file: * \verbinclude res_config_sqlite.conf * \arg SQL tables: * \verbinclude res_config_sqlite.txt * \arg See also: * http://www.sqlite.org */ /*! * \page Licensing Asterisk Licensing Information * * \section license Asterisk License * \verbinclude LICENSE * * \section otherlicenses Licensing of 3rd Party Code * * This section contains a (not yet complete) list of libraries that are used * by various parts of Asterisk, including related licensing information. * * \subsection alsa_lib ALSA Library * \arg Library: libasound * \arg Website: http://www.alsa-project.org * \arg Used by: chan_alsa * \arg License: LGPL * * \subsection openssl_lib OpenSSL * \arg Library: libcrypto, libssl * \arg Website: http://www.openssl.org * \arg Used by: Asterisk core (TLS for manager and HTTP), res_crypto * \arg License: Apache 2.0 * \arg Note: An exception has been granted to allow linking of * OpenSSL with Asterisk. * * \subsection curl_lib Curl * \arg Library: libcurl * \arg Website: http://curl.haxx.se * \arg Used by: func_curl, res_config_curl, res_curl * \arg License: BSD * * \subsection portaudio_lib PortAudio * \arg Library: libportaudio * \arg Website: http://www.portaudio.com * \arg Used by: chan_console * \arg License: BSD * \arg Note: Even though PortAudio is licensed under a BSD style * license, PortAudio will make use of some audio interface, * depending on how it was built. That audio interface may * introduce additional licensing restrictions. On Linux, * this would most commonly be ALSA: \ref alsa_lib. * * \subsection rawlist Raw list of libraries that used by any part of Asterisk * \li c-client.a (app_voicemail with IMAP support) * \li libSDL-1.2.so.0 * \li libSaClm.so.2 * \li libSaEvt.so.2 * \li libX11.so.6 * \li libXau.so.6 * \li libXdmcp.so.6 * \li libasound.so.2 * \li libc.so.6 * \li libcom_err.so.2 * \li libcrypt.so.1 * \li libcrypto.so.0.9.8 (chan_h323) * \li libcurl.so.4 * \li libdirect-1.0.so.0 * \li libdirectfb-1.0.so.0 * \li libdl.so.2 * \li libexpat.so (chan_h323) * \li libfusion-1.0.so.0 * \li libgcc_s.so (chan_h323) * \li libgcrypt.so.11 (chan_h323) * \li libglib-2.0.so.0 * \li libgmime-2.0.so.2 * \li libgmodule-2.0.so.0 * \li libgnutls.so.13 (chan_h323) * \li libgobject-2.0.so.0 * \li libgpg-error.so.0 (chan_h323) * \li libgssapi_krb5.so.2 * \li libgthread-2.0.so.0 * \li libidn.so.11 * \li libiksemel.so.3 * \li libisdnnet.so * \li libjack.so.0 * \li libjpeg.so.62 * \li libk5crypto.so.3 * \li libkeyutils.so.1 * \li libkrb5.so.3 * \li libkrb5support.so.0 * \li liblber-2.4.so.2 (chan_h323) * \li libldap_r-2.4.so.2 (chan_h323) * \li libltdl.so.3 * \li liblua5.1.so.0 * \li libm.so.6 * \li libmISDN.so * \li libnbs.so.1 * \li libncurses.so.5 * \li libnetsnmp.so.15 * \li libnetsnmpagent.so.15 * \li libnetsnmphelpers.so.15 * \li libnetsnmpmibs.so.15 * \li libnsl.so.1 * \li libodbc.so.1 * \li libogg.so.0 * \li libopenh323.so (chan_h323) * \li libpcre.so.3 * \li libperl.so.5.8 * \li libportaudio.so.2 * \li libpq.so.5 * \li libpri.so.1.4 * \li libpt.so (chan_h323) * \li libpthread.so.0 * \li libradiusclient-ng.so.2 * \li libresample.so.1.0 * \li libresolv.so.2 (chan_h323) * \li librt.so.1 * \li libsasl2.so.2 (chan_h323) * \li libselinux.so.1 * \li libsensors.so.3 * \li libspandsp.so.1 * \li libspeex.so.1 * \li libsqlite.so.0 * \li libsqlite3.so.0 * \li libss7.so.1 * \li libssl.so.0.9.8 (chan_h323) * \li libstdc++.so (chan_h323, chan_vpb) * \li libsuppserv.so * \li libsybdb.so.5 * \li libsysfs.so.2 * \li libtasn1.so.3 (chan_h323) * \li libtds.so.4 * \li libtiff.so.4 * \li libtonezone.so.1.0 * \li libvorbis.so.0 * \li libvorbisenc.so.2 * \li libvpb.a (chan_vpb) * \li libwrap.so.0 * \li libxcb-xlib.so.0 * \li libxcb.so.1 * \li libz.so.1 (chan_h323) * \li linux-vdso.so.1 */