macro testdial(number, timeout) { Dial(IAX2/vpconnect-t02/${number},${timeout},${OG_DIAL_FLAGS}); switch (${DIALSTATUS}) { case CHANUNAVAIL: goto dial-trunk2; break; default: NoOp(t02 Unavailable - ${DIALSTATUS}); return; } dial-trunk2: Dial(IAX2/vpconnect-t01/${number},${timeout},${OG_DIAL_FLAGS}); } macro exten-gen(name,pword) { if( ${DB_EXISTS(org/${GroupID}/${name}/secret)} = 0 ) goto other|nomatch|begin; if( ${DB(org/${GroupID}/${name}/secret)}foo != ${pword}foo ) goto other|nomatch|begin; }; context what { who => { random(51) NoOp(This should appear 51% of the time); random( 60 ) { NoOp( This should appear 60% of the time ); } else { random(75) { NoOp( This should appear 30% of the time! ); } else { NoOp( This should appear 10% of the time! ); } } } } context other { nomatch => { begin: NoOp(Hello!); switch(${DIALSTATUS}) { case BUSY: NoOp(wow); case TORTURE: NoOp(woow); }; NoOp(woohoo); }; }; context testloop { includes { other|16:00-23:59|m0n-fri|*|*; }; 1 => { for (x=0; ${x} < 3; x=${x} + 1) { Verbose(x is ${x} !); if( ${x} = 1 ) continue; if( ${x} = 2 ) break; }; ifTime(14:00-25:00|sat-sun|*|*) { BackGround(Hello); } else BackGround(Sorry); NoOp(This is a totally useless NOOP); }; 2 => { y=10; while (${y} >= 0) { Verbose(y is ${y} !); if( ${y} = 1 ) continue; if( ${y} = 2 ) break; if( ${y} = 3 ) return; y=${y}-1; }; }; regexten hint(nasty/Thingy) 3 => { for (x=0; ${x} < 3; x=${x} + 1) { Verbose(x is ${x} !); if( ${x} = 4 ) break; if( ${x} = 5 ) continue; if( ${x} = 6 ) return; y=10; while (${y} >= 0) { Verbose(y is ${y} !); if( ${y} = 4 ) break; if( ${y} = 5 ) continue; if( ${y} = 6 ) return; y=${y}-1; }; }; }; 4 => { y=10; while (${y} >= 0) { Verbose(y is ${y} !); if( ${y} = 4 ) break; if( ${y} = 5 ) continue; if( ${y} = 6 ) return; for (x=0; ${x} < 3; x=${x} + 1) { Verbose(x is ${x} !); if( ${x} = 4 ) break; if( ${x} = 5 ) continue; if( ${x} = 6 ) return; for (z=0; ${z} < 17; z=${z} + 1) { Verbose(z is ${z} !); Verbose(z is ${z} !); if( ${z} = 4 ) break; if( ${z} = 5 ) continue; if( ${z} = 6 ) return; Verbose(z is ${z} !); Verbose(z is ${z} !); }; }; y=${y}-1; }; }; 5 => { &exten-gen(axel,brain); }; };