%{ /* * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit. * * Copyright (C) 2006, Digium, Inc. * * Steve Murphy * * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about * the Asterisk project. Please do not directly contact * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance; * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC * channels for your use. * * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2. See the LICENSE file * at the top of the source tree. */ /*! \file * * \brief Bison Grammar description of AEL2. * */ #include #include #include #include "asterisk/logger.h" #include "asterisk/ael_structs.h" extern void reset_parencount(yyscan_t yyscanner); extern void reset_semicount(yyscan_t yyscanner); extern void reset_argcount(yyscan_t yyscanner ); #define YYLEX_PARAM ((struct parse_io *)parseio)->scanner #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 extern char *my_file; #ifdef AAL_ARGCHECK int ael_is_funcname(char *name); #endif static char *ael_token_subst(char *mess); extern char *prev_word; %} %union { char *str; struct pval *pval; } %{ /* declaring these AFTER the union makes things a lot simpler! */ void yyerror(YYLTYPE *locp, struct parse_io *parseio, char const *s); int ael_yylex (YYSTYPE * yylval_param, YYLTYPE * yylloc_param , void * yyscanner); %} %token KW_CONTEXT LC RC LP RP SEMI EQ COMMA COLON AMPER BAR AT %token KW_MACRO KW_GLOBALS KW_IGNOREPAT KW_SWITCH KW_IF KW_IFTIME KW_ELSE KW_RANDOM KW_ABSTRACT %token EXTENMARK KW_GOTO KW_JUMP KW_RETURN KW_BREAK KW_CONTINUE KW_REGEXTEN KW_HINT %token KW_FOR KW_WHILE KW_CASE KW_PATTERN KW_DEFAULT KW_CATCH KW_SWITCHES KW_ESWITCHES %token KW_INCLUDES %token word %type includes %type includeslist %type switchlist %type eswitches %type switches %type macro_statement %type macro_statements %type case_statement %type case_statements %type eval_arglist %type application_call %type application_call_head %type macro_call %type target jumptarget %type statement %type switch_head %type word_list goto_word %type word3_list %type includedname %type if_head %type random_head %type iftime_head %type statements %type extension %type ignorepat %type element %type elements %type arglist %type global_statement %type global_statements %type globals %type macro %type context %type object %type objects %type file /* OPTIONS */ %locations %pure-parser %name-prefix="ael_yy" /* the following option does two things: it adds the locp arg to the yyerror and it adds the NULL to the yyerrr arg list, and calls yyerror with NULL for that arg. You can't get the locp arg without the NULL arg, don't ask me why. */ %parse-param {struct parse_io *parseio} /* there will be two shift/reduce conflicts, they involve the if statement, where a single statement occurs not wrapped in curlies in the "true" section the default action to shift will attach the else to the preceeding if. */ %expect 5 %error-verbose %destructor { if (yymsg[0] != 'C') {destroy_pval($$); prev_word=0;} else {printf("Cleanup destructor called for pvals\n");} } includes includeslist switchlist eswitches switches macro_statement macro_statements case_statement case_statements eval_arglist application_call application_call_head macro_call target jumptarget statement switch_head if_head random_head iftime_head statements extension ignorepat element elements arglist global_statement global_statements globals macro context object objects %destructor { free($$);} word word_list goto_word word3_list includedname %% file : objects { $$ = parseio->pval = $1; } ; objects : object {$$=$1;} | objects object {if ( $1 && $2 ) {$$=$1; linku1($$,$2);} else if ( $1 ) {$$=$1;} else if ( $2 ) {$$=$2;} } | objects error {$$=$1;} ; object : context {$$=$1;} | macro {$$=$1;} | globals {$$=$1;} | SEMI {$$=0;/* allow older docs to be read */} ; context : KW_CONTEXT word LC elements RC {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.statements = $4; } | KW_CONTEXT word LC RC /* empty context OK */ {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; } | KW_CONTEXT KW_DEFAULT LC elements RC {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->u2.statements = $4; } | KW_CONTEXT KW_DEFAULT LC RC /* empty context OK */ {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); } | KW_ABSTRACT KW_CONTEXT word LC elements RC {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@6.last_line, @1.first_column, @6.last_column); $$->u1.str = $3; $$->u2.statements = $5; $$->u3.abstract = 1;} | KW_ABSTRACT KW_CONTEXT word LC RC /* empty context OK */ {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $3; $$->u3.abstract = 1; } | KW_ABSTRACT KW_CONTEXT KW_DEFAULT LC elements RC {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@6.last_line, @1.first_column, @6.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->u2.statements = $5; $$->u3.abstract = 1; } | KW_ABSTRACT KW_CONTEXT KW_DEFAULT LC RC /* empty context OK */ {$$=npval(PV_CONTEXT,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->u3.abstract = 1; } ; macro : KW_MACRO word LP arglist RP LC macro_statements RC {$$=npval(PV_MACRO,@1.first_line,@8.last_line, @1.first_column, @8.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.arglist = $4; $$->u3.macro_statements = $7; } | KW_MACRO word LP arglist RP LC RC {$$=npval(PV_MACRO,@1.first_line,@7.last_line, @1.first_column, @7.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.arglist = $4; } | KW_MACRO word LP RP LC macro_statements RC {$$=npval(PV_MACRO,@1.first_line,@7.last_line, @1.first_column, @7.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u3.macro_statements = $6; } | KW_MACRO word LP RP LC RC {$$=npval(PV_MACRO,@1.first_line,@6.last_line, @1.first_column, @6.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; /* pretty empty! */ } ; globals : KW_GLOBALS LC global_statements RC {$$=npval(PV_GLOBALS,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.statements = $3;} | KW_GLOBALS LC RC /* empty global is OK */ {$$=npval(PV_GLOBALS,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); /* and that's all */ } ; global_statements : global_statement {$$=$1;} | global_statements global_statement {$$=$1; linku1($$,$2);} | global_statements error {$$=$1;} ; global_statement : word EQ { reset_semicount(parseio->scanner); } word SEMI {$$=npval(PV_VARDEC,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;$$->u2.val = $4; } ; arglist : word {$$= npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; } | arglist COMMA word {pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); z->u1.str = $3; $$=$1; linku1($$,z); } | arglist error {$$=$1;} ; elements : element { $$=$1;} | error {$$=0;} | elements element { if ( $1 && $2 ) {$$=$1; linku1($$,$2);} else if ( $1 ) {$$=$1;} else if ( $2 ) {$$=$2;} } | elements error { $$=$1;} ; element : extension {$$=$1;} | includes {$$=$1;} | switches {$$=$1;} | eswitches {$$=$1;} | ignorepat {$$=$1;} | word EQ { reset_semicount(parseio->scanner); } word SEMI {$$=npval(PV_VARDEC,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;$$->u2.val = $4; } | word error {free($1); $$=0;} | SEMI {$$=0;/* allow older docs to be read */} ; ignorepat : KW_IGNOREPAT EXTENMARK word SEMI { $$=npval(PV_IGNOREPAT,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.str = $3;} ; extension : word EXTENMARK statement {$$ = npval(PV_EXTENSION,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->u2.statements = $3; } | KW_REGEXTEN word EXTENMARK statement {$$ = npval(PV_EXTENSION,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.statements = $4; $$->u4.regexten=1;} | KW_HINT LP word3_list RP word EXTENMARK statement {$$ = npval(PV_EXTENSION,@1.first_line,@7.last_line, @1.first_column, @7.last_column); $$->u1.str = $5; $$->u2.statements = $7; $$->u3.hints = $3;} | KW_REGEXTEN KW_HINT LP word3_list RP word EXTENMARK statement {$$ = npval(PV_EXTENSION,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @8.last_column); $$->u1.str = $6; $$->u2.statements = $8; $$->u4.regexten=1;$$->u3.hints = $4;} ; statements : statement {$$=$1;} | statements statement {if ( $1 && $2 ) {$$=$1; linku1($$,$2);} else if ( $1 ) {$$=$1;} else if ( $2 ) {$$=$2;} } | statements error {$$=$1;} ; if_head : KW_IF LP { reset_parencount(parseio->scanner); } word_list RP { $$= npval(PV_IF,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $4; } ; random_head : KW_RANDOM LP { reset_parencount(parseio->scanner); } word_list RP { $$= npval(PV_RANDOM,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str=$4;} ; iftime_head : KW_IFTIME LP word3_list COLON word3_list COLON word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list RP { $$= npval(PV_IFTIME,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.list = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.list->u1.str = (char*)malloc(strlen($3)+strlen($5)+strlen($7)+4); strcpy($$->u1.list->u1.str,$3); strcat($$->u1.list->u1.str,":"); strcat($$->u1.list->u1.str,$5); strcat($$->u1.list->u1.str,":"); strcat($$->u1.list->u1.str,$7); free($3); free($5); free($7); $$->u1.list->next = npval(PV_WORD,@9.first_line,@9.last_line, @9.first_column, @9.last_column); $$->u1.list->next->u1.str = $9; $$->u1.list->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@11.first_line,@11.last_line, @11.first_column, @11.last_column); $$->u1.list->next->next->u1.str = $11; $$->u1.list->next->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@13.first_line,@13.last_line, @13.first_column, @13.last_column); $$->u1.list->next->next->next->u1.str = $13; prev_word = 0; } | KW_IFTIME LP word BAR word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list RP { $$= npval(PV_IFTIME,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.list = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.list->u1.str = $3; $$->u1.list->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.list->next->u1.str = $5; $$->u1.list->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@7.first_line,@7.last_line, @7.first_column, @7.last_column); $$->u1.list->next->next->u1.str = $7; $$->u1.list->next->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@9.first_line,@9.last_line, @9.first_column, @9.last_column); $$->u1.list->next->next->next->u1.str = $9; prev_word = 0; } ; /* word_list is a hack to fix a problem with context switching between bison and flex; by the time you register a new context with flex, you've already got a look-ahead token from the old context, with no way to put it back and start afresh. So, we kludge this and merge the words back together. */ word_list : word { $$ = $1;} | word word { $$ = (char*)malloc(strlen($1)+strlen($2)+1); strcpy($$, $1); strcat($$, $2); free($1); free($2);prev_word = $$;} ; word3_list : word { $$ = $1;} | word word { $$ = (char*)malloc(strlen($1)+strlen($2)+1); strcpy($$, $1); strcat($$, $2); free($1); free($2);prev_word = $$;} | word word word { $$ = (char*)malloc(strlen($1)+strlen($2)+strlen($3)+1); strcpy($$, $1); strcat($$, $2); strcat($$, $3); free($1); free($2); free($3);prev_word=$$;} ; goto_word : word { $$ = $1;} | word word { $$ = (char*)malloc(strlen($1)+strlen($2)+1); strcpy($$, $1); strcat($$, $2); free($1); free($2);} | word COLON word { $$ = (char*)malloc(strlen($1)+strlen($3)+2); strcpy($$, $1); strcat($$,":"); strcat($$, $3); free($1); free($3);} ; switch_head : KW_SWITCH LP { reset_parencount(parseio->scanner); } word RP LC {$$=npval(PV_SWITCH,@1.first_line,@6.last_line, @1.first_column, @6.last_column); $$->u1.str = $4; } ; statement : LC statements RC {$$=npval(PV_STATEMENTBLOCK,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.list = $2; } | word EQ {reset_semicount(parseio->scanner);} word SEMI {$$=npval(PV_VARDEC,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->u2.val = $4; } | KW_GOTO target SEMI {$$=npval(PV_GOTO,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.list = $2;} | KW_JUMP jumptarget SEMI {$$=npval(PV_GOTO,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.list = $2;} | word COLON {$$=npval(PV_LABEL,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; } | KW_FOR LP {reset_semicount(parseio->scanner);} word SEMI {reset_semicount(parseio->scanner);} word SEMI {reset_parencount(parseio->scanner);} word RP statement { $$=npval(PV_FOR,@1.first_line,@12.last_line, @1.first_column, @12.last_column); $$->u1.for_init = $4; $$->u2.for_test=$7; $$->u3.for_inc = $10; $$->u4.for_statements = $12;} | KW_WHILE LP {reset_parencount(parseio->scanner);} word RP statement {$$=npval(PV_WHILE,@1.first_line,@6.last_line, @1.first_column, @6.last_column); $$->u1.str = $4; $$->u2.statements = $6; } | switch_head RC /* empty list OK */ {$$=$1;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} | switch_head case_statements RC {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @3.last_line; $$->endcol = @3.last_column;} | AMPER macro_call SEMI {$$ = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} | application_call SEMI { $$ = $1;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} | word SEMI { $$= npval(PV_APPLICATION_CALL,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;} | application_call EQ {reset_semicount(parseio->scanner);} word SEMI { char *bufx; int tot=0; pval *pptr; $$ = npval(PV_VARDEC,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u2.val=$4; /* rebuild the original string-- this is not an app call, it's an unwrapped vardec, with a func call on the LHS */ /* string to big to fit in the buffer? */ tot+=strlen($1->u1.str); for(pptr=$1->u2.arglist;pptr;pptr=pptr->next) { tot+=strlen(pptr->u1.str); tot++; /* for a sep like a comma */ } tot+=4; /* for safety */ bufx = (char *)malloc(tot); strcpy(bufx,$1->u1.str); strcat(bufx,"("); for (pptr=$1->u2.arglist;pptr;pptr=pptr->next) { if ( pptr != $1->u2.arglist ) strcat(bufx,","); strcat(bufx,pptr->u1.str); } strcat(bufx,")"); #ifdef AAL_ARGCHECK if ( !ael_is_funcname($1->u1.str) ) ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "==== File: %s, Line %d, Cols: %d-%d: Function call? The name %s is not in my internal list of function names\n", my_file, @1.first_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column, $1->u1.str); #endif $$->u1.str = bufx; destroy_pval($1); /* the app call it is not, get rid of that chain */ prev_word = 0; } | KW_BREAK SEMI { $$ = npval(PV_BREAK,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column);} | KW_RETURN SEMI {$$ = npval(PV_RETURN,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column);} | KW_CONTINUE SEMI {$$ = npval(PV_CONTINUE,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column);} | random_head statement {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} | random_head statement KW_ELSE statement {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column; $$->u3.else_statements = $4;} | if_head statement {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} | if_head statement KW_ELSE statement {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column; $$->u3.else_statements = $4;} | iftime_head statement {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} | iftime_head statement KW_ELSE statement {$$=$1; $$->u2.statements = $2;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column; $$->u3.else_statements = $4;} | SEMI { $$=0; } ; target : goto_word { $$ = npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;} | goto_word BAR goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3;} | goto_word COMMA goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3;} | goto_word BAR goto_word BAR goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = $5; } | goto_word COMMA goto_word COMMA goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = $5; } | KW_DEFAULT BAR goto_word BAR goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = $5; } | KW_DEFAULT COMMA goto_word COMMA goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = $5; } ; jumptarget : goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = strdup("1");} /* jump extension[,priority][@context] */ | goto_word COMMA goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $3;} | goto_word COMMA word AT word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $5; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $1; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = $3; } | goto_word AT goto_word {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $3; $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $1; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = strdup("1"); } | goto_word COMMA word AT KW_DEFAULT {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $1; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = $3; } | goto_word AT KW_DEFAULT {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = strdup("default"); $$->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->u1.str = $1; $$->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->next->next->u1.str = strdup("1"); } ; macro_call : word LP {reset_argcount(parseio->scanner);} eval_arglist RP {$$= npval(PV_MACRO_CALL,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->u2.arglist = $4;} | word LP RP {$$= npval(PV_MACRO_CALL,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; } ; application_call_head: word {reset_argcount(parseio->scanner);} LP {if (strcasecmp($1,"goto") == 0) { $$= npval(PV_GOTO,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); free($1); /* won't be using this */ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "==== File: %s, Line %d, Cols: %d-%d: Suggestion: Use the goto statement instead of the Goto() application call in AEL.\n", my_file, @1.first_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column ); } else $$= npval(PV_APPLICATION_CALL,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; } ; application_call : application_call_head eval_arglist RP {$$ = $1; if( $$->type == PV_GOTO ) $$->u1.list = $2; else $$->u2.arglist = $2; $$->endline = @3.last_line; $$->endcol = @3.last_column;} | application_call_head RP {$$=$1;$$->endline = @2.last_line; $$->endcol = @2.last_column;} ; eval_arglist : word_list { $$= npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@1.last_line, @1.first_column, @1.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;} | /*nothing! */ { $$= npval(PV_WORD,0/*@1.first_line*/,0/*@1.last_line*/,0/* @1.first_column*/, 0/*@1.last_column*/); $$->u1.str = strdup(""); } | eval_arglist COMMA word { pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$ = $1; linku1($1,z); z->u1.str = $3;} | eval_arglist COMMA { pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@2.first_line,@2.last_line, @2.first_column, @2.last_column); $$ = $1; linku1($1,z); z->u1.str = strdup("");} ; case_statements: case_statement {$$=$1;} | case_statements case_statement { if ( $1 && $2 ) {$$=$1; linku1($$,$2);} else if ( $1 ) {$$=$1;} else if ( $2 ) {$$=$2;} } ; case_statement: KW_CASE word COLON statements {$$ = npval(PV_CASE,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.statements = $4;} | KW_DEFAULT COLON statements {$$ = npval(PV_DEFAULT,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = 0; $$->u2.statements = $3;} | KW_PATTERN word COLON statements {$$ = npval(PV_PATTERN,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.statements = $4;} | KW_CASE word COLON {$$ = npval(PV_CASE,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2;} | KW_DEFAULT COLON {$$ = npval(PV_DEFAULT,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = 0;} | KW_PATTERN word COLON {$$ = npval(PV_PATTERN,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2;} ; macro_statements: macro_statement {$$ = $1;} | macro_statements macro_statement { if ( $1 && $2 ) {$$=$1; linku1($$,$2);} else if ( $1 ) {$$=$1;} else if ( $2 ) {$$=$2;} } ; macro_statement : statement {$$=$1;} | KW_CATCH word LC statements RC {$$=npval(PV_CATCH,@1.first_line,@5.last_line, @1.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u1.str = $2; $$->u2.statements = $4;} ; switches : KW_SWITCHES LC switchlist RC {$$= npval(PV_SWITCHES,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.list = $3; } | KW_SWITCHES LC RC /* empty switch list OK */ {$$= npval(PV_SWITCHES,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column);} ; eswitches : KW_ESWITCHES LC switchlist RC {$$= npval(PV_ESWITCHES,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.list = $3; } | KW_ESWITCHES LC RC /* empty switch list OK */ {$$= npval(PV_ESWITCHES,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column); } /* if there's nothing to declare, why include it? */ ; switchlist : word SEMI {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;} | switchlist word SEMI {pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@2.first_line,@3.last_line, @2.first_column, @3.last_column); $$=$1; z->u1.str = $2; linku1($$,z); } | switchlist error {$$=$1;} ; includeslist : includedname SEMI {$$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1;} | includedname BAR word3_list COLON word3_list COLON word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list SEMI { $$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->u2.arglist = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@7.last_line, @3.first_column, @7.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->u1.str = (char*)malloc(strlen($3)+strlen($5)+strlen($7)+4); strcpy($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,$3); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,":"); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,$5); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,":"); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,$7); free($3); free($5); free($7); $$->u2.arglist->next = npval(PV_WORD,@9.first_line,@9.last_line, @9.first_column, @9.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->next->u1.str = $9; $$->u2.arglist->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@11.first_line,@11.last_line, @11.first_column, @11.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->next->next->u1.str = $11; $$->u2.arglist->next->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@13.first_line,@13.last_line, @13.first_column, @13.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->next->next->next->u1.str = $13; prev_word=0; } | includedname BAR word BAR word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list SEMI { $$=npval(PV_WORD,@1.first_line,@2.last_line, @1.first_column, @2.last_column); $$->u1.str = $1; $$->u2.arglist = npval(PV_WORD,@3.first_line,@3.last_line, @3.first_column, @3.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->u1.str = $3; $$->u2.arglist->next = npval(PV_WORD,@5.first_line,@5.last_line, @5.first_column, @5.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->next->u1.str = $5; $$->u2.arglist->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@7.first_line,@7.last_line, @7.first_column, @7.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->next->next->u1.str = $7; $$->u2.arglist->next->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@9.first_line,@9.last_line, @9.first_column, @9.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->next->next->next->u1.str = $9; prev_word=0; } | includeslist includedname SEMI {pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@2.first_line,@3.last_line, @2.first_column, @3.last_column); $$=$1; z->u1.str = $2; linku1($$,z); } | includeslist includedname BAR word3_list COLON word3_list COLON word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list SEMI {pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@2.first_line,@3.last_line, @2.first_column, @3.last_column); $$=$1; z->u1.str = $2; linku1($$,z); z->u2.arglist = npval(PV_WORD,@4.first_line,@4.last_line, @4.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->u1.str = (char*)malloc(strlen($4)+strlen($6)+strlen($8)+4); strcpy($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,$4); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,":"); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,$6); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,":"); strcat($$->u2.arglist->u1.str,$8); free($4); free($6); free($8); z->u2.arglist->next = npval(PV_WORD,@10.first_line,@10.last_line, @10.first_column, @10.last_column); z->u2.arglist->next->u1.str = $10; z->u2.arglist->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@12.first_line,@12.last_line, @12.first_column, @12.last_column); z->u2.arglist->next->next->u1.str = $12; z->u2.arglist->next->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@14.first_line,@14.last_line, @14.first_column, @14.last_column); z->u2.arglist->next->next->next->u1.str = $14; prev_word=0; } | includeslist includedname BAR word BAR word3_list BAR word3_list BAR word3_list SEMI {pval *z = npval(PV_WORD,@2.first_line,@2.last_line, @2.first_column, @3.last_column); $$=$1; z->u1.str = $2; linku1($$,z); z->u2.arglist = npval(PV_WORD,@4.first_line,@4.last_line, @4.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u2.arglist->u1.str = $4; z->u2.arglist->next = npval(PV_WORD,@6.first_line,@6.last_line, @6.first_column, @6.last_column); z->u2.arglist->next->u1.str = $6; z->u2.arglist->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@8.first_line,@8.last_line, @8.first_column, @8.last_column); z->u2.arglist->next->next->u1.str = $8; z->u2.arglist->next->next->next = npval(PV_WORD,@10.first_line,@10.last_line, @10.first_column, @10.last_column); z->u2.arglist->next->next->next->u1.str = $10; prev_word=0; } | includeslist error {$$=$1;} ; includedname : word { $$ = $1;} | KW_DEFAULT {$$=strdup("default");} ; includes : KW_INCLUDES LC includeslist RC {$$= npval(PV_INCLUDES,@1.first_line,@4.last_line, @1.first_column, @4.last_column); $$->u1.list = $3;} | KW_INCLUDES LC RC {$$= npval(PV_INCLUDES,@1.first_line,@3.last_line, @1.first_column, @3.last_column);} ; %% static char *token_equivs1[] = { "AMPER", "AT", "BAR", "COLON", "COMMA", "EQ", "EXTENMARK", "KW_BREAK", "KW_CASE", "KW_CATCH", "KW_CONTEXT", "KW_CONTINUE", "KW_DEFAULT", "KW_ELSE", "KW_ESWITCHES", "KW_FOR", "KW_GLOBALS", "KW_GOTO", "KW_HINT", "KW_IFTIME", "KW_IF", "KW_IGNOREPAT", "KW_INCLUDES" "KW_JUMP", "KW_MACRO", "KW_PATTERN", "KW_REGEXTEN", "KW_RETURN", "KW_SWITCHES", "KW_SWITCH", "KW_WHILE", "LC", "LP", "RC", "RP", "SEMI", }; static char *token_equivs2[] = { "&", "@", "|", ":", ",", "=", "=>", "break", "case", "catch", "context", "continue", "default", "else", "eswitches", "for", "globals", "goto", "hint", "ifTime", "if", "ignorepat", "includes" "jump", "macro", "pattern", "regexten", "return", "switches", "switch", "while", "{", "(", "}", ")", ";", }; static char *ael_token_subst(char *mess) { /* calc a length, malloc, fill, and return; yyerror had better free it! */ int len=0,i; char *p; char *res, *s,*t; int token_equivs_entries = sizeof(token_equivs1)/sizeof(char*); for (p=mess; *p; p++) { for (i=0; ifirst_line == locp->last_line) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "==== File: %s, Line %d, Cols: %d-%d: Error: %s\n", my_file, locp->first_line, locp->first_column, locp->last_column, s2); } else { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "==== File: %s, Line %d Col %d to Line %d Col %d: Error: %s\n", my_file, locp->first_line, locp->first_column, locp->last_line, locp->last_column, s2); } free(s2); parseio->syntax_error_count++; } struct pval *npval(pvaltype type,int first_line, int last_line, int first_column, int last_column) { extern char *my_file; pval *z = (pval *)calloc(sizeof(struct pval),1); z->type = type; z->startline = first_line; z->endline = last_line; z->startcol = first_column; z->endcol = last_column; z->filename = strdup(my_file); return z; } void linku1(pval *head, pval *tail) { if (!head->next) { head->next = tail; head->u1_last = tail; } else { head->u1_last->next = tail; head->u1_last = tail; } }