{ "_copyright": "Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013, Digium, Inc.", "_author": "David M. Lee, II ", "_svn_revision": "$Revision$", "apiVersion": "0.0.1", "swaggerVersion": "1.1", "basePath": "http://localhost:8088/stasis", "resourcePath": "/api-docs/recordings.{format}", "apis": [ { "path": "/recordings/stored", "description": "Recordings", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "List recordings that are complete.", "nickname": "getStoredRecordings", "responseClass": "List[StoredRecording]" } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/stored/{recordingName}", "description": "Individual recording", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "Get a stored recording's details.", "nickname": "getStoredRecording", "responseClass": "StoredRecording", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" } ] }, { "httpMethod": "DELETE", "summary": "Delete a stored recording.", "nickname": "deleteStoredRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" } ] } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/live/{recordingName}", "description": "A recording that is in progress", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "GET", "summary": "List live recordings.", "nickname": "getLiveRecording", "responseClass": "LiveRecording", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" } ] }, { "httpMethod": "DELETE", "summary": "Stop a live recording and discard it.", "nickname": "cancelRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" } ] } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/live/{recordingName}/stop", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "Stop a live recording and store it.", "nickname": "stopRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" } ] } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/live/{recordingName}/pause", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "Pause a live recording.", "notes": "Pausing a recording suspends silence detection, which will be restarted when the recording is unpaused. Paused time is not included in the accounting for maxDurationSeconds.", "nickname": "pauseRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" }, { "code": 409, "reason": "Recording not in session" } ] } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/live/{recordingName}/unpause", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "Unpause a live recording.", "nickname": "unpauseRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" }, { "code": 409, "reason": "Recording not in session" } ] } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/live/{recordingName}/mute", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "Mute a live recording.", "notes": "Muting a recording suspends silence detection, which will be restarted when the recording is unmuted.", "nickname": "muteRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" }, { "code": 409, "reason": "Recording not in session" } ] } ] }, { "path": "/recordings/live/{recordingName}/unmute", "operations": [ { "httpMethod": "POST", "summary": "Unmute a live recording.", "nickname": "unmuteRecording", "responseClass": "void", "parameters": [ { "name": "recordingName", "description": "The name of the recording", "paramType": "path", "required": true, "allowMultiple": false, "dataType": "string" } ], "errorResponses": [ { "code": 404, "reason": "Recording not found" }, { "code": 409, "reason": "Recording not in session" } ] } ] } ], "models": { "StoredRecording": { "id": "StoredRecording", "description": "A past recording that may be played back.", "properties": { "name": { "required": true, "type": "string" }, "format": { "required": true, "type": "string" } } }, "LiveRecording": { "id": "LiveRecording", "description": "A recording that is in progress", "properties": { "name": { "required": true, "type": "string", "description": "Base name for the recording" }, "format": { "required": true, "type": "string", "description": "Recording format (wav, gsm, etc.)" }, "state": { "required": false, "type": "string", "allowableValues": { "valueType": "LIST", "values": [ "queued", "playing", "paused", "done" ] } }, "state": { "required": true, "type": "string" }, "format": { "required": true, "type": "string" } } } } }