// Copyright (C) 2003 Mooffie // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. #include #include "editbox.h" #include "editor.h" #include "helpbox.h" #include "dialogline.h" #include "inputline.h" #include "speller.h" #include "basemenu.h" #define ESC 27 EditBox::action_entry EditBox::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(EditBox, key_left, N_("Move a character left")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, key_right, N_("Move a character right")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_previous_line, N_("Move to the previous line")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_next_line, N_("Move to the next line")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_forward_page, N_("Move to the next page")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_backward_page, N_("Move to the previous page")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_forward_char, N_("Move forward a character")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_backward_char, N_("Move back a character")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_beginning_of_line, N_("Move to the beginning of the current line, logical")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_beginning_of_visual_line, N_("Move to the beginning of the current line, visual")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, key_home, N_("Move to the beginning of the current line")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_end_of_line, N_("Move to the end of the current line")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_last_modification, N_("Jump to the place of the last editing operation")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, delete_backward_char, N_("Delete the previous character")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, delete_forward_char, N_("Delete the character the cursor is on")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, copy, N_("Copy the selected text to clipboard")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, cut, N_("Copy the selected text to clipboard and delete it from the buffer")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, paste, N_("Paste the text in the clipboard into the buffer")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_end_of_buffer, N_("Move to the end of the buffer")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_beginning_of_buffer, N_("Move to the beginning of the buffer")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_backward_word, N_("Move to the beginning of the current or previous word")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, move_forward_word, N_("Move to the end of the current or next word")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, delete_backward_word, N_("Delete to the beginning of the current or previous word")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, delete_forward_word, N_("Delete to the end of the current or next word")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_dir_algo, N_("Change the algorithm used to determine the base direction of paragraphs")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_dir_algo_unicode, N_("Unicode's TR #9: First strong character determines base dir. Neutral gets LTR.")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_dir_algo_context_strong, N_("Contextual-strong: Unicode's TR #9 + neutral paras now inherit surroundings")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_dir_algo_context_rtl, N_("Contextual-rtl: like Contextual-strong, but if there's any RTL char, para is RTL")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_dir_algo_force_ltr, N_("Force LTR")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_dir_algo_force_rtl, N_("Force RTL")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_wrap, N_("Change the way long lines are displayed (whether to wrap or not, and how)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_wrap_type_at_white_space, N_("Wrap lines, do not break words (just like a word processor)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_wrap_type_anywhere, N_("Wrap lines, break words")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_wrap_type_off, N_("Don't wrap lines;you'll have to scroll horizontally to view the rest of the line")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_alt_kbd, N_("Toogle Hebrew keyboard emulation")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_translate_next_char, N_("Translate next character")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, justify, N_("Justify the current or next paragraph")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, cut_end_of_paragraph, N_("Cut [to] end of paragraph")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, undo, N_("Undo the last change")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, redo, N_("Redo the last change you canceled")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, delete_paragraph, N_("Delete the current paragraph")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_primary_mark, N_("Start/cancel selection")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_auto_justify, N_("Toggle auto-justify")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_auto_indent, N_("Toggle auto-indent")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_formatting_marks, N_("Toggle display of formatting marks (paragraph ends, explicit BiDi marks, tabs)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_rtl_nsm, N_("Toggle display of Hebrew/Arabic points (off/transliterated/as-is)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_rtl_nsm_asis, N_("Display Hebrew/Arabic points as-is (for capable terminals only)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_rtl_nsm_transliterated, N_("Display Hebrew/Arabic points as highlighted ASCII characters")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_rtl_nsm_off, N_("Hide Hebrew/Arabic points")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_maqaf, N_("Toggle Hebrew maqaf highlighting and/or enable its ASCII transliteration")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_maqaf_display_transliterated, N_("Display the maqaf as ASCII dash")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_maqaf_display_highlighted, N_("Highlight the maqaf")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_maqaf_display_asis, N_("Display the maqaf as-is (for capable terminals)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_smart_typing, N_("Toggle smart-typing mode: auto replace some plain characters with typographical ones")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, insert_maqaf, N_("Insert Hebrew maqaf")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_read_only, N_("Toggle read-only status of buffer")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_eops, N_("Change end-of-paragraphs type")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_eops_unix, N_("Set end-of-paragraphs type to Unix")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_eops_dos, N_("Set end-of-paragraphs type to DOS/Windows")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_eops_mac, N_("Set end-of-paragraphs type to Macintosh")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, set_eops_unicode, N_("Set end-of-paragraphs type to Unicode PS")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_key_for_key_undo, N_("Toggle key-for-key undo (whether to group small editing operations)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_bidi, N_("Turn off/on the BiDi algorithm (useful when editing complicated bi-di texts)")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_visual_cursor_movement, N_("Toggle between logical and visual cursor movement")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, menu_set_syn_hlt_none, N_("Don't do syntax-highlighting")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, menu_set_syn_hlt_html, N_("Highlight HTML tags")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, menu_set_syn_hlt_email, N_("Highlight lines starting with '>'")), ADD_ACTION(EditBox, toggle_underline, N_("Whether to highlight *text* and _text_ on your terminal")), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry EditBox::bindings_table[] = { { Event(KEY_LEFT), "key_left" }, { Event(KEY_RIGHT), "key_right" }, { Event(KEY_UP), "move_previous_line" }, { Event(KEY_DOWN), "move_next_line" }, { Event(KEY_NPAGE), "move_forward_page" }, { Event(KEY_PPAGE), "move_backward_page" }, { Event(KEY_HOME), "key_home" }, { Event(KEY_END), "move_end_of_line" }, { Event(CTRL, 'b'), "move_backward_char" }, { Event(CTRL, 'f'), "move_forward_char" }, { Event(CTRL, 'p'), "move_previous_line" }, { Event(CTRL, 'n'), "move_next_line" }, { Event(CTRL, 'a'), "move_beginning_of_line" }, { Event(CTRL, 'e'), "move_end_of_line" }, { Event(CTRL, 'o'), "move_last_modification" }, { Event(ALT, 'o'), "move_last_modification" }, { Event(KEY_BACKSPACE), "delete_backward_char" }, { Event(KEY_DC), "delete_forward_char" }, { Event(CTRL, 'd'), "delete_forward_char" }, { Event(ALT, 'h'), "toggle_alt_kbd" }, { Event(KEY_F(12)), "toggle_alt_kbd" }, { Event(ALT, '>'), "move_end_of_buffer" }, { Event(ALT, '<'), "move_beginning_of_buffer" }, { Event(ALT, 'b'), "move_backward_word" }, { Event(ALT, 'f'), "move_forward_word" }, { Event(ALT, 'F'), "toggle_formatting_marks" }, { Event(ALT, 'n'), "toggle_rtl_nsm" }, { Event(ALT, 'd'), "delete_forward_word" }, { Event(ALT, 0, KEY_BACKSPACE), "delete_backward_word" }, { Event(ALT, 't'), "toggle_dir_algo" }, { Event(ALT, 'w'), "toggle_wrap" }, { Event(CTRL, 'q'), "set_translate_next_char" }, { Event(CTRL, 'j'), "justify" }, { Event(CTRL, 'k'), "cut_end_of_paragraph" }, { Event(CTRL, 'r'), "redo" }, { Event(CTRL, 'u'), "undo" }, { Event(CTRL, 'c'), "copy" }, { Event(CTRL, 'x'), "cut" }, { Event(CTRL, 'v'), "paste" }, { Event(CTRL, 'y'), "delete_paragraph" }, { Event(CTRL, '^'), "toggle_primary_mark" }, { Event(CTRL, '@'), "toggle_primary_mark" }, { Event(KEY_F(11)), "toggle_primary_mark" }, // cygwin { Event(ALT, 'J'), "toggle_auto_justify" }, { Event(ALT, 'i'), "toggle_auto_indent" }, { Event(ALT, 'k'), "toggle_maqaf" }, { Event(ALT, 'q'), "toggle_smart_typing" }, { Event(ALT, '-'), "insert_maqaf" }, { Event(ALT, 'R'), "toggle_read_only" }, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 'e'), "toggle_eops" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2001), "set_eops_unix" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2002), "set_eops_dos" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2003), "set_eops_mac" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2004), "set_eops_unicode" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2005), "set_rtl_nsm_off" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2006), "set_rtl_nsm_asis" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2007), "set_rtl_nsm_transliterated" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2008), "set_maqaf_display_transliterated" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2009), "set_maqaf_display_highlighted" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2010), "set_maqaf_display_asis" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2011), "set_wrap_type_at_white_space" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2012), "set_wrap_type_anywhere" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2013), "set_wrap_type_off" }, { Event(ALT, '1'), "set_dir_algo_unicode" }, { Event(ALT, '2'), "set_dir_algo_context_strong" }, { Event(ALT, '3'), "set_dir_algo_context_rtl" }, { Event(ALT, '4'), "set_dir_algo_force_ltr" }, { Event(ALT, '5'), "set_dir_algo_force_rtl" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 2300), "toggle_key_for_key_undo" }, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 'b'), "toggle_bidi" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 4000), "menu_set_syn_hlt_none" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 4001), "menu_set_syn_hlt_html" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 4002), "menu_set_syn_hlt_email" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 4010), "toggle_underline" }, { Event(ALT, 'v'), "toggle_visual_cursor_movement" }, END_BINDINGS }; Editor::action_entry Editor::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(Editor, layout_windows, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Editor, load_file, N_("Load file from disk")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, save_file, N_("Save file to disk")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, save_file_as, N_("Save file in another name")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, insert_file, N_("Insert file from disk (or read from pipe) into the buffer")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, change_tab_width, N_("Change the TAB character size")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, change_justification_column, N_("Change the column used to justify paragraphs")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, insert_unicode_char, N_("Insert a specific Unicode character using its known code number")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, go_to_line, N_("Go to a specific line")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, search_forward, N_("Search for a string, starting from the cursor")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, search_forward_next, N_("Search for the next occurrence of the string")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, toggle_cursor_position_report, N_("Toggle continuous display of cursor position in the status line")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, refresh_and_center, N_("Repaint the terminal screen (if it was garbled for some reason)")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, show_character_code, N_("Print the unicode value and UTF-8 sequence of the character the cursor is on")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, show_character_info, N_("Print the corresponding UnicodeData.txt line of the character the cursor is on")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, quit, N_("Quit the editor")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, help, N_("Get help for using this editor")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, describe_key, N_("Gives a short description for a shortcut key")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, change_directory, N_("Change current directory")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, toggle_arabic_shaping, N_("Toggle Arabic shaping and Lam-Alif ligature")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, write_selection_to_file, N_("Write the selected text (or the whole text, if none selected) to a file/pipe")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, change_scroll_step, N_("Change the scroll step (# of lines to scroll up/down when cursor at top/bottom)")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, load_unload_speller, N_("Explicitly load or unload the speller process")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, spell_check_all, N_("Spell check all the document")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, spell_check_forward, N_("Spell check the document, from the cursor onward")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, spell_check_word, N_("Spell check the word on which the cursor stands")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, menu, N_("Activate menu")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, toggle_big_cursor, N_("Toogle big cursor (console only); useful if you're visually impaired")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, toggle_graphical_boxes, N_("Use graphical characters for the menus and scrollbar")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, external_edit_prompt, N_("Edit this file with an external editor, prompt for editor command")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, external_edit_no_prompt, N_("Edit this file with an external editor (using previously entered command)")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, menu_set_scrollbar_none, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Editor, menu_set_scrollbar_left, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Editor, menu_set_scrollbar_right, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Editor, toggle_syntax_auto_detection, N_("Whether to try to detect HTML files and email messages")), ADD_ACTION(Editor, set_default_theme, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry Editor::bindings_table[] = { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE { Event(KEY_RESIZE), "layout_windows" }, #endif { Event(KEY_F(1)), "help" }, { Event(KEY_F(2)), "save_file" }, { Event(CTRL, 's'), "save_file_as" }, { Event(CTRL, 'w'), "write_selection_to_file" }, { Event(KEY_F(3)), "load_file" }, { Event(KEY_F(7)), "search_forward" }, { Event(KEY_F(17)), "search_forward_next" }, { Event(ALT, 'r'), "insert_file" }, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 'c'), "change_directory" }, { Event(ALT, 'x'), "quit" }, { Event(ALT, 'X'), "quit" }, { Event(ALT, 'c'), "toggle_cursor_position_report" }, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 't'), "change_tab_width" }, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 'j'), "change_justification_column" }, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 'v'), "insert_unicode_char"}, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 'u'), "show_character_code"}, { Event(CTRL | ALT, 's'), "change_scroll_step"}, { Event(ALT, 'a'), "toggle_arabic_shaping"}, { Event(ALT, '\t'), "show_character_info"}, { Event(CTRL, 'g'), "go_to_line"}, { Event(CTRL, 'l'), "refresh_and_center"}, { Event(KEY_F(4)), "describe_key"}, { Event(KEY_F(5)), "spell_check_all" }, { Event(KEY_F(6)), "spell_check_forward" }, { Event(ALT, '$'), "spell_check_word" }, { Event(ALT, 'S'), "load_unload_speller" }, { Event(KEY_F(9)), "menu" }, { Event(KEY_F(10)), "menu" }, { Event(ALT, 0, KEY_F(8)), "external_edit_prompt" }, { Event(KEY_F(8)), "external_edit_no_prompt" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 3000), "toggle_big_cursor" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 1100), "toggle_graphical_boxes" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 1200), "menu_set_scrollbar_none" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 1201), "menu_set_scrollbar_left" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 1202), "menu_set_scrollbar_right" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 1300), "toggle_syntax_auto_detection" }, { Event(VIRTUAL, 1400), "set_default_theme" }, END_BINDINGS }; DialogLine::action_entry DialogLine::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(DialogLine, layout_windows, NULL), ADD_ACTION(DialogLine, cancel_modal, NULL), ADD_ACTION(DialogLine, refresh, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry DialogLine::bindings_table[] = { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE { Event(KEY_RESIZE), "layout_windows" }, #endif { Event(CTRL, 'g'), "cancel_modal" }, { Event(CTRL, 'c'), "cancel_modal" }, { Event(0, ESC), "cancel_modal" }, { Event(CTRL, 'l'), "refresh" }, END_BINDINGS }; InputLine::action_entry InputLine::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(InputLine, previous_completion, NULL), ADD_ACTION(InputLine, next_completion, NULL), ADD_ACTION(InputLine, end_modal, NULL), ADD_ACTION(InputLine, previous_history, NULL), ADD_ACTION(InputLine, next_history, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry InputLine::bindings_table[] = { { Event(0, '\r'), "end_modal" }, { Event(0, '\t'), "next_completion" }, { Event(ALT, '\t'), "previous_completion" }, { Event(CTRL, 'p'), "previous_history" }, { Event(CTRL, 'n'), "next_history" }, { Event(KEY_UP), "previous_history" }, { Event(KEY_DOWN), "next_history" }, END_BINDINGS }; HelpBox::action_entry HelpBox::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(HelpBox, end_modal, NULL), ADD_ACTION(HelpBox, layout_windows, NULL), ADD_ACTION(HelpBox, refresh_and_center, NULL), ADD_ACTION(HelpBox, move_to_toc, NULL), ADD_ACTION(HelpBox, pop_position, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry HelpBox::bindings_table[] = { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE { Event(KEY_RESIZE), "layout_windows" }, #endif { Event(CTRL, 'l'), "refresh_and_center"}, { Event(KEY_F(1)), "end_modal" }, { Event(ALT, 'x'), "end_modal" }, { Event(ALT, 'X'), "end_modal" }, { Event(0, ESC), "end_modal" }, { Event(ALT, 'b'), "pop_position" }, { Event(ALT, 't'), "move_to_toc" }, END_BINDINGS }; SpellerWnd::action_entry SpellerWnd::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, layout_windows, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, ignore_word, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, abort_spelling, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, abort_spelling_restore_cursor, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, add_to_dict, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, edit_replacement, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, set_global_decision, NULL), ADD_ACTION(SpellerWnd, refresh, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry SpellerWnd::bindings_table[] = { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE { Event(KEY_RESIZE), "layout_windows" }, #endif { Event(CTRL, 'g'), "abort_spelling" }, { Event(CTRL, 'c'), "abort_spelling" }, { Event(0, ESC), "abort_spelling" }, { Event(ALT, 'x'), "abort_spelling_restore_cursor" }, { Event(0, 'q'), "abort_spelling_restore_cursor" }, { Event(0, 'x'), "abort_spelling_restore_cursor" }, { Event(CTRL, 'l'), "refresh" }, { Event(0, ' '), "ignore_word" }, { Event(0, 'a'), "add_to_dict" }, { Event(0, 'r'), "edit_replacement" }, { Event(0, 'g'), "set_global_decision" }, END_BINDINGS }; PopupMenu::action_entry PopupMenu::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, cancel_menu, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, prev_menu, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, next_menu, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, select, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, move_previous_item, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, move_next_item, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, move_first_item, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, move_last_item, NULL), ADD_ACTION(PopupMenu, screen_resize, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry PopupMenu::bindings_table[] = { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE { Event(KEY_RESIZE), "screen_resize" }, #endif { Event(KEY_F(9)), "cancel_menu" }, { Event(KEY_F(10)), "cancel_menu" }, { Event(CTRL, 'c'), "cancel_menu" }, { Event(CTRL, 'g'), "cancel_menu" }, { Event(0, ESC), "cancel_menu" }, { Event(KEY_LEFT), "prev_menu" }, { Event(KEY_RIGHT), "next_menu" }, { Event(0, '\r'), "select" }, { Event(KEY_UP), "move_previous_item" }, { Event(KEY_DOWN), "move_next_item" }, { Event(KEY_HOME), "move_first_item" }, { Event(KEY_END), "move_last_item" }, { Event(KEY_PPAGE), "move_first_item" }, { Event(KEY_NPAGE), "move_last_item" }, { Event(CTRL, 'p'), "move_previous_item" }, { Event(CTRL, 'n'), "move_next_item" }, END_BINDINGS }; Menubar::action_entry Menubar::actions_table[] = { ADD_ACTION(Menubar, select, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Menubar, next_menu, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Menubar, prev_menu, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Menubar, end_modal, NULL), ADD_ACTION(Menubar, screen_resize, NULL), END_ACTIONS }; binding_entry Menubar::bindings_table[] = { #ifdef KEY_RESIZE { Event(KEY_RESIZE), "screen_resize" }, #endif { Event(KEY_F(9)), "end_modal" }, { Event(KEY_F(10)), "end_modal" }, { Event(CTRL, 'c'), "end_modal" }, { Event(CTRL, 'g'), "end_modal" }, { Event(0, ESC), "end_modal" }, { Event(KEY_LEFT), "prev_menu" }, { Event(KEY_RIGHT), "next_menu" }, { Event(KEY_DOWN), "select" }, { Event(0, '\r'), "select" }, END_BINDINGS };