&dhfirstname; &dhsurname;
gbp-clone &dhsection; gbp-clone Clone a repository from remote &gbp-clone; branch_name branch_name depth remote_uri DESCRIPTION &gbp-clone; clones a remote repository and sets up tracking branches for the debian, upstream and pristine-tar branches. This way you can easily update later using &gbp-pull;. OPTIONS Track all branches, not only debian and upstream. =branch_name The branch in the Git repository the Debian package is being developed on, default is master. =branch_name The branch in the &git; repository the upstream sources are put onto. Default is upstream. =depth Git history depth, for creating shallow git clones. verbose execution Track pristine tar branch. &man.gbp.config-files; SEE ALSO gbp-buildpackage 1 , gbp-pull 1 , gbp.conf &dhconfsection; AUTHOR &dhusername; &dhemail;