&dhfirstname; &dhsurname;
git-import-dsc &dhsection; &git-import-dsc; Import Debian packages into a Git repository &git-import-dsc; branch_name gpg-keyid debian-source.dsc DESCRIPTION &git-import-dsc; imports a Debian source package into a &git; repository, notes the package version in the commit logs, and commits the change. All information, including package name, version, Debian diffs, and upstream source is automatically detected from the source package. OPTIONS =branch_name The branch in the &git; repository the upstream sources are put onto. Default is upstream. , verbose execution GPG sign all created tags gpg-keyid use this keyid for gpg signing tags &man.git.config-files; SEE ALSO git-buildpackage (1), git-import-orig (1), git (1), git_load_dirs (1) AUTHOR &dhusername; &dhemail;