# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2006,2007,2010 Guido Guenther """handles command line and config file option parsing for the gbp commands""" from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, Option from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from copy import copy import os.path try: from gbp.gbp_version import gbp_version except ImportError: gbp_version = "[Unknown version]" def expand_path(option, opt, value): value = os.path.expandvars(value) return os.path.expanduser(value) class GbpOption(Option): TYPES = Option.TYPES + ('path',) TYPE_CHECKER = copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER) TYPE_CHECKER['path'] = expand_path class GbpOptionParser(OptionParser): """ Handles commandline options and parsing of config files @ivar command: the gbp command we store the options for @type command: string @ivar prefix: prefix to prepend to all commandline options @type prefix: string @ivar config: current configuration parameters @type config: dict @cvar defaults: defaults value of an option if not in the config file or given on the command line @type defaults: dict @cvar help: help messages @type help: dict @cvar config_files: list of config files we parse @type config_files: list """ defaults = { 'builder' : 'debuild -i -I', 'cleaner' : 'debuild -d clean', 'debian-branch' : 'master', 'upstream-branch' : 'upstream', 'pristine-tar' : 'False', 'filter-pristine-tar' : 'False', 'sign-tags' : 'False', 'force-create' : 'False', 'no-create-orig' : 'False', 'keyid' : '', 'posttag' : '', 'postbuild' : '', 'prebuild' : '', 'postimport' : '', 'debian-tag' : 'debian/%(version)s', 'upstream-tag' : 'upstream/%(version)s', 'import-msg' : 'Imported Upstream version %(version)s', 'filter' : [], 'snapshot-number' : 'snapshot + 1', 'git-log' : '--no-merges', 'export' : 'HEAD', 'export-dir' : '', 'overlay' : 'False', 'tarball-dir' : '', 'ignore-new' : 'False', 'ignore-branch' : 'False', 'meta' : 'False', 'meta-closes' : 'Closes|LP', 'full' : 'False', 'id-length' : '0', 'git-author' : 'False', 'ignore-regex' : '', 'compression' : 'auto', 'compression-level': '9', 'remote-url-pattern' : 'ssh://alioth.debian.org/git/collab-maint/%(pkg)s.git', 'multimaint' : 'True', 'multimaint-merge': 'False', 'pbuilder' : 'False', 'dist' : 'sid', 'arch' : '', 'interactive' : 'True', 'color' : 'auto', 'customizations' : '', 'spawn-editor' : 'release', 'patch-numbers' : 'True', } help = { 'debian-branch': "branch the Debian package is being developed on, default is '%(debian-branch)s'", 'upstream-branch': "upstream branch, default is '%(upstream-branch)s'", 'debian-tag': "format string for debian tags, default is '%(debian-tag)s'", 'upstream-tag': "format string for upstream tags, default is '%(upstream-tag)s'", 'sign-tags': "sign tags, default is '%(sign-tags)s'", 'keyid': "GPG keyid to sign tags with, default is '%(keyid)s'", 'import-msg': "format string for commit message, default is '%(import-msg)s'", 'pristine-tar': "use pristine-tar to create .orig.tar.gz, default is '%(pristine-tar)s'", 'filter-pristine-tar': "Filter pristine-tar when filter option is used", 'filter': "files to filter out during import (can be given multiple times)", 'git-author': "use name and email from git-config for changelog trailer, default is '%(git-author)s'", 'full': "include the full commit message instead of only the first line, default is '%(full)s'", 'meta': "parse meta tags in commit messages, default is '%(meta)s'", 'ignore-new': "build with uncommited changes in the source tree, default is '%(ignore-new)s'", 'ignore-branch': "build although debian-branch != current branch, default is '%(ignore-new)s'", 'overlay': "extract orig tarball when using export-dir option, default is '%(overlay)s'", 'remote-url-pattern': "Remote url pattern to create the repo at, default is '%(remote-url-pattern)s'", 'multimaint': "Note multiple maintainers, default is '%(multimaint)s'", 'multimaint-merge': "Merge commits by maintainer, default is '%(multimaint-merge)s'", 'pbuilder': "Invoke git-pbuilder for building, default is '%(pbuilder)s'", 'dist': "Build for this distribution when using git-pbuilder, default is '%(dist)s'", 'arch': "Build for this architecture when using git-pbuilder, default is '%(arch)s'", 'interactive': "Run command interactive, default is '%(interactive)s'", 'color': "color output, default is '%(color)s'", 'spawn-editor': "Wether to spawn an editor after adding the changelog entry, default is '%(spawn-editor)s'", 'patch-numbers': "Wether to number patch files, default is %(patch-numbers)s", } config_files = [ '/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf', os.path.expanduser('~/.gbp.conf'), '.gbp.conf', 'debian/gbp.conf', '.git/gbp.conf' ] def __parse_config_files(self): """parse the possible config files and set appropriate values default values""" parser = SafeConfigParser(self.defaults) parser.read(self.config_files) self.config = dict(parser.defaults()) if parser.has_section(self.command): self.config.update(dict(parser.items(self.command, raw=True))) # filter can be either a list or a string, always build a list: if self.config['filter']: if self.config['filter'].startswith('['): self.config['filter'] = eval(self.config['filter']) else: self.config['filter'] = [ self.config['filter'] ] def __init__(self, command, prefix='', usage=None): self.command = command self.prefix = prefix self.config = {} self.__parse_config_files() OptionParser.__init__(self, option_class=GbpOption, usage=usage, version='%s %s' % (self.command, gbp_version)) def _is_boolean(self, dummy, *unused, **kwargs): """is option_name a boolean option""" ret = False try: if kwargs['action'] in [ 'store_true', 'store_false' ]: ret=True except KeyError: ret=False return ret def _get_bool_default(self, option_name): """ get default for boolean options this way we can handle no-foo=True and foo=False """ if option_name.startswith('no-'): pos = option_name[3:] neg = option_name else: pos = option_name neg = "no-%s" % option_name try: default = self.config[pos] except KeyError: default = self.config[neg] if default.lower() in ["true", "1" ]: val = 'True' elif default.lower() in ["false", "0" ]: val = 'False' else: raise ValueError, "Boolean options must be True or False" return eval(val) def get_default(self, option_name, **kwargs): """get the default value""" if self._is_boolean(self, option_name, **kwargs): default = self._get_bool_default(option_name) else: default = self.config[option_name] return default def add_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest, help=None, **kwargs): """ set a option for the command line parser, the default is read from the config file @var option_name: name of the option @type option_name: string @var dest: where to store this option @type dest: string @var help: help text @type help: string """ if not help: help = self.help[option_name] OptionParser.add_option(self, "--%s%s" % (self.prefix, option_name), dest=dest, default=self.get_default(option_name, **kwargs), help=help % self.config, **kwargs) def add_boolean_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest): self.add_config_file_option(option_name=option_name, dest=dest, action="store_true") neg_help = "negates '--%s%s'" % (self.prefix, option_name) self.add_config_file_option(option_name="no-%s" % option_name, dest=dest, help=neg_help, action="store_false") class GbpOptionGroup(OptionGroup): def add_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest, help=None, **kwargs): """ set a option for the command line parser, the default is read from the config file @var option_name: name of the option @type option_name: string @var dest: where to store this option @type dest: string @var help: help text @type help: string """ if not help: help = self.parser.help[option_name] OptionGroup.add_option(self, "--%s%s" % (self.parser.prefix, option_name), dest=dest, default=self.parser.get_default(option_name, **kwargs), help=help % self.parser.config, **kwargs) def add_boolean_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest): self.add_config_file_option(option_name=option_name, dest=dest, action="store_true") neg_help = "negates '--%s%s'" % (self.parser.prefix, option_name) self.add_config_file_option(option_name="no-%s" % option_name, dest=dest, help=neg_help, action="store_false") # 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