# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2006,2007 Guido Guenther """handles command line and config file option parsing for the gbp commands""" from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser import os.path from gbp.gbp_version import gbp_version class GbpOptionParser(OptionParser): """ Handles commandline options and parsing of config files @ivar command: the gbp command we store the options for @type command: string @ivar prefix: prefix to prepend to all commandline options @type prefix: string @ivar config: current configuration parameters @type config: dict @cvar defaults: defaults value of an option if not in the config file or given on the command line @type defaults: dict @cvar config_files: list of config files we parse @type config_files: list """ defaults = { 'builder' : 'debuild -i\.git/ -I.git', 'cleaner' : 'debuild clean', 'debian-branch' : 'master', 'upstream-branch' : 'upstream', 'pristine-tar' : 'False', 'sign-tags' : 'False', 'no-create-orig' : 'False', 'keyid' : '', 'posttag' : '', 'debian-tag' : 'debian/%(version)s', 'upstream-tag' : 'upstream/%(version)s', 'filter' : [], 'snapshot-number' : 'snapshot + 1', 'git-log' : '--no-merges', 'export-dir' : '', 'tarball-dir' : '', 'ignore-new' : 'False', 'meta' : 'False', 'meta-closes' : 'Closes|LP', 'id-length' : '0', 'no-dch' : 'False', } config_files = [ '/etc/git-buildpackage/gbp.conf', os.path.expanduser('~/.gbp.conf'), '.gbp.conf', '.git/gbp.conf' ] def __parse_config_files(self): """parse the possible config files and set appropriate values default values""" parser = SafeConfigParser(self.defaults) parser.read(self.config_files) self.config = dict(parser.defaults()) if parser.has_section(self.command): self.config.update(dict(parser.items(self.command, raw=True))) # filter can be either a list or a string, always build a list: if self.config['filter']: if self.config['filter'].startswith('['): self.config['filter'] = eval(self.config['filter']) else: self.config['filter'] = [ self.config['filter'] ] def __init__(self, command, prefix='', usage=None): self.command = command self.prefix = prefix self.config = {} self.__parse_config_files() OptionParser.__init__(self, usage=usage, version='%s %s' % (self.command, gbp_version)) def get_default(self, option_name, **kwargs): default = self.config[option_name] if kwargs.has_key('action'): if kwargs['action'] in [ 'store_true', 'store_false' ] and self.config[option_name]: if self.config[option_name] in [ 'True', 'False' ]: default = eval(self.config[option_name]) else: raise ValueError, "Boolean options must be True or False" return default def add_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest, help, **kwargs): """ set a option for the command line parser, the default is read from the config file @var option_name: name of the option @type option_name: string @var dest: where to store this option @type dest: string @var help: help text @type help: string """ OptionParser.add_option(self, "--%s%s" % (self.prefix, option_name), dest=dest, default=self.get_default(option_name, **kwargs), help=help % self.config, **kwargs) class GbpOptionGroup(OptionGroup): def add_config_file_option(self, option_name, dest, help, **kwargs): """ set a option for the command line parser, the default is read from the config file @var option_name: name of the option @type option_name: string @var dest: where to store this option @type dest: string @var help: help text @type help: string """ OptionGroup.add_option(self, "--%s%s" % (self.parser.prefix, option_name), dest=dest, default=self.parser.get_default(option_name, **kwargs), help=help % self.parser.config, **kwargs) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: