# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2006,2007,2008,2011 Guido Guenther # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """provides git repository related helpers""" import re import subprocess import os.path from command_wrappers import (GitCommand, GitBranch, copy_from) from errors import GbpError import log import dateutil.parser import calendar class GitRepositoryError(Exception): """Exception thrown by L{GitRepository}""" pass class GitRepository(object): """Represents a git repository at path""" def __init__(self, path): try: os.stat(os.path.join(path,'.git')) except: raise GitRepositoryError("No git repo at '%s'" % path) self.path = os.path.abspath(path) def __build_env(self, extra_env): """Prepare environment for subprocess calls""" env = None if extra_env is not None: env = os.environ.copy() env.update(extra_env) return env def __git_getoutput(self, command, args=[], extra_env=None, cwd=None): """exec a git command and return the output""" output = [] if not cwd: cwd = self.path env = self.__build_env(extra_env) cmd = ['git', command] + args log.debug(cmd) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, cwd=cwd) while popen.poll() == None: output += popen.stdout.readlines() ret = popen.poll() output += popen.stdout.readlines() return output, ret def __git_inout(self, command, args, input, extra_env=None): """Send input and return output (stdout)""" env = self.__build_env(extra_env) cmd = ['git', command] + args log.debug(cmd) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, cwd=self.path) (stdout, stderr) = popen.communicate(input) return stdout, stderr, popen.returncode def _git_command(self, command, args=[], extra_env=None): """ Execute git command with arguments args and environment env at path. @param command: git command @param args: command line arguments @extra_env: extra environment variables to set when running command """ GitCommand(command, args, extra_env=extra_env, cwd=self.path)() def base_dir(self): """Base of the repository""" return os.path.join(self.path, '.git') def has_branch(self, branch, remote=False): """ check if the repository has branch 'branch' @param remote: only liste remote branches """ options = [ '--no-color' ] if remote: options += [ '-r' ] for line in self.__git_getoutput('branch', options)[0]: if line.split(' ', 1)[1].strip() == branch: return True return False def has_treeish(self, treeish): """check if the repository has the treeish object treeish""" out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('ls-tree', [ treeish ]) return [ True, False ][ret != 0] def has_tag(self, tag): """check if the repository has the given tag""" out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('tag', [ '-l', tag ]) return [ False, True ][len(out)] def _build_legacy_tag(self, format, version): """legacy version numbering""" if ':' in version: # strip of any epochs version = version.split(':', 1)[1] version = version.replace('~', '.') return format % dict(version=version) def find_version(self, format, version): """ Check if a certain version is stored in this repo. Return it's SHA1 in this case. For legacy tags Don't check only the tag but also the message, since the former wasn't injective until recently. You only need to use this funciton if you also need to check for legacy tags. @param format: tag pattern @param version: debian version number @return: sha1 of the version tag """ tag = build_tag(format, version) legacy_tag = self._build_legacy_tag(format, version) if self.has_tag(tag): # new tags are injective return self.rev_parse(tag) elif self.has_tag(legacy_tag): out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('cat-file', args=['-p', legacy_tag]) if ret: return None for line in out: if line.endswith(" %s\n" % version): return self.rev_parse(legacy_tag) elif line.startswith('---'): # GPG signature start return None return None def remove_tag(self, tag): """remove a tag 'tag'""" if self.has_tag(tag): self._git_command("tag", [ "-d", tag ]) def move_tag(self, old, new): self._git_command("tag", [ new, old ]) self.remove_tag(old) def get_branch(self): """on what branch is the current working copy""" for line in self.__git_getoutput('branch', [ '--no-color' ])[0]: if line.startswith('*'): return line.split(' ', 1)[1].strip() def get_merge_branch(self, branch): """get the branch we'd merge from""" try: remote = self.get_config("branch.%s.remote" % branch) merge = self.get_config("branch.%s.merge" % branch) except KeyError: return None remote += merge.replace("refs/heads","", 1) return remote def is_fast_forward(self, from_branch, to_branch): """ check if an update from from_branch to to_branch would be a fast forward or if the branch is uptodate already @return: can_fast_forward, up_to_date @rtype: tuple """ has_local = False # local repo has new commits has_remote = False # remote repo has new commits out = self.__git_getoutput('rev-list', ["--left-right", "%s...%s" % (from_branch, to_branch), "--"])[0] if not out: # both branches have the same commits return True, True for line in out: if line.startswith("<"): has_local = True elif line.startswith(">"): has_remote = True if has_local and has_remote: return False, False elif has_local: return False, True elif has_remote: return True, False def set_branch(self, branch): """switch to branch 'branch'""" if self.get_branch() != branch: self._git_command("checkout", [ branch ]) def create_branch(self, branch, rev=None): """create a new branch @param rev: where to start the branch from if param is None the branch starts form the current HEAD """ GitBranch()(branch, rev) def delete_branch(self, branch): if self.get_branch() != branch: self._git_command("branch", ["-D", branch]) else: raise GitRepositoryError, "Can't delete the branch you're on" def force_head(self, commit, hard=False): """force head to a specific commit""" args = ['--quiet'] if hard: args += [ '--hard' ] args += [ commit, '--' ] self._git_command("reset", args) def is_clean(self): """does the repository contain any uncommitted modifications""" clean_msg = 'nothing to commit' out = self.__git_getoutput('status')[0] ret = False for line in out: if line.startswith('#'): continue if line.startswith(clean_msg): ret = True break return (ret, "".join(out)) def is_empty(self): """returns True if repo is empty (doesn't have any commits)""" # an empty repo has no branches: if self.get_branch(): return False else: return True def index_files(self): """List files in the index""" out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('ls-files', ['-z']) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "Error listing files %d" % ret if out: return [ file for file in out[0].split('\0') if file ] else: return [] def commits(self, since=None, until=None, paths=None, options=None, first_parent=False): """ get commits from since to until touching paths @param options: list of options past to git log @type options: list of strings """ args = ['--pretty=format:%H'] if options: args += options if first_parent: args += [ "--first-parent" ] if since and until: args += ['%s..%s' % (since, until)] if paths: args += [ "--", paths ] commits, ret = self.__git_getoutput('log', args) if ret: where = " on %s" % paths if paths else "" raise GitRepositoryError, ("Error getting commits %s..%s%s" % (since, until, where)) return [ commit.strip() for commit in commits ] def show(self, id): """git-show id""" commit, ret = self.__git_getoutput('show', [ "--pretty=medium", id ]) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "can't get %s" % id for line in commit: yield line def grep_log(self, regex, where=None): args = ['--pretty=format:%H'] args.append("--grep=%s" % regex) if where: args.append(where) args.append('--') commits, ret = self.__git_getoutput('log', args) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "Error grepping log for %s" % regex return [ commit.strip() for commit in commits[::-1] ] def get_subject(self, commit): """Gets the subject of a commit""" out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('log', ['-n1', '--pretty=format:%s', commit]) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "Error getting subject of commit %s" % commit return out[0].strip() def get_commit_info(self, commit): """Given a commit name, return a dictionary of its components, including id, author, email, subject, and body.""" out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('log', ['--pretty=format:%an%n%ae%n%s%n%b%n', '-n1', commit]) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "Unable to retrieve log entry for %s" \ % commit return {'id' : commit, 'author' : out[0].strip(), 'email' : out[1].strip(), 'subject' : out[2].rstrip(), 'body' : [line.rstrip() for line in out[3:]]} def find_tag(self, commit, pattern=None): "find the closest tag to a branch's head" args = [ '--abbrev=0' ] if pattern: args += [ '--match' , pattern ] args += [ commit ] tag, ret = self.__git_getoutput('describe', args) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "can't find tag for %s" % commit return tag[0].strip() def rev_parse(self, name): "find the SHA1" args = [ "--quiet", "--verify", name ] sha, ret = self.__git_getoutput('rev-parse', args) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "revision '%s' not found" % name return sha[0].strip() def write_tree(self, index_file=None): """ Write out the current index, return the SHA1 @param index: alternate index file to write the current index to """ if index_file: extra_env = {'GIT_INDEX_FILE': index_file } else: extra_env = None tree, ret = self.__git_getoutput('write-tree', extra_env=extra_env) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "can't write out current index" return tree[0].strip() def update_ref(self, ref, new, old=None, msg=None): """Update ref 'ref' to commit 'new'""" args = [ ref, new ] if old: args += [ old ] if msg: args = [ '-m', msg ] + args self._git_command("update-ref", args) def commit_tree(self, tree, msg, parents, author={}, committer={}): """Commit a tree with commit msg 'msg' and parents 'parents'""" extra_env = {} for key, val in author.items(): if val: extra_env['GIT_AUTHOR_%s' % key.upper()] = val for key, val in committer.items(): if val: extra_env['GIT_COMMITTER_%s' % key.upper()] = val args = [ tree ] for parent in parents: args += [ '-p' , parent ] sha1, stderr, ret = self.__git_inout('commit-tree', args, msg, extra_env) if not ret: return sha1.strip() else: raise GbpError, "Failed to commit tree: %s" % stderr def commit_dir(self, unpack_dir, msg, branch, other_parents=None, author={}, committer={}): """Replace the current tip of branch 'branch' with the contents from 'unpack_dir' @param unpack_dir: content to add @type unpack_dir: string @param msg: commit message to use @type msg: string @param branch: branch to add the contents of unpack_dir to @type branch: string @param other_parents: additional parents of this commit @type other_parents: list string @param author: author information to use for commit @type author: dict with keys 'name', 'email', 'date' @param committer: committer information to use for commit @type committer: dict with keys 'name', 'email', 'date'""" git_index_file = os.path.join(self.path, '.git', 'gbp_index') try: os.unlink(git_index_file) except OSError: pass self.add_files('.', force=True, index_file=git_index_file, work_tree=unpack_dir) tree = self.write_tree(git_index_file) if branch: cur = self.rev_parse(branch) else: # emtpy repo cur = None branch = 'master' # Build list of parents: parents = [] if cur: parents = [ cur ] if other_parents: for parent in other_parents: sha = self.rev_parse(parent) if sha not in parents: parents += [ sha ] commit = self.commit_tree(tree=tree, msg=msg, parents=parents, author=author, committer=committer) if not commit: raise GbpError, "Failed to commit tree" self.update_ref("refs/heads/%s" % branch, commit, cur) return commit def get_config(self, name): """Gets the config value associated with name""" value, ret = self.__git_getoutput('config', [ name ]) if ret: raise KeyError return value[0][:-1] # first line with \n ending removed def get_author_info(self): try: name = self.get_config("user.email") except KeyError: name = os.getenv("USER") try: email = self.get_config("user.email") except KeyError: email = os.getenv("EMAIL") email = os.getenv("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", email) name = os.getenv("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", name) return (name, email) def get_remote_branches(self): """Get all remote branches""" args = [ '--format=%(refname:short)', 'refs/remotes/' ] out = self.__git_getoutput('for-each-ref', args)[0] return [ ref.strip() for ref in out ] def get_remote_repos(self): """Get all remote repositories""" out = self.__git_getoutput('remote')[0] return [ remote.strip() for remote in out ] def has_remote_repo(self, name): """Do we know about a remote named 'name'""" if name in self.get_remote_repos(): return True else: return False def add_files(self, paths, force=False, index_file=None, work_tree=None): """ Add files to a git repository @param paths: list of files to add @param paths: list or string @param force: add files even if they would be ignores by .gitignore @param force: bool @param index_file: alternative index file to use @param work_tree: alternative working tree to use """ extra_env = {} if type(paths) in [type(''), type(u'')]: paths = [ paths ] args = [ '-f' ] if force else [] if index_file: extra_env['GIT_INDEX_FILE'] = index_file if work_tree: extra_env['GIT_WORK_TREE'] = work_tree self._git_command("add", args + paths, extra_env) def remove_files(self, paths, verbose=False): """ Remove files from the repository @paths; list of files to remove @param paths: list or string @verbose: be verbose @verbose: bool """ if type(paths) in [type(''), type(u'')]: paths = [ paths ] args = [] if verbose else ['--quiet'] self._git_command("rm", args + paths) def format_patches(self, start, end, output_dir): """ Output the commits between start and end as patches in output_dir """ options = [ '-N', '-k', '-o', output_dir, '%s...%s' % (start, end) ] output, ret = self.__git_getoutput('format-patch', options) return [ line.strip() for line in output ] def apply_patch(self, patch, index=True, context=None, strip=None): """Apply a patch using git apply""" args = [] if context: args += [ '-C', context ] if index: args.append("--index") if strip: args += [ '-p', strip ] args.append(patch) self._git_command("apply", args) def archive(self, format, prefix, output, treeish, **kwargs): args = [ '--format=%s' % format, '--prefix=%s' % prefix, '--output=%s' % output, treeish ] out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('archive', args, **kwargs) if ret: raise GitRepositoryError, "unable to archive %s"%(treeish) def has_submodules(self): """Does the repo have submodules?""" if os.path.exists('.gitmodules'): return True else: return False def add_submodule(self, repo_path): """Add a submodule""" self._git_command("submodule", [ "add", repo_path ]) def update_submodules(self, init=True, recursive=True, fetch=False): """Update all submodules""" if not self.has_submodules(): return args = [ "update" ] if recursive: args.append("--recursive") if init: args.append("--init") if not fetch: args.append("--no-fetch") self._git_command("submodule", args) def get_submodules(self, treeish, path=None, recursive=True): """ list the submodules of treeish returns a list of submodule/commit-id tuples """ # Note that we is lstree instead of submodule commands because # there's no way to list the submodules of another branch with # the latter. submodules = [] if path is None: path = "." args = [ treeish ] if recursive: args += ['-r'] out, ret = self.__git_getoutput('ls-tree', args, cwd=path) for line in out: mode, objtype, commit, name = line[:-1].split(None, 3) # A submodules is shown as "commit" object in ls-tree: if objtype == "commit": nextpath = os.path.sep.join([path, name]) submodules.append( (nextpath, commit) ) if recursive: submodules += self.get_submodules(commit, path=nextpath, recursive=recursive) return submodules @classmethod def create(klass, path, description=None): """create a repository at path""" abspath = os.path.abspath(path) try: if not os.path.exists(abspath): os.makedirs(abspath) GitCommand("init", cwd=abspath)() if description: with file(os.path.join(abspath, ".git", "description"), 'w') as f: description += '\n' if description[-1] != '\n' else '' f.write(description) return klass(abspath) except OSError, err: raise GitRepositoryError, "Cannot create Git repository at %s: %s " % (abspath, err[1]) return None class FastImport(object): """Invoke git-fast-import""" _bufsize = 1024 m_regular = 644 m_exec = 755 m_symlink = 120000 def __init__(self): try: self._fi = subprocess.Popen([ 'git', 'fast-import', '--quiet'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) self._out = self._fi.stdin except OSError, err: raise GbpError, "Error spawning git fast-import: %s", err except ValueError, err: raise GbpError, "Invalid argument when spawning git fast-import: %s", err def _do_data(self, fd, size): self._out.write("data %s\n" % size) while True: data = fd.read(self._bufsize) self._out.write(data) if len(data) != self._bufsize: break self._out.write("\n") def _do_file(self, filename, mode, fd, size): name = "/".join(filename.split('/')[1:]) self._out.write("M %d inline %s\n" % (mode, name)) self._do_data(fd, size) def add_file(self, filename, fd, size): self._do_file(filename, self.m_regular, fd, size) def add_executable(self, filename, fd, size): self._do_file(filename, self.m_exec, fd, size) def add_symlink(self, filename, linkname): name = "/".join(filename.split('/')[1:]) self._out.write("M %d inline %s\n" % (self.m_symlink, name)) self._out.write("data %s\n" % len(linkname)) self._out.write("%s\n" % linkname) def start_commit(self, branch, committer, email, time, msg): length = len(msg) self._out.write("""commit refs/heads/%(branch)s committer %(committer)s <%(email)s> %(time)s data %(length)s %(msg)s from refs/heads/%(branch)s^0 """ % locals()) def do_deleteall(self): self._out.write("deleteall\n") def close(self): if self._out: self._out.close() if self._fi: self._fi.wait() def __del__(self): self.close() def build_tag(format, version): """Generate a tag from a given format and a version >>> build_tag("debian/%(version)s", "0:0~0") 'debian/0%0_0' """ return format % dict(version=__sanitize_version(version)) def __sanitize_version(version): """sanitize a version so git accepts it as a tag >>> __sanitize_version("0.0.0") '0.0.0' >>> __sanitize_version("0.0~0") '0.0_0' >>> __sanitize_version("0:0.0") '0%0.0' >>> __sanitize_version("0%0~0") '0%0_0' """ return version.replace('~', '_').replace(':', '%') def tag_to_version(tag, format): """Extract the version from a tag >>> tag_to_version("upstream/1%2_3-4", "upstream/%(version)s") '1:2~3-4' >>> tag_to_version("foo/2.3.4", "foo/%(version)s") '2.3.4' >>> tag_to_version("foo/2.3.4", "upstream/%(version)s") """ version_re = format.replace('%(version)s', '(?P[\w_%+-.]+)') r = re.match(version_re, tag) if r: version = r.group('version').replace('_', '~').replace('%', ':') return version return None def rfc822_date_to_git(rfc822_date): """Parse a date in RFC822 format, and convert to a 'seconds tz' string. >>> rfc822_date_to_git('Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:01 +0000') '1 +0000' >>> rfc822_date_to_git('Thu, 20 Mar 2008 01:12:57 -0700') '1206000777 -0700' >>> rfc822_date_to_git('Sat, 5 Apr 2008 17:01:32 +0200') '1207407692 +0200' """ d = dateutil.parser.parse(rfc822_date) seconds = calendar.timegm(d.utctimetuple()) tz = d.strftime("%z") return '%d %s' % (seconds, tz) # 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