# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2006,2007 Guido Guenther # (C) 2012 Intel Corporation # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """provides some rpm source package related helpers""" import os import re import tempfile from optparse import OptionParser from collections import defaultdict import gbp.command_wrappers as gbpc from gbp.errors import GbpError from gbp.git import GitRepositoryError from gbp.patch_series import (PatchSeries, Patch) import gbp.log from gbp.pkg import (UpstreamSource, parse_archive_filename) from gbp.rpm.policy import RpmPkgPolicy from gbp.rpm.linkedlist import LinkedList from gbp.rpm.lib_rpm import librpm, get_librpm_log class NoSpecError(Exception): """Spec file parsing error""" pass class MacroExpandError(Exception): """Macro expansion in spec file failed""" pass class RpmUpstreamSource(UpstreamSource): """Upstream source class for RPM packages""" def __init__(self, name, unpacked=None, **kwargs): super(RpmUpstreamSource, self).__init__(name, unpacked, RpmPkgPolicy, **kwargs) class SrcRpmFile(object): """Keeps all needed data read from a source rpm""" def __init__(self, srpmfile): # Do not required signed packages to be able to import ts_vsflags = (librpm.RPMVSF_NOMD5HEADER | librpm.RPMVSF_NORSAHEADER | librpm.RPMVSF_NOSHA1HEADER | librpm.RPMVSF_NODSAHEADER | librpm.RPMVSF_NOMD5 | librpm.RPMVSF_NORSA | librpm.RPMVSF_NOSHA1 | librpm.RPMVSF_NODSA) srpmfp = open(srpmfile) self.rpmhdr = librpm.ts(vsflags=ts_vsflags).hdrFromFdno(srpmfp.fileno()) srpmfp.close() self.srpmfile = os.path.abspath(srpmfile) @property def version(self): """Get the (downstream) version of the RPM package""" version = dict(upstreamversion = self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], release = self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]) if self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH] is not None: version['epoch'] = str(self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH]) return version @property def name(self): """Get the name of the RPM package""" return self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_NAME] @property def upstreamversion(self): """Get the upstream version of the RPM package""" return self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_VERSION] @property def packager(self): """Get the packager of the RPM package""" return self.rpmhdr[librpm.RPMTAG_PACKAGER] def unpack(self, dest_dir): """ Unpack the source rpm to tmpdir. Leave the cleanup to the caller in case of an error. """ gbpc.RunAtCommand('rpm2cpio', [self.srpmfile, '|', 'cpio', '-id'], shell=True, capture_stderr=True)(dir=dest_dir) class SpecFile(object): """Class for parsing/modifying spec files""" tag_re = re.compile(r'^(?P[a-z]+)(?P[0-9]+)?\s*:\s*' '(?P\S(.*\S)?)\s*$', flags=re.I) directive_re = re.compile(r'^%(?P[a-z]+)(?P[0-9]+)?' '(\s+(?P.*))?$', flags=re.I) gbptag_re = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*gbp-(?P[a-z-]+)' '(\s*:\s*(?P\S.*))?$', flags=re.I) # Here "sections" stand for all scripts, scriptlets and other directives, # but not macros section_identifiers = ('package', 'description', 'prep', 'build', 'install', 'clean', 'check', 'pre', 'preun', 'post', 'postun', 'verifyscript', 'files', 'changelog', 'triggerin', 'triggerpostin', 'triggerun', 'triggerpostun') def __init__(self, filename=None, filedata=None): self._content = LinkedList() # Check args: only filename or filedata can be given, not both if filename is None and filedata is None: raise NoSpecError("No filename or raw data given for parsing!") elif filename and filedata: raise NoSpecError("Both filename and raw data given, don't know " "which one to parse!") elif filename: # Load spec file into our special data structure self.specfile = os.path.basename(filename) self.specdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) try: with open(filename) as spec_file: for line in spec_file.readlines(): self._content.append(line) except IOError as err: raise NoSpecError("Unable to read spec file: %s" % err) else: self.specfile = None self.specdir = None for line in filedata.splitlines(): self._content.append(line + '\n') # Use rpm-python to parse the spec file content self._filtertags = ("excludearch", "excludeos", "exclusivearch", "exclusiveos","buildarch") self._listtags = self._filtertags + ('source', 'patch', 'requires', 'conflicts', 'recommends', 'suggests', 'supplements', 'enhances', 'provides', 'obsoletes', 'buildrequires', 'buildconflicts', 'buildrecommends', 'buildsuggests', 'buildsupplements', 'buildenhances', 'collections', 'nosource', 'nopatch') self._specinfo = self._parse_filtered_spec(self._filtertags) # Other initializations source_header = self._specinfo.packages[0].header self.name = source_header[librpm.RPMTAG_NAME] self.upstreamversion = source_header[librpm.RPMTAG_VERSION] self.release = source_header[librpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE] # rpm-python returns epoch as 'long', convert that to string self.epoch = str(source_header[librpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH]) \ if source_header[librpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH] != None else None self.packager = source_header[librpm.RPMTAG_PACKAGER] self._tags = {} self._special_directives = defaultdict(list) self._gbp_tags = defaultdict(list) # Parse extra info from spec file self._parse_content() # Find 'Packager' tag. Needed to circumvent a bug in python-rpm where # spec.sourceHeader[librpm.RPMTAG_PACKAGER] is not reset when a new spec # file is parsed if 'packager' not in self._tags: self.packager = None self.orig_src = self._guess_orig_file() def _parse_filtered_spec(self, skip_tags): """Parse a filtered spec file in rpm-python""" skip_tags = [tag.lower() for tag in skip_tags] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='gbp') as filtered: filtered.writelines(str(line) for line in self._content if str(line).split(":")[0].strip().lower() not in skip_tags) filtered.flush() try: # Parse two times to circumvent a rpm-python problem where # macros are not expanded if used before their definition librpm.spec(filtered.name) return librpm.spec(filtered.name) except ValueError as err: rpmlog = get_librpm_log() gbp.log.debug("librpm log:\n %s" % "\n ".join(rpmlog)) raise GbpError("RPM error while parsing %s: %s (%s)" % (self.specfile, err, rpmlog[-1])) @property def version(self): """Get the (downstream) version""" version = dict(upstreamversion = self.upstreamversion, release = self.release) if self.epoch != None: version['epoch'] = self.epoch return version @property def specpath(self): """Get the dir/filename""" return os.path.join(self.specdir, self.specfile) @property def ignorepatches(self): """Get numbers of ignored patches as a sorted list""" if 'ignore-patches' in self._gbp_tags: data = self._gbp_tags['ignore-patches'][-1]['args'].split() return sorted([int(num) for num in data]) return [] def _patches(self): """Get all patch tags as a dict""" if 'patch' not in self._tags: return {} return {patch['num']: patch for patch in self._tags['patch']['lines']} def _sources(self): """Get all source tags as a dict""" if 'source' not in self._tags: return {} return {src['num']: src for src in self._tags['source']['lines']} def sources(self): """Get all source tags as a dict""" return {src['num']: src['linevalue'] for src in self._sources().values()} def _macro_replace(self, matchobj): macro_dict = {'name': self.name, 'version': self.upstreamversion, 'release': self.release} if matchobj.group(2) in macro_dict: return macro_dict[matchobj.group(2)] raise MacroExpandError("Unknown macro '%s'" % matchobj.group(0)) def macro_expand(self, text): """ Expand the rpm macros (that gbp knows of) in the given text. @param text: text to check for macros @type text: C{str} @return: text with macros expanded @rtype: C{str} """ # regexp to match '%{macro}' and '%macro' macro_re = re.compile(r'%({)?(?P[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)(?(1)})', flags=re.I) return macro_re.sub(self._macro_replace, text) def write_spec_file(self): """ Write, possibly updated, spec to disk """ with open(os.path.join(self.specdir, self.specfile), 'w') as spec_file: for line in self._content: spec_file.write(str(line)) def _parse_tag(self, lineobj): """Parse tag line""" line = str(lineobj) matchobj = self.tag_re.match(line) if not matchobj: return False tagname = matchobj.group('name').lower() tagnum = int(matchobj.group('num')) if matchobj.group('num') else None # 'Source:' tags if tagname == 'source': tagnum = 0 if tagnum is None else tagnum # 'Patch:' tags elif tagname == 'patch': tagnum = -1 if tagnum is None else tagnum # Record all tag locations try: header = self._specinfo.packages[0].header tagvalue = header[getattr(librpm, 'RPMTAG_%s' % tagname.upper())] except AttributeError: tagvalue = None # We don't support "multivalue" tags like "Provides:" or "SourceX:" # Rpm python doesn't support many of these, thus the explicit list if type(tagvalue) is int or type(tagvalue) is long: tagvalue = str(tagvalue) elif type(tagvalue) is list or tagname in self._listtags: tagvalue = None elif not tagvalue: # Rpm python doesn't give the following, for reason or another if tagname not in ('buildroot', 'autoprov', 'autoreq', 'autoreqprov') + self._filtertags: gbp.log.warn("BUG: '%s:' tag not found by rpm" % tagname) tagvalue = matchobj.group('value') linerecord = {'line': lineobj, 'num': tagnum, 'linevalue': matchobj.group('value')} if tagname in self._tags: self._tags[tagname]['value'] = tagvalue self._tags[tagname]['lines'].append(linerecord) else: self._tags[tagname] = {'value': tagvalue, 'lines': [linerecord]} return tagname @staticmethod def _patch_macro_opts(args): """Parse arguments of the '%patch' macro""" patchparser = OptionParser() patchparser.add_option("-p", dest="strip") patchparser.add_option("-s", dest="silence") patchparser.add_option("-P", dest="patchnum") patchparser.add_option("-b", dest="backup") patchparser.add_option("-E", dest="removeempty") arglist = args.split() return patchparser.parse_args(arglist)[0] @staticmethod def _setup_macro_opts(args): """Parse arguments of the '%setup' macro""" setupparser = OptionParser() setupparser.add_option("-n", dest="name") setupparser.add_option("-c", dest="create_dir", action="store_true") setupparser.add_option("-D", dest="no_delete_dir", action="store_true") setupparser.add_option("-T", dest="no_unpack_default", action="store_true") setupparser.add_option("-b", dest="unpack_before") setupparser.add_option("-a", dest="unpack_after") setupparser.add_option("-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true") arglist = args.split() return setupparser.parse_args(arglist)[0] def _parse_directive(self, lineobj): """Parse special directive/scriptlet/macro lines""" line = str(lineobj) matchobj = self.directive_re.match(line) if not matchobj: return None directivename = matchobj.group('name') # '%patch' macros directiveid = None if directivename == 'patch': opts = self._patch_macro_opts(matchobj.group('args')) if matchobj.group('num'): directiveid = int(matchobj.group('num')) elif opts.patchnum: directiveid = int(opts.patchnum) else: directiveid = -1 # Record special directive/scriptlet/macro locations if directivename in self.section_identifiers + ('setup', 'patch'): linerecord = {'line': lineobj, 'id': directiveid, 'args': matchobj.group('args')} self._special_directives[directivename].append(linerecord) return directivename def _parse_gbp_tag(self, linenum, lineobj): """Parse special git-buildpackage tags""" line = str(lineobj) matchobj = self.gbptag_re.match(line) if matchobj: gbptagname = matchobj.group('name').lower() if gbptagname not in ('ignore-patches', 'patch-macros'): gbp.log.info("Found unrecognized Gbp tag on line %s: '%s'" % (linenum, line)) if matchobj.group('args'): args = matchobj.group('args').strip() else: args = None record = {'line': lineobj, 'args': args} self._gbp_tags[gbptagname].append(record) return gbptagname return None def _parse_content(self): """ Go through spec file content line-by-line and (re-)parse info from it """ in_preamble = True for linenum, lineobj in enumerate(self._content): matched = False if in_preamble: if self._parse_tag(lineobj): continue matched = self._parse_directive(lineobj) if matched: if matched in self.section_identifiers: in_preamble = False continue self._parse_gbp_tag(linenum, lineobj) # Update sources info (basically possible macros expanded by rpm) # And, double-check that we parsed spec content correctly patches = self._patches() sources = self._sources() for name, num, typ in self._specinfo.sources: # workaround rpm parsing bug if typ == 1 or typ == 9: if num in sources: sources[num]['linevalue'] = name else: gbp.log.err("BUG: failed to parse all 'Source' tags!") elif typ == 2 or typ == 10: # Patch tag without any number defined is treated by RPM as # having number (2^31-1), we use number -1 if num >= pow(2,30): num = -1 if num in patches: patches[num]['linevalue'] = name else: gbp.log.err("BUG: failed to parse all 'Patch' tags!") def _delete_tag(self, tag, num): """Delete a tag""" key = tag.lower() tagname = '%s%s' % (tag, num) if num is not None else tag if key not in self._tags: gbp.log.warn("Trying to delete non-existent tag '%s:'" % tag) return None sparedlines = [] prev = None for line in self._tags[key]['lines']: if line['num'] == num: gbp.log.debug("Removing '%s:' tag from spec" % tagname) prev = self._content.delete(line['line']) else: sparedlines.append(line) self._tags[key]['lines'] = sparedlines if not self._tags[key]['lines']: self._tags.pop(key) return prev def _set_tag(self, tag, num, value, insertafter): """Set a tag value""" key = tag.lower() tagname = '%s%s' % (tag, num) if num is not None else tag value = value.strip() if not value: raise GbpError("Cannot set empty value to '%s:' tag" % tag) # Check type of tag, we don't support values for 'multivalue' tags try: header = self._specinfo.packages[0].header tagvalue = header[getattr(librpm, 'RPMTAG_%s' % tagname.upper())] except AttributeError: tagvalue = None tagvalue = None if type(tagvalue) is list else value # Try to guess the correct indentation from the previous or next tag indent_re = re.compile(r'^([a-z]+([0-9]+)?\s*:\s*)', flags=re.I) match = indent_re.match(str(insertafter)) if not match: match = indent_re.match(str(insertafter.next)) indent = 12 if not match else len(match.group(1)) text = '%-*s%s\n' % (indent, '%s:' % tagname, value) if key in self._tags: self._tags[key]['value'] = tagvalue for line in reversed(self._tags[key]['lines']): if line['num'] == num: gbp.log.debug("Updating '%s:' tag in spec" % tagname) line['line'].set_data(text) line['linevalue'] = value return line['line'] gbp.log.debug("Adding '%s:' tag after '%s...' line in spec" % (tagname, str(insertafter)[0:20])) line = self._content.insert_after(insertafter, text) linerec = {'line': line, 'num': num, 'linevalue': value} if key in self._tags: self._tags[key]['lines'].append(linerec) else: self._tags[key] = {'value': tagvalue, 'lines': [linerec]} return line def set_tag(self, tag, num, value, insertafter=None): """Update a tag in spec file content""" key = tag.lower() tagname = '%s%s' % (tag, num) if num is not None else tag if key in ('patch', 'vcs'): if key in self._tags: insertafter = key elif not insertafter in self._tags: insertafter = 'name' after_line = self._tags[insertafter]['lines'][-1]['line'] if value: self._set_tag(tag, num, value, after_line) elif key in self._tags: self._delete_tag(tag, num) else: raise GbpError("Setting '%s:' tag not supported" % tagname) def _delete_special_macro(self, name, identifier): """Delete a special macro line in spec file content""" if name != 'patch': raise GbpError("Deleting '%s:' macro not supported" % name) key = name.lower() fullname = '%%%s%s' % (name, identifier) sparedlines = [] prev = None for line in self._special_directives[key]: if line['id'] == identifier: gbp.log.debug("Removing '%s' macro from spec" % fullname) prev = self._content.delete(line['line']) else: sparedlines.append(line) self._special_directives[key] = sparedlines if not prev: gbp.log.warn("Tried to delete non-existent macro '%s'" % fullname) return prev def _set_special_macro(self, name, identifier, args, insertafter): """Update a special macro line in spec file content""" key = name.lower() fullname = '%%%s%s' % (name, identifier) if key != 'patch': raise GbpError("Setting '%s' macro not supported" % name) updated = 0 text = "%%%s%d %s\n" % (name, identifier, args) for line in self._special_directives[key]: if line['id'] == identifier: gbp.log.debug("Updating '%s' macro in spec" % fullname) line['args'] = args line['line'].set_data(text) ret = line['line'] updated += 1 if not updated: gbp.log.debug("Adding '%s' macro after '%s...' line in spec" % (fullname, str(insertafter)[0:20])) ret = self._content.insert_after(insertafter, text) linerec = {'line': ret, 'id': identifier, 'args': args} self._special_directives[key].append(linerec) return ret def _set_section(self, name, text): """Update/create a complete section in spec file.""" if name not in self.section_identifiers: raise GbpError("Not a valid section directive: '%s'" % name) # Delete section, if it exists if name in self._special_directives: if len(self._special_directives[name]) > 1: raise GbpError("Multiple %%%s sections found, don't know " "which to update" % name) line = self._special_directives[name][0]['line'] gbp.log.debug("Removing content of %s section" % name) while line.next: match = self.directive_re.match(str(line.next)) if match and match.group('name') in self.section_identifiers: break self._content.delete(line.next) else: gbp.log.debug("Adding %s section to the end of spec file" % name) line = self._content.append('%%%s\n' % name) linerec = {'line': line, 'id': None, 'args': None} self._special_directives[name] = [linerec] # Add new lines gbp.log.debug("Updating content of %s section" % name) for linetext in text.splitlines(): line = self._content.insert_after(line, linetext + '\n') def set_changelog(self, text): """Update or create the %changelog section""" self._set_section('changelog', text) def get_changelog(self): """Get the %changelog section""" text = '' if 'changelog' in self._special_directives: line = self._special_directives['changelog'][0]['line'] while line.next: line = line.next match = self.directive_re.match(str(line)) if match and match.group('name') in self.section_identifiers: break text += str(line) return text def update_patches(self, patches, commands): """Update spec with new patch tags and patch macros""" # Remove non-ignored patches tag_prev = None macro_prev = None ignored = self.ignorepatches # Remove 'Patch:̈́' tags for tag in self._patches().values(): if not tag['num'] in ignored: tag_prev = self._delete_tag('patch', tag['num']) # Remove a preceding comment if it seems to originate from GBP if re.match("^\s*#.*patch.*auto-generated", str(tag_prev), flags=re.I): tag_prev = self._content.delete(tag_prev) # Remove '%patch:' macros for macro in self._special_directives['patch']: if not macro['id'] in ignored: macro_prev = self._delete_special_macro('patch', macro['id']) # Remove surrounding if-else macro_next = macro_prev.next if (str(macro_prev).startswith('%if') and str(macro_next).startswith('%endif')): self._content.delete(macro_next) macro_prev = self._content.delete(macro_prev) # Remove a preceding comment line if it ends with '.patch' or # '.diff' plus an optional compression suffix if re.match("^\s*#.+(patch|diff)(\.(gz|bz2|xz|lzma))?\s*$", str(macro_prev), flags=re.I): macro_prev = self._content.delete(macro_prev) if len(patches) == 0: return # Determine where to add Patch tag lines if tag_prev: gbp.log.debug("Adding 'Patch' tags in place of the removed tags") tag_line = tag_prev elif 'patch' in self._tags: gbp.log.debug("Adding new 'Patch' tags after the last 'Patch' tag") tag_line = self._tags['patch']['lines'][-1]['line'] elif 'source' in self._tags: gbp.log.debug("Didn't find any old 'Patch' tags, adding new " "patches after the last 'Source' tag.") tag_line = self._tags['source']['lines'][-1]['line'] else: gbp.log.debug("Didn't find any old 'Patch' or 'Source' tags, " "adding new patches after the last 'Name' tag.") tag_line = self._tags['name']['lines'][-1]['line'] # Determine where to add %patch macro lines if 'patch-macros' in self._gbp_tags: gbp.log.debug("Adding '%patch' macros after the start marker") macro_line = self._gbp_tags['patch-macros'][-1]['line'] elif macro_prev: gbp.log.debug("Adding '%patch' macros in place of the removed " "macros") macro_line = macro_prev elif self._special_directives['patch']: gbp.log.debug("Adding new '%patch' macros after the last existing" "'%patch' macro") macro_line = self._special_directives['patch'][-1]['line'] elif self._special_directives['setup']: gbp.log.debug("Didn't find any old '%patch' macros, adding new " "patches after the last '%setup' macro") macro_line = self._special_directives['setup'][-1]['line'] elif self._special_directives['prep']: gbp.log.warn("Didn't find any old '%patch' or '%setup' macros, " "adding new patches directly after '%prep' directive") macro_line = self._special_directives['prep'][-1]['line'] else: raise GbpError("Couldn't determine where to add '%patch' macros") startnum = sorted(ignored)[-1] + 1 if ignored else 0 gbp.log.debug("Starting autoupdate patch numbering from %s" % startnum) # Add a comment indicating gbp generated patch tags comment_text = "# Patches auto-generated by git-buildpackage:\n" tag_line = self._content.insert_after(tag_line, comment_text) for ind, patch in enumerate(patches): cmds = commands[patch] if patch in commands else {} patchnum = startnum + ind tag_line = self._set_tag("Patch", patchnum, patch, tag_line) # Add '%patch' macro and a preceding comment line comment_text = "# %s\n" % patch macro_line = self._content.insert_after(macro_line, comment_text) macro_line = self._set_special_macro('patch', patchnum, '-p1', macro_line) for cmd, args in cmds.iteritems(): if cmd in ('if', 'ifarch'): self._content.insert_before(macro_line, '%%%s %s\n' % (cmd, args)) macro_line = self._content.insert_after(macro_line, '%endif\n') # We only support one command per patch, for now break def patchseries(self, unapplied=False, ignored=False): """Return non-ignored patches of the RPM as a gbp patchseries""" series = PatchSeries() if 'patch' in self._tags: tags = self._patches() applied = [] for macro in self._special_directives['patch']: if macro['id'] in tags: applied.append((macro['id'], macro['args'])) ignored = set() if ignored else set(self.ignorepatches) # Put all patches that are applied first in the series for num, args in applied: if num not in ignored: opts = self._patch_macro_opts(args) strip = int(opts.strip) if opts.strip else 0 filename = os.path.basename(tags[num]['linevalue']) series.append(Patch(os.path.join(self.specdir, filename), strip=strip)) # Finally, append all unapplied patches to the series, if requested if unapplied: applied_nums = set([num for num, _args in applied]) unapplied = set(tags.keys()).difference(applied_nums) for num in sorted(unapplied): if num not in ignored: filename = os.path.basename(tags[num]['linevalue']) series.append(Patch(os.path.join(self.specdir, filename), strip=0)) return series def _guess_orig_prefix(self, orig): """Guess prefix for the orig file""" # Make initial guess about the prefix in the archive filename = orig['filename'] name, version = RpmPkgPolicy.guess_upstream_src_version(filename) if name and version: prefix = "%s-%s/" % (name, version) else: prefix = orig['filename_base'] + "/" # Refine our guess about the prefix for macro in self._special_directives['setup']: args = macro['args'] opts = self._setup_macro_opts(args) srcnum = None if opts.no_unpack_default: if opts.unpack_before: srcnum = int(opts.unpack_before) elif opts.unpack_after: srcnum = int(opts.unpack_after) else: srcnum = 0 if srcnum == orig['num']: if opts.create_dir: prefix = '' elif opts.name: try: prefix = self.macro_expand(opts.name) + '/' except MacroExpandError as err: gbp.log.warn("Couldn't determine prefix from %%setup "\ "macro (%s). Using filename base as a " \ "fallback" % err) prefix = orig['filename_base'] + '/' else: # RPM default prefix = "%s-%s/" % (self.name, self.upstreamversion) break return prefix def _guess_orig_file(self): """ Try to guess the name of the primary upstream/source archive. Returns a dict with all the relevant information. """ orig = None sources = self.sources() for num, filename in sorted(sources.iteritems()): src = {'num': num, 'filename': os.path.basename(filename), 'uri': filename} src['filename_base'], src['archive_fmt'], src['compression'] = \ parse_archive_filename(os.path.basename(filename)) if (src['filename_base'].startswith(self.name) and src['archive_fmt']): # Take the first archive that starts with pkg name orig = src break # otherwise we take the first archive elif not orig and src['archive_fmt']: orig = src # else don't accept if orig: orig['prefix'] = self._guess_orig_prefix(orig) return orig def parse_srpm(srpmfile): """parse srpm by creating a SrcRpmFile object""" try: srcrpm = SrcRpmFile(srpmfile) except IOError, err: raise GbpError, "Error reading src.rpm file: %s" % err except librpm.error, err: raise GbpError, "RPM error while reading src.rpm: %s" % err return srcrpm def guess_spec_fn(file_list, preferred_name=None): """Guess spec file from a list of filenames""" specs = [] for filepath in file_list: filename = os.path.basename(filepath) # Stop at the first file matching the preferred name if filename == preferred_name: gbp.log.debug("Found a preferred spec file %s" % filepath) specs = [filepath] break if filename.endswith(".spec"): gbp.log.debug("Found spec file %s" % filepath) specs.append(filepath) if len(specs) == 0: raise NoSpecError("No spec file found.") elif len(specs) > 1: raise NoSpecError("Multiple spec files found (%s), don't know which " "to use." % ', '.join(specs)) return specs[0] def guess_spec(topdir, recursive=True, preferred_name=None): """Guess a spec file""" file_list = [] if not topdir: topdir = '.' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(topdir): file_list.extend([os.path.join(root, fname) for fname in files]) if not recursive: del dirs[:] # Skip .git dir in any case if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') return SpecFile(os.path.abspath(guess_spec_fn(file_list, preferred_name))) def guess_spec_repo(repo, treeish, topdir='', recursive=True, preferred_name=None): """ Try to find/parse the spec file from a given git treeish. """ topdir = topdir.rstrip('/') + ('/') if topdir else '' try: file_list = [nam for (mod, typ, sha, nam) in repo.list_tree(treeish, recursive, topdir) if typ == 'blob'] except GitRepositoryError as err: raise NoSpecError("Cannot find spec file from treeish %s, Git error: %s" % (treeish, err)) spec_path = guess_spec_fn(file_list, preferred_name) return spec_from_repo(repo, treeish, spec_path) def spec_from_repo(repo, treeish, spec_path): """Get and parse a spec file from a give Git treeish""" try: spec = SpecFile(filedata=repo.show('%s:%s' % (treeish, spec_path))) spec.specdir = os.path.dirname(spec_path) spec.specfile = os.path.basename(spec_path) return spec except GitRepositoryError as err: raise NoSpecError("Git error: %s" % err) def string_to_int(val_str): """ Convert string of possible unit identifier to int. @param val_str: value to be converted @type val_str: C{str} @return: value as integer @rtype: C{int} >>> string_to_int("1234") 1234 >>> string_to_int("123k") 125952 >>> string_to_int("1234K") 1263616 >>> string_to_int("1M") 1048576 """ units = {'k': 1024, 'm': 1024**2, 'g': 1024**3, 't': 1024**4} if val_str[-1].lower() in units: return int(val_str[:-1]) * units[val_str[-1].lower()] else: return int(val_str) def split_version_str(version): """ Parse full version string and split it into individual "version components", i.e. upstreamversion, epoch and release @param version: full version of a package @type version: C{str} @return: individual version components @rtype: C{dict} >>> split_version_str("1") {'release': None, 'epoch': None, 'upstreamversion': '1'} >>> split_version_str("1.2.3-5.3") {'release': '5.3', 'epoch': None, 'upstreamversion': '1.2.3'} >>> split_version_str("3:1.2.3") {'release': None, 'epoch': '3', 'upstreamversion': '1.2.3'} >>> split_version_str("3:1-0") {'release': '0', 'epoch': '3', 'upstreamversion': '1'} """ ret = {'epoch': None, 'upstreamversion': None, 'release': None} e_vr = version.split(":", 1) if len(e_vr) == 1: v_r = e_vr[0].split("-", 1) else: ret['epoch'] = e_vr[0] v_r = e_vr[1].split("-", 1) ret['upstreamversion'] = v_r[0] if len(v_r) > 1: ret['release'] = v_r[1] return ret def compose_version_str(evr): """ Compose a full version string from individual "version components", i.e. epoch, version and release @param evr: dict of version components @type evr: C{dict} of C{str} @return: full version @rtype: C{str} >>> compose_version_str({'epoch': '', 'upstreamversion': '1.0'}) '1.0' >>> compose_version_str({'epoch': '2', 'upstreamversion': '1.0', 'release': None}) '2:1.0' >>> compose_version_str({'epoch': None, 'upstreamversion': '1', 'release': '0'}) '1-0' >>> compose_version_str({'epoch': '2', 'upstreamversion': '1.0', 'release': '2.3'}) '2:1.0-2.3' >>> compose_version_str({'epoch': '2', 'upstreamversion': '', 'release': '2.3'}) """ if 'upstreamversion' in evr and evr['upstreamversion']: version = "" if 'epoch' in evr and evr['epoch']: version += "%s:" % evr['epoch'] version += evr['upstreamversion'] if 'release' in evr and evr['release']: version += "-%s" % evr['release'] if version: return version return None # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: