# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2006-2013 Guido Günther # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """run commands to build a debian package out of a git repository""" import ConfigParser import errno import os, os.path import sys import time import gbp.deb as du from gbp.command_wrappers import (Command, RunAtCommand, CommandExecFailed, RemoveTree) from gbp.config import (GbpOptionParserDebian, GbpOptionGroup) from gbp.deb.git import (GitRepositoryError, DebianGitRepository) from gbp.deb.source import DebianSource, DebianSourceError from gbp.git.vfs import GitVfs from gbp.errors import GbpError import gbp.log import gbp.notifications from gbp.scripts.common.buildpackage import (index_name, wc_name, git_archive_submodules, git_archive_single, dump_tree, write_wc, drop_index) from gbp.pkg import (UpstreamSource, compressor_opts, compressor_aliases) def git_archive(repo, cp, output_dir, treeish, comp_type, comp_level, with_submodules): "create a compressed orig tarball in output_dir using git_archive" try: comp_opts = compressor_opts[comp_type][0] except KeyError: raise GbpError("Unsupported compression type '%s'" % comp_type) output = os.path.join(output_dir, du.orig_file(cp, comp_type)) prefix = "%s-%s" % (cp['Source'], cp['Upstream-Version']) try: if repo.has_submodules() and with_submodules: repo.update_submodules() git_archive_submodules(repo, treeish, output, prefix, comp_type, comp_level, comp_opts) else: git_archive_single(treeish, output, prefix, comp_type, comp_level, comp_opts) except (GitRepositoryError, CommandExecFailed): gbp.log.err("Error generating submodules' archives") return False except OSError as err: gbp.log.err("Error creating %s: %s" % (output, err[0])) return False except GbpError: raise except Exception as e: gbp.log.err("Error creating %s: %s" % (output, e)) return False return True def prepare_upstream_tarball(repo, cp, options, tarball_dir, output_dir): """ Make sure we have an upstream tarball. This involves loooking in tarball_dir, symlinking or building it. """ options.comp_type = guess_comp_type(repo, options.comp_type, cp, options.tarball_dir) orig_file = du.orig_file(cp, options.comp_type) # look in tarball_dir first, if found force a symlink to it if options.tarball_dir: gbp.log.debug("Looking for orig tarball '%s' at '%s'" % (orig_file, tarball_dir)) if not du.DebianPkgPolicy.symlink_orig(orig_file, tarball_dir, output_dir, force=True): gbp.log.info("Orig tarball '%s' not found at '%s'" % (orig_file, tarball_dir)) else: gbp.log.info("Orig tarball '%s' found at '%s'" % (orig_file, tarball_dir)) # build an orig unless the user forbids it, always build (and overwrite pre-existing) if user forces it if options.force_create or (not options.no_create_orig and not du.DebianPkgPolicy.has_orig(orig_file, output_dir)): if not pristine_tar_build_orig(repo, cp, output_dir, options): upstream_tree = git_archive_build_orig(repo, cp, output_dir, options) if options.pristine_tar_commit: if repo.pristine_tar.has_commit(cp.name, cp.upstream_version, options.comp_type): gbp.log.debug("%s already on pristine tar branch" % orig_file) else: archive = os.path.join(output_dir, orig_file) gbp.log.debug("Adding %s to pristine-tar branch" % archive) repo.pristine_tar.commit(archive, upstream_tree) #{ Functions to handle export-dir def write_tree(repo, options): """ Write a tree of the index or working copy if necessary @param repo: the git repository we're acting on @type repo: L{GitRepository} @return: the sha1 of the tree @rtype: C{str} """ if options.export_dir: if options.export == index_name: tree = repo.write_tree() elif options.export == wc_name: tree = write_wc(repo) else: tree = options.export if not repo.has_treeish(tree): raise GbpError("%s is not a valid treeish" % tree) else: tree = None return tree def export_source(repo, tree, source, options, dest_dir, tarball_dir): """ Export a version of the source tree when building in a separate directory @param repo: the git repository to export from @type repo: L{gbp.git.GitRepository} @param source: the source package @param options: options to apply @param dest_dir: where to export the source to @param tarball_dir: where to fetch the tarball from in overlay mode @returns: the temporary directory """ # Extract orig tarball if git-overlay option is selected: if options.overlay: if source.is_native(): raise GbpError("Cannot overlay Debian native package") extract_orig(os.path.join(tarball_dir, du.orig_file(source.changelog, options.comp_type)), dest_dir) gbp.log.info("Exporting '%s' to '%s'" % (options.export, dest_dir)) if not dump_tree(repo, dest_dir, tree, options.with_submodules): raise GbpError def move_old_export(target): """move a build tree away if it exists""" try: os.mkdir(target) except OSError as (e, msg): if e == errno.EEXIST: os.rename(target, "%s.obsolete.%s" % (target, time.time())) def extract_orig(orig_tarball, dest_dir): """extract orig tarball to export dir before exporting from git""" gbp.log.info("Extracting %s to '%s'" % (os.path.basename(orig_tarball), dest_dir)) move_old_export(dest_dir) upstream = UpstreamSource(orig_tarball) upstream.unpack(dest_dir) # Check if tarball extracts into a single folder or not: if upstream.unpacked != dest_dir: # If it extracts a single folder, move its contents to dest_dir: gbp.log.debug("Moving %s to %s" % (upstream.unpacked, dest_dir)) tmpdir = dest_dir + '.new' os.rename(upstream.unpacked, tmpdir) os.rmdir(dest_dir) os.rename(tmpdir, dest_dir) #} def source_vfs(repo, options, tree): """Init source package info either from git or from working copy""" # FIXME: just init the correct vfs try: if tree: source = DebianSource(GitVfs(repo, tree)) else: source = DebianSource('.') source.is_native() # check early if this works except Exception as e: raise GbpError("Can't determine package type: %s" % e) return source def prepare_output_dir(dir): """Prepare the directory where the build result will be put""" output_dir = dir if not dir: output_dir = '..' output_dir = os.path.abspath(output_dir) try: os.mkdir(output_dir) except OSError as (e, msg): if e != errno.EEXIST: raise GbpError("Cannot create output dir %s" % output_dir) return output_dir def pristine_tar_build_orig(repo, cp, output_dir, options): """ build orig using pristine-tar @return: True: orig tarball build, False: noop """ if options.pristine_tar: if not repo.has_branch(repo.pristine_tar_branch): gbp.log.warn('Pristine-tar branch "%s" not found' % repo.pristine_tar.branch) try: repo.pristine_tar.checkout(cp.name, cp.upstream_version, options.comp_type, output_dir) return True except CommandExecFailed: if options.pristine_tar_commit: gbp.log.debug("pristine-tar checkout failed, " "will commit tarball due to " "'--pristine-tar-commit'") else: raise return False def get_upstream_tree(repo, cp, options): """Determine the upstream tree from the given options""" if options.upstream_tree.upper() == 'TAG': upstream_tree = repo.version_to_tag(options.upstream_tag, cp['Upstream-Version']) elif options.upstream_tree.upper() == 'BRANCH': if not repo.has_branch(options.upstream_branch): raise GbpError("%s is not a valid branch" % options.upstream_branch) upstream_tree = options.upstream_branch else: upstream_tree = options.upstream_tree if not repo.has_treeish(upstream_tree): raise GbpError("%s is not a valid treeish" % upstream_tree) return upstream_tree def git_archive_build_orig(repo, cp, output_dir, options): """ Build orig tarball using git-archive @param cp: the changelog of the package we're acting on @type cp: L{ChangeLog} @param output_dir: where to put the tarball @type output_dir: C{Str} @param options: the parsed options @type options: C{dict} of options @return: the tree we built the tarball from @rtype: C{str} """ upstream_tree = get_upstream_tree(repo, cp, options) gbp.log.info("%s does not exist, creating from '%s'" % (du.orig_file(cp, options.comp_type), upstream_tree)) gbp.log.debug("Building upstream tarball with compression '%s -%s'" % (options.comp_type, options.comp_level)) if not git_archive(repo, cp, output_dir, upstream_tree, options.comp_type, options.comp_level, options.with_submodules): raise GbpError("Cannot create upstream tarball at '%s'" % output_dir) return upstream_tree def guess_comp_type(repo, comp_type, cp, tarball_dir): """Guess compression type""" srcpkg = cp['Source'] upstream_version = cp['Upstream-Version'] if comp_type != 'auto': comp_type = compressor_aliases.get(comp_type, comp_type) try: dummy = compressor_opts[comp_type] except KeyError: gbp.log.warn("Unknown compression type - guessing.") comp_type = 'auto' if comp_type == 'auto': if not repo.has_pristine_tar_branch(): if not tarball_dir: tarball_dir = '..' detected = None for comp in compressor_opts.keys(): if du.DebianPkgPolicy.has_orig(du.orig_file(cp, comp), tarball_dir): if detected is not None: raise GbpError("Multiple orig tarballs found.") detected = comp if detected is not None: comp_type = detected else: comp_type = 'gzip' else: regex = 'pristine-tar .* %s_%s\.orig.tar\.' % (srcpkg, upstream_version) commits = repo.grep_log(regex, repo.pristine_tar_branch) if commits: commit = commits[-1] gbp.log.debug("Found pristine-tar commit at '%s'" % commit) else: commit = repo.pristine_tar_branch tarball = repo.get_subject(commit) comp_type = du.DebianPkgPolicy.get_compression(tarball) gbp.log.debug("Determined compression type '%s'" % comp_type) if not comp_type: comp_type = 'gzip' gbp.log.warn("Unknown compression type of %s, assuming %s" % (tarball, comp_type)) return comp_type def setup_pbuilder(options): """setup everything to use git-pbuilder""" if options.use_pbuilder or options.use_qemubuilder: options.builder = 'git-pbuilder' options.cleaner = '/bin/true' os.environ['DIST'] = options.pbuilder_dist if options.pbuilder_arch: os.environ['ARCH'] = options.pbuilder_arch if options.use_qemubuilder: os.environ['BUILDER'] = "qemubuilder" if not options.pbuilder_autoconf: os.environ['GIT_PBUILDER_AUTOCONF'] = "no" if options.pbuilder_options: os.environ['GIT_PBUILDER_OPTIONS'] = options.pbuilder_options def disable_hooks(options): """Disable all hooks (except for builder)""" for hook in ['cleaner', 'postexport', 'prebuild', 'postbuild', 'posttag']: if getattr(options, hook): gbp.log.info("Disabling '%s' hook" % hook) setattr(options, hook, '') def parse_args(argv, prefix): args = [ arg for arg in argv[1:] if arg.find('--%s' % prefix) == 0 ] dpkg_args = [ arg for arg in argv[1:] if arg.find('--%s' % prefix) == -1 ] # We handle these although they don't have a --git- prefix for arg in [ "--help", "-h", "--version" ]: if arg in dpkg_args: args.append(arg) try: parser = GbpOptionParserDebian(command=os.path.basename(argv[0]), prefix=prefix) except ConfigParser.ParsingError as err: gbp.log.err(err) return None, None, None tag_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "tag options", "options related to git tag creation") branch_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "branch options", "branch layout options") cmd_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "external command options", "how and when to invoke external commands and hooks") orig_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "orig tarball options", "options related to the creation of the orig tarball") export_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "export build-tree options", "alternative build tree related options") parser.add_option_group(tag_group) parser.add_option_group(orig_group) parser.add_option_group(branch_group) parser.add_option_group(cmd_group) parser.add_option_group(export_group) parser.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name = "ignore-new", dest="ignore_new") parser.add_option("--git-verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbose command execution") parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color", dest="color", type='tristate') parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color-scheme", dest="color_scheme") parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="notify", dest="notify", type='tristate') tag_group.add_option("--git-tag", action="store_true", dest="tag", default=False, help="create a tag after a successful build") tag_group.add_option("--git-tag-only", action="store_true", dest="tag_only", default=False, help="don't build, only tag and run the posttag hook") tag_group.add_option("--git-retag", action="store_true", dest="retag", default=False, help="don't fail if the tag already exists") tag_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="sign-tags", dest="sign_tags") tag_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="keyid", dest="keyid") tag_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="debian-tag", dest="debian_tag") tag_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-tag", dest="upstream_tag") orig_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-tree", dest="upstream_tree") orig_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="pristine-tar", dest="pristine_tar") orig_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="pristine-tar-commit", dest="pristine_tar_commit") orig_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="force-create", dest="force_create", help="force creation of orig tarball", action="store_true") orig_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="no-create-orig", dest="no_create_orig", help="don't create orig tarball", action="store_true") orig_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="tarball-dir", dest="tarball_dir", type="path", help="location to look for external tarballs") orig_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="compression", dest="comp_type", help="Compression type, default is '%(compression)s'") orig_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="compression-level", dest="comp_level", help="Compression level, default is '%(compression-level)s'") branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-branch", dest="upstream_branch") branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="debian-branch", dest="debian_branch") branch_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name = "ignore-branch", dest="ignore_branch") branch_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name = "submodules", dest="with_submodules") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="builder", dest="builder", help="command to build the Debian package, default is '%(builder)s'") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="cleaner", dest="cleaner", help="command to clean the working copy, default is '%(cleaner)s'") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="prebuild", dest="prebuild", help="command to run before a build, default is '%(prebuild)s'") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="postexport", dest="postexport", help="command to run after exporting the source tree, default is '%(postexport)s'") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="postbuild", dest="postbuild", help="hook run after a successful build, default is '%(postbuild)s'") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="posttag", dest="posttag", help="hook run after a successful tag operation, default is '%(posttag)s'") cmd_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="pbuilder", dest="use_pbuilder") cmd_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="qemubuilder", dest="use_qemubuilder") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="dist", dest="pbuilder_dist") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="arch", dest="pbuilder_arch") cmd_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name = "pbuilder-autoconf", dest="pbuilder_autoconf") cmd_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="pbuilder-options", dest="pbuilder_options") cmd_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="hooks", dest="hooks") export_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="export-dir", dest="export_dir", type="path", help="before building the package export the source into EXPORT_DIR, default is '%(export-dir)s'") export_group.add_config_file_option("export", dest="export", help="export treeish object TREEISH, default is '%(export)s'", metavar="TREEISH") export_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="purge", dest="purge") export_group.add_option("--git-dont-purge", action="store_true", dest="dont_purge", default=False, help="deprecated, use --git-no-purge instead") export_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="overlay", dest="overlay") options, args = parser.parse_args(args) gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme) if not options.hooks: disable_hooks(options) if options.retag: if not options.tag and not options.tag_only: gbp.log.err("'--%sretag' needs either '--%stag' or '--%stag-only'" % (prefix, prefix, prefix)) return None, None, None if options.overlay and not options.export_dir: gbp.log.err("Overlay must be used with --git-export-dir") return None, None, None # --git-dont-purge is deprecated: if options.dont_purge: gbp.log.warning("--git-dont-purge is depreceted, use --git-no-purge instead") options.purge = False return options, args, dpkg_args def main(argv): retval = 0 prefix = "git-" source = None branch = None options, gbp_args, dpkg_args = parse_args(argv, prefix) if not options: return 1 try: repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir) except GitRepositoryError: gbp.log.err("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.'))) return 1 else: repo_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) try: Command(options.cleaner, shell=True)() if not options.ignore_new: (ret, out) = repo.is_clean() if not ret: gbp.log.err("You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:") gbp.log.err(out) raise GbpError("Use --git-ignore-new to ignore.") try: branch = repo.get_branch() except GitRepositoryError: # Not being on any branch is o.k. with --git-ignore-branch if not options.ignore_branch: raise if not options.ignore_new and not options.ignore_branch: if branch != options.debian_branch: gbp.log.err("You are not on branch '%s' but on '%s'" % (options.debian_branch, branch)) raise GbpError("Use --git-ignore-branch to ignore or --git-debian-branch to set the branch name.") tree = write_tree(repo, options) source = source_vfs(repo, options, tree) if not options.tag_only: output_dir = prepare_output_dir(options.export_dir) tarball_dir = options.tarball_dir or output_dir # Get/build the upstream tarball if necessary. We delay this in # case of a postexport hook so the hook gets a chance to modify the # sources and create different tarballs (#640382) # We don't delay it in general since we want to fail early if the # tarball is missing. if not source.is_native(): if options.postexport: gbp.log.info("Postexport hook set, delaying tarball creation") else: prepare_upstream_tarball(repo, source.changelog, options, tarball_dir, output_dir) # Export to another build dir if requested: if options.export_dir: tmp_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s-tmp" % source.sourcepkg) export_source(repo, tree, source.changelog, options, tmp_dir, output_dir) # Run postexport hook if options.postexport: RunAtCommand(options.postexport, shell=True, extra_env={'GBP_GIT_DIR': repo.git_dir, 'GBP_TMP_DIR': tmp_dir})(dir=tmp_dir) major = (source.changelog.debian_version if source.is_native() else source.changelog.upstream_version) export_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "%s-%s" % (source.sourcepkg, major)) gbp.log.info("Moving '%s' to '%s'" % (tmp_dir, export_dir)) move_old_export(export_dir) os.rename(tmp_dir, export_dir) # Delayed tarball creation in case a postexport hook is used: if not source.is_native() and options.postexport: prepare_upstream_tarball(repo, source.changelog, options, tarball_dir, output_dir) if options.export_dir: build_dir = export_dir else: build_dir = repo_dir if options.prebuild: RunAtCommand(options.prebuild, shell=True, extra_env={'GBP_GIT_DIR': repo.git_dir, 'GBP_BUILD_DIR': build_dir})(dir=build_dir) setup_pbuilder(options) # Finally build the package: RunAtCommand(options.builder, dpkg_args, shell=True, extra_env={'GBP_BUILD_DIR': build_dir})(dir=build_dir) if options.postbuild: arch = os.getenv('ARCH', None) or du.get_arch() changes = os.path.abspath("%s/../%s_%s_%s.changes" % (build_dir, source.sourcepkg, source.changelog.noepoch, arch)) gbp.log.debug("Looking for changes file %s" % changes) if not os.path.exists(changes): changes = os.path.abspath("%s/../%s_%s_source.changes" % (build_dir, source.sourcepkg, source.changelog.noepoch)) Command(options.postbuild, shell=True, extra_env={'GBP_CHANGES_FILE': changes, 'GBP_BUILD_DIR': build_dir})() if options.tag or options.tag_only: gbp.log.info("Tagging %s" % source.changelog.version) tag = repo.version_to_tag(options.debian_tag, source.changelog.version) if options.retag and repo.has_tag(tag): repo.delete_tag(tag) repo.create_tag(name=tag, msg="%s Debian release %s" % (source.sourcepkg, source.changelog.version), sign=options.sign_tags, keyid=options.keyid) if options.posttag: sha = repo.rev_parse("%s^{}" % tag) Command(options.posttag, shell=True, extra_env={'GBP_TAG': tag, 'GBP_BRANCH': branch or '(no branch)', 'GBP_SHA1': sha})() except CommandExecFailed: retval = 1 except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError) as err: if len(err.__str__()): gbp.log.err(err) retval = 1 except DebianSourceError as err: gbp.log.err(err) source = None retval = 1 finally: drop_index() if not options.tag_only: if options.export_dir and options.purge and not retval: RemoveTree(export_dir)() if source and not gbp.notifications.notify(source.changelog, not retval, options.notify): gbp.log.err("Failed to send notification") retval = 1 return retval if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: