# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # # (C) 2009 Guido Guenther # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # heavily inspired by dom-safe-pull which is © 2009 Stéphane Glondu # """fast forward debian, upstream and pristine-tar branch""" import sys import os, os.path from gbp.command_wrappers import (Command, CommandExecFailed) from gbp.config import (GbpOptionParser, GbpOptionGroup) from gbp.errors import GbpError from gbp.git import GitRepositoryError from gbp.deb.git import DebianGitRepository import gbp.log def fast_forward_branch(branch, repo, options): """ update branch to its remote branch, fail on non fast forward updates unless --force is given @return: branch updated or already up to date @rtype: boolean """ update = False remote = repo.get_merge_branch(branch) if not remote: gbp.log.warn("No branch tracking '%s' found - skipping." % branch) return False can_fast_forward, up_to_date = repo.is_fast_forward(branch, remote) if up_to_date: # Great, we're done gbp.log.info("Branch '%s' is already up to date." % branch) return True if can_fast_forward: update = True else: if options.force: gbp.log.info("Non-fast forwarding '%s' due to --force" % branch) update = True else: gbp.log.warn("Skipping non-fast forward of '%s' - use --force" % branch) if update: gbp.log.info("Updating '%s'" % branch) if repo.branch == branch: repo.merge(remote) else: sha1 = repo.rev_parse(remote) repo.update_ref("refs/heads/%s" % branch, sha1, msg="gbp: forward %s to %s" % (branch, remote)) return update def main(argv): retval = 0 parser = GbpOptionParser(command=os.path.basename(argv[0]), prefix='', usage='%prog [options] - safely update a repository from remote') branch_group = GbpOptionGroup(parser, "branch options", "branch update and layout options") parser.add_option_group(branch_group) branch_group.add_option("--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False, help="force a branch update even if can't be fast forwarded") branch_group.add_option("--redo-pq", action="store_true", dest="redo_pq", default=False, help="redo the patch queue branch after a pull. Warning: this drops the old patch-queue branch") branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="upstream-branch", dest="upstream_branch") branch_group.add_config_file_option(option_name="debian-branch", dest="debian_branch") branch_group.add_boolean_config_file_option(option_name="pristine-tar", dest="pristine_tar") branch_group.add_option("--depth", action="store", dest="depth", default=0, help="git history depth (for deepening shallow clones)") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbose command execution") parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color", dest="color", type='tristate') parser.add_config_file_option(option_name="color-scheme", dest="color_scheme") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) gbp.log.setup(options.color, options.verbose, options.color_scheme) try: repo = DebianGitRepository(os.path.curdir) except GitRepositoryError: gbp.log.err("%s is not a git repository" % (os.path.abspath('.'))) return 1 try: branches = [] current = repo.get_branch() for branch in [ options.debian_branch, options.upstream_branch ]: if repo.has_branch(branch): branches += [ branch ] if repo.has_pristine_tar_branch() and options.pristine_tar: branches += [ repo.pristine_tar_branch ] (ret, out) = repo.is_clean() if not ret: gbp.log.err("You have uncommitted changes in your source tree:") gbp.log.err(out) raise GbpError repo.fetch(depth=options.depth) repo.fetch(depth=options.depth, tags=True) for branch in branches: if not fast_forward_branch(branch, repo, options): retval = 2 if options.redo_pq: repo.set_branch(options.debian_branch) Command("gbp-pq")(["drop"]) Command("gbp-pq")(["import"]) repo.set_branch(current) except CommandExecFailed: retval = 1 except (GbpError, GitRepositoryError) as err: if len(err.__str__()): gbp.log.err(err) retval = 1 return retval if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: