# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : """ Test L{gbp.git.GitRepository} This testcase creates several repositores: - A repository at L{repo_dir} called I{repo} - A bare repository at L{bare_dir} called I{bare} - A clone of I{repo} below L{clone_dir} called I{clone} - A mirror of I{repo} below L{mirror_clone_dir} called I{mirror} """ from . import context import gbp.log gbp.log.setup(color=False, verbose=True) repo_dir, bare_dir, clone_dir, mirror_clone_dir = map( lambda x, tmpdir=context.new_tmpdir(__name__): tmpdir.join(x), ['repo', 'bare', 'clone', 'mirror_clone']) def test_create(): """ Create a repository Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create} Properties tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.path} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.git_dir} >>> import os, gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository.create(repo_dir) >>> repo.path == repo_dir True >>> repo.git_dir == os.path.join(repo_dir, '.git') True >>> type(repo) == gbp.git.GitRepository True """ def test_empty(): """ Empty repos have no branch Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.is_empty} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.get_branch() >>> repo.branch >>> repo.is_empty() True """ def test_add_files(): """ Add some dummy data Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.add_files} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.commit_all} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.is_clean} Properties tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.head} >>> import gbp.git, shutil, os >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> shutil.copy(os.path.join(repo.path, ".git/HEAD"), \ os.path.join(repo.path, "testfile")) >>> repo.is_clean()[0] False >>> repo.is_clean(ignore_untracked=True)[0] True >>> repo.add_files(repo.path, force=True) >>> repo.commit_all(msg="foo") >>> repo.is_clean()[0] True >>> h = repo.head >>> len(h) 40 """ def test_branch_master(): """ First branch is called I{master} Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_branch} >>> import gbp.git, shutil >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.get_branch() 'master' >>> repo.branch 'master' """ def test_clean(): """ Remove untracked files from the working tree Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.clean} >>> import gbp.git, shutil, os >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> shutil.copy(os.path.join(repo.path, ".git/HEAD"), \ os.path.join(repo.path, "testclean")) >>> repo.clean(dry_run=True) >>> repo.is_clean()[0] False >>> repo.clean(directories=True, force=True) >>> repo.is_clean()[0] True """ def test_create_branch(): """ Create a branch name I{foo} Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.branch_contains} >>> import gbp.git, shutil >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.create_branch("foo") >>> repo.branch_contains("foo", 'HEAD') True >>> repo.branch_contains("doesnotexist", 'HEAD', remote=True) False """ def test_delete_branch(): """ Create a branch named I{foo2} and delete it Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.delete_branch} >>> import gbp.git, shutil >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.create_branch("bar") >>> repo.delete_branch("bar") >>> repo.delete_branch("master") Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Can't delete the branch you're on """ def test_set_branch(): """ Switch to branch named I{foo} Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.set_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.branch} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.set_branch("foo") >>> repo.get_branch() == "foo" True >>> repo.branch == "foo" True """ def test_rename_branch(): """ Create branch named I{baz}, rename it to I{bax} and finally delete it Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.rename_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.delete_branch} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.create_branch("baz") >>> repo.rename_branch("baz", "bax") >>> repo.delete_branch("bax") """ def test_set_upstream_branch(): """ Set upstream branch master -> origin/master >>> import os, shutil >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> os.makedirs(os.path.join(repo.git_dir, 'refs/remotes/origin')) >>> shutil.copy(os.path.join(repo.git_dir, 'refs/heads/master'), \ os.path.join(repo.git_dir, 'refs/remotes/origin/')) >>> repo.add_remote_repo('origin', 'git://git.example.com/git/origin') >>> repo.set_upstream_branch('master', 'origin/master') >>> repo.get_upstream_branch('master') 'origin/master' >>> repo.set_upstream_branch('bla', 'origin/master') Traceback (most recent call last): GitRepositoryError: Branch bla doesn't exist! >>> repo.set_upstream_branch('foo', 'origin/bla') Traceback (most recent call last): GitRepositoryError: Branch origin/bla doesn't exist! """ def test_get_upstream_branch(): """ Get info about upstream branches set in test_set_upstream_branch >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.get_upstream_branch('master') 'origin/master' >>> repo.get_upstream_branch('foo') '' >>> repo.get_upstream_branch('bla') Traceback (most recent call last): GitRepositoryError: Branch bla doesn't exist! """ def test_tag(): """ Create a tag named I{tag} and check it's existance Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.verify_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.has_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_tags} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.create_tag("tag") >>> repo.has_tag("tag") True >>> repo.has_tag("unknown") False >>> repo.create_tag("tag2", msg="foo") >>> repo.has_tag("tag2") True >>> repo.verify_tag("tag2") False >>> repo.get_tags() ['tag', 'tag2'] >>> repo.tags ['tag', 'tag2'] """ def test_describe(): """ Describe commit-ish Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.describe} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> sha = repo.rev_parse('HEAD') >>> repo.describe('HEAD') 'tag2' >>> repo.describe('HEAD', longfmt=True) == 'tag2-0-g%s' % sha[:7] True >>> repo.describe('HEAD', pattern='foo*') Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Can't describe HEAD. Git error: fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. >>> repo.describe('HEAD', pattern='foo*', always=True) == sha[:7] True >>> repo.describe('HEAD', always=True, abbrev=16) 'tag2' >>> repo.describe('HEAD', pattern='foo*', always=True, abbrev=16) == sha[:16] True >>> tag = repo.describe('HEAD', longfmt=True, abbrev=16) == 'tag2-0-g%s' % sha[:16] >>> repo.delete_tag('tag2') >>> repo.describe('HEAD', tags=True) 'tag' >>> repo.describe('HEAD', tags=True, exact_match=True) 'tag' >>> repo.create_tag('tag2', msg='foo') """ def test_find_tag(): """ Find tags Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.find_tag} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.find_tag('HEAD') 'tag2' >>> repo.find_tag('HEAD', pattern='foo*') Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Can't describe HEAD. Git error: fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. """ def test_move_tag(): """ Move a tag Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.move_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.has_tag} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.move_tag("tag", "moved") >>> repo.has_tag("tag") False >>> repo.has_tag("moved") True """ def test_delete_tag(): """ Delete tags Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.delete_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.has_tag} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.has_tag("moved") True >>> repo.delete_tag("moved") >>> repo.has_tag("moved") False """ def test_get_obj_type(): """ Find commit SHA1 related to tags Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_obj_type} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.delete_tag} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.create_tag("tag3", "tag msg") >>> repo.get_obj_type("tag3") 'tag' >>> repo.get_obj_type("HEAD") 'commit' >>> repo.get_obj_type("HEAD:testfile") 'blob' >>> repo.delete_tag("tag3") """ def test_list_files(): """ List files in the index Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.list_files} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.add_files} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.commit_staged} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.commit_files} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.force_head} >>> import gbp.git, os, shutil >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> src = os.path.join(repo.path, ".git/HEAD") >>> dst = os.path.join(repo.path, "testfile") >>> repo.list_files() ['testfile'] >>> repo.list_files(['modified']) [] >>> repo.list_files(['modified', 'deleted']) [] >>> repo.list_files(['modified', 'deleted', 'cached']) ['testfile'] >>> shutil.copy(src, dst) >>> repo.list_files(['modified']) ['testfile'] >>> repo.add_files(dst) >>> repo.commit_staged(msg="foo") >>> repo.list_files(['modified']) [] >>> repo.list_files(['foo']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Unknown type 'foo' >>> repo.force_head('HEAD^', hard=True) >>> repo.list_files(['modified']) [] >>> shutil.copy(src, dst) >>> repo.list_files(['modified']) ['testfile'] >>> repo.commit_files(dst, msg="foo") >>> repo.list_files(['modified']) [] """ def test_get_commits(): """ Test listing commits Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_commits} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> commits = repo.get_commits() >>> type(commits) == list and len(commits) == 2 True >>> len(repo.get_commits(num=1)) == 1 True >>> commits2 = repo.get_commits(since='HEAD~1') >>> len(commits2) == 1 True >>> commits2[0] == commits[0] True >>> commits2 = repo.get_commits(until='HEAD~1') >>> len(commits2) == 1 True >>> commits2[0] == commits[-1] True >>> repo.get_commits(paths=['foo', 'bar']) [] >>> repo.get_commits(paths=['testfile']) == commits True """ def test_get_commit_info(): """ Test inspecting commits Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_commit_info} >>> import gbp.git >>> from datetime import datetime >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> info = repo.get_commit_info('HEAD') >>> info['id'] 'HEAD' >>> info['body'] '' >>> info['subject'] 'foo' >>> '@' in info['author'].email True >>> '@' in info['committer'].email True >>> now = datetime.now() >>> (now - datetime.fromtimestamp(int(info['author'].date.split()[0]))).seconds < 10 True >>> (now - datetime.fromtimestamp(int(info['committer'].date.split()[0]))).seconds < 10 True >>> info['patchname'] 'foo' >>> info['files'] defaultdict(, {'M': ['testfile']}) >>> repo.get_subject('HEAD') 'foo' """ def test_diff(): """ Test git-diff Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.diff} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> len(repo.diff('HEAD~1', 'HEAD')) > 3 True >>> len(repo.diff('HEAD~1', 'HEAD', 'testfile')) > 3 True >>> len(repo.diff('HEAD~1', 'HEAD', 'testfile', text=True)) > 3 True >>> len(repo.diff('HEAD~1', 'HEAD', 'filenotexist')) == 0 True """ def test_diff_status(): """ Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.diff_status} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.diff_status("HEAD", "HEAD") defaultdict(, {}) >>> repo.diff_status("HEAD~1", "HEAD") defaultdict(, {'M': ['testfile']}) """ def test_mirror_clone(): """ Mirror a repository Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.clone} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.is_empty} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.set_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.has_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.branch} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.set_branch('master') >>> mirror = gbp.git.GitRepository.clone(mirror_clone_dir, repo.path, mirror=True) >>> mirror.is_empty() False >>> mirror.branch 'master' >>> mirror.has_branch('foo') True >>> mirror.has_branch('bar') False >>> mirror.set_branch('foo') >>> mirror.branch 'foo' >>> mirror.force_head('foo^') """ def test_clone(): """ Clone a repository Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.clone} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.is_empty} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.set_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_merge_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_remote_branches} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_local_branches} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_remote_repos} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.has_remote_repo} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.set_branch('master') >>> clone = gbp.git.GitRepository.clone(clone_dir, repo.path) >>> clone.is_empty() False >>> clone.branch 'master' >>> clone.get_remote_branches() ['origin/HEAD', 'origin/foo', 'origin/master'] >>> clone.get_local_branches() ['master'] >>> clone.get_merge_branch('master') 'origin/master' >>> clone.create_branch('foo', 'origin/foo') >>> clone.get_merge_branch('foo') 'origin/foo' >>> clone.create_branch('bar') >>> clone.get_merge_branch('bar') # None if no merge branch exists >>> clone.get_local_branches() ['bar', 'foo', 'master'] >>> clone.get_remote_repos() ['origin'] >>> clone.has_remote_repo('origin') True >>> clone.has_branch('origin/master', remote=True) True >>> clone.has_remote_repo('godiug') False """ def test_get_remotes(): """ Merge a branch Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_remotes} >>> import os >>> import gbp.git.repository >>> repo = gbp.git.repository.GitRepository(os.path.join(clone_dir, 'repo')) >>> remotes = repo.get_remotes() >>> len(remotes) 1 >>> origin = remotes['origin'] >>> origin.name 'origin' >>> origin.fetch_url == repo_dir True >>> origin.push_urls == [repo_dir] True """ def test_merge(): """ Merge a branch Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.merge} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.set_branch} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.set_branch('master') >>> repo.merge('foo') """ def test_pull(): """ Pull from a remote repository Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.set_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.pull} >>> import gbp.git, os >>> d = os.path.join(clone_dir, 'repo') >>> clone = gbp.git.GitRepository(d) >>> clone.set_branch('master') >>> clone.pull() >>> clone.pull(all_remotes=True) >>> clone.pull('origin', all_remotes=True) """ def test_fetch(): """ Fetch from a remote repository Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.fetch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.push} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.push_tag} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.add_remote_repo} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.remove_remote_repo} >>> import gbp.git, os >>> d = os.path.join(clone_dir, 'repo') >>> clone = gbp.git.GitRepository(d) >>> clone.fetch() >>> clone.push() >>> clone.push('origin') >>> clone.push('origin', 'master') >>> clone.push('origin', 'master', force=True) >>> clone.create_tag('tag3') >>> clone.push_tag('origin', 'tag3') >>> clone.create_tag('tag4') >>> clone.push('origin', 'master', tags=True) >>> clone.add_remote_repo('foo', repo_dir) >>> clone.fetch('foo') >>> clone.fetch('foo', tags=True) >>> clone.fetch('foo', refspec='refs/heads/master') >>> clone.fetch(all_remotes=True) >>> clone.remove_remote_repo('foo') """ def test_create_bare(): """ Create a bare repository Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.is_empty} >>> import gbp.git >>> bare = gbp.git.GitRepository.create(bare_dir, bare=True, description="msg") >>> bare.path == bare_dir True >>> bare.git_dir[:-1] == bare_dir True >>> type(bare) == gbp.git.GitRepository True >>> bare.is_empty() True >>> bare.is_clean() (True, '') """ def test_nonexistant(): """ Check that accessing a non existant repository fails. Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.__init__} >>> import gbp.git >>> bare = gbp.git.GitRepository("/does/not/exist") Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: No Git repository at '/does/not/exist' """ def test_create_noperm(): """ Check that creating a repository at a path that isn't writeable fails Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.create} >>> import gbp.git >>> gbp.git.GitRepository.create("/does/not/exist") Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Cannot create Git repository at '/does/not/exist': Permission denied """ def test_checkout(): """ Checkout treeishs Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.checkout} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.set_branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.rev_parse} Properties tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.branch} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.tags} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.checkout('master') >>> repo.branch 'master' >>> repo.rev_parse('doesnotexist') Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: revision 'doesnotexist' not found >>> sha1 = repo.rev_parse('master', short=10) >>> len(sha1) 10 >>> sha1 = repo.rev_parse('master') >>> len(sha1) 40 >>> repo.checkout(sha1) >>> repo.branch >>> repo.get_branch() Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Currently not on a branch >>> tag = repo.tags[0] >>> repo.checkout(tag) >>> repo.branch """ def test_gc(): """ Test garbace collection Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.collect_garbage} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.collect_garbage() """ def test_grep_log(): """ Test grepping through commit messages Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.grep_log} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.set_branch('master') >>> len(repo.grep_log('foo')) == 2 True >>> len(repo.grep_log('foo', 'master')) == 2 True >>> repo.grep_log('blafasel') [] >>> repo.grep_log('foo', 'doesnotexist') Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Error grepping log for foo: fatal: bad revision 'doesnotexist' """ def test_is_ff(): """ Test if branch is fast forwardable Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.is_fast_forward} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.is_fast_forward('master', 'foo') (True, True) >>> repo.create_branch('ff', 'HEAD^') >>> repo.is_fast_forward('ff', 'master') (True, False) >>> repo.is_fast_forward('master', 'ff') (False, True) """ def test_update_ref(): """ Test updating a reference Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.update_ref} >>> import gbp.git, os >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.update_ref('new_ref', 'master', msg='update') >>> os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo.git_dir, 'new_ref')) True """ def test_make_tree(): """ Test git-mk-tree Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.write_file} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.list_tree} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.make_tree} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> sha1 = repo.write_file('testfile') >>> sha1 '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f' >>> head = repo.list_tree('HEAD') >>> head [['100644', 'blob', '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f', 'testfile']] >>> head.append(['100644', 'blob', '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f', 'testfile2']) >>> newtree = repo.make_tree(head) >>> newtree '745951810c9e22fcc6de9b23f05efd6ab5512123' >>> repo.list_tree(newtree, recurse=False, paths='testfile') [['100644', 'blob', '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f', 'testfile']] """ def test_update_submodules(): """ Updating submodules if we don't have any is a noop Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.has_submodules} - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.update_submodules} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo.has_submodules() False >>> repo.update_submodules() """ def test_get_merge_base(): """ Find the common ancestor of two objects Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.get_merge_base} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> sha1 = repo.get_merge_base('master', 'foo') >>> len(sha1) 40 >>> repo.get_merge_base('master', 'doesnotexist') Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Failed to get common ancestor: fatal: Not a valid object name doesnotexist """ def test_status(): r""" Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository.status} >>> import gbp.git, os, shutil >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> fname = os.path.join(repo.path, "test_status") >>> shutil.copy(os.path.join(repo.path, ".git/HEAD"), fname) >>> repo.status().items() [('??', ['test_status'])] >>> repo.status(['bla*']).items() [] >>> repo.status(['te*']).items() [('??', ['test_status'])] >>> repo.add_files(repo.path, force=True) >>> repo.commit_all(msg='added %s' % fname) >>> _ = repo._git_inout('mv', [fname, fname + 'new']) >>> repo.status().items() [('R ', ['test_status\x00test_statusnew'])] """ def test_cmd_has_feature(): r""" Methods tested: - L{gbp.git.GitRepository._cmd_has_feature} >>> import gbp.git >>> repo = gbp.git.GitRepository(repo_dir) >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("commit", "a") True >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("commit", "reuse-message") True >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "n") True >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "stat") True >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("format-patch", "cc") True >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "foobaroption") False >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("foobarcmd", "foobaroption") Traceback (most recent call last): ... GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'foobarcmd': No manual entry for gitfoobarcmd >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("show", "standard-notes") True >>> repo._cmd_has_feature("show", "no-standard-notes") True """ def test_teardown(): """ Perform the teardown >>> context.teardown() """ # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:et:sts=4:ai:set list listchars=tab\:»·,trail\:·: