path: root/third_party/BaseClasses/transfrm.cpp
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authorLiong Sauw Ming <>2012-04-18 02:38:42 +0000
committerLiong Sauw Ming <>2012-04-18 02:38:42 +0000
commitbe78f596a56580ae6984895355168376d49d9099 (patch)
tree7ebce483258005e403f973dac299c435675b53bf /third_party/BaseClasses/transfrm.cpp
parent64f7c5f55ec54621141ba3676298510dcf0bdb70 (diff)
Fixed #1276: Add baseclasses sample in third_party directory required by dshow_dev
git-svn-id: 74dad513-b988-da41-8d7b-12977e46ad98
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/BaseClasses/transfrm.cpp')
1 files changed, 1016 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/BaseClasses/transfrm.cpp b/third_party/BaseClasses/transfrm.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d170779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/BaseClasses/transfrm.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+// File: Transfrm.cpp
+// Desc: DirectShow base classes - implements class for simple transform
+// filters such as video decompressors.
+// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#include <streams.h>
+#include <measure.h>
+// =================================================================
+// Implements the CTransformFilter class
+// =================================================================
+CTransformFilter::CTransformFilter(__in_opt LPCTSTR pName,
+ __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,
+ REFCLSID clsid) :
+ CBaseFilter(pName,pUnk,&m_csFilter, clsid),
+ m_pInput(NULL),
+ m_pOutput(NULL),
+ m_bEOSDelivered(FALSE),
+ m_bQualityChanged(FALSE),
+ m_bSampleSkipped(FALSE)
+#ifdef PERF
+ RegisterPerfId();
+#endif // PERF
+#ifdef UNICODE
+CTransformFilter::CTransformFilter(__in_opt LPCSTR pName,
+ __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk,
+ REFCLSID clsid) :
+ CBaseFilter(pName,pUnk,&m_csFilter, clsid),
+ m_pInput(NULL),
+ m_pOutput(NULL),
+ m_bEOSDelivered(FALSE),
+ m_bQualityChanged(FALSE),
+ m_bSampleSkipped(FALSE)
+#ifdef PERF
+ RegisterPerfId();
+#endif // PERF
+// destructor
+ // Delete the pins
+ delete m_pInput;
+ delete m_pOutput;
+// Transform place holder - should never be called
+HRESULT CTransformFilter::Transform(IMediaSample * pIn, IMediaSample *pOut)
+ DbgBreak("CTransformFilter::Transform() should never be called");
+ return E_UNEXPECTED;
+// return the number of pins we provide
+int CTransformFilter::GetPinCount()
+ return 2;
+// return a non-addrefed CBasePin * for the user to addref if he holds onto it
+// for longer than his pointer to us. We create the pins dynamically when they
+// are asked for rather than in the constructor. This is because we want to
+// give the derived class an oppportunity to return different pin objects
+// We return the objects as and when they are needed. If either of these fails
+// then we return NULL, the assumption being that the caller will realise the
+// whole deal is off and destroy us - which in turn will delete everything.
+CBasePin *
+CTransformFilter::GetPin(int n)
+ HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+ // Create an input pin if necessary
+ if (m_pInput == NULL) {
+ m_pInput = new CTransformInputPin(NAME("Transform input pin"),
+ this, // Owner filter
+ &hr, // Result code
+ L"XForm In"); // Pin name
+ // Can't fail
+ if (m_pInput == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ m_pOutput = (CTransformOutputPin *)
+ new CTransformOutputPin(NAME("Transform output pin"),
+ this, // Owner filter
+ &hr, // Result code
+ L"XForm Out"); // Pin name
+ // Can't fail
+ if (m_pOutput == NULL) {
+ delete m_pInput;
+ m_pInput = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the appropriate pin
+ if (n == 0) {
+ return m_pInput;
+ } else
+ if (n == 1) {
+ return m_pOutput;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+// FindPin
+// If Id is In or Out then return the IPin* for that pin
+// creating the pin if need be. Otherwise return NULL with an error.
+STDMETHODIMP CTransformFilter::FindPin(LPCWSTR Id, __deref_out IPin **ppPin)
+ CheckPointer(ppPin,E_POINTER);
+ ValidateReadWritePtr(ppPin,sizeof(IPin *));
+ if (0==lstrcmpW(Id,L"In")) {
+ *ppPin = GetPin(0);
+ } else if (0==lstrcmpW(Id,L"Out")) {
+ *ppPin = GetPin(1);
+ } else {
+ *ppPin = NULL;
+ return VFW_E_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ // AddRef() returned pointer - but GetPin could fail if memory is low.
+ if (*ppPin) {
+ (*ppPin)->AddRef();
+ } else {
+ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; // probably. There's no pin anyway.
+ }
+ return hr;
+// override these two functions if you want to inform something
+// about entry to or exit from streaming state.
+ return NOERROR;
+ return NOERROR;
+// override this to grab extra interfaces on connection
+CTransformFilter::CheckConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir, IPin *pPin)
+ return NOERROR;
+// place holder to allow derived classes to release any extra interfaces
+CTransformFilter::BreakConnect(PIN_DIRECTION dir)
+ return NOERROR;
+// Let derived classes know about connection completion
+CTransformFilter::CompleteConnect(PIN_DIRECTION direction,IPin *pReceivePin)
+ return NOERROR;
+// override this to know when the media type is really set
+CTransformFilter::SetMediaType(PIN_DIRECTION direction,const CMediaType *pmt)
+ return NOERROR;
+// Set up our output sample
+CTransformFilter::InitializeOutputSample(IMediaSample *pSample, __deref_out IMediaSample **ppOutSample)
+ IMediaSample *pOutSample;
+ // default - times are the same
+ AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES * const pProps = m_pInput->SampleProps();
+ DWORD dwFlags = m_bSampleSkipped ? AM_GBF_PREVFRAMESKIPPED : 0;
+ // This will prevent the image renderer from switching us to DirectDraw
+ // when we can't do it without skipping frames because we're not on a
+ // keyframe. If it really has to switch us, it still will, but then we
+ // will have to wait for the next keyframe
+ if (!(pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_SPLICEPOINT)) {
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_pOutput->m_pAllocator != NULL);
+ HRESULT hr = m_pOutput->m_pAllocator->GetBuffer(
+ &pOutSample
+ , pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_TIMEVALID ?
+ &pProps->tStart : NULL
+ , pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_STOPVALID ?
+ &pProps->tStop : NULL
+ , dwFlags
+ );
+ *ppOutSample = pOutSample;
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ ASSERT(pOutSample);
+ IMediaSample2 *pOutSample2;
+ if (SUCCEEDED(pOutSample->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaSample2,
+ (void **)&pOutSample2))) {
+ /* Modify it */
+ EXECUTE_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(pOutSample2->GetProperties(
+ ));
+ OutProps.dwTypeSpecificFlags = pProps->dwTypeSpecificFlags;
+ OutProps.dwSampleFlags =
+ (OutProps.dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_TYPECHANGED) |
+ (pProps->dwSampleFlags & ~AM_SAMPLE_TYPECHANGED);
+ OutProps.tStart = pProps->tStart;
+ OutProps.tStop = pProps->tStop;
+ OutProps.cbData = FIELD_OFFSET(AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES, dwStreamId);
+ hr = pOutSample2->SetProperties(
+ (PBYTE)&OutProps
+ );
+ if (pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_DATADISCONTINUITY) {
+ m_bSampleSkipped = FALSE;
+ }
+ pOutSample2->Release();
+ } else {
+ if (pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_TIMEVALID) {
+ pOutSample->SetTime(&pProps->tStart,
+ &pProps->tStop);
+ }
+ if (pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_SPLICEPOINT) {
+ pOutSample->SetSyncPoint(TRUE);
+ }
+ if (pProps->dwSampleFlags & AM_SAMPLE_DATADISCONTINUITY) {
+ pOutSample->SetDiscontinuity(TRUE);
+ m_bSampleSkipped = FALSE;
+ }
+ // Copy the media times
+ LONGLONG MediaStart, MediaEnd;
+ if (pSample->GetMediaTime(&MediaStart,&MediaEnd) == NOERROR) {
+ pOutSample->SetMediaTime(&MediaStart,&MediaEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// override this to customize the transform process
+CTransformFilter::Receive(IMediaSample *pSample)
+ /* Check for other streams and pass them on */
+ AM_SAMPLE2_PROPERTIES * const pProps = m_pInput->SampleProps();
+ if (pProps->dwStreamId != AM_STREAM_MEDIA) {
+ return m_pOutput->m_pInputPin->Receive(pSample);
+ }
+ ASSERT(pSample);
+ IMediaSample * pOutSample;
+ // If no output to deliver to then no point sending us data
+ ASSERT (m_pOutput != NULL) ;
+ // Set up the output sample
+ hr = InitializeOutputSample(pSample, &pOutSample);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // Start timing the transform (if PERF is defined)
+ MSR_START(m_idTransform);
+ // have the derived class transform the data
+ hr = Transform(pSample, pOutSample);
+ // Stop the clock and log it (if PERF is defined)
+ MSR_STOP(m_idTransform);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,1,TEXT("Error from transform")));
+ } else {
+ // the Transform() function can return S_FALSE to indicate that the
+ // sample should not be delivered; we only deliver the sample if it's
+ // really S_OK (same as NOERROR, of course.)
+ if (hr == NOERROR) {
+ hr = m_pOutput->m_pInputPin->Receive(pOutSample);
+ m_bSampleSkipped = FALSE; // last thing no longer dropped
+ } else {
+ // S_FALSE returned from Transform is a PRIVATE agreement
+ // We should return NOERROR from Receive() in this cause because returning S_FALSE
+ // from Receive() means that this is the end of the stream and no more data should
+ // be sent.
+ if (S_FALSE == hr) {
+ // Release the sample before calling notify to avoid
+ // deadlocks if the sample holds a lock on the system
+ // such as DirectDraw buffers do
+ pOutSample->Release();
+ m_bSampleSkipped = TRUE;
+ if (!m_bQualityChanged) {
+ NotifyEvent(EC_QUALITY_CHANGE,0,0);
+ m_bQualityChanged = TRUE;
+ }
+ return NOERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // release the output buffer. If the connected pin still needs it,
+ // it will have addrefed it itself.
+ pOutSample->Release();
+ return hr;
+// Return S_FALSE to mean "pass the note on upstream"
+// Return NOERROR (Same as S_OK)
+// to mean "I've done something about it, don't pass it on"
+HRESULT CTransformFilter::AlterQuality(Quality q)
+ return S_FALSE;
+// EndOfStream received. Default behaviour is to deliver straight
+// downstream, since we have no queued data. If you overrode Receive
+// and have queue data, then you need to handle this and deliver EOS after
+// all queued data is sent
+ if (m_pOutput != NULL) {
+ hr = m_pOutput->DeliverEndOfStream();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// enter flush state. Receives already blocked
+// must override this if you have queued data or a worker thread
+ if (m_pOutput != NULL) {
+ // block receives -- done by caller (CBaseInputPin::BeginFlush)
+ // discard queued data -- we have no queued data
+ // free anyone blocked on receive - not possible in this filter
+ // call downstream
+ hr = m_pOutput->DeliverBeginFlush();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// leave flush state. must override this if you have queued data
+// or a worker thread
+ // sync with pushing thread -- we have no worker thread
+ // ensure no more data to go downstream -- we have no queued data
+ // call EndFlush on downstream pins
+ ASSERT (m_pOutput != NULL);
+ return m_pOutput->DeliverEndFlush();
+ // caller (the input pin's method) will unblock Receives
+// override these so that the derived filter can catch them
+ CAutoLock lck1(&m_csFilter);
+ if (m_State == State_Stopped) {
+ return NOERROR;
+ }
+ // Succeed the Stop if we are not completely connected
+ ASSERT(m_pInput == NULL || m_pOutput != NULL);
+ if (m_pInput == NULL || m_pInput->IsConnected() == FALSE ||
+ m_pOutput->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
+ m_State = State_Stopped;
+ m_bEOSDelivered = FALSE;
+ return NOERROR;
+ }
+ ASSERT(m_pInput);
+ ASSERT(m_pOutput);
+ // decommit the input pin before locking or we can deadlock
+ m_pInput->Inactive();
+ // synchronize with Receive calls
+ CAutoLock lck2(&m_csReceive);
+ m_pOutput->Inactive();
+ // allow a class derived from CTransformFilter
+ // to know about starting and stopping streaming
+ HRESULT hr = StopStreaming();
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+ // complete the state transition
+ m_State = State_Stopped;
+ m_bEOSDelivered = FALSE;
+ }
+ return hr;
+ CAutoLock lck(&m_csFilter);
+ if (m_State == State_Paused) {
+ // (This space left deliberately blank)
+ }
+ // If we have no input pin or it isn't yet connected then when we are
+ // asked to pause we deliver an end of stream to the downstream filter.
+ // This makes sure that it doesn't sit there forever waiting for
+ // samples which we cannot ever deliver without an input connection.
+ else if (m_pInput == NULL || m_pInput->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
+ if (m_pOutput && m_bEOSDelivered == FALSE) {
+ m_pOutput->DeliverEndOfStream();
+ m_bEOSDelivered = TRUE;
+ }
+ m_State = State_Paused;
+ }
+ // We may have an input connection but no output connection
+ // However, if we have an input pin we do have an output pin
+ else if (m_pOutput->IsConnected() == FALSE) {
+ m_State = State_Paused;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (m_State == State_Stopped) {
+ // allow a class derived from CTransformFilter
+ // to know about starting and stopping streaming
+ CAutoLock lck2(&m_csReceive);
+ hr = StartStreaming();
+ }
+ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+ hr = CBaseFilter::Pause();
+ }
+ }
+ m_bSampleSkipped = FALSE;
+ m_bQualityChanged = FALSE;
+ return hr;
+ double dRate)
+ if (m_pOutput != NULL) {
+ return m_pOutput->DeliverNewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate);
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+// Check streaming status
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput != NULL);
+ if (!m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput->IsConnected()) {
+ } else {
+ // Shouldn't be able to get any data if we're not connected!
+ ASSERT(IsConnected());
+ // we're flushing
+ if (m_bFlushing) {
+ return S_FALSE;
+ }
+ // Don't process stuff in Stopped state
+ if (IsStopped()) {
+ }
+ if (m_bRunTimeError) {
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+// =================================================================
+// Implements the CTransformInputPin class
+// =================================================================
+// constructor
+ __in_opt LPCTSTR pObjectName,
+ __inout CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
+ __inout HRESULT * phr,
+ __in_opt LPCWSTR pName)
+ : CBaseInputPin(pObjectName, pTransformFilter, &pTransformFilter->m_csFilter, phr, pName)
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("CTransformInputPin::CTransformInputPin")));
+ m_pTransformFilter = pTransformFilter;
+#ifdef UNICODE
+ __in_opt LPCSTR pObjectName,
+ __inout CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
+ __inout HRESULT * phr,
+ __in_opt LPCWSTR pName)
+ : CBaseInputPin(pObjectName, pTransformFilter, &pTransformFilter->m_csFilter, phr, pName)
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("CTransformInputPin::CTransformInputPin")));
+ m_pTransformFilter = pTransformFilter;
+// provides derived filter a chance to grab extra interfaces
+CTransformInputPin::CheckConnect(IPin *pPin)
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->CheckConnect(PINDIR_INPUT,pPin);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return CBaseInputPin::CheckConnect(pPin);
+// provides derived filter a chance to release it's extra interfaces
+ // Can't disconnect unless stopped
+ ASSERT(IsStopped());
+ m_pTransformFilter->BreakConnect(PINDIR_INPUT);
+ return CBaseInputPin::BreakConnect();
+// Let derived class know when the input pin is connected
+CTransformInputPin::CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin)
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->CompleteConnect(PINDIR_INPUT,pReceivePin);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return CBaseInputPin::CompleteConnect(pReceivePin);
+// check that we can support a given media type
+CTransformInputPin::CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmt)
+ // Check the input type
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->CheckInputType(pmt);
+ if (S_OK != hr) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // if the output pin is still connected, then we have
+ // to check the transform not just the input format
+ if ((m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput != NULL) &&
+ (m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput->IsConnected())) {
+ return m_pTransformFilter->CheckTransform(
+ pmt,
+ &m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput->CurrentMediaType());
+ } else {
+ return hr;
+ }
+// set the media type for this connection
+CTransformInputPin::SetMediaType(const CMediaType* mtIn)
+ // Set the base class media type (should always succeed)
+ HRESULT hr = CBasePin::SetMediaType(mtIn);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ // check the transform can be done (should always succeed)
+ ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(m_pTransformFilter->CheckInputType(mtIn)));
+ return m_pTransformFilter->SetMediaType(PINDIR_INPUT,mtIn);
+// =================================================================
+// Implements IMemInputPin interface
+// =================================================================
+// provide EndOfStream that passes straight downstream
+// (there is no queued data)
+ CAutoLock lck(&m_pTransformFilter->m_csReceive);
+ HRESULT hr = CheckStreaming();
+ if (S_OK == hr) {
+ hr = m_pTransformFilter->EndOfStream();
+ }
+ return hr;
+// enter flushing state. Call default handler to block Receives, then
+// pass to overridable method in filter
+ CAutoLock lck(&m_pTransformFilter->m_csFilter);
+ // Are we actually doing anything?
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput != NULL);
+ if (!IsConnected() ||
+ !m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput->IsConnected()) {
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = CBaseInputPin::BeginFlush();
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return m_pTransformFilter->BeginFlush();
+// leave flushing state.
+// Pass to overridable method in filter, then call base class
+// to unblock receives (finally)
+ CAutoLock lck(&m_pTransformFilter->m_csFilter);
+ // Are we actually doing anything?
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput != NULL);
+ if (!IsConnected() ||
+ !m_pTransformFilter->m_pOutput->IsConnected()) {
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->EndFlush();
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return CBaseInputPin::EndFlush();
+// here's the next block of data from the stream.
+// AddRef it yourself if you need to hold it beyond the end
+// of this call.
+CTransformInputPin::Receive(IMediaSample * pSample)
+ CAutoLock lck(&m_pTransformFilter->m_csReceive);
+ ASSERT(pSample);
+ // check all is well with the base class
+ hr = CBaseInputPin::Receive(pSample);
+ if (S_OK == hr) {
+ hr = m_pTransformFilter->Receive(pSample);
+ }
+ return hr;
+// override to pass downstream
+ double dRate)
+ // Save the values in the pin
+ CBasePin::NewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate);
+ return m_pTransformFilter->NewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate);
+// =================================================================
+// Implements the CTransformOutputPin class
+// =================================================================
+// constructor
+ __in_opt LPCTSTR pObjectName,
+ __inout CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
+ __inout HRESULT * phr,
+ __in_opt LPCWSTR pPinName)
+ : CBaseOutputPin(pObjectName, pTransformFilter, &pTransformFilter->m_csFilter, phr, pPinName),
+ m_pPosition(NULL)
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("CTransformOutputPin::CTransformOutputPin")));
+ m_pTransformFilter = pTransformFilter;
+#ifdef UNICODE
+ __in_opt LPCSTR pObjectName,
+ __inout CTransformFilter *pTransformFilter,
+ __inout HRESULT * phr,
+ __in_opt LPCWSTR pPinName)
+ : CBaseOutputPin(pObjectName, pTransformFilter, &pTransformFilter->m_csFilter, phr, pPinName),
+ m_pPosition(NULL)
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("CTransformOutputPin::CTransformOutputPin")));
+ m_pTransformFilter = pTransformFilter;
+// destructor
+ DbgLog((LOG_TRACE,2,TEXT("CTransformOutputPin::~CTransformOutputPin")));
+ if (m_pPosition) m_pPosition->Release();
+// overriden to expose IMediaPosition and IMediaSeeking control interfaces
+CTransformOutputPin::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, __deref_out void **ppv)
+ CheckPointer(ppv,E_POINTER);
+ ValidateReadWritePtr(ppv,sizeof(PVOID));
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ if (riid == IID_IMediaPosition || riid == IID_IMediaSeeking) {
+ // we should have an input pin by now
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput != NULL);
+ if (m_pPosition == NULL) {
+ HRESULT hr = CreatePosPassThru(
+ GetOwner(),
+ (IPin *)m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput,
+ &m_pPosition);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ }
+ return m_pPosition->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
+ } else {
+ return CBaseOutputPin::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv);
+ }
+// provides derived filter a chance to grab extra interfaces
+CTransformOutputPin::CheckConnect(IPin *pPin)
+ // we should have an input connection first
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput != NULL);
+ if ((m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput->IsConnected() == FALSE)) {
+ return E_UNEXPECTED;
+ }
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->CheckConnect(PINDIR_OUTPUT,pPin);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return CBaseOutputPin::CheckConnect(pPin);
+// provides derived filter a chance to release it's extra interfaces
+ // Can't disconnect unless stopped
+ ASSERT(IsStopped());
+ m_pTransformFilter->BreakConnect(PINDIR_OUTPUT);
+ return CBaseOutputPin::BreakConnect();
+// Let derived class know when the output pin is connected
+CTransformOutputPin::CompleteConnect(IPin *pReceivePin)
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->CompleteConnect(PINDIR_OUTPUT,pReceivePin);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+ return CBaseOutputPin::CompleteConnect(pReceivePin);
+// check a given transform - must have selected input type first
+CTransformOutputPin::CheckMediaType(const CMediaType* pmtOut)
+ // must have selected input first
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput != NULL);
+ if ((m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput->IsConnected() == FALSE)) {
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return m_pTransformFilter->CheckTransform(
+ &m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput->CurrentMediaType(),
+ pmtOut);
+// called after we have agreed a media type to actually set it in which case
+// we run the CheckTransform function to get the output format type again
+CTransformOutputPin::SetMediaType(const CMediaType* pmtOut)
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput != NULL);
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput->CurrentMediaType().IsValid());
+ // Set the base class media type (should always succeed)
+ hr = CBasePin::SetMediaType(pmtOut);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ return hr;
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FAILED(m_pTransformFilter->CheckTransform(&m_pTransformFilter->
+ m_pInput->CurrentMediaType(),pmtOut))) {
+ DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT("*** This filter is accepting an output media type")));
+ DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT(" that it can't currently transform to. I hope")));
+ DbgLog((LOG_ERROR,0,TEXT(" it's smart enough to reconnect its input.")));
+ }
+ return m_pTransformFilter->SetMediaType(PINDIR_OUTPUT,pmtOut);
+// pass the buffer size decision through to the main transform class
+ IMemAllocator * pAllocator,
+ return m_pTransformFilter->DecideBufferSize(pAllocator, pProp);
+// return a specific media type indexed by iPosition
+ int iPosition,
+ __inout CMediaType *pMediaType)
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput != NULL);
+ // We don't have any media types if our input is not connected
+ if (m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput->IsConnected()) {
+ return m_pTransformFilter->GetMediaType(iPosition,pMediaType);
+ } else {
+ }
+// Override this if you can do something constructive to act on the
+// quality message. Consider passing it upstream as well
+// Pass the quality mesage on upstream.
+CTransformOutputPin::Notify(IBaseFilter * pSender, Quality q)
+ ValidateReadPtr(pSender,sizeof(IBaseFilter));
+ // First see if we want to handle this ourselves
+ HRESULT hr = m_pTransformFilter->AlterQuality(q);
+ if (hr!=S_FALSE) {
+ return hr; // either S_OK or a failure
+ }
+ // S_FALSE means we pass the message on.
+ // Find the quality sink for our input pin and send it there
+ ASSERT(m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput != NULL);
+ return m_pTransformFilter->m_pInput->PassNotify(q);
+} // Notify
+// the following removes a very large number of level 4 warnings from the microsoft
+// compiler output, which are not useful at all in this case.
+#pragma warning(disable:4514)