Getting Started ****************************** Building PJSUA2 ====================== The PJSUA2 C++ library will be built by default by PJSIP build system. Building Python and Java SWIG Modules ====================================== The SWIG modules for Python and Java are built by invoking ``make`` and ``make install`` manually from ``pjsip-apps/src/swig`` directory. The ``make install`` will install the Python SWIG module to user's ``site-packages`` directory. Requirements ------------ #. ``JDK``. #. ``Python``, version 2.7 or above is required. For **Linux/UNIX**, you will also need ``Python developent package`` (called ``python-devel`` (e.g. on Fedora) or ``python2.7-dev`` (e.g. on Ubuntu)). For **Windows**, you will need MinGW and ``Python SDK`` such as `ActivePython-2.7.5`_ from `ActiveState`_. .. _`ActivePython-2.7.5`: .. _`ActiveState`: Testing The Installation ------------------------ To test the installation, simply run python and import ``pjsua2`` module:: $ python > import pjsua2 > ^Z Using in C++ Application ======================== As mentioned in previous chapter, a C++ application can use *pjsua2* natively, while at the same time still has access to the lower level objects and the ability to extend the libraries if it needs to. Using the API will be exactly the same as the API reference that is written in this book. Here is a sample complete C++ application to give you some idea about the API. The snippet below initializes the library and creates an account that registers to our SIP server. .. code-block:: c++ #include #include using namespace pj; // Subclass to extend the Account and get notifications etc. class MyAccount : public Account { public: virtual void onRegState(OnRegStateParam &prm) { AccountInfo ai = getInfo(); std::cout << (ai.regIsActive? "*** Register:" : "*** Unregister:") << " code=" << prm.code << std::endl; } }; int main() { Endpoint ep; ep.libCreate(); // Initialize endpoint EpConfig ep_cfg; ep.libInit( ep_cfg ); // Create SIP transport. Error handling sample is shown TransportConfig tcfg; tcfg.port = 5060; try { ep.transportCreate(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, tcfg); } catch (Error &err) { std::cout << << std::endl; return 1; } // Start the library (worker threads etc) ep.libStart(); std::cout << "*** PJSUA2 STARTED ***" << std::endl; // Configure an AccountConfig AccountConfig acfg; acfg.idUri = ""; acfg.regConfig.registrarUri = ""; AuthCredInfo cred("digest", "*", "test", 0, "secret"); acfg.sipConfig.authCreds.push_back( cred ); // Create the account MyAccount *acc = new MyAccount; acc->create(acfg); // Here we don't have anything else to do.. pj_thread_sleep(10000); // Delete the account. This will unregister from server delete acc; // This will implicitly shutdown the library return 0; } Using in Python Application =========================== The equivalence of the C++ sample code above in Python is as follows: .. code-block:: python # Subclass to extend the Account and get notifications etc. class Account(pj.Account): def onRegState(self, prm): print "***OnRegState: " + prm.reason # pjsua2 test function def pjsua2_test(): # Create and initialize the library ep_cfg = pj.EpConfig() ep = pj.Endpoint() ep.libCreate() ep.libInit(ep_cfg) # Create SIP transport. Error handling sample is shown sipTpConfig = pj.TransportConfig(); sipTpConfig.port = 5060; ep.transportCreate(pj.PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, sipTpConfig); # Start the library ep.libStart(); acfg = pj.AccountConfig(); acfg.idUri = ""; acfg.regConfig.registrarUri = ""; cred = pj.AuthCredInfo("digest", "*", "test", 0, "pwtest"); acfg.sipConfig.authCreds.append( cred ); # Create the account acc = Account(); acc.create(acfg); # Here we don't have anything else to do.. time.sleep(10); # Destroy the library ep.libDestroy() # # main() # if __name__ == "__main__": pjsua2_test() Using in Java Application ========================= The equivalence of the C++ sample code above in Java is as follows: .. code-block:: java import org.pjsip.pjsua2.*; // Subclass to extend the Account and get notifications etc. class MyAccount extends Account { @Override public void onRegState(OnRegStateParam prm) { System.out.println("*** On registration state: " + prm.getCode() + prm.getReason()); } } public class test { static { System.loadLibrary("pjsua2"); System.out.println("Library loaded"); } public static void main(String argv[]) { try { // Create endpoint Endpoint ep = new Endpoint(); ep.libCreate(); // Initialize endpoint EpConfig epConfig = new EpConfig(); ep.libInit( epConfig ); // Create SIP transport. Error handling sample is shown TransportConfig sipTpConfig = new TransportConfig(); sipTpConfig.setPort(5060); ep.transportCreate(pjsip_transport_type_e.PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, sipTpConfig); // Start the library ep.libStart(); AccountConfig acfg = new AccountConfig(); acfg.setIdUri(""); acfg.getRegConfig().setRegistrarUri(""); AuthCredInfo cred = new AuthCredInfo("digest", "*", "test", 0, "secret"); acfg.getSipConfig().getAuthCreds().add( cred ); // Create the account MyAccount acc = new MyAccount(); acc.create(acfg); // Here we don't have anything else to do.. Thread.sleep(10000); /* Explicitly delete the account. * This is to avoid GC to delete the endpoint first before deleting * the account. */ acc.delete(); // Explicitly destroy and delete endpoint ep.libDestroy(); ep.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); return; } } }