/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "test.h" #include #if INCLUDE_ECHO_CLIENT enum { BUF_SIZE = 512 }; struct client { int sock_type; const char *server; int port; }; static pj_atomic_t *totalBytes; static pj_atomic_t *timeout_counter; static pj_atomic_t *invalid_counter; #define MSEC_PRINT_DURATION 1000 static int wait_socket(pj_sock_t sock, unsigned msec_timeout) { pj_fd_set_t fdset; pj_time_val timeout; timeout.sec = 0; timeout.msec = msec_timeout; pj_time_val_normalize(&timeout); PJ_FD_ZERO(&fdset); PJ_FD_SET(sock, &fdset); return pj_sock_select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); } static int echo_client_thread(void *arg) { pj_sock_t sock; char send_buf[BUF_SIZE]; char recv_buf[BUF_SIZE]; pj_sockaddr_in addr; pj_str_t s; pj_status_t rc; pj_uint32_t buffer_id; pj_uint32_t buffer_counter; struct client *client = arg; pj_status_t last_recv_err = PJ_SUCCESS, last_send_err = PJ_SUCCESS; unsigned counter = 0; rc = app_socket(pj_AF_INET(), client->sock_type, 0, -1, &sock); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror("...unable to create socket", rc); return -10; } rc = pj_sockaddr_in_init( &addr, pj_cstr(&s, client->server), (pj_uint16_t)client->port); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror("...unable to resolve server", rc); return -15; } rc = pj_sock_connect(sock, &addr, sizeof(addr)); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror("...connect() error", rc); pj_sock_close(sock); return -20; } PJ_LOG(3,("", "...socket connected to %s:%d", pj_inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr), pj_ntohs(addr.sin_port))); pj_memset(send_buf, 'A', BUF_SIZE); send_buf[BUF_SIZE-1]='\0'; /* Give other thread chance to initialize themselves! */ pj_thread_sleep(200); //PJ_LOG(3,("", "...thread %p running", pj_thread_this())); buffer_id = (pj_uint32_t) pj_thread_this(); buffer_counter = 0; *(pj_uint32_t*)send_buf = buffer_id; for (;;) { int rc; pj_ssize_t bytes; ++counter; //while (wait_socket(sock,0) > 0) // ; /* Send a packet. */ bytes = BUF_SIZE; *(pj_uint32_t*)(send_buf+4) = ++buffer_counter; rc = pj_sock_send(sock, send_buf, &bytes, 0); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS || bytes != BUF_SIZE) { if (rc != last_send_err) { app_perror("...send() error", rc); PJ_LOG(3,("", "...ignoring subsequent error..")); last_send_err = rc; pj_thread_sleep(100); } continue; } rc = wait_socket(sock, 500); if (rc == 0) { PJ_LOG(3,("", "...timeout")); bytes = 0; pj_atomic_inc(timeout_counter); } else if (rc < 0) { rc = pj_get_netos_error(); app_perror("...select() error", rc); break; } else { /* Receive back the original packet. */ bytes = 0; do { pj_ssize_t received = BUF_SIZE - bytes; rc = pj_sock_recv(sock, recv_buf+bytes, &received, 0); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS || received == 0) { if (rc != last_recv_err) { app_perror("...recv() error", rc); PJ_LOG(3,("", "...ignoring subsequent error..")); last_recv_err = rc; pj_thread_sleep(100); } bytes = 0; received = 0; break; } bytes += received; } while (bytes != BUF_SIZE && bytes != 0); } if (bytes == 0) continue; if (pj_memcmp(send_buf, recv_buf, BUF_SIZE) != 0) { recv_buf[BUF_SIZE-1] = '\0'; PJ_LOG(3,("", "...error: buffer %u has changed!\n" "send_buf=%s\n" "recv_buf=%s\n", counter, send_buf, recv_buf)); pj_atomic_inc(invalid_counter); } /* Accumulate total received. */ pj_atomic_add(totalBytes, bytes); } pj_sock_close(sock); return 0; } int echo_client(int sock_type, const char *server, int port) { pj_pool_t *pool; pj_thread_t *thread[ECHO_CLIENT_MAX_THREADS]; pj_status_t rc; struct client client; int i; pj_atomic_value_t last_received; pj_timestamp last_report; client.sock_type = sock_type; client.server = server; client.port = port; pool = pj_pool_create( mem, NULL, 4000, 4000, NULL ); rc = pj_atomic_create(pool, 0, &totalBytes); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { PJ_LOG(3,("", "...error: unable to create atomic variable", rc)); return -30; } rc = pj_atomic_create(pool, 0, &invalid_counter); rc = pj_atomic_create(pool, 0, &timeout_counter); PJ_LOG(3,("", "Echo client started")); PJ_LOG(3,("", " Destination: %s:%d", ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS, ECHO_SERVER_START_PORT)); PJ_LOG(3,("", " Press Ctrl-C to exit")); for (i=0; i