/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (C)2003-2007 Benny Prijono * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __PJLIB_TEST_H__ #define __PJLIB_TEST_H__ #include #define GROUP_LIBC 0 #define GROUP_OS 0 #define GROUP_DATA_STRUCTURE 0 #define GROUP_NETWORK 1 #if defined(PJ_SYMBIAN) # define GROUP_FILE 0 #else # define GROUP_FILE 1 #endif #if defined(PJ_SYMBIAN) # define INCLUDE_ERRNO_TEST 0 #else # define INCLUDE_ERRNO_TEST GROUP_LIBC #endif #define INCLUDE_TIMESTAMP_TEST GROUP_OS #define INCLUDE_EXCEPTION_TEST GROUP_LIBC #define INCLUDE_RAND_TEST GROUP_LIBC #define INCLUDE_LIST_TEST GROUP_DATA_STRUCTURE #define INCLUDE_POOL_TEST GROUP_LIBC #define INCLUDE_POOL_PERF_TEST (PJ_HAS_MALLOC && GROUP_LIBC) #define INCLUDE_STRING_TEST GROUP_DATA_STRUCTURE #define INCLUDE_FIFOBUF_TEST 0 // GROUP_DATA_STRUCTURE #define INCLUDE_RBTREE_TEST GROUP_DATA_STRUCTURE #define INCLUDE_TIMER_TEST GROUP_DATA_STRUCTURE #define INCLUDE_ATOMIC_TEST GROUP_OS #define INCLUDE_MUTEX_TEST (PJ_HAS_THREADS && GROUP_OS) #define INCLUDE_SLEEP_TEST GROUP_OS #define INCLUDE_THREAD_TEST (PJ_HAS_THREADS && GROUP_OS) #define INCLUDE_SOCK_TEST GROUP_NETWORK #if defined(PJ_SYMBIAN) # define INCLUDE_SOCK_PERF_TEST 0 #else # define INCLUDE_SOCK_PERF_TEST GROUP_NETWORK #endif #define INCLUDE_SELECT_TEST GROUP_NETWORK #define INCLUDE_UDP_IOQUEUE_TEST GROUP_NETWORK #define INCLUDE_TCP_IOQUEUE_TEST GROUP_NETWORK #define INCLUDE_IOQUEUE_PERF_TEST (PJ_HAS_THREADS && GROUP_NETWORK) #define INCLUDE_IOQUEUE_UNREG_TEST (PJ_HAS_THREADS && GROUP_NETWORK) #define INCLUDE_FILE_TEST GROUP_FILE #define INCLUDE_ECHO_SERVER 0 #define INCLUDE_ECHO_CLIENT 0 #define ECHO_SERVER_MAX_THREADS 2 #define ECHO_SERVER_START_PORT 65000 #define ECHO_SERVER_ADDRESS "compaq.home" #define ECHO_SERVER_DURATION_MSEC (60*60*1000) #define ECHO_CLIENT_MAX_THREADS 6 PJ_BEGIN_DECL extern int errno_test(void); extern int timestamp_test(void); extern int exception_test(void); extern int rand_test(void); extern int list_test(void); extern int pool_test(void); extern int pool_perf_test(void); extern int string_test(void); extern int fifobuf_test(void); extern int timer_test(void); extern int rbtree_test(void); extern int atomic_test(void); extern int mutex_test(void); extern int sleep_test(void); extern int thread_test(void); extern int sock_test(void); extern int sock_perf_test(void); extern int select_test(void); extern int udp_ioqueue_test(void); extern int udp_ioqueue_unreg_test(void); extern int tcp_ioqueue_test(void); extern int ioqueue_perf_test(void); extern int file_test(void); extern int echo_server(void); extern int echo_client(int sock_type, const char *server, int port); extern int echo_srv_sync(void); extern int udp_echo_srv_ioqueue(void); extern int echo_srv_common_loop(pj_atomic_t *bytes_counter); extern pj_pool_factory *mem; extern int test_main(void); extern void app_perror(const char *msg, pj_status_t err); extern pj_status_t app_socket(int family, int type, int proto, int port, pj_sock_t *ptr_sock); extern pj_status_t app_socketpair(int family, int type, int protocol, pj_sock_t *server, pj_sock_t *client); extern int null_func(void); //#define TRACE_(expr) PJ_LOG(3,expr) #define TRACE_(expr) #define HALT(msg) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"%s halted",msg)); for(;;) sleep(1); } PJ_END_DECL #endif /* __PJLIB_TEST_H__ */