/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "test.h" #include /* Define your CPU MIPS here!! */ #ifndef CPU_IPS /* For complete table see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Million_instructions_per_second Processor IPS/MHz ------------------------------------------- PowerPC G3 2.253 MIPS/MHz Intel Pentium III 2.708 MIPS/MHz AMD Athlon 2.967 MIPS/MHz Pentium 4 Extreme Edition 3.039 MIPS/MHz AMD Athlon FX-57 4.285 MIPS/MHz From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_architecture Family Arch Core IPS/MHz ------------------------------------------------------- ARM7TDMI ARMv4T ARM7TDMI 0.892 MIPS/MHz ARM710T 0.900 MIPS/MHz ARM720T 1.003 MIPS/MHz ARM9TDMI ARMv4T ARM920T 1.111 MIPS/MHz ARM9E ARMv5TEJ ARM926EJ-S 1.100 MIPS/MHz XScale ARMv5TE PXA255 1.000 MIPS/MHz (?) PXA27x 1.282 MIPS/MHz Cortex ARMv7-A Cortex-A8 2.000 MIPS/MHz Cortex-A9 2.000 MIPS/MHz ARMv7-M Cortex-M3 1.250 MIPS/MHz */ # define CPU_MHZ (2666) # define CPU_IPS (3.039 * CPU_MHZ * MEGA) /* P4 2.6GHz */ //# define CPU_MHZ 700 //# define CPU_IPS (700 * MEGA * 2.708) /* P3 700Mhz */ //# define CPU_MHZ 180 //# define CPU_IPS (CPU_MHZ * MEGA * 1.1) /* ARM926EJ-S */ //# define CPU_MHZ 312 //# define CPU_IPS (CPU_MHZ * MEGA * 1.282) /* Dell Axim PDA */ #endif /* Sample speech data, 360ms length, encoded at 8Khz */ static const pj_int16_t ref_signal[] = { 0, -4, 0, 0, 1, 8, 8, 7, 12, 16, 20, 29, 28, 48, 40, 48, 56, 76, 68, 76, 96, 100, 104, 124, 117, 120, 144, 120, 136, 168, 184, 188, 176, 216, 237, 235, 268, 301, 312, 316, 367, 356, 384, 400, 344, 409, 392, 416, 380, 432, 404, 444, 457, 456, 453, 512, 499, 512, 584, 584, 544, 584, 608, 596, 552, 628, 600, 667, 728, 672, 681, 755, 736, 764, 752, 764, 724, 769, 792, 840, 820, 895, 841, 856, 852, 867, 944, 944, 939, 944, 907, 928, 920, 960, 833, 881, 1004, 1007, 1000, 1057, 1032, 1056, 1016, 1056, 1072, 1080, 1108, 1028, 1076, 1072, 956, 1020, 1080, 1008, 1095, 992, 1056, 1028, 940, 976, 1008, 940, 916, 968, 849, 868, 956, 940, 852, 892, 968, 860, 777, 904, 825, 716, 764, 708, 635, 728, 620, 648, 472, 724, 548, 448, 472, 372, 272, 437, 419, 260, 237, 371, 196, 136, 177, 264, 49, 120, 40, 124, 32, 136, 71, 120, -95, -20, -76, -140, -304, 12, -148, -168, -192, -63, -212, -36, -288, -232, -352, -128, -397, -308, -431, -280, -675, -497, -761, -336, -760, -471, -1088, 3013, -1596, -2000, 412, -968, 213, -668, -1096, -1048, -1039, -825, -580, -612, -1056, -888, -1324, -1064, -1164, -819, -940, -780, -1236, -688, -1931, -1, -464, -1804, 1088, -1605, -1208, -664, -912, -905, -832, -1167, -512, 1832, -924, -60, 660, -2143, 248, -1660, 1496, -3464, -164, 2072, -3040, 539, 2904, 2040, -3488, 2600, 2412, 820, -551, -1401, 1068, -385, 397, -2112, -980, 1064, -1244, -736, -1335, 332, -1232, -1852, -12, -1073, -1747, -3328, -796, -2241, -4901, -3248, -3124, -3432, -5892, -3840, -3968, -4752, -5668, -4796, -3580, -5909, -5412, -6144, -5800, -5908, -6696, -6460, -8609, -3804, -5668, -8499, -4636, -5744, -2377, -7132, -3712, -7221, -6608, 1656,-11728, -6656, -3736, -204, -8580, -4808, -591, -5752, -472,-10308, -2116, -257, -4720, -7640, -1279, 6412,-16404, -1495, 6204, -8072, -335, -3877, -2363, 464, 441, -6872, 1447, 7884,-13197, 936, 5009, -4416, -4445, 3956, 2280, -2844, 2036, -4285, 744, 4161, -7216, 5548, 172, -964, -2873, 3296, 2184, -7424, 4300, 1855, 1453, -32, 1585, 2160, -3440, 448, 4084, -1617, 1928, 3944, -3728, 4699, 4556, -5556, 4096, 12928, -8287, -4320, 10739, 3172, -6068, 3684, 6484, 1652, -1104, -1820, 11964, -1567, -4117, 7197, 5112, -2608, -2363, 7379, 936, 1596, 217, 6508, 3284, 3960, 0, 2691, 11324, -6140, 6720, 6188, 3596, -1120, 5319, 9420, -9360, 5780, 5135, 623, -1844, 3473, 8488, -4532, 2844, 8368, 4387, -8628, 14180, 3196, -4852, 9092, 5540, -600, 3088, 9864, -4992, 13984, 2536, -5932, 10584, 7044, -2548, 388, 12597, -4776, -247, 7728, 6048, -6152, 6449, 9644, -8924, 8993, 6319, 877, 1108, 9804, -696, 2584, 9097, -3236, 4308, 5444, -2660, -365, 11427, -6900, -803, 9388, -2444, -1068, 9160, 703, -5632, 12088, -2964, -1077, 9804, -1263, -3679, 10161, 3337, -9755, 11601, -160, -6421, 11008, -1952, -3411, 6792, -1665, -1344, 9116, -2545, -4100, 11577, 240, -3612, 5140, 603, -2100, 4284, -784, 108, 968, -1244, 3500, 3696, -108, 3780, 3836, -16, 4035, 2772, 1300, -688, 1544, 2268, -2144, 1156, -564, 628, -1040, -168, 491, -72, -408, -1812, 3460, -2083, -72, 797, 1436, -3824, 1200, 308, -3512, 572, -4060, 540, -84, -4492, -1808, 4644, -4340, -3224, 5832, -2180, -2544, 1475, 2224, -2588, 1312, 1452, -1676, -428, -1596, -860, -116, -4000, -364, 148, -3680, -2229, -1632, 236, -3004, -1917, 124, -1748, -2991, -644, -752, -3691, -1945, -3236, -2005, -4388, -2084, -2052, -3788, -3100, -824, -2432, -3419, -1905, -2520, -2120, -2904, -2200, -1712, -2500, -2796, -1140, -2460, -2955, -984, -1519, -400, -412, 356, 97, -389, 1708, -115, 452, 1140, -820, 1912, 1421, -1604, 556, -632, -1991, -1409, -1904, -3604, -3292, -3405, -5584, -4891, -5436, -8940, -6280, -6604,-11764, -6389, -9081,-10928, -7784, -8492,-11263, -8292, -8829, -9632, -7828, -8920, -10224, -8912, -9836, -7313, -2916,-10240, -3748, 2860, -3308, -1236, 6816, 4580, 1585, 9808, 7484, 5612, 6868, 7399, 6244, 5064, 3823, 5159, 4940, 316, 4496, 4864, 1020, 3997, 6236, 3316, 5712, 7032, 5568, 7329, 6135, 6904, 6431, 3768, 2580, 3724, 504, -2213, -661, -3320, -6660, -6696, -7971,-11208,-11316,-11784, -14212,-13651,-16312,-15876,-15984,-20283,-15168, 2073,-23888, -5839, 13360, -8568, 1240, 18480, 11440, 4236, 23916, 15388, 14072, 15960, 15064, 14840, 9395, 6981, 8584, 6540, -5453, 3568, 928, -7741, -5260, -12, -5692, -7608, 1408, 2136, 776, 1775, 13568, 10992, 8445, 17527, 21084, 14851, 15820, 23060, 15988, 11560, 15088, 14164, 3376, 4059, 5212, -2520, -5891, -3596, -5080,-11752, -8861, -8124, -12104,-12076,-10028,-12333,-14180,-12516,-16036,-15559,-20416, -4240, -1077,-31052, 14840, 7405,-12660, 11896, 23572, 2829, 10932, 28444, 10268, 15412, 13896, 16976, 10161, 6172, 5336, 9639, -2208, -7160, 6544, -7188,-11280, -3308, -2428,-13447, -4880, -824, -6664, -1436, 4608, 7473, 2688, 14275, 14921, 13564, 15960, 20393, 16976, 14832, 17540, 13524, 10744, 6876, 7328, 1772, -2340, -3528, -4516, -9576, -10872, -8640,-13092,-12825,-14076,-12192,-16620,-16207,-17004,-17548, -22088,-21700,-20320, 2836,-29576,-15860, 25811,-22555, -1868, 23624, 9872, -4044, 29472, 16037, 7433, 16640, 14577, 13119, 3120, 7072, 5828, 2285,-12087, 3180, -4031,-17840, -6349, -5300,-15452,-13852, -2659,-12079, -8568, -4492, -672, 660, 5424, 3040, 16488, 11408, 8996, 24976, 15120, 9940, 21400, 16885, 2624, 13939, 8644, -2815, 332, -160, -9312,-10172, -8320,-14033,-13056,-16200,-14113,-15712, -18153,-18664,-15937,-21692,-23500,-18597,-25948, -8597,-10368,-32768, 16916, -4469,-17121, 18448, 14791, -4252, 18880, 22312, 4347, 17672, 12672, 12964, 7384, 5404, 5176, 5668, -7692, -2356, 1148,-14872, -8920, -5593,-12753,-14600, -6429,-10608,-10372, -6757, -4857, -2044, -2720, 8995, 5088, 6516, 18384, 12853, 14952, 18048, 17439, 13920, 15512, 10960, 10268, 5136, 2888, 1184, -4271, -7104, -7376, -9688, -14691,-11336,-14073,-17056,-14268,-16776,-17957,-19460,-18068,-23056, -20512,-24004, -3396,-19239,-27272, 22283,-16439, -7300, 19484, 9020, -1088, 22895, 15868, 9640, 17344, 11443, 17912, 6084, 6712, 9988, 6104, -8559, 6403, -1196,-13152, -3632, -5388,-11924,-11973, -5748, -10292, -8420, -8468, -2256, -2829, -4132, 6344, 8785, 7444, 9508, 22152, 15108, 13151, 22536, 20725, 10672, 17028, 17052, 5536, 6192, 7484, 403, -5520, -2132, -5532,-11527,-10644, -9572,-13316,-16124, -10883,-15965,-17335,-17316,-16064,-20436,-21660, -8547, -3732,-32768, 14672, 2213,-17200, 17964, 14387, 4232, 14800, 24296, 11288, 21368, 11144, 22992, 13599, 6973, 14444, 12312, -2340, 4436, 8060, -9008, -2188, -2164, -5756,-10268, -5076, -6292, -6472, -7916, -2336, 327, -4492, 7144, 7696, 5691, 16352, 14244, 17764, 19852, 17296, 23160, 18496, 14197, 19564, 13356, 5779, 10559, 4576, -2736, -528, -3211, -8796, -8428, -9153,-10928,-13296,-12101,-12528,-14985,-16036,-14600, -15888,-18792,-19604, -3176, -8887,-29240, 21405, -6999, -9568, 19052, 11952, 3037, 20055, 18376, 14501, 18672, 11023, 24776, 9488, 7921, 15896, 11068, -4484, 9667, 4328, -7544, -1240, -1456, -7204, -9192, -5084, -5816, -6864, -9444, 276, -2316, -2852, 4640, 9600, 4412, 13300, 16856, 12836, 18892, 17632, 18336, 16031, 14808, 13860, 12052, 4284, 7372, 2623, -4284, -2172, -5036,-10163, -9788,-10384,-13205, -13180,-13453,-14460,-15540,-16580,-15472,-17961,-19148,-18824, -8063, -8620,-28300, 14323, -6748,-10204, 13100, 10548, 956, 16056, 14640, 12680, 14171, 9672, 19741, 7524, 6615, 11825, 8788, -5080, 7224, 1112, -6024, -4176, -1912, -7968, -8576, -7184, -5640, -8200, -9388, -1980, -2064, -4040, 240, 9327, 2192, 8451, 13604, 13124, 10057, 16505, 15099, 11008, 10344, 12405, 7244, 1948, 4420, 132, -5312, -6072, -5772,-11608,-11756,-11660,-12684,-14335,-14548,-12400,-15268, -15277,-14949,-14889,-17376,-16640,-15656, -1128,-23476, -6084, 7268, -13880, 400, 10984, 1468, 4388, 14156, 6600, 13684, 5428, 12240, 11815, 5460, 3663, 13164, -1269, 772, 3884, -788, -5536, -1652, -4857, -4596, -7912, -6152, -4132, -7201, -6288, -1196, -1332, -4236, 5020, 5020, 1648, 8572, 10224, 6256, 9816, 9404, 8124, 6644, 4380, 4707, 636, -3300, -3208, -4395, -9716, -7540, -8175, -9980, -10237, -7680,-12172, -9981,-10459, -9712, -8451,-13008,-10196, -9308, -13109,-11700,-11636, -6143, -9472,-12117, 985, -3627, -6120, 2828, 5268, 33, 6984, 6488, 7803, 6265, 6992, 8032, 7892, 3408, 6021, 6224, 1016, 2053, 2632, -648, -1936, -1796, -2504, -2865, -4400, -2524, -2388, -2524, -1432, 283, 696, 1180, 2912, 3996, 3328, 3948, 5101, 4905, 3396, 3500, 3323, 2472, -152, 1580, -860, -2109, -1331, -2460, -2960, -3396, -3476, -2616, -5172, -3352, -4036, -4440, -5480, -4028, -4220, -5876, -4656, -5233, -4621, -5465, -6417, -4936, -5092, -1860, -5651, -2699, 1273, -920, -888, 4279, 3260, 2952, 5861, 5584, 5980, 6428, 5732, 6516, 6825, 4156, 5000, 5071, 2669, 1764, 3273, 1148, 1312, 880, 1788, 1457, 1299, 648, 3172, 2004, 1060, 3544, 1963, 2516, 3192, 3057, 2936, 2892, 2896, 2224, 3188, 1524, 1541, 3120, 624, 917, 1472, 1128, -317, 687, 400, -1131, 164, -812, -1232, -1120, -1311, -1364, -1500, -1660, -2380, -1835, -2456, -2468, -2168, -2785, -2824, -2408, -3316, -552, -1204, -3153, 1188, 1572, -752, 1756, 4108, 2344, 3595, 4504, 4152, 4556, 4224, 3568, 4801, 3165, 2776, 2808, 3233, 1300, 2411, 1536, 1828, 1424, 1576, 1412, 1880, 895, 1601, 1916, 1763, 944, 2599, 1349, 1873, 1988, 1744, 1956, 1667, 1548, 1812, 1048, 1528, 488, 1428, 832, 232, 207, 632, -152, -520, 20, 15, -1580, -841, -948, -1120, -1455, -2004, -1244, -1344, -2236, -1312, -1344, -2156, -1420, -1856, -1637, -1847, -1460, -1780, -1372, -508, -1256, -752, 0, 600, 859, 1156, 1532, 2364, 2204, 2059, 2269, 2240, 1928, 1889, 2055, 1205, 1068, 1268, 892, 1371, 1036, 413, 1552, 572, -84, 1364, 260, 624, 820, -160, 1492, 188, 204, 796, 468, 552, 945, -504, 697, -936, 284, -1116, -204, -1052, -700, -1637, -673, -2744, -25, -2163, -1728, -1704, -1260, -2228, -2512, -496, -3992, -824, -2699, -2172, -2196, -1684, -3376, -540, -3047, -2220, -376, -3416, 8, -2424, -428, -1111, -927, 68, -1152, 640, -1308, 276, 536, 592, -292, 2256, -368, 680, 2532, -536, 1548, 780, -92, 1596, 56, 444, 348, 356, 500, -2168, 1527, -1632, -677, -980, -904, -868, 480, -1476, -804, -1515, -335, -2472, -1533, -1007, -644, -2308, -1592, -104, -3860, -984, -2364, 0, -1372, -2500, -2548, 1280, -3767, -2228, -440, -2168, -2691, 628, -2013, -3773, -4292, 3796, -6452, -1268, -156, -1320, -3779, 2612, -2924, -864, -619, 1227, -3408, 3016, -200, -1432, 2219, -45, -1356, 5744, -2069, 4396, 488, 3048, -801, 3876, 857, 2064, 80, 4240, -700, 1928, 1568, -1992, 3431, 600, 2221, 657, -3116, 5888, -2668, 4871, -7963, 8016, -4907, 1264, -1969, 3688, -4396, -1276, 2448, -3760, 2156, -3039, -3064, 940, 2384, -7907, 4520, -2876, 2384, -5784, 4484, -5487, 1907, -4064, 1991, -3496, 1304, -4521, 5255, -4189, 1136, -2397, -152, 768, -1671, 2084, -2709, 6413, -1460, 1952, 448, 7064, -444, 6256, 600, 8872, 2115, 4672, 7628, 6264, 2993, 8920, 2876, 7744, 3956, 4848, 7236, 804, 7684, 5201, 2216, 6360, 4900, -340, 6885, 1307, 2468, 1884, 4812, -1376, 4740, 1751, 135, 1124, 3284, -3228, 3968, 1748, -4453, 1587, -1515, 3084, -3300, -2548, -544, -296, 396, -7808, 4956, -5164, -292, -4947, 212, -4055, -108, -4301, -2088, -2912, 3016, 952, -1888, 4972, 4441, 6136, 1464, 9387, 4137, 6812, 6281, 2440, 6940, 3928, 2704, -1204, 4260, -2289, -712, -1768, -383, -1195, 920, -1200, -336, 4372, 720, 4392, 1291, 5819, 4528, 7532, 992, 8176, 5588, 2760, 2836, 3412, 1132, 531, 2236, -5044, 621, -2916, -3964, -5849, -864, -6300,-10019, -3964, -5524, -7004, -6833, -7236, -9484, -2528,-10112,-12900, -4199, -8580,-12427,-10924, -8604, -11520, -9636, -6560, -1647, -6948, -460, 1752, 2952, 4196, 4360, 4215, 8156, 4528, 2464, 2500, 3299, -2224, -3812, -2568, -5875, -5556, -7728, -8288, -5765, -6448, -7620, -5288, -2680, -4368, -972, 472, 1716, 2467, 4408, 5141, 4724, 7316, 4132, 3493, 5935, 3564, 96, 1068, 868, -2160, -2736, -3449, -5428, -3339, -5200, -7156, -4189, -7928, -8064, -7532, -7999,-12124, -8509, -9888,-12420, -13568,-13187,-15384,-14996,-15152,-15284,-17059,-15292,-11792, -1160, -7300, -8284, 7237, 7241, 1616, 6327, 12064, 7920, 9564, 3556, 4612, 6980, 261, -6365, -2028, -1701,-10136, -9573, -6901, -7747, -7868, -8076, -6123, -1508, -100, -3048, 2004, 6704, 4507, 3256, 9432, 8672, 7673, 6804, 7632, 8777, 6908, 3332, 3771, 6552, 3153, 400, 3029, 4388, 1328, 160, 2304, 2023, 1325, -2640, -2356, -1544, -3436, -8584, -6939, -7180,-10455,-12928,-12296,-14653, -15243,-16436,-15240,-16672,-15476,-14628, 7004, -1360,-10100, 16344, 18300, 9108, 12869, 22541, 16119, 17856, 10697, 6720, 12128, 6904, -8184, -3440, 2592,-10440,-11735, -4739, -4455, -5457, -2432, -1476, 4520, 10045, 5512, 7988, 17032, 15052, 9211, 13309, 14624, 10324, 10488, 7809, 6908, 9896, 5861, 3284, 8348, 10505, 5189, 8144, 13280, 11732, 10035, 12559, 12104, 12456, 10148, 6520, 5944, 5603, -1848, -4196, -2544, -5876,-11416,-10032,-10248,-12753,-13344,-14900, -14320,-11265,-14220,-17067, -1440, 20120, -9884, 2783, 32220, 22208, 9032, 22661, 26820, 19916, 17747, 5288, 8628, 14293, -3331,-15672, 1252, -324,-18236,-11592, -1172, -3384, -3864, 1052, 3640, 13099, 13691, 6520, 14320, 22856, 12887, 7152, 14764, 13276, 4060, 2568, 2268, 2224, 3312, -3336, -875, 9000, 6180, 1872, 10851, 17464, 12312, 11197, 15388, 17816, 12024, 8332, 7119, 8096, 1608, -5611, -5964, -4729,-11317,-14784,-12833,-11272,-14888,-16128,-15012,-12028, -14472,-16227,-15356,-14484,-15056, 11496, 352,-14108, 19216, 24616, 3724, 7872, 25948, 13832, 9680, 7492, 2052, 5220, 1188,-16112, -11340, 703,-15400,-21572, -5816, -3320,-12072, -5664, 2296, 3101, 6708, 5396, 5735, 13601, 12040, 1924, 6071, 10420, 984, -4904, -204, -1945, -6229, -7460, -5636, 2864, -476, -2832, 6104, 13160, 7151, 7148, 13063, 13596, 8796, 5092, 5976, 5668, -431, -7624, -6741, -5676,-14332,-18700,-13396,-12387,-18576,-17516,-14184,-14124, -15972,-17456,-16323,-14712,-18056,-23213,-10744, 12016,-14824,-12636, 21656, 14112, -4085, 9255, 20864, 8196, 6384, 1223, 2244, 5304, -6660,-19192, -4961, -2875,-22564,-18400, -3220, -8488,-14544, -5040, -324, 820, 2732, 628, 5484, 11924, 4813, -852, 8656, 7160, -3924, -2955, 1337, -3268, -7359, -2552, -2528, -532, 128, 411, 5324, 9301, 5601, 6200, 11684, 10072, 4924, 5508, 6660, 1568, -2332, -4268, -5628, -7987,-12004,-13760,-11567,-12104,-16539,-14437, -12012,-14309,-16736,-14573,-13604,-15468,-18204,-19103, -9140, 10132, -13631, -9568, 22580, 13756, -3548, 12112, 23891, 8144, 5964, 7240, 7216, 4284, -4800,-11761, -1308, -3044,-19584,-13808, -759, -7968, -14524, -1503, 3072, -396, 1936, 5900, 9264, 10769, 7240, 5961, 13112, 8788, 660, 2807, 7980, -449, -2477, 3940, 2792, 1584, 2791, 5603, 7528, 9692, 5924, 9123, 15240, 9636, 4924, 11044, 11113, 956, 756, 2812, -1832, -6920, -7120, -7192, -7711, -9717, -12704, -8736, -7508,-12067,-13176, -8133, -9304,-13160,-13437,-13268, -4084, 11400,-12785, -700, 24992, 12168, -1268, 19404, 25183, 8373, 10256, 13664, 11200, 5879, -60, -3656, 4556, -2972,-14688, -4932, 2432, -9279,-10691, 4280, 3180, -2444, 4088, 9992, 9176, 9156, 9520, 11164, 14484, 8608, 4919, 10556, 9792, 2740, 3456, 8840, 6424, 2348, 5696, 9420, 6596, 5380, 8364, 10952, 8499, 6800, 8728, 9641, 5412, 2340, 3596, 2039, -2864, -5489, -3616, -5596, -9232, -8744, -7788, -9860,-11104, -9356, -9464,-11188,-11312,-11036, -11736,-13564, -6016, 8744,-11784, -1196, 18972, 9512, -572, 17407, 20316, 7472, 9784, 13369, 8952, 5092, 1003, -2004, 2755, -3952, -12761, -4648, -744,-11667,-10240, 1556, -1572, -5872, 2196, 6011, 3900, 5384, 7529, 8924, 9629, 6324, 5744, 9484, 7829, 3420, 4384, 8644, 4360, 1500, 5248, 5921, 2200, 2564, 5212, 5037, 2849, 2836, 3985, 3952, 875, -560, 416, -1052, -5228, -5185, -4996, -7820, -9616, -9076,-10644,-11239,-11816,-12360,-12228,-12420, -13560,-12940,-13044,-15648,-11664, 1945, -9676, -9088, 9676, 6708, -3048, 8185, 15520, 4620, 5764, 10716, 6584, 2684, 2276, -1436, -56, -2948, -9140, -6611, -2868, -9897,-10565, -2012, -3948, -7916, -1440, 2420, -241, 1164, 4428, 4932, 5461, 3884, 4476, 6620, 7724, 1779, 3172, 8256, 3132, -749, 5192, 4300, -1388, 1192, 3575, 789, -228, 1185, 995, 937, -952, -2624, -449, -1992, -6204, -4648, -3000, -7604, -8536, -5868, -9024,-10507,-10064, -9296, -12896,-11120,-11776,-13288,-14137,-12668,-15780,-14157, -8392, -7444, -11156, -2300, 2828, -1747, 1164, 8152, 6280, 4876, 7912, 7604, 5609, 5164, 2600, 1620, 1592, -3237, -4441, -2068, -5052, -8268, -4503, -3304, -6332, -4460, -388, -297, -319, 1911, 4071, 4272, 4659, 8368, 6933, 6720, 8764, 8640, 6412, 6384, 5927, 3820, 3488, 2648, 1104, 1220, 884, -692, 327, 616, -972, -160, 713, -593, -652, 179, -651, -2005, -656, -1536, -2968, -3748, -2640, -5052, -5548, -3476, -6151, -6388, -5168, -6099, -7416, -5752, -7579, -8220, -8312, -8472, -5287, -8056, -3527, -2356, -1704, 1892, 2408, 2893, 5965, 8121, 5136, 8480, 8928, 7364, 6408, 7960, 4315, 4392, 3864, 1353, 928, 1436, -1480, -488, 1640, -380, -36, 3420, 4044, 4432, 5185, 8044, 8740, 7983, 7912, 9588, 8588, 6804, 6944, 6700, 4308, 2852, 3252, 2192, -136, 876, 1008, 244, 160, 205, 992, 1684, -136, 984, 3312, 853, -772, 2372, 436, -3008, -1024, -136, -3800, -2263, -3212, -2749, -3688, -2424, -5372, -2136, -3288, -4952, -3596, -2028, -4640, -5797, -2696, -4040, -7152, -4055, -2568, -6460, -4228, -1092, -2780, -2492, 468, -235, 1620, 3500, 2040, 2840, 6300, 4488, 2488, 5707, 5576, 3537, 2291, 4301, 2844, 3364, 1153, 2500, 3340, 3160, 1224, 3220, 4016, 2228, 1788, 4199, 3604, 2096, 1763, 3237, 2044, -564, 1280, 876, -584, -1904, 24, -60, -2948, -1440, -1228, -1824, -2092, -1945, -3912, -227, -2411, -3219, -2252, -1808, -3044, -1035, -3092, -1456, -3724, -2284, -3149, -3028, -2788, -1804, -3360, -1276, -4097, -2531, -2248, -1635, -3215, -2376, -2468, -2596, -2825, -2792, -1980, -4036, -1721, -2059, -4117, 364, -1452, -2772, -1336, 480, -1043, 244, -2904, 924, -1329, 968, -1891, 523, -624, -464, -564, 187, -852, 584, -764, -260, -147, 160, 339, -32, 936, -896, 288, 136, 56, -36, -736, -683, -332, 696, -2319, -259, 564, -2196, -860, 1108, -2177, -728, 1344, -2520, -440, 1080, -780, -3513, 3272, -1635, -1597, -188, 744, -1944, 140, -636, -1644, -141, -596, -1132, -816, 1168, -2836, 196, 312, 136, -1381, 628, -223, -368, -425, 604, -776, 595, -628, -128, -884, 960, -1092, 76, 144, 8, 161, -504, 760, -808, 336, 185, 100, 404, 120, 236, 68, -148, -64, 312, 320, -560, 117, -28, 236, -231, -92, 60, 356, -176, 176, 212, 124, -57, -76, 168, 88, -140, -37, 160, 0, -92, 96, 24, -84, 0, }; #define THIS_FILE "mips_test.c" #define DURATION 5000 #define PTIME 20 /* MUST be 20! */ #define MEGA 1000000 #define GIGA 1000000000 enum op { OP_GET = 1, OP_PUT = 2, OP_GET_PUT = 4, OP_PUT_GET = 8 }; enum clock_rate { K8 = 1, K16 = 2, K32 = 4, }; struct test_entry { const char *title; unsigned valid_op; unsigned valid_clock_rate; pjmedia_port* (*init)(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *); void (*custom_run)(struct test_entry*); void (*custom_deinit)(struct test_entry*); void *pdata[4]; unsigned idata[4]; }; /***************************************************************************/ /* pjmedia_port to supply with continuous frames */ static pjmedia_port* create_gen_port(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned pct_level) { pjmedia_port *port; pj_status_t status; if (pct_level == 100 && channel_count==1) { status = pjmedia_mem_player_create(pool, ref_signal, sizeof(ref_signal), clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, 16, 0, &port); } else { pj_int16_t *buf; unsigned c; buf = (pj_int16_t*) pj_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(ref_signal)*channel_count); for (c=0; cpkt; out_frame.size = sizeof(cp->pkt); status = pjmedia_codec_encode(cp->codec, frame, sizeof(cp->pkt), &out_frame); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); if (out_frame.size != 0) { pjmedia_frame parsed_frm[2], pcm_frm; unsigned frame_cnt = PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(parsed_frm); unsigned i; status = pjmedia_codec_parse(cp->codec, out_frame.buf, out_frame.size, &out_frame.timestamp, &frame_cnt, parsed_frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); for (i=0; ipcm; pcm_frm.size = sizeof(cp->pkt); status = pjmedia_codec_decode(cp->codec, &parsed_frm[i], sizeof(cp->pcm), &pcm_frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } } return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pj_status_t codec_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port) { struct codec_port *cp = (struct codec_port*)this_port; pjmedia_codec_close(cp->codec); pjmedia_codec_mgr_dealloc_codec(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt), cp->codec); cp->codec_deinit(); pjmedia_endpt_destroy(cp->endpt); return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pjmedia_port* codec_encode_decode( pj_pool_t *pool, const char *codec, pj_status_t (*codec_init)(pjmedia_endpt*), pj_status_t (*codec_deinit)(), unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { struct codec_port *cp; pj_str_t codec_id; const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1]; unsigned count; pjmedia_codec_param codec_param; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te); codec_id = pj_str((char*)codec); cp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct codec_port); pjmedia_port_info_init(&cp->base.info, &codec_id, 0x123456, clock_rate, channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame); cp->base.put_frame = &codec_put_frame; cp->base.on_destroy = &codec_on_destroy; cp->codec_deinit = codec_deinit; status = pjmedia_endpt_create(mem, NULL, 0, &cp->endpt); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = codec_init(cp->endpt); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; count = 1; status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt), &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_alloc_codec(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt), ci[0], &cp->codec); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(cp->endpt), ci[0], &codec_param); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = pjmedia_codec_init(cp->codec, pool); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = pjmedia_codec_open(cp->codec, &codec_param); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; return &cp->base; } /* G.711 benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* g711_encode_decode( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* GSM benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* gsm_encode_decode( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } static pj_status_t ilbc_init(pjmedia_endpt *endpt) { return pjmedia_codec_ilbc_init(endpt, 20); } /* iLBC benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* ilbc_encode_decode( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { samples_per_frame = 30 * clock_rate / 1000; return codec_encode_decode(pool, "ilbc", &ilbc_init, &pjmedia_codec_ilbc_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Speex narrowband benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* speex8_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "speex/8000", &pjmedia_codec_speex_init_default, &pjmedia_codec_speex_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Speex wideband benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* speex16_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "speex/16000", &pjmedia_codec_speex_init_default, &pjmedia_codec_speex_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G.722 benchmark benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* g722_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "g722", &pjmedia_codec_g722_init, &pjmedia_codec_g722_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC /* G.722.1 benchmark benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* g7221_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "g7221/16000", &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init, &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G.722.1 Annex C benchmark benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* g7221c_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "g7221/32000", &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init, &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } #endif /* PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC */ #if defined(PJMEDIA_HAS_L16_CODEC) && PJMEDIA_HAS_L16_CODEC!=0 static pj_status_t init_l16_default(pjmedia_endpt *endpt) { return pjmedia_codec_l16_init(endpt, 0); } /* L16/8000/1 benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* l16_8_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "L16/8000/1", &init_l16_default, &pjmedia_codec_l16_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* L16/16000/1 benchmark */ static pjmedia_port* l16_16_encode_decode(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return codec_encode_decode(pool, "L16/16000/1", &init_l16_default, &pjmedia_codec_l16_deinit, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } #endif /***************************************************************************/ /* WSOLA PLC mode */ struct wsola_plc_port { pjmedia_port base; pjmedia_wsola *wsola; pjmedia_port *gen_port; int loss_pct; pj_bool_t prev_lost; }; static pj_status_t wsola_plc_get_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, pjmedia_frame *frame) { struct wsola_plc_port *wp = (struct wsola_plc_port*)this_port; pj_status_t status; if ((pj_rand() % 100) > wp->loss_pct) { status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wp->gen_port, frame); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_wsola_save(wp->wsola, (short*)frame->buf, wp->prev_lost); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); wp->prev_lost = PJ_FALSE; } else { status = pjmedia_wsola_generate(wp->wsola, (short*)frame->buf); wp->prev_lost = PJ_TRUE; } return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pj_status_t wsola_plc_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port) { struct wsola_plc_port *wp = (struct wsola_plc_port*)this_port; pjmedia_port_destroy(wp->gen_port); pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wp->wsola); return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pjmedia_port* create_wsola_plc(unsigned loss_pct, pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { struct wsola_plc_port *wp; pj_str_t name = pj_str("wsola"); unsigned opt = 0; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te); wp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct wsola_plc_port); wp->loss_pct = loss_pct; wp->base.get_frame = &wsola_plc_get_frame; wp->base.on_destroy = &wsola_plc_on_destroy; pjmedia_port_info_init(&wp->base.info, &name, 0x4123, clock_rate, channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame); if (loss_pct == 0) opt |= PJMEDIA_WSOLA_NO_PLC; status = pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, clock_rate, samples_per_frame, channel_count, 0, &wp->wsola); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; wp->gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, 100); if (wp->gen_port == NULL) return NULL; return &wp->base; } /* WSOLA PLC with 0% packet loss */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_0( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_plc(0, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA PLC with 2% packet loss */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_2( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_plc(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA PLC with 5% packet loss */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_5( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_plc(5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA PLC with 10% packet loss */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_10(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_plc(10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA PLC with 20% packet loss */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_20(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_plc(20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA PLC with 50% packet loss */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_plc_50(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_plc(50, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /***************************************************************************/ /* WSOLA discard mode */ enum { CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT = 4 }; struct wsola_discard_port { pjmedia_port base; pjmedia_port *gen_port; pjmedia_wsola *wsola; pjmedia_circ_buf *circbuf; unsigned discard_pct; }; static pj_status_t wsola_discard_get_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, pjmedia_frame *frame) { struct wsola_discard_port *wp = (struct wsola_discard_port*)this_port; pj_status_t status; while (pjmedia_circ_buf_get_len(wp->circbuf) < PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wp->base.info) * (CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT-1)) { status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wp->gen_port, frame); pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_circ_buf_write(wp->circbuf, (short*)frame->buf, PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wp->base.info)); pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS); } if ((pj_rand() % 100) < (int)wp->discard_pct) { pj_int16_t *reg1, *reg2; unsigned reg1_len, reg2_len; unsigned del_cnt; pjmedia_circ_buf_get_read_regions(wp->circbuf, ®1, ®1_len, ®2, ®2_len); del_cnt = PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&wp->base.info); status = pjmedia_wsola_discard(wp->wsola, reg1, reg1_len, reg2, reg2_len, &del_cnt); pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_circ_buf_adv_read_ptr(wp->circbuf, del_cnt); pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS); } return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pj_status_t wsola_discard_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port) { struct wsola_discard_port *wp = (struct wsola_discard_port*)this_port; pjmedia_port_destroy(wp->gen_port); pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wp->wsola); return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pjmedia_port* create_wsola_discard(unsigned discard_pct, pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { struct wsola_discard_port *wp; pj_str_t name = pj_str("wsola"); unsigned i, opt = 0; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te); wp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct wsola_discard_port); wp->discard_pct = discard_pct; wp->base.get_frame = &wsola_discard_get_frame; wp->base.on_destroy = &wsola_discard_on_destroy; pjmedia_port_info_init(&wp->base.info, &name, 0x4123, clock_rate, channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame); if (discard_pct == 0) opt |= PJMEDIA_WSOLA_NO_DISCARD; status = pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, clock_rate, samples_per_frame, channel_count, 0, &wp->wsola); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; wp->gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, 100); if (wp->gen_port == NULL) return NULL; status = pjmedia_circ_buf_create(pool, samples_per_frame * CIRC_BUF_FRAME_CNT, &wp->circbuf); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; /* fill up the circbuf */ for (i=0; i= samples_per_frame); frm.buf = pcm; frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(wp->gen_port, &frm); pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_circ_buf_write(wp->circbuf, pcm, samples_per_frame); pj_assert(status==PJ_SUCCESS); } return &wp->base; } /* WSOLA with 2% discard rate */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_2( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_discard(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA with 5% discard rate */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_5( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_discard(5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA with 10% discard rate */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_10(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_discard(10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA with 20% discard rate */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_20(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_discard(20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* WSOLA with 50% discard rate */ static pjmedia_port* wsola_discard_50(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_wsola_discard(50, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /***************************************************************************/ static pjmedia_port* ec_create(unsigned ec_tail_msec, pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { pjmedia_port *gen_port, *ec_port; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te); gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, 100); if (gen_port == NULL) return NULL; status = pjmedia_echo_port_create(pool, gen_port, ec_tail_msec, 0, flags, &ec_port); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; return ec_port; } /* EC with 100ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_100(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(100, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 128ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_128(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(128, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 200ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_200(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(200, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 256ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_256(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(256, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 400ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_400(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(400, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 500ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_500(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(500, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 512ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_512(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(512, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 600ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_600(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(600, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* EC with 800ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* ec_create_800(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = 0; return ec_create(800, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 100ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_100(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(100, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 128ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_128(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(128, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 200ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_200(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(200, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 256ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_256(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(256, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 400ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_400(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(400, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 500ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_500(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(500, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 512ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_512(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(512, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 600ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_600(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(600, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Echo suppressor with 800ms tail length */ static pjmedia_port* es_create_800(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { flags = PJMEDIA_ECHO_SIMPLE; return ec_create(800, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /***************************************************************************/ /* Tone generator, single frequency */ static pjmedia_port* create_tonegen(unsigned freq1, unsigned freq2, pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { pjmedia_port *tonegen; pjmedia_tone_desc tones[2]; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te); status = pjmedia_tonegen_create(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, 16, PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP, &tonegen); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; pj_bzero(tones, sizeof(tones)); tones[0].freq1 = (short)freq1; tones[0].freq2 = (short)freq2; tones[0].on_msec = 400; tones[0].off_msec = 0; tones[1].freq1 = (short)freq1; tones[1].freq2 = (short)freq2; tones[1].on_msec = 400; tones[1].off_msec = 100; status = pjmedia_tonegen_play(tonegen, PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(tones), tones, PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; return tonegen; } /* Tonegen with single frequency */ static pjmedia_port* create_tonegen1(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_tonegen(400, 0, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Tonegen with dual frequency */ static pjmedia_port* create_tonegen2(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_tonegen(400, 440, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /***************************************************************************/ /* Stream */ struct stream_port { pjmedia_port base; pj_status_t (*codec_deinit)(); pjmedia_endpt *endpt; pjmedia_stream *stream; pjmedia_transport *transport; }; static void stream_port_custom_deinit(struct test_entry *te) { struct stream_port *sp = (struct stream_port*) te->pdata[0]; pjmedia_stream_destroy(sp->stream); pjmedia_transport_close(sp->transport); sp->codec_deinit(); pjmedia_endpt_destroy(sp->endpt); } static pjmedia_port* create_stream( pj_pool_t *pool, const char *codec, pj_status_t (*codec_init)(pjmedia_endpt*), pj_status_t (*codec_deinit)(), pj_bool_t srtp_enabled, pj_bool_t srtp_80, pj_bool_t srtp_auth, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { struct stream_port *sp; pj_str_t codec_id; pjmedia_port *port; const pjmedia_codec_info *ci[1]; unsigned count; pjmedia_codec_param codec_param; pjmedia_stream_info si; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags); codec_id = pj_str((char*)codec); sp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct stream_port); pjmedia_port_info_init(&sp->base.info, &codec_id, 0x123456, clock_rate, channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame); te->pdata[0] = sp; te->custom_deinit = &stream_port_custom_deinit; sp->codec_deinit = codec_deinit; status = pjmedia_endpt_create(mem, NULL, 0, &sp->endpt); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = codec_init(sp->endpt); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; count = 1; status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_find_codecs_by_id(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(sp->endpt), &codec_id, &count, ci, NULL); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = pjmedia_codec_mgr_get_default_param(pjmedia_endpt_get_codec_mgr(sp->endpt), ci[0], &codec_param); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; /* Create stream info */ pj_bzero(&si, sizeof(si)); si.type = PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; si.proto = PJMEDIA_TP_PROTO_RTP_AVP; si.dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING_DECODING; pj_sockaddr_in_init(&si.rem_addr.ipv4, NULL, 4000); pj_sockaddr_in_init(&si.rem_rtcp.ipv4, NULL, 4001); pj_memcpy(&si.fmt, ci[0], sizeof(pjmedia_codec_info)); si.param = NULL; si.tx_pt = ci[0]->pt; si.tx_event_pt = 101; si.rx_event_pt = 101; si.ssrc = pj_rand(); si.jb_init = si.jb_min_pre = si.jb_max_pre = si.jb_max = -1; /* Create loop transport */ status = pjmedia_transport_loop_create(sp->endpt, &sp->transport); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; #if PJMEDIA_HAS_SRTP if (srtp_enabled) { pjmedia_srtp_setting opt; pjmedia_srtp_crypto crypto; pjmedia_transport *srtp; pjmedia_srtp_setting_default(&opt); opt.close_member_tp = PJ_TRUE; opt.use = PJMEDIA_SRTP_MANDATORY; status = pjmedia_transport_srtp_create(sp->endpt, sp->transport, &opt, &srtp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; pj_bzero(&crypto, sizeof(crypto)); if (srtp_80) { crypto.key = pj_str("123456789012345678901234567890"); crypto.name = pj_str("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80"); } else { crypto.key = pj_str("123456789012345678901234567890"); crypto.name = pj_str("AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32"); } if (!srtp_auth) crypto.flags = PJMEDIA_SRTP_NO_AUTHENTICATION; status = pjmedia_transport_srtp_start(srtp, &crypto, &crypto); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; sp->transport = srtp; } #endif /* Create stream */ status = pjmedia_stream_create(sp->endpt, pool, &si, sp->transport, NULL, &sp->stream); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; /* Start stream */ status = pjmedia_stream_start(sp->stream); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; status = pjmedia_stream_get_port(sp->stream, &port); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; return port; } /* G.711 stream, no SRTP */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G.711 stream, SRTP 32bit key no auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_no_auth( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G.711 stream, SRTP 32bit key with auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_TRUE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G.711 stream, SRTP 80bit key no auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_no_auth( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G.711 stream, SRTP 80bit key with auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "pcmu", &pjmedia_codec_g711_init, &pjmedia_codec_g711_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* GSM stream */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* GSM stream, SRTP 32bit, no auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp32_no_auth(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* GSM stream, SRTP 32bit, with auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp32_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_TRUE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* GSM stream, SRTP 80bit, no auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp80_no_auth(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* GSM stream, SRTP 80bit, with auth */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_gsm_srtp80_with_auth(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "gsm", &pjmedia_codec_gsm_init, &pjmedia_codec_gsm_deinit, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, PJ_TRUE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G722 stream */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_g722( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "g722", &pjmedia_codec_g722_init, &pjmedia_codec_g722_deinit, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G722.1 stream */ #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC static pjmedia_port* create_stream_g7221( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "g7221/16000", &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init, &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* G722.1 Annex C stream */ static pjmedia_port* create_stream_g7221c( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_stream(pool, "g7221/32000", &pjmedia_codec_g7221_init, &pjmedia_codec_g7221_deinit, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, PJ_FALSE, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } #endif /* PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC */ /***************************************************************************/ /* Delay buffer */ enum {DELAY_BUF_MAX_DELAY = 80}; struct delaybuf_port { pjmedia_port base; pjmedia_delay_buf *delaybuf; pjmedia_port *gen_port; int drift_pct; }; static pj_status_t delaybuf_get_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, pjmedia_frame *frame) { struct delaybuf_port *dp = (struct delaybuf_port*)this_port; pj_status_t status; status = pjmedia_delay_buf_get(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)frame->buf); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); /* Additional GET when drift_pct is negative */ if (dp->drift_pct < 0) { int rnd; rnd = pj_rand() % 100; if (rnd < -dp->drift_pct) { status = pjmedia_delay_buf_get(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)frame->buf); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } } return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pj_status_t delaybuf_put_frame(struct pjmedia_port *this_port, pjmedia_frame *frame) { struct delaybuf_port *dp = (struct delaybuf_port*)this_port; pj_status_t status; pjmedia_frame f = *frame; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(dp->gen_port, &f); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_delay_buf_put(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)f.buf); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); /* Additional PUT when drift_pct is possitive */ if (dp->drift_pct > 0) { int rnd; rnd = pj_rand() % 100; if (rnd < dp->drift_pct) { status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(dp->gen_port, &f); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_delay_buf_put(dp->delaybuf, (pj_int16_t*)f.buf); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } } return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pj_status_t delaybuf_on_destroy(struct pjmedia_port *this_port) { struct delaybuf_port *dp = (struct delaybuf_port*)this_port; pjmedia_port_destroy(dp->gen_port); pjmedia_delay_buf_destroy(dp->delaybuf); return PJ_SUCCESS; } static pjmedia_port* create_delaybuf(int drift_pct, pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { struct delaybuf_port *dp; pj_str_t name = pj_str("delaybuf"); unsigned opt = 0; pj_status_t status; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(flags); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(te); dp = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct delaybuf_port); dp->drift_pct = drift_pct; dp->base.get_frame = &delaybuf_get_frame; dp->base.put_frame = &delaybuf_put_frame; dp->base.on_destroy = &delaybuf_on_destroy; pjmedia_port_info_init(&dp->base.info, &name, 0x5678, clock_rate, channel_count, 16, samples_per_frame); status = pjmedia_delay_buf_create(pool, "mips_test", clock_rate, samples_per_frame, channel_count, DELAY_BUF_MAX_DELAY, opt, &dp->delaybuf); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return NULL; dp->gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, 100); if (dp->gen_port == NULL) return NULL; return &dp->base; } /* Delay buffer without drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_0( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(0, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with 2% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p2( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with 5% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p5( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with 10% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p10(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with 20% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_p20(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with -2% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n2( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(-2, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with -5% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n5( pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(-5, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with -10% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n10(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(-10, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /* Delay buffer with -20% drift */ static pjmedia_port* delaybuf_n20(pj_pool_t *pool, unsigned clock_rate, unsigned channel_count, unsigned samples_per_frame, unsigned flags, struct test_entry *te) { return create_delaybuf(-20, pool, clock_rate, channel_count, samples_per_frame, flags, te); } /***************************************************************************/ /* Run test entry, return elapsed time */ static pj_timestamp run_entry(unsigned clock_rate, struct test_entry *e) { pj_pool_t *pool; pjmedia_port *port; pj_timestamp t0, t1; unsigned j, samples_per_frame; pj_int16_t pcm[32000 * PTIME / 1000]; pjmedia_port *gen_port; pj_status_t status; samples_per_frame = clock_rate * PTIME / 1000; pool = pj_pool_create(mem, "pool", 1024, 1024, NULL); port = e->init(pool, clock_rate, 1, samples_per_frame, 0, e); if (port == NULL) { t0.u64 = 0; pj_pool_release(pool); PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, " init error")); return t0; } /* Port may decide to use different ptime (e.g. iLBC) */ samples_per_frame = PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&port->info); gen_port = create_gen_port(pool, clock_rate, 1, samples_per_frame, 100); if (gen_port == NULL) { t0.u64 = 0; pj_pool_release(pool); return t0; } pj_get_timestamp(&t0); for (j=0; jvalid_op==OP_GET_PUT) { frm.buf = (void*)pcm; frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2; frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } else if (e->valid_op == OP_GET) { frm.buf = (void*)pcm; frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2; frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } else if (e->valid_op == OP_PUT) { frm.buf = (void*)pcm; frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2; frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(gen_port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } else if (e->valid_op == OP_PUT_GET) { frm.buf = (void*)pcm; frm.size = samples_per_frame * 2; frm.type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE; status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(gen_port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_port_put_frame(port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); status = pjmedia_port_get_frame(port, &frm); pj_assert(status == PJ_SUCCESS); } } pj_get_timestamp(&t1); pj_sub_timestamp(&t1, &t0); if (e->custom_deinit) e->custom_deinit(e); pjmedia_port_destroy(port); pj_pool_release(pool); return t1; } /***************************************************************************/ int mips_test(void) { struct test_entry entries[] = { { "get from memplayer", OP_GET, K8|K16, &gen_port_test_init}, { "conference bridge with 1 call", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf1_test_init}, { "conference bridge with 2 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf2_test_init}, { "conference bridge with 4 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf4_test_init}, { "conference bridge with 8 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf8_test_init}, { "conference bridge with 16 calls", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &conf16_test_init}, { "upsample+downsample - linear", OP_GET, K8|K16, &linear_resample}, { "upsample+downsample - small filter", OP_GET, K8|K16, &small_filt_resample}, { "upsample+downsample - large filter", OP_GET, K8|K16, &large_filt_resample}, { "WSOLA PLC - 0% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_0}, { "WSOLA PLC - 2% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_2}, { "WSOLA PLC - 5% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_5}, { "WSOLA PLC - 10% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_10}, { "WSOLA PLC - 20% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_20}, { "WSOLA PLC - 50% loss", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_plc_50}, { "WSOLA discard 2% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_2}, { "WSOLA discard 5% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_5}, { "WSOLA discard 10% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_10}, { "WSOLA discard 20% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_20}, { "WSOLA discard 50% excess", OP_GET, K8|K16, &wsola_discard_50}, { "Delay buffer", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_0}, { "Delay buffer - drift -2%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n2}, { "Delay buffer - drift -5%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n5}, { "Delay buffer - drift -10%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n10}, { "Delay buffer - drift -20%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_n20}, { "Delay buffer - drift +2%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p2}, { "Delay buffer - drift +5%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p5}, { "Delay buffer - drift +10%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p10}, { "Delay buffer - drift +20%", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &delaybuf_p20}, { "echo canceller 100ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_100}, { "echo canceller 128ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_128}, { "echo canceller 200ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_200}, { "echo canceller 256ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_256}, { "echo canceller 400ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_400}, { "echo canceller 500ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_500}, { "echo canceller 512ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_512}, { "echo canceller 600ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_600}, { "echo canceller 800ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &ec_create_800}, { "echo suppressor 100ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_100}, { "echo suppressor 128ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_128}, { "echo suppressor 200ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_200}, { "echo suppressor 256ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_256}, { "echo suppressor 400ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_400}, { "echo suppressor 500ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_500}, { "echo suppressor 512ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_512}, { "echo suppressor 600ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_600}, { "echo suppressor 800ms tail len", OP_GET_PUT, K8|K16, &es_create_800}, { "tone generator with single freq", OP_GET, K8|K16, &create_tonegen1}, { "tone generator with dual freq", OP_GET, K8|K16, &create_tonegen2}, #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G711_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - G.711", OP_PUT, K8, &g711_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G722_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - G.722", OP_PUT, K16, &g722_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_GSM_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - GSM", OP_PUT, K8, &gsm_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_ILBC_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - iLBC", OP_PUT, K8, &ilbc_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_SPEEX_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - Speex 8Khz", OP_PUT, K8, &speex8_encode_decode}, { "codec encode/decode - Speex 16Khz", OP_PUT, K16, &speex16_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - G.722.1", OP_PUT, K16, &g7221_encode_decode}, { "codec encode/decode - G.722.1c", OP_PUT, K32, &g7221c_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_L16_CODEC { "codec encode/decode - L16/8000/1", OP_PUT, K8, &l16_8_encode_decode}, { "codec encode/decode - L16/16000/1", OP_PUT, K16, &l16_16_encode_decode}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G711_CODEC { "stream TX/RX - G.711", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu}, { "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 32bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_no_auth}, { "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 32bit +auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp32_with_auth}, { "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 80bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_no_auth}, { "stream TX/RX - G.711 SRTP 80bit +auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_pcmu_srtp80_with_auth}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G722_CODEC { "stream TX/RX - G.722", OP_PUT_GET, K16, &create_stream_g722}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_GSM_CODEC { "stream TX/RX - GSM", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm}, { "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 32bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp32_no_auth}, { "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 32bit + auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp32_with_auth}, { "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 80bit", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp80_no_auth}, { "stream TX/RX - GSM SRTP 80bit + auth", OP_PUT_GET, K8, &create_stream_gsm_srtp80_with_auth}, #endif #if PJMEDIA_HAS_G7221_CODEC { "stream TX/RX - G.722.1", OP_PUT_GET, K16, &create_stream_g7221}, { "stream TX/RX - G.722.1c", OP_PUT_GET, K32, &create_stream_g7221c}, #endif }; unsigned i, c, k[3] = {K8, K16, K32}, clock_rates[3] = {8000, 16000, 32000}; PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "MIPS test, with CPU=%dMhz, %6.1f MIPS", CPU_MHZ, CPU_IPS / 1000000)); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Clock Item Time CPU MIPS")); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Rate (usec) (%%) ")); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "----------------------------------------------------------------------")); for (c=0; cvalid_clock_rate & k[c]) == 0) continue; /* Run test */ for (j=0; jtitle, usec, cpu_pct, mips_val)); } } return 0; }