#include #include #include #include #include #include #define CLOCK_RATE 16000 #define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME (10 * CLOCK_RATE / 1000) #define RESET() memset(buf1, 0, sizeof(buf1)), \ memset(buf2, 0, sizeof(buf2)), \ memset(frm1, 0, sizeof(frm1)), \ memset(frm2, 0, sizeof(frm2)) #if 0 void test_find_pitch(void) { enum { ON = 111, FRM_PART_LEN=20 }; short buf2[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2], buf1[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2], frm2[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME], frm1[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME]; short *ref, *pos; /* Case 1. all contiguous */ RESET(); ref = buf1 + 10; *ref = ON; frm1[0] = ON; pos = pjmedia_wsola_find_pitch(frm1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, NULL, 0, buf1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, NULL, 0, PJ_TRUE); assert(pos == ref); /* Case 2: contiguous buffer, non-contiguous frame */ RESET(); ref = buf1 + 17; *ref = ON; *(ref+FRM_PART_LEN) = ON; frm1[0] = ON; frm2[0] = ON; /* Noise */ buf1[0] = ON; pos = pjmedia_wsola_find_pitch(frm1, FRM_PART_LEN, frm2, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME - FRM_PART_LEN, buf1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, NULL, 0, PJ_TRUE); assert(pos == ref); /* Case 3: non-contiguous buffer, contiguous frame, found in buf1 */ RESET(); ref = buf1 + 17; *ref = ON; buf2[17] = ON; frm1[0] = ON; frm1[FRM_PART_LEN] = ON; /* Noise */ buf1[0] = ON; pos = pjmedia_wsola_find_pitch(frm1, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, NULL, 0, buf1, FRM_PART_LEN, buf2, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, PJ_TRUE); assert(pos == ref); } #endif int expand(pj_pool_t *pool, const char *filein, const char *fileout, int expansion_rate100, int lost_rate10, int lost_burst) { enum { LOST_RATE = 10 }; FILE *in, *out; short frame[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME]; pjmedia_wsola *wsola; pj_timestamp elapsed, zero; unsigned samples; int last_lost = 0; /* Lost burst must be > 0 */ assert(lost_rate10==0 || lost_burst > 0); in = fopen(filein, "rb"); if (!in) return 1; out = fopen(fileout, "wb"); if (!out) return 1; pjmedia_wsola_create(pool, CLOCK_RATE, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, 1, 0, &wsola); samples = 0; elapsed.u64 = 0; while (fread(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, in) == 1) { pj_timestamp t1, t2; if (lost_rate10 == 0) { /* Expansion */ pj_get_timestamp(&t1); pjmedia_wsola_save(wsola, frame, 0); pj_get_timestamp(&t2); pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1); pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2); fwrite(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, out); samples += SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; if ((rand() % 100) < expansion_rate100) { pj_get_timestamp(&t1); pjmedia_wsola_generate(wsola, frame); pj_get_timestamp(&t2); pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1); pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2); samples += SAMPLES_PER_FRAME; fwrite(frame, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2, 1, out); } } else { /* Lost */ if ((rand() % 10) < lost_rate10) { int burst; for (burst=0; burst SAMPLES_PER_FRAME); pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, buf, count-SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, buf+count-SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, &to_del); #elif 0 /* Method 3: split, majority in buf2 */ assert(count > SAMPLES_PER_FRAME); pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, buf, SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, buf+SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, count-SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, &to_del); #elif 1 /* Method 4: split, each with small length */ enum { TOT_LEN = 3 * SAMPLES_PER_FRAME }; unsigned buf1_len = (rand() % TOT_LEN); short *ptr = buf + count - TOT_LEN; assert(count > TOT_LEN); if (buf1_len==0) buf1_len=SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2; pjmedia_wsola_discard(wsola, ptr, buf1_len, ptr+buf1_len, TOT_LEN-buf1_len, &to_del); #endif count -= to_del; size_del += to_del; } pj_get_timestamp(&t2); samples += BUF_CNT; pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1); pj_add_timestamp(&elapsed, &t2); assert(size_del >= SAMPLES_PER_FRAME); fwrite(buf, count, 2, out); } pjmedia_wsola_destroy(wsola); fclose(in); fclose(out); zero.u64 = 0; zero.u64 = pj_elapsed_usec(&zero, &elapsed); zero.u64 = samples * PJ_INT64(1000000) / zero.u64; assert(zero.u32.hi == 0); PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "Processing: %f Msamples per second", zero.u32.lo/1000000.0)); PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "CPU load for current settings: %f%%", CLOCK_RATE * 100.0 / zero.u32.lo)); return 0; } static void mem_test(pj_pool_t *pool) { char unused[1024]; short *frame = pj_pool_alloc(pool, 240+4*160); pj_timestamp elapsed, zero, t1, t2; unsigned samples = 0; elapsed.u64 = 0; while (samples < 50000000) { pj_get_timestamp(&t1); pjmedia_move_samples(frame, frame+160, 240+2*160); pj_get_timestamp(&t2); pj_sub_timestamp(&t2, &t1); elapsed.u64 += t2.u64; memset(unused, 0, sizeof(unused)); samples += 160; } zero.u64 = 0; zero.u64 = pj_elapsed_usec(&zero, &elapsed); zero.u64 = samples * PJ_INT64(1000000) / zero.u64; assert(zero.u32.hi == 0); PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "Processing: %f Msamples per second", zero.u32.lo/1000000.0)); PJ_LOG(3,("test.c", "CPU load for current settings: %f%%", CLOCK_RATE * 100.0 / zero.u32.lo)); } int main() { pj_caching_pool cp; pj_pool_t *pool; int i, rc; //test_find_pitch(); pj_init(); pj_caching_pool_init(&cp, NULL, 0); pool = pj_pool_create(&cp.factory, "", 1000, 1000, NULL); srand(2); rc = expand(pool, "galileo16.pcm", "temp1.pcm", 20, 0, 0); rc = compress(pool, "temp1.pcm", "output.pcm", 1); for (i=0; i<2; ++i) { rc = expand(pool, "output.pcm", "temp1.pcm", 20, 0, 0); rc = compress(pool, "temp1.pcm", "output.pcm", 1); } if (rc != 0) { puts("Error"); return 1; } #if 0 { char s[10]; puts("Press ENTER to quit"); fgets(s, sizeof(s), stdin); } #endif return 0; }