# $Id$ # # SIP Conference Bot # # Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # import pjsua as pj import string import sys CFG_FILE = "config" INFO = 1 TRACE = 2 # Call callback. This would just forward the event to the Member class class CallCb(pj.CallCallback): def __init__(self, member, call=None): pj.CallCallback.__init__(self, call) self.member = member def on_state(self): self.member.on_call_state(self.call) def on_media_state(self): self.member.on_call_media_state(self.call) def on_dtmf_digit(self, digits): self.member.on_call_dtmf_digit(self.call, digits) def on_transfer_request(self, dst, code): return self.member.on_call_transfer_request(self.call, dst, code) def on_transfer_status(self, code, reason, final, cont): return self.member.on_call_transfer_status(self.call, code, reason, final, cont) def on_replace_request(self, code, reason): return self.member.on_call_replace_request(self.call, code, reason) def on_replaced(self, new_call): self.member.on_call_replaced(self.call, new_call) def on_typing(self, is_typing): self.member.on_typing(is_typing, call=self.call) def on_pager(self, mime_type, body): self.member.on_pager(mime_type, body, call=self.call) def on_pager_status(self, body, im_id, code, reason): self.member.on_pager_status(body, im_id, code, reason, call=self.call) # Buddy callback. This would just forward the event to Member class class BuddyCb(pj.BuddyCallback): def __init__(self, member, buddy=None): pj.BuddyCallback.__init__(self, buddy) self.member = member def on_pager(self, mime_type, body): self.member.on_pager(mime_type, body, buddy=self.buddy) def on_pager_status(self, body, im_id, code, reason): self.member.on_pager_status(body, im_id, code, reason, buddy=self.buddy) def on_state(self): self.member.on_pres_state(self.buddy) def on_typing(self, is_typing): self.member.on_typing(is_typing, buddy=self.buddy) ############################################################################## # # # This class represents individual room member (either/both chat and voice conf) # # class Member: def __init__(self, bot, uri): self.uri = uri self.bot = bot self.call = None self.buddy = None self.bi = pj.BuddyInfo() self.in_chat = False self.in_voice = False self.im_error = False self.html = False def __str__(self): str = string.ljust(self.uri, 30) + " -- " if self.buddy: bi = self.buddy.info() str = str + bi.online_text else: str = str + "Offline" str = str + " [" if (self.in_voice): str = str + " voice" if (self.in_chat): str = str + " chat" if (self.html): str = str + " html" else: str = str + " plain" if (self.im_error): str = str + " im_error" str = str + "]" return str def join_call(self, call): if self.call: self.call.hangup(603, "You have been disconnected for making another call") self.call = call call.set_callback(CallCb(self, call)) msg = "%(uri)s is attempting to join the voice conference" % \ {'uri': self.uri} self.bot.DEBUG(msg + "\n", INFO) self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) def join_chat(self): if not self.buddy: self.bot.DEBUG(self.uri + " joining chatroom...\n", INFO) self.buddy = self.bot.acc.add_buddy(self.uri) self.buddy.set_callback(BuddyCb(self, self.buddy)) self.buddy.subscribe() else: self.bot.DEBUG(self.uri + " already in chatroom, resubscribing..\n", INFO) self.buddy.subscribe() def send_pager(self, body, mime="text/plain"): self.bot.DEBUG("send_pager() to " + self.uri) if self.in_chat and not self.im_error and self.buddy: if self.html: #This will make us receive html! #mime = "text/html" body = body.replace("<", "<") body = body.replace(">", ">") body = body.replace('"', """) body = body.replace("\n", "
\n") self.buddy.send_pager(body, content_type=mime) self.bot.DEBUG("..sent\n") else: self.bot.DEBUG("..not sent!\n") def on_call_state(self, call): ci = call.info() if ci.state==pj.CallState.DISCONNECTED: if self.in_voice: msg = "%(uri)s has left the voice conference (%(1)d/%(2)s)" % \ {'uri': self.uri, '1': ci.last_code, '2': ci.last_reason} self.bot.DEBUG(msg + "\n", INFO) self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) self.in_voice = False self.call = None self.bot.on_member_left(self) elif ci.state==pj.CallState.CONFIRMED: msg = "%(uri)s has joined the voice conference" % \ {'uri': self.uri} self.bot.DEBUG(msg + "\n", INFO) self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) def on_call_media_state(self, call): self.bot.DEBUG("Member.on_call_media_state\n") ci = call.info() if ci.conf_slot!=-1: if not self.in_voice: msg = self.uri + " call media is active" self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) self.in_voice = True self.bot.add_to_voice_conf(self) else: if self.in_voice: msg = self.uri + " call media is inactive" self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) self.in_voice = False def on_call_dtmf_digit(self, call, digits): msg = "%(uri)s sent DTMF digits %(dig)s" % \ {'uri': self.uri, 'dig': digits} self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) def on_call_transfer_request(self, call, dst, code): msg = "%(uri)s is transfering the call to %(dst)s" % \ {'uri': self.uri, 'dst': dst} self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) return 202 def on_call_transfer_status(self, call, code, reason, final, cont): msg = "%(uri)s call transfer status is %(code)d/%(res)s" % \ {'uri': self.uri, 'code': code, 'res': reason} self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) return True def on_call_replace_request(self, call, code, reason): msg = "%(uri)s is requesting call replace" % \ {'uri': self.uri} self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) return (code, reason) def on_call_replaced(self, call, new_call): msg = "%(uri)s call is replaced" % \ {'uri': self.uri} self.bot.broadcast_pager(None, msg) def on_pres_state(self, buddy): old_bi = self.bi self.bi = buddy.info() msg = "%(uri)s status is %(st)s" % \ {'uri': self.uri, 'st': self.bi.online_text} self.bot.DEBUG(msg + "\n", INFO) self.bot.broadcast_pager(self, msg) if self.bi.sub_state==pj.SubscriptionState.ACTIVE: if not self.in_chat: self.in_chat = True buddy.send_pager("Welcome to chatroom") self.bot.broadcast_pager(self, self.uri + " has joined the chat room") else: self.in_chat = True elif self.bi.sub_state==pj.SubscriptionState.NULL or \ self.bi.sub_state==pj.SubscriptionState.TERMINATED or \ self.bi.sub_state==pj.SubscriptionState.UNKNOWN: self.buddy.delete() self.buddy = None if self.in_chat: self.in_chat = False self.bot.broadcast_pager(self, self.uri + " has left the chat room") else: self.in_chat = False self.bot.on_member_left(self) def on_typing(self, is_typing, call=None, buddy=None): if is_typing: msg = self.uri + " is typing..." else: msg = self.uri + " has stopped typing" self.bot.broadcast_pager(self, msg) def on_pager(self, mime_type, body, call=None, buddy=None): if not self.bot.handle_cmd(self, None, body): msg = self.uri + ": " + body self.bot.broadcast_pager(self, msg, mime_type) def on_pager_status(self, body, im_id, code, reason, call=None, buddy=None): self.im_error = (code/100 != 2) ############################################################################## # # # The Bot instance (singleton) # # class Bot(pj.AccountCallback): def __init__(self): pj.AccountCallback.__init__(self, None) self.lib = pj.Lib() self.acc = None self.calls = [] self.members = {} self.cfg = None def DEBUG(self, msg, level=TRACE): print msg, def helpstring(self): return """ --h[elp] Display this help screen --j[oin] Join the chat room --html on|off Set to receive HTML or plain text Participant commands: --s[how] Show confbot settings --leave Leave the chatroom --l[ist] List all members Admin commands: --a[dmin] Where are: list List the admins add Add URI as admin del Remove URI as admin rr Reregister account to server call Make call to the URI and add to voice conf dc Disconnect call to URI hold Hold call with that URI update Send UPDATE to call with that URI reinvite Send re-INVITE to call with that URI """ def listmembers(self): msg = "" for uri, m in self.members.iteritems(): msg = msg + str(m) + "\n" return msg def showsettings(self): ai = self.acc.info() msg = """ ConfBot status and settings: URI: %(uri)s Status: %(pres)s Reg Status: %(reg_st)d Reg Reason: %(reg_res)s """ % {'uri': ai.uri, 'pres': ai.online_text, \ 'reg_st': ai.reg_status, 'reg_res': ai.reg_reason} return msg def main(self, cfg_file): try: cfg = self.cfg = __import__(cfg_file) self.lib.init(ua_cfg=cfg.ua_cfg, log_cfg=cfg.log_cfg, media_cfg=cfg.media_cfg) self.lib.set_null_snd_dev() transport = None if cfg.udp_cfg: transport = self.lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.UDP, cfg.udp_cfg) if cfg.tcp_cfg: t = self.lib.create_transport(pj.TransportType.TCP, cfg.tcp_cfg) if not transport: transport = t self.lib.start() if cfg.acc_cfg: self.DEBUG("Creating account %(uri)s..\n" % {'uri': cfg.acc_cfg.id}, INFO) self.acc = self.lib.create_account(cfg.acc_cfg, cb=self) else: self.DEBUG("Creating account for %(t)s..\n" % \ {'t': transport.info().description}, INFO) self.acc = self.lib.create_account_for_transport(transport, cb=self) self.acc.set_basic_status(True) # Wait for ENTER before quitting print "Press q to quit or --help/--h for help" while True: input = sys.stdin.readline().strip(" \t\r\n") if not self.handle_cmd(None, None, input): if input=="q": break self.lib.destroy() self.lib = None except pj.Error, e: print "Exception: " + str(e) if self.lib: self.lib.destroy() self.lib = None def broadcast_pager(self, exclude_member, body, mime_type="text/plain"): self.DEBUG("Broadcast: " + body + "\n") for uri, m in self.members.iteritems(): if m != exclude_member: m.send_pager(body, mime_type) def add_to_voice_conf(self, member): if not member.call: return src_ci = member.call.info() self.DEBUG("bot.add_to_voice_conf\n") for uri, m in self.members.iteritems(): if m==member: continue if not m.call: continue dst_ci = m.call.info() if dst_ci.media_state==pj.MediaState.ACTIVE and dst_ci.conf_slot!=-1: self.lib.conf_connect(src_ci.conf_slot, dst_ci.conf_slot) self.lib.conf_connect(dst_ci.conf_slot, src_ci.conf_slot) def on_member_left(self, member): if not member.call and not member.buddy: del self.members[member.uri] del member def handle_admin_cmd(self, member, body): if member and self.cfg.admins and not member.uri in self.cfg.admins: member.send_pager("You are not admin") return args = body.split() msg = "" if len(args)==1: args.append(" ") if args[1]=="list": if not self.cfg.admins: msg = "Everyone is admin!" else: msg = str(self.cfg.admins) elif args[1]=="add": if len(args)!=3: msg = "Usage: add " else: self.cfg.admins.append(args[2]) msg = args[2] + " added as admin" elif args[1]=="del": if len(args)!=3: msg = "Usage: del " elif args[2] not in self.cfg.admins: msg = args[2] + " is not admin" else: self.cfg.admins.remove(args[2]) msg = args[2] + " has been removed from admins" elif args[1]=="rr": msg = "Reregistering.." self.acc.set_registration(True) elif args[1]=="call": if len(args)!=3: msg = "Usage: call " else: uri = args[2] try: call = self.acc.make_call(uri) except pj.Error, e: msg = "Error: " + str(e) call = None if call: if not uri in self.members: m = Member(self, uri) self.members[m.uri] = m else: m = self.members[uri] msg = "Adding " + m.uri + " to voice conference.." m.join_call(call) elif args[1]=="dc" or args[1]=="hold" or args[1]=="update" or args[1]=="reinvite": if len(args)!=3: msg = "Usage: " + args[1] + " " else: uri = args[2] if not uri in self.members: msg = "Member not found/URI doesn't match (note: case matters!)" else: m = self.members[uri] if m.call: if args[1]=="dc": msg = "Disconnecting.." m.call.hangup(603, "You're disconnected by admin") elif args[1]=="hold": msg = "Holding the call" m.call.hold() elif args[1]=="update": msg = "Sending UPDATE" m.call.update() elif args[1]=="reinvite": msg = "Sending re-INVITE" m.call.reinvite() else: msg = "He is not in call" else: msg = "Unknown admin command " + body #print "msg is '%(msg)s'" % {'msg': msg} if True: if member: member.send_pager(msg) else: print msg def handle_cmd(self, member, from_uri, body): body = body.strip(" \t\r\n") msg = "" handled = True if body=="--l" or body=="--list": msg = self.listmembers() if msg=="": msg = "Nobody is here" elif body[0:3]=="--s": msg = self.showsettings() elif body[0:6]=="--html" and member: if body[8:11]=="off": member.html = False else: member.html = True elif body=="--h" or body=="--help": msg = self.helpstring() elif body=="--leave": if not member or not member.buddy: msg = "You are not in chatroom" else: member.buddy.unsubscribe() elif body[0:3]=="--j": if not from_uri in self.members: m = Member(self, from_uri) self.members[m.uri] = m self.DEBUG("Adding " + m.uri + " to chatroom\n") m.join_chat() else: m = self.members[from_uri] self.DEBUG("Adding " + m.uri + " to chatroom\n") m.join_chat() elif body[0:3]=="--a": self.handle_admin_cmd(member, body) handled = True else: handled = False if msg: if member: member.send_pager(msg) elif from_uri: self.acc.send_pager(from_uri, msg); else: print msg return handled def on_incoming_call(self, call): self.DEBUG("on_incoming_call from %(uri)s\n" % {'uri': call.info().remote_uri}, INFO) ci = call.info() if not ci.remote_uri in self.members: m = Member(self, ci.remote_uri) self.members[m.uri] = m m.join_call(call) else: m = self.members[ci.remote_uri] m.join_call(call) call.answer(200) def on_incoming_subscribe(self, buddy, from_uri, contact_uri, pres_obj): self.DEBUG("on_incoming_subscribe from %(uri)s\n" % from_uri, INFO) return (200, 'OK') def on_reg_state(self): ai = self.acc.info() self.DEBUG("Registration state: %(code)d/%(reason)s\n" % \ {'code': ai.reg_status, 'reason': ai.reg_reason}, INFO) if ai.reg_status/100==2 and ai.reg_expires > 0: self.acc.set_basic_status(True) def on_pager(self, from_uri, contact, mime_type, body): body = body.strip(" \t\r\n") if not self.handle_cmd(None, from_uri, body): self.acc.send_pager(from_uri, "You have not joined the chat room. Type '--join' to join or '--help' for the help") def on_pager_status(self, to_uri, body, im_id, code, reason): pass def on_typing(self, from_uri, contact, is_typing): pass ############################################################################## # # # main() # # if __name__ == "__main__": bot = Bot() bot.main(CFG_FILE)