/* ======================================================================== Name : pjsuaAppUi.h Author : nanang Copyright : Copyright (C) 2013 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) Description : ======================================================================== */ #ifndef PJSUAAPPUI_H #define PJSUAAPPUI_H // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Includes] #include // ]]] end generated region [Generated Includes] // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Forward Declarations] class CpjsuaContainerView; // ]]] end generated region [Generated Forward Declarations] /** * @class CpjsuaAppUi pjsuaAppUi.h * @brief The AppUi class handles application-wide aspects of the user interface, including * view management and the default menu, control pane, and status pane. */ class CpjsuaAppUi : public CAknViewAppUi { public: // constructor and destructor CpjsuaAppUi(); virtual ~CpjsuaAppUi(); void ConstructL(); public: // from CCoeAppUi TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType ); // from CEikAppUi void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand ); void HandleResourceChangeL( TInt aType ); // from CAknAppUi void HandleViewDeactivation( const TVwsViewId& aViewIdToBeDeactivated, const TVwsViewId& aNewlyActivatedViewId ); private: void InitializeContainersL(); // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Methods] public: // ]]] end generated region [Generated Methods] void PutMsg(const char *msg); // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Instance Variables] private: CpjsuaContainerView* iPjsuaContainerView; // ]]] end generated region [Generated Instance Variables] // [[[ begin [User Handlers] protected: // ]]] end [User Handlers] void PrepareToExit(); }; #endif // PJSUAAPPUI_H