/* ======================================================================== Name : pjsuaApplication.h Author : nanang Copyright : Copyright (C) 2013 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) Description : ======================================================================== */ #ifndef PJSUAAPPLICATION_H #define PJSUAAPPLICATION_H // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Includes] #include // ]]] end generated region [Generated Includes] // [[[ begin generated region: do not modify [Generated Constants] const TUid KUidpjsuaApplication = { 0xE44C2D02 }; // ]]] end generated region [Generated Constants] /** * * @class CpjsuaApplication pjsuaApplication.h * @brief A CAknApplication-derived class is required by the S60 application * framework. It is subclassed to create the application's document * object. */ class CpjsuaApplication : public CAknApplication { private: TUid AppDllUid() const; CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL(); }; #endif // PJSUAAPPLICATION_H