%module(directors="1") pjsua2 // // Suppress few warnings // #pragma SWIG nowarn=312 // 312: nested struct (in types.h, sip_auth.h) // // Header section // %{ #include "pjsua2.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace pj; %} #ifdef SWIGPYTHON %feature("director:except") { if( $error != NULL ) { PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptraceback; PyErr_Fetch( &ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback ); PyErr_Restore( ptype, pvalue, ptraceback ); PyErr_Print(); //Py_Exit(1); } } #endif // Allow C++ exceptions to be handled in Java #ifdef SWIGJAVA %typemap(throws, throws="java.lang.Exception") pj::Error { jclass excep = jenv->FindClass("java/lang/Exception"); if (excep) jenv->ThrowNew(excep, $1.info(true).c_str()); return $null; } // Force the Error Java class to extend java.lang.Exception %typemap(javabase) pj::Error "java.lang.Exception"; // Override getMessage() %typemap(javacode) pj::Error %{ public String getMessage() { return getTitle(); } %} #endif // Constants from PJSIP libraries %include "symbols.i" // // Classes that can be extended in the target language // %feature("director") LogWriter; %feature("director") Endpoint; %feature("director") Account; %feature("director") Call; %feature("director") Buddy; %feature("director") FindBuddyMatch; // // STL stuff. // %include "std_string.i" %include "std_vector.i" %template(StringVector) std::vector; %template(IntVector) std::vector; // // Ignore stuffs in pjsua2 // %ignore fromPj; %ignore toPj; // // Now include the API itself. // %include "pjsua2/types.hpp" %ignore pj::ContainerNode::op; %ignore pj::ContainerNode::data; %ignore container_node_op; %ignore container_node_internal_data; %include "pjsua2/persistent.hpp" %include "pjsua2/siptypes.hpp" %template(SipHeaderVector) std::vector; %template(AuthCredInfoVector) std::vector; %template(SipMultipartPartVector) std::vector; %template(BuddyVector) std::vector; %template(AudioMediaVector) std::vector; %template(ToneDescVector) std::vector; %template(ToneDigitVector) std::vector; %template(ToneDigitMapVector) std::vector; %template(MediaFormatVector) std::vector; %template(AudioDevInfoVector) std::vector; %template(CodecInfoVector) std::vector; %include "pjsua2/media.hpp" // Create an interface for android_opengl_get_surface() #if defined(SWIGJAVA) && defined(__ANDROID__) %inline %{ extern "C" { void* android_opengl_get_surface(jobject surface); } %} #endif %include "pjsua2/presence.hpp" %include "pjsua2/account.hpp" %include "pjsua2/call.hpp" %template(CallMediaInfoVector) std::vector; %ignore pj::JsonDocument::allocElement; %ignore pj::JsonDocument::getPool; %include "pjsua2/json.hpp" // Try force Java GC before destroying the lib: // - to avoid late destroy of PJ objects by GC // - to avoid destruction of PJ objects from a non-registered GC thread #ifdef SWIGJAVA %rename(libDestroy_) pj::Endpoint::libDestroy; %typemap(javacode) pj::Endpoint %{ public void libDestroy(long prmFlags) throws java.lang.Exception { Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); libDestroy_(prmFlags); } public void libDestroy() throws java.lang.Exception { Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); libDestroy_(); } %} #endif %include "pjsua2/endpoint.hpp"