#include "vidwin.h" #include #define THIS_FILE "vidwin.cpp" #define TRACE_(...) PJ_LOG(4,(THIS_FILE, __VA_ARGS__)) VidWin::VidWin(const pjmedia_vid_dev_hwnd *hwnd_, QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : QWidget(parent, f), orig_parent(NULL), size_hint(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_NativeWindow); /* Make this widget a bit "lighter" */ setAttribute(Qt::WA_UpdatesDisabled); setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground); setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent); setUpdatesEnabled(false); pj_bzero(&hwnd, sizeof(hwnd)); if (hwnd_) { hwnd = *hwnd_; } } VidWin::~VidWin() { detach(); pj_bzero(&hwnd, sizeof(hwnd)); size_hint = QSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); destroy(true, false); } bool VidWin::event(QEvent *e) { switch(e->type()) { case QEvent::Resize: { // revert to default size hint, make it resizable setFixedSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX); // resize now set_size(); } break; case QEvent::ParentAboutToChange: get_size(); setFixedSize(size_hint); break; case QEvent::ParentChange: { get_size(); /* QRect qr = rect(); if (qr.width() > size_hint.width()) size_hint.setWidth(qr.width()); if (qr.height() > size_hint.height()) size_hint.setWidth(qr.height()); */ setFixedSize(size_hint); attach(); } break; default: break; } return QWidget::event(e); } /* Platform specific code */ #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WINCE) #include void VidWin::attach() { if (!hwnd.info.win.hwnd) return; HWND w = (HWND)hwnd.info.win.hwnd; HWND new_parent = (HWND)winId(); orig_parent = GetParent(w); SetParent(w, new_parent); SetWindowLong(w, GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD); ShowWindow(w, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE); TRACE_("%p new parent handle = %p", w, new_parent); } void VidWin::detach() { if (!hwnd.info.win.hwnd) return; HWND w = (HWND)hwnd.info.win.hwnd; ShowWindow(w, SW_HIDE); SetParent(w, (HWND)orig_parent); TRACE_("%p revert parent handle to %p", w, orig_parent); } void VidWin::set_size() { if (!hwnd.info.win.hwnd) return; HWND w = (HWND)hwnd.info.win.hwnd; QRect qr = rect(); UINT swp_flag = SWP_NOACTIVATE; SetWindowPos(w, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, qr.width(), qr.height(), swp_flag); TRACE_("%p new size = %dx%d", w, qr.width(), qr.height()); } void VidWin::get_size() { if (!hwnd.info.win.hwnd) return; HWND w = (HWND)hwnd.info.win.hwnd; RECT r; if (GetWindowRect(w, &r)) size_hint = QSize(r.right-r.left+1, r.bottom-r.top+1); TRACE_("%p size = %dx%d", w, size_hint.width(), size_hint.height()); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) #import void VidWin::attach() { if (!hwnd.info.cocoa.window) return; /* Embed hwnd to widget */ NSWindow *w = (NSWindow*)hwnd.info.cocoa.window; NSWindow *parent = [(NSView*)winId() window]; orig_parent = [w parentWindow]; //[w setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask]; //Can't use this, as sometime the video window may not get reparented. //[w setParentWindow:parent]; [parent addChildWindow:w ordered:NSWindowAbove]; TRACE_("%p new parent handle = %p", w, parent); } void VidWin::detach() { if (!hwnd.info.cocoa.window) return; NSWindow *w = (NSWindow*)hwnd.info.cocoa.window; NSWindow *parent = [(NSView*)winId() window]; [parent removeChildWindow:w]; } void VidWin::set_size() { if (!hwnd.info.cocoa.window) return; /* Update position and size */ NSWindow *w = (NSWindow*)hwnd.info.cocoa.window; NSRect r; NSView* v = (NSView*)winId(); r = [v bounds]; r = [v convertRectToBase:r]; r.origin = [[v window] convertBaseToScreen:r.origin]; QRect qr = rect(); [w setFrame:r display:NO]; TRACE_("%p new size = %dx%d", w, qr.width(), qr.height()); } void VidWin::get_size() { if (!hwnd.info.cocoa.window) return; NSWindow *w = (NSWindow*)hwnd.info.cocoa.window; size_hint = QSize(300, 200); TRACE_("%p size = %dx%d", 0, size_hint.width(), size_hint.height()); } #elif defined(linux) || defined(__linux) #include #include #include #include void VidWin::attach() { if (!hwnd.info.x11.window) return; /* Embed hwnd to widget */ // Use Qt X11 display here, using window creator X11 display may cause // the window failing to embed to this QWidget. //Display *d = (Display*)hwnd.info.x11.display; Display *d = QX11Info::display(); Window w = (Window)hwnd.info.x11.window; Window parent = (Window)this->winId(); int err = XReparentWindow(d, w, parent, 0, 0); TRACE_("%p new parent handle = %p, err = %d", (void*)w,(void*)parent, err); } void VidWin::detach() { } void VidWin::set_size() { if (!hwnd.info.x11.window) return; /* Update position and size */ Display *d = QX11Info::display(); Window w = (Window)hwnd.info.x11.window; QRect qr = rect(); int err = XResizeWindow(d, w, qr.width(), qr.height()); TRACE_("[%p,%p] new size = %dx%d, err = %d", (void*)d, (void*)w, qr.width(), qr.height(), err); } void VidWin::get_size() { if (!hwnd.info.x11.window) return; Display *d = QX11Info::display(); Window w = (Window)hwnd.info.x11.window; XWindowAttributes attr; XGetWindowAttributes(d, w, &attr); size_hint = QSize(attr.width, attr.height); TRACE_("%p size = %dx%d", w, size_hint.width(), size_hint.height()); } #endif