/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Benny Prijono * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include /* * pjsua_settings.c * * Anything to do with configuration and state dump. */ #define THIS_FILE "pjsua_opt.c" const char *pjsua_inv_state_names[] = { "NULL ", "CALLING ", "INCOMING ", "EARLY ", "CONNECTING", "CONFIRMED ", "DISCONNCTD", "TERMINATED", }; /* Show usage */ static void usage(void) { puts ("Usage:"); puts (" pjsua [options]"); puts (""); puts ("General options:"); puts (" --help Display this help screen"); puts (" --version Display version info"); puts (""); puts ("Logging options:"); puts (" --config-file=file Read the config/arguments from file."); puts (" --log-file=fname Log to filename (default stderr)"); puts (" --log-level=N Set log max level to N (0(none) to 6(trace)) (default=5)"); puts (" --app-log-level=N Set log max level for stdout display (default=4)"); puts (""); puts ("SIP Account options:"); puts (" --id=url Set the URL of local ID (used in From header)"); puts (" --contact=url Override the Contact information"); puts (" --proxy=url Set the URL of proxy server"); puts (""); puts ("SIP Account Registration Options:"); puts (" --registrar=url Set the URL of registrar server"); puts (" --reg-timeout=secs Set registration interval to secs (default 3600)"); puts (""); puts ("SIP Account Control:"); puts (" --next-account Add more account"); puts (""); puts ("Authentication options:"); puts (" --realm=string Set realm"); puts (" --username=string Set authentication username"); puts (" --password=string Set authentication password"); puts (" --next-cred Add more credential"); puts (""); puts ("Transport Options:"); puts (" --local-port=port Set TCP/UDP port"); puts (" --outbound=url Set the URL of outbound proxy server"); puts (" --use-stun1=host[:port]"); puts (" --use-stun2=host[:port] Resolve local IP with the specified STUN servers"); puts (""); puts ("Media Options:"); puts (" --add-codec=name Manually add codec (default is to enable all)"); puts (" --clock-rate=N Override sound device clock rate"); puts (" --null-audio Use NULL audio device"); puts (" --no-mic Disable microphone device"); puts (" --play-file=file Play WAV file in conference bridge"); puts (" --auto-play Automatically play the file (to incoming calls only)"); puts (" --auto-loop Automatically loop incoming RTP to outgoing RTP"); puts (" --auto-conf Automatically put incoming calls to conference"); puts (" --rtp-port=N Base port to try for RTP (default=4000)"); puts (" --complexity=N Specify encoding complexity (0-10, default=none(-1))"); puts (" --quality=N Specify encoding quality (0-10, default=4)"); puts (" --ptime=MSEC Override codec ptime to MSEC (default=specific)"); puts (""); puts ("Buddy List (can be more than one):"); puts (" --add-buddy url Add the specified URL to the buddy list."); puts (""); puts ("User Agent options:"); puts (" --auto-answer=code Automatically answer incoming calls with code (e.g. 200)"); puts (" --max-calls=N Maximum number of concurrent calls (default:4, max:255)"); puts (" --uas-refresh=N Interval in UAS to send re-INVITE (default:-1)"); puts (" --uas-duration=N Maximum duration of incoming call (default:-1)"); puts (""); fflush(stdout); } /* * Verify that valid SIP url is given. */ pj_status_t pjsua_verify_sip_url(const char *c_url) { pjsip_uri *p; pj_pool_t *pool; char *url; int len = (c_url ? pj_ansi_strlen(c_url) : 0); if (!len) return -1; pool = pj_pool_create(&pjsua.cp.factory, "check%p", 1024, 0, NULL); if (!pool) return -1; url = pj_pool_alloc(pool, len+1); pj_ansi_strcpy(url, c_url); p = pjsip_parse_uri(pool, url, len, 0); if (!p || pj_stricmp2(pjsip_uri_get_scheme(p), "sip") != 0) p = NULL; pj_pool_release(pool); return p ? 0 : -1; } /* * Read command arguments from config file. */ static int read_config_file(pj_pool_t *pool, const char *filename, int *app_argc, char ***app_argv) { int i; FILE *fhnd; char line[200]; int argc = 0; char **argv; enum { MAX_ARGS = 64 }; /* Allocate MAX_ARGS+1 (argv needs to be terminated with NULL argument) */ argv = pj_pool_calloc(pool, MAX_ARGS+1, sizeof(char*)); argv[argc++] = *app_argv[0]; /* Open config file. */ fhnd = fopen(filename, "rt"); if (!fhnd) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Unable to open config file %s", filename)); fflush(stdout); return -1; } /* Scan tokens in the file. */ while (argc < MAX_ARGS && !feof(fhnd)) { char *token, *p = line; if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fhnd) == NULL) break; for (token = strtok(p, " \t\r\n"); argc < MAX_ARGS; token = strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n")) { int token_len; if (!token) break; if (*token == '#') break; token_len = strlen(token); if (!token_len) continue; argv[argc] = pj_pool_alloc(pool, token_len+1); pj_memcpy(argv[argc], token, token_len+1); ++argc; } } /* Copy arguments from command line */ for (i=1; i<*app_argc && argc < MAX_ARGS; ++i) argv[argc++] = (*app_argv)[i]; if (argc == MAX_ARGS && (i!=*app_argc || !feof(fhnd))) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Too many arguments specified in cmd line/config file")); fflush(stdout); fclose(fhnd); return -1; } fclose(fhnd); /* Assign the new command line back to the original command line. */ *app_argc = argc; *app_argv = argv; return 0; } static int my_atoi(const char *cs) { pj_str_t s; return pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&s, cs)); } /* Parse arguments. */ pj_status_t pjsua_parse_args(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; int option_index; enum { OPT_CONFIG_FILE, OPT_LOG_FILE, OPT_LOG_LEVEL, OPT_APP_LOG_LEVEL, OPT_HELP, OPT_VERSION, OPT_NULL_AUDIO, OPT_NO_MIC, OPT_LOCAL_PORT, OPT_PROXY, OPT_OUTBOUND_PROXY, OPT_REGISTRAR, OPT_REG_TIMEOUT, OPT_ID, OPT_CONTACT, OPT_REALM, OPT_USERNAME, OPT_PASSWORD, OPT_USE_STUN1, OPT_USE_STUN2, OPT_ADD_BUDDY, OPT_OFFER_X_MS_MSG, OPT_NO_PRESENCE, OPT_AUTO_ANSWER, OPT_AUTO_HANGUP, OPT_AUTO_PLAY, OPT_AUTO_LOOP, OPT_AUTO_CONF, OPT_CLOCK_RATE, OPT_PLAY_FILE, OPT_RTP_PORT, OPT_ADD_CODEC, OPT_COMPLEXITY, OPT_QUALITY, OPT_PTIME, OPT_NEXT_ACCOUNT, OPT_NEXT_CRED, OPT_MAX_CALLS, OPT_UAS_REFRESH, OPT_UAS_DURATION, }; struct pj_getopt_option long_options[] = { { "config-file",1, 0, OPT_CONFIG_FILE}, { "log-file", 1, 0, OPT_LOG_FILE}, { "log-level", 1, 0, OPT_LOG_LEVEL}, { "app-log-level",1,0,OPT_APP_LOG_LEVEL}, { "help", 0, 0, OPT_HELP}, { "version", 0, 0, OPT_VERSION}, { "clock-rate", 1, 0, OPT_CLOCK_RATE}, { "null-audio", 0, 0, OPT_NULL_AUDIO}, { "no-mic", 0, 0, OPT_NO_MIC}, { "local-port", 1, 0, OPT_LOCAL_PORT}, { "proxy", 1, 0, OPT_PROXY}, { "outbound", 1, 0, OPT_OUTBOUND_PROXY}, { "registrar", 1, 0, OPT_REGISTRAR}, { "reg-timeout",1, 0, OPT_REG_TIMEOUT}, { "id", 1, 0, OPT_ID}, { "contact", 1, 0, OPT_CONTACT}, { "realm", 1, 0, OPT_REALM}, { "username", 1, 0, OPT_USERNAME}, { "password", 1, 0, OPT_PASSWORD}, { "use-stun1", 1, 0, OPT_USE_STUN1}, { "use-stun2", 1, 0, OPT_USE_STUN2}, { "add-buddy", 1, 0, OPT_ADD_BUDDY}, { "offer-x-ms-msg",0,0,OPT_OFFER_X_MS_MSG}, { "no-presence", 0, 0, OPT_NO_PRESENCE}, { "auto-answer",1, 0, OPT_AUTO_ANSWER}, { "auto-hangup",1, 0, OPT_AUTO_HANGUP}, { "auto-play", 0, 0, OPT_AUTO_PLAY}, { "auto-loop", 0, 0, OPT_AUTO_LOOP}, { "auto-conf", 0, 0, OPT_AUTO_CONF}, { "play-file", 1, 0, OPT_PLAY_FILE}, { "rtp-port", 1, 0, OPT_RTP_PORT}, { "add-codec", 1, 0, OPT_ADD_CODEC}, { "complexity", 1, 0, OPT_COMPLEXITY}, { "quality", 1, 0, OPT_QUALITY}, { "ptime", 1, 0, OPT_PTIME}, { "next-account",0,0, OPT_NEXT_ACCOUNT}, { "next-cred", 0, 0, OPT_NEXT_CRED}, { "max-calls", 1, 0, OPT_MAX_CALLS}, { "uas-refresh",1, 0, OPT_UAS_REFRESH}, { "uas-duration",1,0, OPT_UAS_DURATION}, { NULL, 0, 0, 0} }; pj_status_t status; pjsua_acc *cur_acc; pjsip_cred_info *cur_cred; char *config_file = NULL; /* Run pj_getopt once to see if user specifies config file to read. */ while ((c=pj_getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (c) { case OPT_CONFIG_FILE: config_file = pj_optarg; break; } if (config_file) break; } if (config_file) { status = read_config_file(pjsua.pool, config_file, &argc, &argv); if (status != 0) return status; } cur_acc = &pjsua.acc[0]; cur_cred = &pjsua.cred_info[0]; /* Reinitialize and re-run pj_getopt again, possibly with new arguments * read from config file. */ pj_optind = 0; while((c=pj_getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index))!=-1) { char *p; pj_str_t tmp; long lval; switch (c) { case OPT_LOG_FILE: pjsua.log_filename = pj_optarg; break; case OPT_LOG_LEVEL: c = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp, pj_optarg)); if (c < 0 || c > 6) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: expecting integer value 0-6 " "for --log-level")); return PJ_EINVAL; } pj_log_set_level( c ); break; case OPT_APP_LOG_LEVEL: pjsua.app_log_level = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp, pj_optarg)); if (pjsua.app_log_level < 0 || pjsua.app_log_level > 6) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: expecting integer value 0-6 " "for --app-log-level")); return PJ_EINVAL; } break; case OPT_HELP: usage(); return PJ_EINVAL; case OPT_VERSION: /* version */ pj_dump_config(); return PJ_EINVAL; case OPT_NULL_AUDIO: pjsua.null_audio = 1; break; case OPT_NO_MIC: pjsua.no_mic = 1; break; case OPT_CLOCK_RATE: lval = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp, pj_optarg)); if (lval < 8000 || lval > 48000) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: expecting value between " "8000-48000 for clock rate")); return PJ_EINVAL; } pjsua.clock_rate = (int)lval; break; case OPT_LOCAL_PORT: /* local-port */ lval = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp, pj_optarg)); if (lval < 1 || lval > 65535) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: expecting integer value for " "--local-port")); return PJ_EINVAL; } pjsua.sip_port = (pj_uint16_t)lval; break; case OPT_PROXY: /* proxy */ if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(pj_optarg) != 0) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid SIP URL '%s' " "in proxy argument", pj_optarg)); return PJ_EINVAL; } cur_acc->proxy = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_OUTBOUND_PROXY: /* outbound proxy */ if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(pj_optarg) != 0) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid SIP URL '%s' " "in outbound proxy argument", pj_optarg)); return PJ_EINVAL; } pjsua.outbound_proxy = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_REGISTRAR: /* registrar */ if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(pj_optarg) != 0) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid SIP URL '%s' in " "registrar argument", pj_optarg)); return PJ_EINVAL; } cur_acc->reg_uri = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_REG_TIMEOUT: /* reg-timeout */ cur_acc->reg_timeout = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp,pj_optarg)); if (cur_acc->reg_timeout < 1 || cur_acc->reg_timeout > 3600) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid value for --reg-timeout " "(expecting 1-3600)")); return PJ_EINVAL; } break; case OPT_ID: /* id */ if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(pj_optarg) != 0) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid SIP URL '%s' " "in local id argument", pj_optarg)); return PJ_EINVAL; } cur_acc->local_uri = pj_str(pj_optarg); pjsua.has_acc = 1; break; case OPT_CONTACT: /* contact */ if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(pj_optarg) != 0) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid SIP URL '%s' " "in contact argument", pj_optarg)); return PJ_EINVAL; } cur_acc->contact_uri = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_NEXT_ACCOUNT: /* Add more account. */ pjsua.acc_cnt++; cur_acc = &pjsua.acc[pjsua.acc_cnt - 1]; break; case OPT_USERNAME: /* Default authentication user */ if (pjsua.cred_count==0) pjsua.cred_count=1; cur_cred->username = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_REALM: /* Default authentication realm. */ if (pjsua.cred_count==0) pjsua.cred_count=1; cur_cred->realm = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_PASSWORD: /* authentication password */ if (pjsua.cred_count==0) pjsua.cred_count=1; cur_cred->data_type = 0; cur_cred->data = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_NEXT_CRED: /* Next credential */ pjsua.cred_count++; cur_cred = &pjsua.cred_info[pjsua.cred_count - 1]; break; case OPT_USE_STUN1: /* STUN server 1 */ p = pj_ansi_strchr(pj_optarg, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; pjsua.stun_srv1 = pj_str(pj_optarg); pjsua.stun_port1 = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp, p+1)); if (pjsua.stun_port1 < 1 || pjsua.stun_port1 > 65535) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: expecting port number with " "option --use-stun1")); return PJ_EINVAL; } } else { pjsua.stun_port1 = 3478; pjsua.stun_srv1 = pj_str(pj_optarg); } break; case OPT_USE_STUN2: /* STUN server 2 */ p = pj_ansi_strchr(pj_optarg, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; pjsua.stun_srv2 = pj_str(pj_optarg); pjsua.stun_port2 = pj_strtoul(pj_cstr(&tmp,p+1)); if (pjsua.stun_port2 < 1 || pjsua.stun_port2 > 65535) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: expecting port number with " "option --use-stun2")); return PJ_EINVAL; } } else { pjsua.stun_port2 = 3478; pjsua.stun_srv2 = pj_str(pj_optarg); } break; case OPT_ADD_BUDDY: /* Add to buddy list. */ if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(pj_optarg) != 0) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid URL '%s' in " "--add-buddy option", pj_optarg)); return -1; } if (pjsua.buddy_cnt == PJSUA_MAX_BUDDIES) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: too many buddies in buddy list.")); return -1; } pjsua.buddies[pjsua.buddy_cnt++].uri = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_AUTO_PLAY: pjsua.auto_play = 1; break; case OPT_AUTO_LOOP: pjsua.auto_loop = 1; break; case OPT_AUTO_CONF: pjsua.auto_conf = 1; break; case OPT_PLAY_FILE: pjsua.wav_file = pj_optarg; break; case OPT_RTP_PORT: pjsua.start_rtp_port = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.start_rtp_port < 1 || pjsua.start_rtp_port > 65535) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: rtp-port argument value " "(expecting 1-65535")); return -1; } break; case OPT_ADD_CODEC: pjsua.codec_arg[pjsua.codec_cnt++] = pj_str(pj_optarg); break; case OPT_COMPLEXITY: pjsua.complexity = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.complexity < 0 || pjsua.complexity > 10) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid --complexity (expecting 0-10")); return -1; } break; case OPT_QUALITY: pjsua.quality = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.quality < 0 || pjsua.quality > 10) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid --quality (expecting 0-10")); return -1; } break; case OPT_PTIME: pjsua.ptime = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.ptime < 10 || pjsua.ptime > 1000) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid --ptime option")); return -1; } break; case OPT_AUTO_ANSWER: pjsua.auto_answer = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.auto_answer < 100 || pjsua.auto_answer > 699) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Error: invalid code in --auto-answer " "(expecting 100-699")); return -1; } break; case OPT_MAX_CALLS: pjsua.max_calls = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.max_calls < 1 || pjsua.max_calls > 255) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE,"Too many calls for max-calls (1-255)")); return -1; } break; case OPT_UAS_REFRESH: pjsua.uas_refresh = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.uas_refresh < 1) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Invalid value for --uas-refresh (must be >0)")); return -1; } break; case OPT_UAS_DURATION: pjsua.uas_duration = my_atoi(pj_optarg); if (pjsua.uas_duration < 1) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Invalid value for --uas-duration " "(must be >0)")); return -1; } break; } } if (pj_optind != argc) { int i; if (pjsua_verify_sip_url(argv[pj_optind]) != PJ_SUCCESS) { PJ_LOG(1,(THIS_FILE, "Invalid SIP URI %s", argv[pj_optind])); return -1; } pjsua.uri_to_call = pj_str(argv[pj_optind]); pj_optind++; /* Add URI to call to buddy list if it's not already there */ for (i=0; idlg; char userinfo[128]; /* Dump invite sesion info. */ len = pjsip_hdr_print_on(dlg->remote.info, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo)); if (len < 1) pj_ansi_strcpy(userinfo, "<--uri too long-->"); else userinfo[len] = '\0'; len = pj_ansi_snprintf(buf, size, "%s[%s] %s", title, pjsua_inv_state_names[inv->state], userinfo); if (len < 1 || len >= (int)size) { pj_ansi_strcpy(buf, "<--uri too long-->"); len = 18; } else buf[len] = '\0'; } static const char *good_number(char *buf, pj_int32_t val) { if (val < 1000) { pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "%d", val); } else if (val < 1000000) { pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "%d.%dK", val / 1000, (val % 1000) / 100); } else { pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "%d.%02dM", val / 1000000, (val % 1000000) / 10000); } return buf; } static void dump_media_session(pjmedia_session *session) { unsigned i; pjmedia_session_info info; pjmedia_session_get_info(session, &info); for (i=0; iinfo.frm_ptime * info.stream_info[i].param->setting.frm_per_pkt, last_update, good_number(packets, stat.tx.pkt), good_number(bytes, stat.tx.bytes), good_number(ipbytes, stat.tx.bytes + stat.tx.pkt * 32), "", stat.tx.loss, stat.tx.loss * 100.0 / stat.tx.pkt, stat.tx.dup, stat.tx.dup * 100.0 / stat.tx.pkt, stat.tx.reorder, stat.tx.reorder * 100.0 / stat.tx.pkt, "", stat.tx.loss_period.min / 1000.0, stat.tx.loss_period.avg / 1000.0, stat.tx.loss_period.max / 1000.0, stat.tx.loss_period.last / 1000.0, "", stat.tx.jitter.min / 1000.0, stat.tx.jitter.avg / 1000.0, stat.tx.jitter.max / 1000.0, stat.tx.jitter.last / 1000.0, "" )); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " RTT msec : %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f%s", stat.rtt.min / 1000.0, stat.rtt.avg / 1000.0, stat.rtt.max / 1000.0, stat.rtt.last / 1000.0, "" )); } } /* * Dump application states. */ void pjsua_dump(pj_bool_t detail) { char buf[128]; unsigned old_decor; PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Start dumping application states:")); old_decor = pj_log_get_decor(); pj_log_set_decor(old_decor & (PJ_LOG_HAS_NEWLINE | PJ_LOG_HAS_CR)); if (detail) pj_dump_config(); pjsip_endpt_dump(pjsua.endpt, detail); pjmedia_endpt_dump(pjsua.med_endpt); pjsip_tsx_layer_dump(detail); pjsip_ua_dump(detail); /* Dump all invite sessions: */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Dumping invite sessions:")); if (pjsua.call_cnt == 0) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " - no sessions -")); } else { int i; for (i=0; iinv == NULL) continue; print_call(" ", i, buf, sizeof(buf)); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "%s", buf)); /* Calculate call duration */ if (call->inv->state >= PJSIP_INV_STATE_CONFIRMED) { pj_gettimeofday(&duration); PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(duration, call->conn_time); con_delay = call->conn_time; PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(con_delay, call->start_time); } else { duration.sec = duration.msec = 0; con_delay.sec = con_delay.msec = 0; } /* Calculate first response delay */ if (call->inv->state >= PJSIP_INV_STATE_EARLY) { res_delay = call->res_time; PJ_TIME_VAL_SUB(res_delay, call->start_time); } else { res_delay.sec = res_delay.msec = 0; } /* Print duration */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Call time: %02dh:%02dm:%02ds, " "1st res in %d ms, conn in %dms", (duration.sec / 3600), ((duration.sec % 3600)/60), (duration.sec % 60), PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(res_delay), PJ_TIME_VAL_MSEC(con_delay))); /* Dump session statistics */ if (call->session) dump_media_session(call->session); } } /* Dump presence status */ pjsua_pres_dump(detail); pj_log_set_decor(old_decor); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Dump complete")); } /* * Load settings. */ pj_status_t pjsua_load_settings(const char *filename) { int argc = 3; char *argv[4] = { "pjsua", "--config-file", NULL, NULL}; argv[3] = (char*)filename; return pjsua_parse_args(argc, argv); } /* * Save account settings */ static void save_account_settings(int acc_index, pj_str_t *result) { char line[128]; pjsua_acc *acc = &pjsua.acc[acc_index]; pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "#\n# Account %d:\n#\n", acc_index); pj_strcat2(result, line); /* Identity */ if (acc->local_uri.slen) { pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--id %.*s\n", (int)acc->local_uri.slen, acc->local_uri.ptr); pj_strcat2(result, line); } /* Registrar server */ if (acc->reg_uri.slen) { pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--registrar %.*s\n", (int)acc->reg_uri.slen, acc->reg_uri.ptr); pj_strcat2(result, line); pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--reg-timeout %u\n", acc->reg_timeout); pj_strcat2(result, line); } /* Proxy */ if (acc->proxy.slen) { pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--proxy %.*s\n", (int)acc->proxy.slen, acc->proxy.ptr); pj_strcat2(result, line); } } /* * Dump settings. */ int pjsua_dump_settings(char *buf, pj_size_t max) { int acc_index; int i; pj_str_t cfg; char line[128]; PJ_UNUSED_ARG(max); cfg.ptr = buf; cfg.slen = 0; /* Logging. */ pj_strcat2(&cfg, "#\n# Logging options:\n#\n"); pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--log-level %d\n", pjsua.log_level); pj_strcat2(&cfg, line); pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--app-log-level %d\n", pjsua.app_log_level); pj_strcat2(&cfg, line); if (pjsua.log_filename) { pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--log-file %s\n", pjsua.log_filename); pj_strcat2(&cfg, line); } /* Save account settings. */ if (pjsua.has_acc) { for (acc_index=0; acc_index < pjsua.acc_cnt; ++acc_index) { save_account_settings(acc_index, &cfg); if (acc_index < pjsua.acc_cnt-1) pj_strcat2(&cfg, "--next-account\n"); } } /* Credentials. */ for (i=0; i 0) { pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--uas-refresh %d\n", pjsua.uas_refresh); pj_strcat2(&cfg, line); } /* Uas-duration. */ if (pjsua.uas_duration > 0) { pj_ansi_sprintf(line, "--uas-duration %d\n", pjsua.uas_duration); pj_strcat2(&cfg, line); } pj_strcat2(&cfg, "#\n# Buddies:\n#\n"); /* Add buddies. */ for (i=0; i