/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "util.hpp" using namespace pj; using namespace std; #define THIS_FILE "call.cpp" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define SDP_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 MathStat::MathStat() : n(0), max(0), min(0), last(0), mean(0) { } void MathStat::fromPj(const pj_math_stat &prm) { this->n = prm.n; this->max = prm.max; this->min = prm.min; this->last = prm.last; this->mean = prm.mean; } void RtcpStreamStat::fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stream_stat &prm) { this->update.fromPj(prm.update); this->updateCount = prm.update_cnt; this->pkt = (unsigned)prm.pkt; this->bytes = (unsigned)prm.bytes; this->discard = prm.discard; this->loss = prm.loss; this->reorder = prm.loss; this->dup = prm.dup; this->lossPeriodUsec.fromPj(prm.loss_period); this->lossType.burst = prm.loss_type.burst; this->lossType.random = prm.loss_type.random; this->jitterUsec.fromPj(prm.jitter); } void RtcpSdes::fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_sdes &prm) { this->cname = pj2Str(prm.cname); this->name = pj2Str(prm.name); this->email = pj2Str(prm.email); this->phone = pj2Str(prm.phone); this->loc = pj2Str(prm.loc); this->tool = pj2Str(prm.tool); this->note = pj2Str(prm.note); } void RtcpStat::fromPj(const pjmedia_rtcp_stat &prm) { this->start.fromPj(prm.start); this->txStat.fromPj(prm.tx); this->rxStat.fromPj(prm.rx); this->rttUsec.fromPj(prm.rtt); this->rtpTxLastTs = prm.rtp_tx_last_ts; this->rtpTxLastSeq = prm.rtp_tx_last_seq; #if defined(PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_IPDV) && PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_IPDV!=0 this->rxIpdvUsec.fromPj(prm.rx_ipdv); #endif #if defined(PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_RAW_JITTER) && \ PJMEDIA_RTCP_STAT_HAS_RAW_JITTER!=0 this->rxRawJitterUsec.fromPj(prm.rx_raw_jitter); #endif this->peerSdes.fromPj(prm.peer_sdes); } void JbufState::fromPj(const pjmedia_jb_state &prm) { this->frameSize = prm.frame_size; this->minPrefetch = prm.min_prefetch; this->maxPrefetch = prm.max_prefetch; this->burst = prm.burst; this->prefetch = prm.prefetch; this->size = prm.size; this->avgDelayMsec = prm.avg_delay; this->minDelayMsec = prm.min_delay; this->maxDelayMsec = prm.max_delay; this->devDelayMsec = prm.dev_delay; this->avgBurst = prm.avg_burst; this->lost = prm.lost; this->discard = prm.discard; this->empty = prm.empty; } void SdpSession::fromPj(const pjmedia_sdp_session &sdp) { char buf[SDP_BUFFER_SIZE]; int len; len = pjmedia_sdp_print(&sdp, buf, sizeof(buf)); wholeSdp = (len > -1? string(buf, len): ""); pjSdpSession = (void *)&sdp; } void MediaEvent::fromPj(const pjmedia_event &ev) { type = ev.type; if (type == PJMEDIA_EVENT_FMT_CHANGED) { data.fmtChanged.newWidth = ev.data.fmt_changed.new_fmt.det.vid.size.w; data.fmtChanged.newHeight = ev.data.fmt_changed.new_fmt.det.vid.size.h; } pjMediaEvent = (void *)&ev; } void MediaTransportInfo::fromPj(const pjmedia_transport_info &info) { char straddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+10]; pj_sockaddr_print(&info.src_rtp_name, straddr, sizeof(straddr), 3); srcRtpName = straddr; pj_sockaddr_print(&info.src_rtcp_name, straddr, sizeof(straddr), 3); srcRtcpName = straddr; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Call Audio Media. */ class CallAudioMedia : public AudioMedia { public: /* * Set the conference port identification associated with the * call audio media. */ void setPortId(int id); }; void CallAudioMedia::setPortId(int id) { this->id = id; } CallOpParam::CallOpParam(bool useDefaultCallSetting) : statusCode(pjsip_status_code(0)), reason(""), options(0) { if (useDefaultCallSetting) opt = CallSetting(true); } CallSendRequestParam::CallSendRequestParam() : method("") { } CallVidSetStreamParam::CallVidSetStreamParam() { #if PJSUA_HAS_VIDEO pjsua_call_vid_strm_op_param prm; pjsua_call_vid_strm_op_param_default(&prm); this->medIdx = prm.med_idx; this->dir = prm.dir; this->capDev = prm.cap_dev; #endif } CallSetting::CallSetting(pj_bool_t useDefaultValues) { if (useDefaultValues) { pjsua_call_setting setting; pjsua_call_setting_default(&setting); fromPj(setting); } else { flag = 0; reqKeyframeMethod = 0; audioCount = 0; videoCount = 0; } } bool CallSetting::isEmpty() const { return (flag == 0 && reqKeyframeMethod == 0 && audioCount == 0 && videoCount == 0); } void CallSetting::fromPj(const pjsua_call_setting &prm) { this->flag = prm.flag; this->reqKeyframeMethod = prm.req_keyframe_method; this->audioCount = prm.aud_cnt; this->videoCount = prm.vid_cnt; } pjsua_call_setting CallSetting::toPj() const { pjsua_call_setting setting; setting.flag = this->flag; setting.req_keyframe_method = this->reqKeyframeMethod; setting.aud_cnt = this->audioCount; setting.vid_cnt = this->videoCount; return setting; } CallMediaInfo::CallMediaInfo() : videoWindow(PJSUA_INVALID_ID) { } void CallMediaInfo::fromPj(const pjsua_call_media_info &prm) { this->index = prm.index; this->type = prm.type; this->dir = prm.dir; this->status = prm.status; if (this->type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { this->audioConfSlot = (int)prm.stream.aud.conf_slot; } else if (this->type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { this->videoIncomingWindowId = prm.stream.vid.win_in; this->videoWindow = VideoWindow(prm.stream.vid.win_in); this->videoCapDev = prm.stream.vid.cap_dev; } } void CallInfo::fromPj(const pjsua_call_info &pci) { unsigned mi; id = pci.id; role = pci.role; accId = pci.acc_id; localUri = pj2Str(pci.local_info); localContact = pj2Str(pci.local_contact); remoteUri = pj2Str(pci.remote_info); remoteContact = pj2Str(pci.remote_contact); callIdString = pj2Str(pci.call_id); setting.fromPj(pci.setting); state = pci.state; stateText = pj2Str(pci.state_text); lastStatusCode = pci.last_status; lastReason = pj2Str(pci.last_status_text); connectDuration.fromPj(pci.connect_duration); totalDuration.fromPj(pci.total_duration); remOfferer = PJ2BOOL(pci.rem_offerer); remAudioCount = pci.rem_aud_cnt; remVideoCount = pci.rem_vid_cnt; for (mi = 0; mi < pci.media_cnt; mi++) { CallMediaInfo med; med.fromPj(pci.media[mi]); media.push_back(med); } for (mi = 0; mi < pci.prov_media_cnt; mi++) { CallMediaInfo med; med.fromPj(pci.prov_media[mi]); provMedia.push_back(med); } } void StreamInfo::fromPj(const pjsua_stream_info &info) { char straddr[PJ_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+10]; type = info.type; if (type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { proto = info.info.aud.proto; dir = info.info.aud.dir; pj_sockaddr_print(&info.info.aud.rem_addr, straddr, sizeof(straddr), 3); remoteRtpAddress = straddr; pj_sockaddr_print(&info.info.aud.rem_rtcp, straddr, sizeof(straddr), 3); remoteRtcpAddress = straddr; txPt = info.info.aud.tx_pt; rxPt = info.info.aud.rx_pt; codecName = pj2Str(info.info.aud.fmt.encoding_name); codecClockRate = info.info.aud.fmt.clock_rate; codecParam = info.info.aud.param; } else if (type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { proto = info.info.vid.proto; dir = info.info.vid.dir; pj_sockaddr_print(&info.info.vid.rem_addr, straddr, sizeof(straddr), 3); remoteRtpAddress = straddr; pj_sockaddr_print(&info.info.vid.rem_rtcp, straddr, sizeof(straddr), 3); remoteRtcpAddress = straddr; txPt = info.info.vid.tx_pt; rxPt = info.info.vid.rx_pt; codecName = pj2Str(info.info.vid.codec_info.encoding_name); codecClockRate = info.info.vid.codec_info.clock_rate; codecParam = info.info.vid.codec_param; } } void StreamStat::fromPj(const pjsua_stream_stat &prm) { rtcp.fromPj(prm.rtcp); jbuf.fromPj(prm.jbuf); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct call_param { pjsua_msg_data msg_data; pjsua_msg_data *p_msg_data; pjsua_call_setting opt; pjsua_call_setting *p_opt; pj_str_t reason; pj_str_t *p_reason; public: /** * Default constructors with specified parameters. */ call_param(const SipTxOption &tx_option); call_param(const SipTxOption &tx_option, const CallSetting &setting, const string &reason_str); }; call_param::call_param(const SipTxOption &tx_option) { if (tx_option.isEmpty()) { p_msg_data = NULL; } else { tx_option.toPj(msg_data); p_msg_data = &msg_data; } p_opt = NULL; p_reason = NULL; } call_param::call_param(const SipTxOption &tx_option, const CallSetting &setting, const string &reason_str) { if (tx_option.isEmpty()) { p_msg_data = NULL; } else { tx_option.toPj(msg_data); p_msg_data = &msg_data; } if (setting.isEmpty()) { p_opt = NULL; } else { opt = setting.toPj(); p_opt = &opt; } reason = str2Pj(reason_str); p_reason = (reason.slen == 0? NULL: &reason); } Call::Call(Account& account, int call_id) : acc(account), id(call_id) { if (call_id != PJSUA_INVALID_ID) pjsua_call_set_user_data(call_id, this); } Call::~Call() { /* Remove reference to this instance from PJSUA library */ if (id != PJSUA_INVALID_ID) pjsua_call_set_user_data(id, NULL); /* * If this instance is deleted, also hangup the corresponding call in * PJSUA library. */ if (pjsua_get_state() < PJSUA_STATE_CLOSING && isActive()) { CallOpParam prm; hangup(prm); } } CallInfo Call::getInfo() const throw(Error) { pjsua_call_info pj_ci; CallInfo ci; PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_get_info(id, &pj_ci) ); ci.fromPj(pj_ci); return ci; } bool Call::isActive() const { if (id == PJSUA_INVALID_ID) return false; return (pjsua_call_is_active(id) != 0); } int Call::getId() const { return id; } Call *Call::lookup(int call_id) { Call *call = (Call*)pjsua_call_get_user_data(call_id); if (call) call->id = call_id; return call; } bool Call::hasMedia() const { return (pjsua_call_has_media(id) != 0); } Media *Call::getMedia(unsigned med_idx) const { /* Check if the media index is valid and if the media has a valid port ID */ if (med_idx >= medias.size() || (medias[med_idx] && medias[med_idx]->getType() == PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && ((AudioMedia *)medias[med_idx])->getPortId() == PJSUA_INVALID_ID)) { return NULL; } return medias[med_idx]; } pjsip_dialog_cap_status Call::remoteHasCap(int htype, const string &hname, const string &token) const { pj_str_t pj_hname = str2Pj(hname); pj_str_t pj_token = str2Pj(token); return pjsua_call_remote_has_cap(id, htype, (htype == PJSIP_H_OTHER)? &pj_hname: NULL, &pj_token); } void Call::setUserData(Token user_data) { userData = user_data; } Token Call::getUserData() const { return userData; } pj_stun_nat_type Call::getRemNatType() throw(Error) { pj_stun_nat_type nat; PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_get_rem_nat_type(id, &nat) ); return nat; } void Call::makeCall(const string &dst_uri, const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { pj_str_t pj_dst_uri = str2Pj(dst_uri); call_param param(prm.txOption, prm.opt, prm.reason); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_make_call(acc.getId(), &pj_dst_uri, param.p_opt, this, param.p_msg_data, &id) ); } void Call::answer(const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption, prm.opt, prm.reason); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_answer2(id, param.p_opt, prm.statusCode, param.p_reason, param.p_msg_data) ); } void Call::hangup(const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption, prm.opt, prm.reason); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_hangup(id, prm.statusCode, param.p_reason, param.p_msg_data) ); } void Call::setHold(const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption, prm.opt, prm.reason); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_set_hold2(id, prm.options, param.p_msg_data)); } void Call::reinvite(const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption, prm.opt, prm.reason); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_reinvite2(id, param.p_opt, param.p_msg_data)); } void Call::update(const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption, prm.opt, prm.reason); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_update2(id, param.p_opt, param.p_msg_data) ); } void Call::xfer(const string &dest, const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption); pj_str_t pj_dest = str2Pj(dest); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_xfer(id, &pj_dest, param.p_msg_data) ); } void Call::xferReplaces(const Call& dest_call, const CallOpParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_xfer_replaces(id, dest_call.getId(), prm.options, param.p_msg_data) ); } void Call::processRedirect(pjsip_redirect_op cmd) throw(Error) { PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_process_redirect(id, cmd)); } void Call::dialDtmf(const string &digits) throw(Error) { pj_str_t pj_digits = str2Pj(digits); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_dial_dtmf(id, &pj_digits)); } void Call::sendInstantMessage(const SendInstantMessageParam& prm) throw(Error) { pj_str_t mime_type = str2Pj(prm.contentType); pj_str_t content = str2Pj(prm.content); call_param param(prm.txOption); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_send_im(id, &mime_type, &content, param.p_msg_data, prm.userData) ); } void Call::sendTypingIndication(const SendTypingIndicationParam &prm) throw(Error) { call_param param(prm.txOption); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_send_typing_ind(id, (prm.isTyping? PJ_TRUE: PJ_FALSE), param.p_msg_data) ); } void Call::sendRequest(const CallSendRequestParam &prm) throw(Error) { pj_str_t method = str2Pj(prm.method); call_param param(prm.txOption); PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_send_request(id, &method, param.p_msg_data) ); } string Call::dump(bool with_media, const string indent) throw(Error) { #if defined(PJMEDIA_HAS_RTCP_XR) && (PJMEDIA_HAS_RTCP_XR != 0) char buffer[1024 * 10]; #else char buffer[1024 * 3]; #endif PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR(pjsua_call_dump(id, (with_media? PJ_TRUE: PJ_FALSE), buffer, sizeof(buffer), indent.c_str())); return buffer; } int Call::vidGetStreamIdx() const { #if PJSUA_HAS_VIDEO return pjsua_call_get_vid_stream_idx(id); #else return PJSUA_INVALID_ID; #endif } bool Call::vidStreamIsRunning(int med_idx, pjmedia_dir dir) const { #if PJSUA_HAS_VIDEO return (pjsua_call_vid_stream_is_running(id, med_idx, dir) == PJ_TRUE); #else PJ_UNUSED_ARG(med_idx); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(dir); return false; #endif } void Call::vidSetStream(pjsua_call_vid_strm_op op, const CallVidSetStreamParam ¶m) throw(Error) { #if PJSUA_HAS_VIDEO pjsua_call_vid_strm_op_param prm; prm.med_idx = param.medIdx; prm.dir = param.dir; prm.cap_dev = param.capDev; PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_set_vid_strm(id, op, &prm) ); #else PJ_UNUSED_ARG(op); PJ_UNUSED_ARG(param); PJSUA2_RAISE_ERROR(PJ_EINVALIDOP); #endif } StreamInfo Call::getStreamInfo(unsigned med_idx) const throw(Error) { pjsua_stream_info pj_si; StreamInfo si; PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_get_stream_info(id, med_idx, &pj_si) ); si.fromPj(pj_si); return si; } StreamStat Call::getStreamStat(unsigned med_idx) const throw(Error) { pjsua_stream_stat pj_ss; StreamStat ss; PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_get_stream_stat(id, med_idx, &pj_ss) ); ss.fromPj(pj_ss); return ss; } MediaTransportInfo Call::getMedTransportInfo(unsigned med_idx) const throw(Error) { pjmedia_transport_info pj_mti; MediaTransportInfo mti; PJSUA2_CHECK_EXPR( pjsua_call_get_med_transport_info(id, med_idx, &pj_mti) ); mti.fromPj(pj_mti); return mti; } void Call::processMediaUpdate(OnCallMediaStateParam &prm) { pjsua_call_info pj_ci; unsigned mi; if (pjsua_call_get_info(id, &pj_ci) == PJ_SUCCESS) { for (mi = 0; mi < pj_ci.media_cnt; mi++) { if (mi >= medias.size()) { if (pj_ci.media[mi].type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { medias.push_back(new CallAudioMedia); } else { medias.push_back(NULL); } } if (pj_ci.media[mi].type == PJMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { CallAudioMedia *aud_med = (CallAudioMedia *)medias[mi]; aud_med->setPortId(pj_ci.media[mi].stream.aud.conf_slot); /* Add media if the conference slot ID is valid. */ if (pj_ci.media[mi].stream.aud.conf_slot != PJSUA_INVALID_ID) { Endpoint::instance().mediaAdd((AudioMedia &)*aud_med); } else { Endpoint::instance().mediaRemove((AudioMedia &)*aud_med); } } } } /* Call media state callback. */ onCallMediaState(prm); } void Call::processStateChange(OnCallStateParam &prm) { pjsua_call_info pj_ci; unsigned mi; if (pjsua_call_get_info(id, &pj_ci) == PJ_SUCCESS && pj_ci.state == PJSIP_INV_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { /* Clear medias. */ for (mi = 0; mi < medias.size(); mi++) { if (medias[mi]) delete medias[mi]; } medias.clear(); } onCallState(prm); /* If the state is DISCONNECTED, this call may have already been deleted * by the application in the callback, so do not access it anymore here. */ }