/* $Id$ */ /* * Digital Audio Resampling Home Page located at * http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/resample/. * * SOFTWARE FOR SAMPLING-RATE CONVERSION AND FIR DIGITAL FILTER DESIGN * * Snippet from the resample.1 man page: * * HISTORY * * The first version of this software was written by Julius O. Smith III * at CCRMA in * 1981. It was called SRCONV and was written in SAIL for PDP-10 * compatible machines. The algorithm was first published in * * Smith, Julius O. and Phil Gossett. ``A Flexible Sampling-Rate * Conversion Method,'' Proceedings (2): 19.4.1-19.4.4, IEEE Conference * on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, San Diego, March 1984. * * An expanded tutorial based on this paper is available at the Digital * Audio Resampling Home Page given above. * * Circa 1988, the SRCONV program was translated from SAIL to C by * Christopher Lee Fraley working with Roger Dannenberg at CMU. * * Since then, the C version has been maintained by jos. * * Sndlib support was added 6/99 by John Gibson . * * The resample program is free software distributed in accordance * with the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). There is NO warranty; not * even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /* PJMEDIA modification: * - remove resample(), just use SrcUp, SrcUD, and SrcLinear directly. * - move FilterUp() and FilterUD() from filterkit.c * - move stddefs.h and resample.h to this file. * - const correctness. */ #include #include "config.h" #include "stddefs.h" #include "resample.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(push, 3) //# pragma warning(disable: 4245) // Conversion from uint to ushort # pragma warning(disable: 4244) // Conversion from double to uint # pragma warning(disable: 4146) // unary minus operator applied to unsigned type, result still unsigned # pragma warning(disable: 4761) // integral size mismatch in argument; conversion supplied #endif #if defined(RESAMPLE_HAS_SMALL_FILTER) && RESAMPLE_HAS_SMALL_FILTER!=0 # include "smallfilter.h" #else # define SMALL_FILTER_NMULT 0 # define SMALL_FILTER_SCALE 0 # define SMALL_FILTER_NWING 0 # define SMALL_FILTER_IMP NULL # define SMALL_FILTER_IMPD NULL #endif #if defined(RESAMPLE_HAS_LARGE_FILTER) && RESAMPLE_HAS_LARGE_FILTER!=0 # include "largefilter.h" #else # define LARGE_FILTER_NMULT 0 # define LARGE_FILTER_SCALE 0 # define LARGE_FILTER_NWING 0 # define LARGE_FILTER_IMP NULL # define LARGE_FILTER_IMPD NULL #endif #undef INLINE #define INLINE #define HAVE_FILTER 0 #ifndef NULL # define NULL 0 #endif static INLINE RES_HWORD WordToHword(RES_WORD v, int scl) { RES_HWORD out; RES_WORD llsb = (1<<(scl-1)); v += llsb; /* round */ v >>= scl; if (v>MAX_HWORD) { v = MAX_HWORD; } else if (v < MIN_HWORD) { v = MIN_HWORD; } out = (RES_HWORD) v; return out; } /* Sampling rate conversion using linear interpolation for maximum speed. */ static int SrcLinear(const RES_HWORD X[], RES_HWORD Y[], double pFactor, RES_UHWORD nx) { RES_HWORD iconst; RES_UWORD time = 0; const RES_HWORD *xp; RES_HWORD *Ystart, *Yend; RES_WORD v,x1,x2; double dt; /* Step through input signal */ RES_UWORD dtb; /* Fixed-point version of Dt */ RES_UWORD endTime; /* When time reaches EndTime, return to user */ dt = 1.0/pFactor; /* Output sampling period */ dtb = dt*(1<>Np]; /* Ptr to current input sample */ x1 = *xp++; x2 = *xp; x1 *= ((1<>Na]; End = &Imp[Nwing]; if (Interp) { Hdp = &ImpD[Ph>>Na]; a = Ph & Amask; } if (Inc == 1) /* If doing right wing... */ { /* ...drop extra coeff, so when Ph is */ End--; /* 0.5, we don't do too many mult's */ if (Ph == 0) /* If the phase is zero... */ { /* ...then we've already skipped the */ Hp += Npc; /* first sample, so we must also */ Hdp += Npc; /* skip ahead in Imp[] and ImpD[] */ } } if (Interp) while (Hp < End) { t = *Hp; /* Get filter coeff */ t += (((RES_WORD)*Hdp)*a)>>Na; /* t is now interp'd filter coeff */ Hdp += Npc; /* Filter coeff differences step */ t *= *Xp; /* Mult coeff by input sample */ if (t & (1<<(Nhxn-1))) /* Round, if needed */ t += (1<<(Nhxn-1)); t >>= Nhxn; /* Leave some guard bits, but come back some */ v += t; /* The filter output */ Hp += Npc; /* Filter coeff step */ Xp += Inc; /* Input signal step. NO CHECK ON BOUNDS */ } else while (Hp < End) { t = *Hp; /* Get filter coeff */ t *= *Xp; /* Mult coeff by input sample */ if (t & (1<<(Nhxn-1))) /* Round, if needed */ t += (1<<(Nhxn-1)); t >>= Nhxn; /* Leave some guard bits, but come back some */ v += t; /* The filter output */ Hp += Npc; /* Filter coeff step */ Xp += Inc; /* Input signal step. NO CHECK ON BOUNDS */ } return(v); } static RES_WORD FilterUD(const RES_HWORD Imp[], const RES_HWORD ImpD[], RES_UHWORD Nwing, RES_BOOL Interp, const RES_HWORD *Xp, RES_HWORD Ph, RES_HWORD Inc, RES_UHWORD dhb) { RES_HWORD a; const RES_HWORD *Hp, *Hdp, *End; RES_WORD v, t; RES_UWORD Ho; v=0; Ho = (Ph*(RES_UWORD)dhb)>>Np; End = &Imp[Nwing]; if (Inc == 1) /* If doing right wing... */ { /* ...drop extra coeff, so when Ph is */ End--; /* 0.5, we don't do too many mult's */ if (Ph == 0) /* If the phase is zero... */ Ho += dhb; /* ...then we've already skipped the */ } /* first sample, so we must also */ /* skip ahead in Imp[] and ImpD[] */ if (Interp) while ((Hp = &Imp[Ho>>Na]) < End) { t = *Hp; /* Get IR sample */ Hdp = &ImpD[Ho>>Na]; /* get interp (lower Na) bits from diff table*/ a = Ho & Amask; /* a is logically between 0 and 1 */ t += (((RES_WORD)*Hdp)*a)>>Na; /* t is now interp'd filter coeff */ t *= *Xp; /* Mult coeff by input sample */ if (t & 1<<(Nhxn-1)) /* Round, if needed */ t += 1<<(Nhxn-1); t >>= Nhxn; /* Leave some guard bits, but come back some */ v += t; /* The filter output */ Ho += dhb; /* IR step */ Xp += Inc; /* Input signal step. NO CHECK ON BOUNDS */ } else while ((Hp = &Imp[Ho>>Na]) < End) { t = *Hp; /* Get IR sample */ t *= *Xp; /* Mult coeff by input sample */ if (t & 1<<(Nhxn-1)) /* Round, if needed */ t += 1<<(Nhxn-1); t >>= Nhxn; /* Leave some guard bits, but come back some */ v += t; /* The filter output */ Ho += dhb; /* IR step */ Xp += Inc; /* Input signal step. NO CHECK ON BOUNDS */ } return(v); } /* Sampling rate up-conversion only subroutine; * Slightly faster than down-conversion; */ static int SrcUp(const RES_HWORD X[], RES_HWORD Y[], double pFactor, RES_UHWORD nx, RES_UHWORD pNwing, RES_UHWORD pLpScl, const RES_HWORD pImp[], const RES_HWORD pImpD[], RES_BOOL Interp) { const RES_HWORD *xp; RES_HWORD *Ystart, *Yend; RES_WORD v; double dt; /* Step through input signal */ RES_UWORD dtb; /* Fixed-point version of Dt */ RES_UWORD time = 0; RES_UWORD endTime; /* When time reaches EndTime, return to user */ dt = 1.0/pFactor; /* Output sampling period */ dtb = dt*(1<>Np]; /* Ptr to current input sample */ /* Perform left-wing inner product */ v = 0; v = FilterUp(pImp, pImpD, pNwing, Interp, xp, (RES_HWORD)(time&Pmask),-1); /* Perform right-wing inner product */ v += FilterUp(pImp, pImpD, pNwing, Interp, xp+1, (RES_HWORD)((-time)&Pmask),1); v >>= Nhg; /* Make guard bits */ v *= pLpScl; /* Normalize for unity filter gain */ *Y++ = WordToHword(v,NLpScl); /* strip guard bits, deposit output */ time += dtb; /* Move to next sample by time increment */ } return (Y - Ystart); /* Return the number of output samples */ } /* Sampling rate conversion subroutine */ static int SrcUD(const RES_HWORD X[], RES_HWORD Y[], double pFactor, RES_UHWORD nx, RES_UHWORD pNwing, RES_UHWORD pLpScl, const RES_HWORD pImp[], const RES_HWORD pImpD[], RES_BOOL Interp) { const RES_HWORD *xp; RES_HWORD *Ystart, *Yend; RES_WORD v; double dh; /* Step through filter impulse response */ double dt; /* Step through input signal */ RES_UWORD time = 0; RES_UWORD endTime; /* When time reaches EndTime, return to user */ RES_UWORD dhb, dtb; /* Fixed-point versions of Dh,Dt */ dt = 1.0/pFactor; /* Output sampling period */ dtb = dt*(1<>Np]; /* Ptr to current input sample */ v = FilterUD(pImp, pImpD, pNwing, Interp, xp, (RES_HWORD)(time&Pmask), -1, dhb); /* Perform left-wing inner product */ v += FilterUD(pImp, pImpD, pNwing, Interp, xp+1, (RES_HWORD)((-time)&Pmask), 1, dhb); /* Perform right-wing inner product */ v >>= Nhg; /* Make guard bits */ v *= pLpScl; /* Normalize for unity filter gain */ *Y++ = WordToHword(v,NLpScl); /* strip guard bits, deposit output */ time += dtb; /* Move to next sample by time increment */ } return (Y - Ystart); /* Return the number of output samples */ } DECL(int) res_SrcLinear(const RES_HWORD X[], RES_HWORD Y[], double pFactor, RES_UHWORD nx) { return SrcLinear(X, Y, pFactor, nx); } DECL(int) res_Resample(const RES_HWORD X[], RES_HWORD Y[], double pFactor, RES_UHWORD nx, RES_BOOL LargeF, RES_BOOL Interp) { if (pFactor >= 1) { if (LargeF) return SrcUp(X, Y, pFactor, nx, LARGE_FILTER_NWING, LARGE_FILTER_SCALE, LARGE_FILTER_IMP, LARGE_FILTER_IMPD, Interp); else return SrcUp(X, Y, pFactor, nx, SMALL_FILTER_NWING, SMALL_FILTER_SCALE, SMALL_FILTER_IMP, SMALL_FILTER_IMPD, Interp); } else { if (LargeF) return SrcUD(X, Y, pFactor, nx, LARGE_FILTER_NWING, LARGE_FILTER_SCALE * pFactor + 0.5, LARGE_FILTER_IMP, LARGE_FILTER_IMPD, Interp); else return SrcUD(X, Y, pFactor, nx, SMALL_FILTER_NWING, SMALL_FILTER_SCALE * pFactor + 0.5, SMALL_FILTER_IMP, SMALL_FILTER_IMPD, Interp); } } DECL(int) res_GetXOFF(double pFactor, RES_BOOL LargeF) { if (LargeF) return (LARGE_FILTER_NMULT + 1) / 2.0 * MAX(1.0, 1.0/pFactor); else return (SMALL_FILTER_NMULT + 1) / 2.0 * MAX(1.0, 1.0/pFactor); }